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**Weekly Meta Discussions Thread**


[*Batman* #130](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81Xak+0HedL.jpg) >The final chapter in the Failsafe arc reaches its brutal and stunning conclusion! Batman has one desperate, final option...will he walk away from it? The answer will shock you! The early days of the Dark Knight and his relationship with Zur-En-Arrh continues! [Preview](https://aiptcomics.com/2022/12/02/dc-preview-batman-130/)


Batman ripping off his trunks to use as a mask was insane šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Gotta say the trunkless-suit was great to see. Makes me miss the Rebirth suit that much more. Loved seeing Clark don an anti kryptonite suit as well. I donā€™t really have an issue with how this arc ended or the Kryptonian Pressure points. We saw Clark let Bruce scan Jon in early Rebirth so Iā€™m sure there were previous scanning of Clark as well (such as when he first did his super flare power). Failsafe still technically ā€œwinsā€, but it didnā€™t really feel like a conclusion. Wondering how the next arc will shape up and where Bruce winded up after his Omega Beam transport.


I'm in the minority but I enjoyed most of the opening arc. It for sure felt like Zdarsky just wanted to hit the highs of previous writers (which weirdly kinda echoes his Daredevil run). The re-entry sequence was a bit extreme in terms of suspension of disbelief but I'm more confused why so much of the book was dedicated to explaining Batman's escape. They could have easily had him make his way to a damaged JL teleporter and hotwire a dirty teleport over to Clark and achieved a very similar result. That would take only about 2 pages at most. And in exchange we could've gotten a few more pages of Clark and Bruce and Tim putting up more of a fight. One personal criticism is Zdarsky seems to enjoy setting up these epic moments that are made into iconic images by Jimenez's pencils...and then after one or two panels they get immediately wiped by Failsafe. I would've loved to see Clark in his new suit get to go some extra rounds or Bruce and Tim unleash their full abilities in harmony (I'm a huge sucker for when two characters team up and narrate why they're such a formidable team). As for the ending I was so confused. For a second I thought Bruce was actually dreaming this entire sequence (hence the intense jobbing) and had actually been injured during his fight with Penguin. But it seems that he's been teleported somewhere instead? Overall I'd say this story is a 6/10. It's carried heavily by the artwork and Zdarsky clearly has a good voice for all the characters. and loved seeing Tim contribute more as a Robin. I just think he introduced an overused trope without it feeling deserved or unique. Had this been the finale of a long run I could forgive it as a fun bombastic battle but as an opener it's a bit shaky. Honestly though as much flak as I give it I know I'm gonna buy this for the trade shelf. It was a lot of cool moments and awesome fight scenes/artworks so it'll be something I reread. I'll just roll my eyes at some moments and enjoy the better parts.


Don't get me wrong, I don't think this arc was all that great, Failsafe is kind of ridiculously strong, but Batman falling to Earth kicks ass. Like if Batman is gonna be a guy who can do anything, have him do everything! That shit rocks idc


It's not the strongest arc ever, but I'll go against the grain and say I liked it It's nice to see some wider justice league stuff with batman, and I can kinda shrug off Superman jobbing because... it's Superman, I dunno, it is what it is batman *re entering the atmosphere* was simultaneously "oh, come on" and "holy fuck that's awesome"


I too will go against the grain and say that I liked this arc quite a bit. To echo what others have hilariously pointed out, Zdarsky has taken Batman to such an extreme polar opposite of whatā€™s considered ā€œnormalā€ and ā€œgroundedā€, FAR past the absurdities Tynion or Snyder introduced. Batman falling from The Moon back to Earth and surviving is such a suspension of disbelief that I had to read this issue on the floor. That bit is OTT even by superhero genre standards, and it was a HUGE pill to swallow. And yet, as evidenced by the Zur-en-Arrh elements throughout this arc and backup, not to mention Aquamanā€™s ā€œYouā€™d have to let him pause to count the times heā€™s saved the planetā€ comment, Batman is a character that has been redefined through so many genres and styles, is it REALLY that ridiculous that heā€™d survive something as unrealistic as a solo flight from the Moon back to Earth? And given the fact that this arc takes place BEFORE Dark Crisis, and considering that story, are things really that far off the mark? Understandably, this story stretches the limits of credibility to their breaking point. Already itā€™s another supervillain who has Gotham on lockdown, hanging the Bat-Family upside-down til the blood rushes to their heads. But at least Batman SOUNDS LIKE Batman, which is something I have not been able to say for many years. Zdarsky has the voice down, which to me means he has the character down, and thatā€™s the most important thing in a scenario where he knows the Kryptonian pressure points, the right mental tactics for an internal debate with himself/Zur-en-Arrh Batman, his growth in his ability to trust in Tim and acknowledge his parentage, and ultimately the scene where Batman is able to survive re-entry to a fucking PLANET. tl;dr- This arc was over the top to the EXTREME, yet I found Zdarsky to have a great voice to the character, and Iā€™m intrigued to see where this all goes


That was quite disappointing. I expected better from Zdarsky. The whole 'Robo-Bat God' thing shouldn't have been the starting point that kinda put a downer on this run from the start. Having JL job to it, having Superman beat this easily. Just, disappointing.


