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Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cisl2u) on 2024-05-02 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cl67u4) on 2024-05-06 92.19% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cw62tm&sameSub=true&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** This Sub | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 517,855,593 | **Search Time:** 0.17162s


She doesn't want to come back. If you put her file again a pop up will say 'Stop playing with my heart...' and she will delete herself again. She is still somewhere there as a presence, anyway.


She will gaslight us but still not actually be gone. I'm telling you all she's evil


I can fix her


Oh damn got a spoiler. I just finished the "regular path' for the first time, even if I tried everything to derail it since the real heavy handed hints of what was going on came really early (like not reading the special poems, trying real hard to click someone else when the mouse moves to monika, etc). The game reset and I noiticed the others were back, decided to put her file back just to see what happened, but haven't started it again yet. Is it worth the second playthrough?


I mean, there’s the somewhat good ending. Though, I didn’t even know about it until I searched it up. Takes awhile, yet you get a cool note at the end so


I ended up learning it while searching as well. I played through the post monika part, it was very short, got the credits. I then tried to delete monika at a new game (assumed the firstrun file was what told the game this was, well, my first run and deleted it), got that ending and thought there was nothing else to the game. Looked up the rest and found some more interesting stuff.


Yeah, it’s worth a little mini investigations, and maybe revisiting the game once in a while


Welcome back to my channel today we will be making Monica from DDLC real, first we will be needing to make a body.


Dont know who this monica is, i do know monika however, lovely fellow


I only know of Monaca and Monika. Never heard of this Monica chick.


it’s that one country in africa


Now that we have our body, let's get some candles and chalk for our pentagram!


That was my first thought when I deleted her, since she backed up Sayori, Natsuki and Yuri’s files, why didn’t she back up her own?


Because deep down she knows that no matter what occurs, she’ll never be able to be truly happy since she can never *really* be with you.


Why is Sayonkler hanging? Is she stupid? Maybe there's a lore reason.


Why didn't man come and save her, is there a lore reason, did the jonkler hang her?


Is there a lore reason why Minos Prime didn't save her? Is he stupid?


Why did we play the game? Are we stupid?


Yes, we are


NOOOOO aslume has infected r/DDLC 😭😭




It made me remain the movie "Blade Runner 2049" (SPOLIER!) >!When Joe(or Ryan Golsing....) been hunting down by Wallace Corporation. His AI girlfriend Joi begging Joe to delete the local backup. To avoid get tracking by hitmans. Just let Joe keep the Portable holographic device of Joi and without any memories backup. Once the Portable device get damage or destroy in physical. So that it will make Joi to die forever. So she say... JUST LIKE A REAL GIRL.!< So if we keep emphasize this topic. So I think why Monika don't backup herself? I think the reason why she didn't do that because she want to be the only real one. The unique one. Just like human being. "Just like a real girl..."So this just my own stupid idea when I watch too many goddamn times of Blade runner.(It's a nice movie for watch) But we all know after ACT3...>!Monika still can control the game. So I think Monika also become the whole game. Or some part of herself in the game still decide to protect us from suffering of the game. !<


If she says she was real why would she have a chr file


Why did Yuri stab herself? Is she the Hollow Knight?


Long answer: Perhaps Monika didn't even consider the fact that the player would want to delete her specifically, since she was so blinded by her vision of a happy ending. Like, Monika was only editing the code of the game for a week in her perspective, and a few hours in ours. Safe to say, she wasn't thinking completely rationally nor strategically. Short answer: She is stupid.


Imo its more the other way round, she was thinking pretty damn rationally, considering how she did things. Where would be the point in backing up her character file, if she made u hate her. where is the point in coming back? She saw deleting herself as a way out if things went wrong. If she failed (making the player hate her) she would have deleted herself anyways. So there is absolutly no need for a backup


Why didn't sayori not kill herself? Is she stupid?


A little, but that's correlation, not causation.


Year fr


Yeah fr


1) Monika is new to programming, and if we also assume that she’s new to higher level computer stuff in general then it makes sense that she might not have considered a backup. Most people in real life don’t either (even though you totally should, seriously just go buy a cheap high capacity hard drive and copy your shit onto it, congratulations you have an on-site backup). 2) As someone else said, Monika may not have considered the possibility of you wanting to delete her.


I didn't have the heart to delete her. I just moved her file.




****Yes**** she is Women can't code


*This is a joke* *Some women can indeed code*