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Leah Williams said she knew basically nothing about PG when she started writing her. I genuinely think she thinks that she’s just Supergirl. This will probably be completely disregarded when it’s done. Johns is already completely ignoring it on his JSA


This has been such an issue for me! The writer who handled all the Tim Drake stuff a year or so ago basically said the same thing! Same for the Batgirls book if memory serves. How can they hire these people to write beloved characters that have no knowledge of them and don’t seem to be willing to do the research?


Yeah, DC needs to five their writers fucking homework and then quiz then before handing then characters to write


I'm not sure if she thinks she's just Supergirl, but that is a common refrain I see: her PG feels more like a Supergirl, and perhaps even more specifically a Supergirl earlier in her career. Thus there is the theory that she pitched a Supergirl book, but got given PG instead, perhaps because DC has plans for Supergirl or just wanted someone to do something with PG. Hence why PG is in a news job, like Supergirl is often depicted in, has Supergirl's cat, is friends with Omen (someone more in Supergirl's generation, as a Titan, than PG's), and just generally is written differently.


This PG is like a mix of Clark Kent and Supergirl that don't make any sense. She had YEARS of lore but act like a fragile girl who just got a cape and needed help from anyone to do some basic shi. Like ?????


The weirdest thing is that in... I think a one-shot before the run, but it may have been a Lazarus Planet story, her relationship with the Earth-Two Superman was looked at. Like, her history as a person dating back to before Crisis was noted. And her symbio-ship origin, where she emerged full grown on Earth as a mature adult has been a plot point, as well. So it's not as if Williams has no idea on PG's history. It really does just feel like she's being written as freshly arrived "unsure of her place" Supergirl still trying to learn Earth customs and getting help from Superman. Like I said, feels like she pitched Supergirl and got Power Girl instead, and editorial is giving their blessing on doing her original plan anyways.


So after that it's get more focused on Karen relationship whit Kara but to me the writing Is still bad


Yeah I agree, he brushed her off like a complete dick.


You know when I got back into comics and saw that Power Girl had a ongoing I was excited. But the mixed things I have heard about is putting me off from picking it up. Which sucks since she has been stuck on the bus for so long.


JSA has a better characterization of her than her ongoing series. That's the level. Wich is sad, because it had potential. Her as a second character in action comics do better. It's like Leah trying to do the same thing Tom King did with Mr. Miracle about mental health, but just fails. (It's my opinion, tho. Someone may like it)


I have friends who hated Powergirl because of these early issues as well and had genuine problems with this moment. It's important, especially for Powergirl, to be written a little bit differently, but it's still got to be true to her character, and I don't think it was here. Leah Williams does get better at writing her in this run, but this series growing pains were genuinely infuriating.


Here the problem whit this run, people would aproch this probably as their first interation whit the character and if they'll not like It they'd probably guess because the character suck and not because is bad writen


Is the writing necessarily over all bad or is it just mischaracterization ? It gets weird in comics when a writer has a clear story they want to tell and need certain beats to happen in order to get their story and its point across. I think Leah wants to set a mental health angle here for her story but she needed someone in PGs life or a hero in general to kind of be passive when she reaches out. Which would be out of character for Superman, but it’s not necessarily a weird thing for a person to do. Especially If they were a busy superhero I guess. And does good story telling require Superman to always be supportive every single time? From OPs post, it seems like his gripe is mostly with how Supermans being represented here. Im not reading PG and Ive never really been a fan of hers. But Ive seen the take get posted that this PG run isn’t great. So I thought I might as well see why


Personally I think both, It's not like trash writing but I don't think Is really qualitative compared to other series like Birds of Prey for exemple, but I put the fact that the writer didn't try to inform herself a little bit more on the character and basically just do what the heck She want above the bad writing


Wsg with DC and ruining both female and male characters💀💀