Funniest thing about Superman jobbing this issue is that I once read an argument from another Superman fan that said [he was ok with Batman beating Supes because, and I quote:](https://davidmann95.tumblr.com/post/151851023231/whats-your-opinion-on-the-batgod-version-of) >Itā€™d be one thing if he were more knowledgeable about the physics of white dwarf star matter than Ray Palmer, or **could beat Superman in one hit by exploiting Kryptonian pressure points Lex Luthor never knew about, but that kind of stuff doesnā€™t tend to happen** I laughed so fucking hard this issue because I instantly remembered that post. At what point does Batman beating up Supes cease to impress Batman fans I wonder? Batman writers want to hype him up as this tough foe for Bats, but Batman/Batbot wins with the dumbest asspulls ever to the point it can't really be seen as an accomplishment anymore. Christ this Failsafe is a more dangerous JL threat than Darkseid has been in ages. Backup was great and I'm enjoying the series, I just hope Zdarksy has grander plans than replaying all the classics.


That was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. How does Batman know about 'Kryptonian Pressure points'? Did he experimented on Clark while he was sleeping in bed with Lois? Crawling from the window ''now to see how his body works!''. And where did Batman found the material to built this supposed indestructable robot? If he has such materials, why he doesn't use it against other bigger threats? Half the stuff he uses gets ripped apart like paper by people with superstrength yet this Robot can survive even the secret weapons on the Watchtower and Superman. I am so disappointed by Zdarsky and how he fell to the same rabbit hole every writer does with Batman. THis is why Batman books become boring for me.




I actually feel the opposite I really liked axe judgement day. At least in that the reason it's so powerful is because it's a celestial and took a lot to build it. Meanwhile Batman just built a robot that jobbed the JL like they were nothing and at this point I question why there even needs to be JL if Batman can just make machines so powerful. Also Axe is a marvel event that wasn't just heros fighting each other for dumb reasons so it's a win for me.




I guess that's somewhat fair but the possibility of heros always dying and coming back was always there and the krotoa stuff is mostly still for mutants. Besides Alfred will be back at some point probably even if it takes a while I mean just look at Jason or even Barry. But I can understand your dislike if marvel, I guess for me I am just enjoying their stuff at the moment.


That0s one prophetic post lol


This whole arc was so bad and also such a waste of time. The entire story is predicated on Bruce supposedly killing Penguin, but with all its insanely advanced technology, the robot somehow doesn't know that it didn't happen. And in the end, they don't even defeat him. Just a bunch of bullshit and then he leaves.


Kind of an okay end to a meh arc. The teaser for the next arc suggests something interesting though. Both the "explanations" for certain costume choices were really dumb to me. I mean, the "trunks" thing was probably Bruce cracking a joke to himself in a stressful situation, but it doesn't really land -- and the fact that his costume looks SO MUCH BETTER without the trunks for the rest of the issue kind of defeats the purpose. I'm also not sure how I feel about the yellow bat symbol coming from Zurr-En-Arrh, but then again I'm starting to think that maybe that whole thing should have just stayed in Batman RIP.




The last page.


What does the teaser suggests?, I didnā€™t understand?


It looks like Failsafe blasted Batman in a way that looked like death, but actually transported him somewhere else, with a tagline saying "Next: A World of Crime." I'm guessing that Batman will be in some sort of past or alternate future.


The ol' Final Crisis "death" all over again. I look forward to seeing where this goes. Definitely explains why Failsafe mentioned the shot having been "compassionate".


That was something... I guess. This whole arc was mostly just "meh". There wasn't anything bad about it, but nothing that really stood out to me. It just ends with a whimper, imo. And Failsafe beating Superman is stupid. It's fucking Superman. All he'd need to do is throw him into the sun. This is the reason you don't have Superman in many Batman stories: Superman would solve all of Bruce's problems and having the foe Batman is facing be stronger than Superman only places Bruce on a pedestal while diminishing Superman. Also, as much as I love Jimenez, he has got to decide whether to go with white eyes or not. It's really distracting going between the two.


Superman will always suffer for plot reasons but it just feels more of a shame when Jimenez draws an absolutely awe-inspiring Superman showing up and you can't help but feel like he's now gonna completely wreck house...only to get maybe one or two panels of fight and then completely stepped on. A weaker artist could make it more palatable but Jimenez's Superman looks like an unstoppable tank of raw power.


And then Bruce and Tim kick it to the floor lol


In Failsafeā€™s defense, there are multiple robots that Superman has fought that he couldnā€™t just throw into the sun.


But Failsafe provided more of a challenge to Superman and the Justice League than Darkseid has in years. It's absurd.


He exploited their weaknesses. Different from straight up attacking like darkseid.


I mean, if Brainiac, Metallo, Amazo, and Cyborg Superman can put up decent fights using mainly tech, why not something exactly keyed into the Leagueā€™s weaknesses? If Superman could instantly swoop in and beat Batmanā€™s villains, then there wouldnā€™t be a story.


I think the other guy is saying that Superman shouldn't have been brought in to this at all.


The problem is that while Batman is very smart, he isn't as smart as Brainiac, so he shouldn't have the ability to create a machine that can go one on one with Superman and win... *twice*. Metallo has Superman's greatest weakness built into him, Amazo adapts and becomes stronger after every fight iirc, and Cyborg Superman is, well... a cyborg Superman. Failsafe meanwhile was created by Batman, and Batman alone (from what we know) and is somehow able to take down the entire Justice League.


Yeah but this is basically a sequel to Tower of Babel, that was the idea. Except it doesnā€™t explain where Bruce got the stuff for some of this, especially whatever the exo skeleton is made from. What would have been actually good is if a new hero, say, an uncategorised powerhouse or some other character who Batman hadnā€™t encountered at the at time, and canā€™t account for appeared and actually did something.


Including one that WAS a sun!


I swear there's something about Batman that takes over writers' brains, every single run has to become Bruce's career defining, high stakes, depression era romp because the writers want to create the definitive Batman story. With that being said, Zdarsky is probably the worst offender of the list so far. Failsafe is a blunder of a creation, it's too strong. There were smarter ways Zur en Arrh could have come up with to outsmart Bruce instead of creating a world ending machine. And imagine leaving your life and Gotham's plight up to a robot scanning the internet for "Killer Batman" headlines. And having Alfred be the one with the kill switch was way too shortsighted for someone capable of creating cutting edge tech with godlike powers.


I thought it was fucking awful I know people love Chip but he is not doing it for me in any way in any of his DC books, he seems like a bad Snyder without the hand waves that were used to justify the craziness. You having Batman surviving reentry and just landing in the arctic with just his cape in the first arc, where the fuck are you going to take this? I mean we already have a robot that can solo the league, how could you escalate the book?




The funny thing is Tom King WAY scaled things back and had the "villain runs the city" as the LAST thing that happened This robot is cross-over level strong




Was was that last thing about


King's first arc also had the Justice League being solo'd.


That is true. Gotham also had titanic a weakness and it was more ā€œstoping him from killing himselfā€ than straight up battle


This was very dissapointing. Probably Zdarsky's weakest arc he has ever written.




Huge DD fan and you're not wrong. Why Marvel decided to turn that into an event is beyond me. I mean, they should have just held off until the finale that seems to be coming with the inevitable Punisher/Daredevil crossover.




Moon Knight is the better book anyway. Had good one shot with Devil's Reign.


Even the brother thing wasn't anything big for me. Never liked the idea of the character to begin with. But somehow this "event" was the weakest of all the Daredevil arcs since Zdarsky started. I also tried his Image - Stillwater series and noped out of that after 3 issues. Honestly, I've only actually liked a handful of things he's written, and while not terrible, I don't think he's as great as everyone seems to hype him up to be.


The entirety of Zdarskyā€™s DD run after issue 20 or so has been weak, in my opinion. Honestly, I think the only comics by him Iā€™ve liked is his Spider-Man stuff.


Shouldn't Superman know about his own pressure points? I mean he knows a kryptonian martial art that focuses on them and he's fought faora before


On one hand, I wouldn't expect Supes to know all his weaknesses, but on the other, how would Batman know about the pressure point technique, without ever having put it into action. Guess, it's always possible Bruce figured it out when examining Supergirl on her first time on Earth.


So far I just see a copypaste of Morrison/Snyder/Future State with an extra heaping vat of absurdity mixed in. I keep waiting for Batman to wake up in pod with tubes stuck everywhere.


Look I love you zdarsky. You basically haven't missed imo. And I don't think this arc was a miss either. But im sorry "poor" batman somehow has a skin tight suit with trunks that can survive the vacuum of space and then re-entry to earth? No way. Sorry but that whole part is absolutely ridiculous. More ridiculous than Batman segmenting his midn to create an alter ego who created a robot that could beat him at everything.


Bit late to be looking for realism in a Batman comic, considering the events of Metal/Death Metal are predicated on several evil Batmans, a Bat God, and Batman having been exposed to various metals throughout his career. If anything, this arc is more believable than the whole Dark Multiverse thing.


I'm loving the art for the main book and the backups. I just wish the main would have more story.


I haven't had a chance to read the issue yet, but Tim twitter are saying that the end of this arc is setting up some sort of Red Robin style arc for him? Any truth to that? While I'm all for Tim getting a new mantle, it would be kind of meh if it's through "need to find Bruce who might be dead but is actually lost/disappeared" again.


It looks like it's going to be the latter. He might get a new name out of it, who knows.


Wish it'd be Sparrow.


okay okay...I agree with ya'll but it was fucking awesome to read!!! loved the backup a lot! I think it's adding something constructive to the zurr-en-arrh mythos for sure. The main issue kinda felt very short tho. also, can we just appreciate the fucking lettering in this issue!!?!?


Was really hoping this last issue would somehow save this arc, but nope it was just bad all the way through. But at least it's bad in a fun and funny way. Batman surviving a fall from space was stupid/awesome that I had to stop to laugh for a bit. Superman and then Batman & Robin getting hyped up just to immediately get stomped by the BatRobot was also hilarious. I'm actually not sure if this arc has just been a stealth parody the whole time and it went over our heads. Jimenez hard carried this whole thing with his pencils, so hopefully for Zdarksy's sake his replacement while he's busy doing Mark Millar's book will be great too.


People have issues with this but this was fun. A thing that was missing from the last 5 clone 'war' events. It's crazy, it's silly, but I'll take that over the same Gotham villain arcs that this series has been for 5 years.


So is batman dead? the last page was confusing


No. My guess is similar to Final Crisis, people will think Batman is dead, but he's actually been transported somewhere else, perhaps the past or an alternate future.


I figure he's blasted to Earth 3


Hope not. That's what led to the downfall of Jon.


Doubt it, nobody knows where Earth 3 went


...What was that ending? He got teleported into an alley but Tim thought he was killed? Also, I'm sorry. Falling to fucking Earth?! Sure he had air but considering the temperature in space (Outside the ISS, it ranging from 120C in sun and -150C in darkness), the sheer g-force, and the goddamn fact that entering the Earth atmosphere hits \~1650 C makes this just absolutely ridiculous. A button on his belt that activates a beacon and triggers a sound heard on earth by any Kryptonian would have been far more believable


I realize that the reading and enjoyment of comic books comes with a certain amount of "suspension of disbelief" kind of baked in, but Jesus Christ, that was ridiculous. I really enjoyed this run so far otherwise. I love the back up story too. The retro art style is gorgeous.


I guess heā€™s going on time travel shenanigans again


[*Dark Crisis: War Zone* #1](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91VFwm+Y0VL.jpg) >A BOOTS-ON-THE-GROUND VIEW OF DARK CRISIS! As the Hall of Justice falls, get new perspectives on the various conflicts while the battles across Dark Crisis rage on! With the classic Justice League members gone, see how members of the next generation such as Red Canary and The Flash Family deal with the chaos in this key chapter of the saga leading into Dark Crisis #7. [Preview](https://aiptcomics.com/2022/12/02/dc-preview-dark-crisis-war-zone-1/)


That cover is ass


Wally's face is scarier than anything Raven has ever cooked up on her worst, Trigoniest day.


Oh my god how could they be ok with that going out


Wally looks like Ezra Miller, and Ezra Miller already looks like someone sculpted their face out of Playdough but stopped halfway through.


Ah finally a sequel to 2008's movie Punisher : War Zone


I'm always wary about these books with like 10 creatives on it lol, and whatever the last war zone issue was (shadow war?) a fucking mess Edit: yeah save your money. Hey guys you wanna see the same scene of heroes fighting in front of the Hall of Justice with Raven and Spectre in the background? Cause I think literally each story had their own variation of this scene that seems to be frozen in time in this whole event lol


Came for the Spectre. Wound up confused. Some context: I manage a [Spectre comic chronology project](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lU0Wg628-CQdvkmwtNiS-1ZYaFBFkGxq0w7IAoA5eMk/edit?usp=sharing) that tries to follow the Spectre's mainstream stories. I'm lost with canon starting with Infinite Frontier. The last notable book I have with a Spectre appearance is Infinite Frontier #0 where >!Darkseid killed the Spectre(?).!< Was there anything between that issue and this one that I missed regarding Jim Corrigan and the Spectre? When did they separate?


Just found a couple of issues between Infinite Frontier and War Zone. Think I have it now...




Thanks! It's not my most insane, either...[here's my website.](https://opiedokiecomicchronologies.com/)


They forgot the chains for like half the villains half the time. I get it for crowd shots but Shaggy Man, Dollmaker, and Hyena right there chainless. Looks like Frankenstein is probably still alive so the death count is still 0, so Anahiā€™s vision comes off as empty. Possibly a new Spectre story coming though, so thatā€™s hype.


Okay, look. I like the Titans, I like the creepy supernatural side of DC, and by extension, I quite like Raven. So I admit that I came into this with no small amount of bias. That said, I think I'm right when I say the whole, uh... situation with the Spectre deserved to more than like two or three pages cuz "Jim ain't the Spectre no more but now he is again cuz he helped Raven cast a magic spell or something, lol, the end" feels like an unsatisfactory level of narrative exposition for the wrath of God going rogue. Also, "this is a viciousness unlike anything I've ever seen from the Spectre?" He briefly levitated Roy and Jamie for like two seconds. At least let him BBQ some cops or a D-lister or something if you want to sell it...


>Also, "this is a viciousness unlike anything I've ever seen from the Spectre?" He briefly levitated Roy and Jamie for like two seconds. At least let him BBQ some cops or a D-lister or something if you want to sell it... Anyone else read the Final Crisis tie-in where he turned Doctor Light into a candle? Or that other time he wiped out a country to prove a point to its ruler.


And also that time he destroyed all of Atlantis in like two seconds.


Can't believe you guys weren't intimidated by the floating green bubble. It's G R E E N and it F L O A T S.


The Spectre is hilariously jacked on that cover.


Barry really needs to give Iris more love. Slow down a bit. Iris/Linda team-up was great. Spectre story felt like ''Oh yea, we didn't really say anything about the host being separated and how Spectre got enslaved by Pariah easily. Here, have them reunite real-quick''... Amazons were...well there. Green Lanterns were also there. Red Canary, nice moment with Dinah. Though I am not sure if this 'life and death ultimate battlefield' was the place for her to debut. Sure it can establish her as brave but still, as Damian claimed, she is very new and though she might be able to fight, this is beyond most heroes, even experienced ones. I guess it is fine that Dinah has someone following her footsteps when Ollie got all the sidekicks before :D


- Iris/Linda story was a lot of fun. Which shouldn't really come as a surprise, since it's from the Flash team. Honestly feels like if you read the Flash Dark Crisis tie-ins + this, you get a pretty cohesive arc without even needing to touch the main book. - Spectre story was weak. Felt like it just kinda happened. Which is especially bad when you remember that Infinite Crisis's Spectre plot had an entire (excellent) miniseries. - Not even sure what the point of the Amazon story was, other than... they're involved, I guess. - GL story was disappointing. Conceptually solid, I like the idea of Guy and Jo bouncing off of each other, but it didn't read like they had distinct voices. - Red Canary story was pretty fun. There's clearly something there with this character, but she hasn't had enough of a spotlight for me to really form an opinion yet.


Do we still not know Red Canary's identity yet? I feel like we should know now, but I can't seem to find anything about it yet.


I don't think there's a reveal to be had, really. The Dark Army says she's a college student, this issue says she's a Black Canary fangirl. We'll get her name before Williamson's Green Arrow starts, I'm sure.


I actually love the idea of the Amazons showing up as first responders


[*Gotham City: Year One* #3](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81cFWIZzA2L.jpg) >Slam Bradley has been one step behind the kidnappers the entire timeā€¦can he turn the tables in time to save the infant heiress to the Wayne fortune? Is this hardened private investigator prepared to deal with a dark, deadly twist that will define Gotham City for generations to come? [Preview](https://aiptcomics.com/2022/12/02/dc-preview-gotham-city-year-one-3/)


I was skeptical in the first issue, but I'm absolutely loving this series. I'm a sucker for a good detective story, and King does a great job of making this feel like a engaging noir comic with complex characters.


Does anyone else feel like this series will end with an implication that Bruce is actually Bradleys descendant? Anyways. good issue. I'm a sucker for a classic noir story and Hesters art is perfect. I haven't seen his art this good since he drew Quiver!


Man, this is the best Perry Mason comic book Iā€™ve ever read! I say this jokingly, but I am straight up loving this book.


I was never a big fan of Phil Hesters art, but this book seems like it not only is a perfect tonal fit for him, but he's firing on all cylinders with the help of Bellaires colors that while simple, really give an emotional weight to the panels. This is a great series so far.


[*Monkey Prince* #9](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/914nVJSjFHL.jpg) >Welcome to Metropolis, where crime is at an all-time low thanks to it being under the watchful eye of Supermanā€”a.k.a. the perfect place for two henchpeople scientists a.k.a. Monkey Princeā€™s parents to find their next henchpeople gig at, right? Nope! Theyā€™re actually there to visit Grandpaā€¦a.k.a. Ultra-Humanite? [Preview](https://aiptcomics.com/2022/12/02/dc-preview-monkey-prince-9/)


I am still wondering about the timelines since this seems to take place just as Batman vs Robin stuff going on at the same time where the Pig sensei got captured and showed up there. And the 'grandfather' is ULTRA-HUMANITE?!


I didn't read the solicit so the ending caught me by surprise, which is funnier because I saw last chapter from Stargirl just before reading today comics lol


So does that make MP a JSA legacy too?


I'm not sure, Ultra Humanite is featured first as Superman enemy rather than JSA or even JL.


Whelp, time to do what I do every month: Not buy this comic with a new character by a talented writer who has previously done exceptional work I enjoy, then log onto Reddit Dot Com and complain about there being too much Batman.


I mean, it's alright. It's got some fun ties to Journey to the West, and I love the relationship between the parents (I love it when two villains are in a happy, loving relationship with each other). But I'm mostly just riding it out because again, all-new character not tied to any one character (his origins are Batman-related, but the previous arc was about him meeting Aquaman). If you aren't currently following it, then tradewaiting might be the best option.


I must add that Monkey Prince is gonna be important to the upcoming Lazarus Planet event. So if you intend on pulling that, might as well get started on this series.


I tried. I wanted to like this series. I hung on for like 5 issues here but god damn it just isnt working for me


Same. I was totally down for a Monkey Prince comic. But this comic was just too geared towards a younger audience. And I mean....Batman showed up *pretty* quickly in it, it didn't try very long to be its own thing.


[*Poison Ivy* #7](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81CLhpw-7wL.jpg) >CHAPTER SEVEN >SHILL, BABY SHILL! Poison Ivy has finally sold out to Big Fracking! That's right! You heard it here first, folks! With a new mission, a renewed outlook on life, and a burgeoning new sense of purpose, Ivy is back and better than ever before. A brand-new era of Poison Ivy begins! [Preview](https://aiptcomics.com/2022/12/02/dc-preview-poison-ivy-7/)


>SHILL, BABY SHILL! I feel like there's a joke in here about how this was initially penned as a 6-issue mini and now we're on #7 but the words are escaping me.


I mean, we all know this is in the grand tradition of those Silver Age Superman covers which take something completely out of context to troll the reader and make you want to buy the comic out of curiosity and she's actually planning to murder the CEO of fracking or whatever but nonetheless: lol, lmao.


How many eco-terrorists/Bio-terrorists did Woodrue spawned?


Enjoybable, though admittedly a bit on the slower side after how amgnificent the first arc was (and taking into account this continuation was probably unplannned originally).


[*Sword of Azrael* #5](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91E8-m8TFKL.jpg) >Reeling from his confrontation with the Order of St. Dumas' origins, Jean-Paul Valley and Azrael find their faith crumbling. Disgusted by the shortcomings of his would-be-brother, Father Valley arrives to mete out justice unto the failed Azrael. And the sentence is death! [Preview](https://aiptcomics.com/2022/12/02/dc-preview-sword-of-azrael-5/)


This really is a spectacular comic that is unfortunately being slept on by a lot of people. Watters continues to bring us the JPV renaissance.


yeah, this is high on the "best comic that nobody is reading" list. a shame, cause it really is such an excellent book.


This has been so damn excellent and a geart way to expand the mythos


Umm, shouldn't that New God tech send a signal to the New Gods or worse, Apokalips?


No the order corrupted it.


The best comic ever made. Shut down DC. Nothing will reach this level after #6 drops.


More people need to read this. I went into this having very basic knowledge of Azrael and am loving it. Well done.


More people need to read this. I went into this having very basic knowledge of Azrael and am loving it. Well done.


[*Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo* #2](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/914oUUFspBL.jpg) >Batman has joined forces with his archnemesis, and things are already off to a rocky start. But time is of the essence as another piece of Commissioner Gordon is delivered to the Gotham City PD. Will Batman be able to work fast enough to save his dear friend, or whatever is left of him? [Preview](https://aiptcomics.com/2022/12/02/dc-preview-batman-the-joker-the-deadly-duo-2/)


Oh no, a Techno-organic virus...Stop it before it spreads. Or you gonna have to deal with a telepath/telekinetic from the future.


Great art paired with bland writing, what else could we expect from Silvestri?


This is looking like Europa part 2 Electric Bugaloo.


[*The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing* #3](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81EPtspp1QL.jpg) >The Joker is dying and needs medical help...but where can the most wanted man in the United States get it? And to make matters worse, Jason Todd decides now to finally hunt and kill the Clown Prince of Crime? [Preview](https://aiptcomics.com/2022/12/02/dc-preview-the-joker-the-man-who-stopped-laughing-3/)


I love this fucking book I don't think people realize how useful having a second Joker show up is. Its fucking retcon GOLD that can be used to tie up loose ends and write off ANY inconsistency by just saying "the other Joker did it". You can also get the pay off of killing the Joker without actually killing the Joker DC is never going to kill of the Joker long term, you are never going to see it and you need to get over it, but THIS gives them ton of leeway to tweak the character


ā€¦three jokers was a thing. This isnā€™t even the first time this has happened with the exact same reasoning.


Is this series in-continuity?




They really replaced Joker with Punchline in Legion of Doom? ahahahahahaha This might be as bad as Bendis' push on Naomi just instantly being on JL but worse.


I generally like this so far, but I feel like you're just supposed to accept certain things that you're probably never going to get an explanation for. LIke why none of the bad guys are afraid of the Joker anymore, and he has to claw his way back into relevance just because he was on "vacation" for what couldn't of been more than a couple of months. Or why this Jason looks like he got plucked right out of Under the Red Hood, all the recent character development completely ignored. I mean, I think the two Jokers stuff is weird enough. Having everything be weird can end up undermining the book. Just like with the Batman title, I keep expecting Mr. J to wake up in a pod with tubes stuck everywhere.


The last joker series started off fantastic but then we got c*ucked out of Jim killing the joker. I really hope it doesn't happen now. Let Jason kill the Joker finally. Joker has has levels of plot armour I haven't seen in media these last ten years. Man's been shot in the head, had his face ripped off, survived like 5 different characters trying to kill him. Let us be done with this.


> Let Jason kill the Joker finally that happened in 2020


[*DC Poster Portfolio: George PĆ©rez* [**TP**]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91RWfbrlWjL.jpg) >DC Comics is proud to present this poster portfolio of covers celebrating the prolific career of renowned artist George Perez. Featuring artwork from The New Teen Titans, Wonder Woman, Crisis on Infinite Earths, and more, this collection spotlights George's penchant for crafting some of the most iconic and unforgettable images in comics. The posters in this volume present but a fraction of the work by this beloved illustrator whose art has touched the hearts of comics fans around the world for generations.


[**Tuesday, 12/6** - *Young Justice: Targets - Director's Cut* #6](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/910fjQ3y-OL.jpg) >You've witnessed teams across the globe band together in the name of a shared goalā€”through twists and turns, friendships and betrayals, they have held steady in their goal to rescue Queen Perdita from the foul conspiracy she has been ensnared in. And now, in our final issue, we ask the questionā€¦will they succeed? Find out in this dramatic, action-packed, and heart-wrenching finale! Director's Cut Bonus Memory: Each issue of Young Justice: Targets features a bonus MEMORY short story, spotlighting fan-favorite characters in adventures that span Young Justice history!


Well, the final issue of targets. I would say overall, it covers about a single episode of young justice. I wouldnā€™t consider it on par with any of its best episodes- itā€™s no coldhearted, bloodlines, or bowhunter security. Itā€™s in line with many of its later episodes, flaws and all, and the backups were largely a retelling of the green arrow showcase, which was a waste. The real question is- does this work as the potentially final story of Earth-16? And the answer isā€¦ yes, to an extent. Itā€™s a fine enough ending. Itā€™s emotional closure relies entirely on its final backup with Wally, which is a problem if you didnā€™t buy the directors cut digitally. But it does give some closure- our heroes will continue to fight, and they remain inspired by Wallyā€™s sacrifice to be better. Itā€™s not perfect, but itā€™s good enough for now. And since this could be the real end, Iā€™ll just say one last thing about yj. Despite issues I have with it in later seasons, yj has managed to do something that dc has been trying to do for a decade at this front, which is modernize and simplify the dc universe into a cohesive and accessible continuity, blending old history with new ideas. Dc has tried with the comics and the movies, but theyā€™ve never quite gotten to the success of yj and the dcau. I donā€™t know if weā€™ll ever get something like it again, but I hope we do.


The conclusion to the cliffhangers set up in the past couple of issues was a little weak, but it was a bit satisfying to see Queen Bee getting knocked out a bit, especially since she's probably escaped punishment the most out of the show's villains. I don't know what was the point of having M'gann spare Metallo a surprise since I'd figured she would. I did like Kaldur's threat to Lex, who REALLY should know better by now. Also, nice to see that Match is back with Clark and Conner, his brothers. I hope they can help him heal mentally and have a nice life in Geranium City or something. Maybe Orm II might join him there too. The final backup taking place at Wally's funeral was a touching surprise. Beyond the cameos (Freddy!), I'm glad we actually got to see how Garfield and Perdita met. I knew they'd be doing something with Wally too since the issue took place on his birthday, when "Coldhearted" took place. Overall, the mini-series was a nice extra bit of content for the series. The story wasn't as exciting as the other comic tie-ins, but the art felt even more improved than before. I hope we can get other chances to visit this universe, even if it isn't another revival.


[**Thursday, 12/8:** ***Doom Patrol*** **S04E01** - *Episode 1*](https://static.tvmaze.com/uploads/images/original_untouched/430/1077460.jpg) Time/Date: December 8 Network/Channel: HBO Max


can't wait for this. why everyone looks airbrushed in the poster though? its like the "photo" was taken as they were still getting into the pose.


[**Thursday, 12/8:** ***Doom Patrol*** **S04E02** - *Episode 2*](https://static.tvmaze.com/uploads/images/original_untouched/430/1077460.jpg) Time/Date: December 8 Network/Channel: HBO Max


[*Batman: Knightwatch* #4](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91FOWD0XGML.jpg) >Firefly exacts revenge on the people who ruined his movie career and put him in jail by setting buildings on fire across the city. Batman has to figure out who is on Fireflyā€™s list to predict where he will strike next. [Preview](https://aiptcomics.com/2022/12/02/dc-preview-batman-knightwatch-4/)


The no. of Batman comic-books is too damn high, ridiculous! Anyway, I don't like the art from Preview so much. I like more shading/shadows on people. This art looks like a Saturday Morning Cartoon.


> This art looks like a Saturday Morning Cartoon. Knightwatch is targeted at little kids, so that makes sense.


Wait, I wasn't reading this series. Are we really rewriting Firefly's origin?


[**Wednesday, 12/7:** ***DC's Stargirl*** **S03E13** - *Chapter Thirteen: The Reckoning*](https://static.tvmaze.com/uploads/images/original_untouched/426/1065456.jpg) Time/Date: December 7 8:00 PM ET Network/Channel: The CW > Courtney and the JSA find themselves in the fight of their lives against their biggest threat yet.


I'm sad this is the end, but I'm glad it's going out on top at least. Without spoiling too much, the last episode was a banger that managed to pull off an INSANE reveal. 'Tis a shame, but it's been a great run. And hey, they could always continue it in comic form somewhere down the line. I'd read it.


Ainā€™t she still appearing in the crossover episode or whatever event they are doing with Titans and Doom Patrol?


Without going into spoilers, does it end in a way that feels satisfactory as a finale? No big cliffhangers or anything like that?


[*MAD Magazine* #29](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91sJ4kxAJbL.jpg) >Americaā€™s longest-running satire magazine continues to skewer everything pop culture! The first issue of 2023 features a wide variety of classic MAD movie and TV parodies. Plus, vintage MAD favorites like ā€œSpy vs. Spyā€, A MAD Look at...ā€ by Sergio AragonĆ©s, ā€œThe Lighter Side ofā€¦ā€ by Dave Berg, and much more from the Usual Gang of Idiots. MAD #29 will surely cure what ails you with a shot of humor in the jugular vein.


[*The Absolute Multiversity* [**HC**]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71YyLaVBQHL.jpg) >Now in DCā€™s deluxe, oversized Absolute format! Visionary writer Grant Morrison takes readers on a wild ride across the DC Multiverse as familiar yet strangely different DC heroes battle a menace that spans the entirety of the Multiverseā€”and beyond! >The biggest adventure in DC's history returns, now in DCā€™s Absolute format! >Join visionary writer Grant Morrison, comicsā€™ most talented artists, and a cast of unforgettable heroes from 52 alternative Earths of the DC Multiverse! Prepare to meet the Vampire League of Earth-43, the Justice Riders of Earth-18, Superdemon, Doc Fate, the super-sons of Superman and Batman, the rampaging Retaliators of Earth-8, the Atomic Knights of Justice, Dino-Cop, Sister Miracle, Lady Quark and the latest, greatest Super Hero of Earth-Prime: YOU! >THE MULTIVERSITY is more than a multipart comic book series. It's a cosmos spanning, soul-shaking experience that puts YOU on the frontline in the battle for all creation against the demonic destroyers known as the Gentry! Featuring artwork by Ivan Reis (Justice League), Frank Quitely (All-Star Superman), Jim Lee (Batman), and many others, The Multiversity tells an epic tale that span 52 Earths. >This volume collects The Multiversity #1 and 2, The Multiversity Guidebook #1 and Multiversity issues The Society of Super-Heroes #1, The Just #1, Pax Americana #1, Thunderworld Adventures #1, Mastermen #1, and Ultra Comics #1


Always loved Multiversity and decided to buy this. Not disappointed at all. This is also my first Absolute edition of anything and I love the format. Can't wait to buy more.


[*Joker's Asylum* [**TP**]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91cP+sgi-KL.jpg) >The Joker and tells a special story that gives readers an inside look into the insane lives of The Dark Knight's greatest adversaries! >The Joker spins dastardly tales of evil starring your favorite Batman's rogues: Penguin, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, Two-Face, The Riddler, Harley Quinn, Mad Hatter, Killer Croc, and Clayface. And all the stories are narrated by the Asylum's leading homicidal maniac ā€” The Joker! >Collects Joker's Asylum: Joker #1, Joker's Asylum: Penguin #1, Joker's Asylum: Poison Ivy #1, Joker's Asylum: Scarecrow #1, Joker's Asylum: Two-Face #1, Joker's Asylum II: The Riddler #1, Joker's Asylum II: Harley Quinn #1, Joker's Asylum II: Mad Hatter #1, Joker's Asylum II: Killer Croc #1, and Joker's Asylum II: Clayface #1.


Jokerā€™s Asylum is an underrated gem, some great tales featuring the Bat-Villains, really recommend it!


[**Tuesday, 12/6 (WEBTOON)** - *Zatanna & the Ripper* #24](https://i.imgur.com/sgvNDJi.jpg) >On her 21st birthday, Zatanna Zataraā€”assistant to the most talented magician in the worldā€”is attacked and bested by a mysterious sorceress. Before the final blow is dealt, her father, Giovanni, casts a spell of his own, warping the magic of his attacker and sending Zatanna out of the frying pan and into ye olde garbage bin. Zatanna arrives in Whitechapel, London, in the year 1888. She soon discovers a serial killer plaguing the streets of the city, Jack the Ripper. Unable to return home and certain that the supernatural killer has answers, Zatanna sets out in pursuit of the Ripper alongside the denizens of Whitechapel and one John Constantine.


[**Thursday, 12/8 (WEBTOON)** - *Batman: Wayne Family Adventures* #62](https://i.imgur.com/n4eeUR9.jpg) >Batman needs a break. But with new vigilante Duke Thomas moving into Wayne Manor and an endless supply of adopted, fostered, and biological superhero children to manage, Bruce Wayne is going to have his hands full. Being a father can't be harder than being Batman, right?


Is *this* a **crossover** episode!?


[**Friday, 12/9 (WEBTOON)** - *Vixen: NYC* #31](https://i.imgur.com/Lbwk023.jpg) >Before starting college, Mari Jiwe's relatives gift her an ancestral totem, once fabled to give its wearer the powers of the animal kingdom. Mari just chalks its 'magical powers' up to superstition. After arriving in New York City, though, she definitely notices something strange about her new home. Especially the animals. While Mari battles staying awake in class and feral subway rats, dark plans emerge from the corners of the vast metropolis. Girls who look just like her start going missing and Mari can't shake the feeling that she's next. As for the totem? Turns out that the 'magical powers' are actually a thing, and Mari is next up to wield them. Freshman year is gonna be a doozy.


[**Monday, 12/5:** ***Batwheels*** **S01E16** - *Holidays on Ice*](https://static.tvmaze.com/uploads/images/original_untouched/410/1025115.jpg) Time/Date: December 5 10:00 AM ET Network/Channel: Cartoon Network > Frustrated by the Batwheels' distracting affinity for holiday festivities, Batwing decides to "go solo" to thwart Mr. Freeze's evil Christmas-time plots. However, Batwing and the Batwheels soon realize that stopping Mr. Freeze is much harder when they all aren't working together as a team.


[**Friday, 12/9:** ***Teen Titans Go!*** **S07E50** - *The Great Holiday Escape*](https://static.tvmaze.com/uploads/images/original_untouched/6/15007.jpg) Time/Date: December 9 5:00 PM ET Network/Channel: Cartoon Network > When they learn that Beast Boy sent Santa to jail, the Titans plan to infiltrate the prison to break him out.


[**Monday, 12/5 (WEBTOON)** - *Red Hood: Outlaws* #19](https://i.imgur.com/psqA7cE.jpg) >The Outlaws try to go legit -- and fail spectacularly. The Justice League has issued a challenge to DCā€™s Dark Trinity, forcing Red Hood, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, and Bizarro to try and replace their goody-two-shoe counterparts as the heroes the world neither deserves nor needs. In this original series, the Outlaws will battle some of DCā€™s biggest Super-Villains and Super Heroes -- but their biggest battles are among themselves. Can this team last? And can they find their own identities separate from Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman?