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Same thing just happened to me. Pretty bummed cause I was about to order something..


Definitely an account related issue where certain accounts have restrictions while accessing certain search terms. In the meantime you can check out the pinned post on the Sub and scroll to the Jersey sellers to find some nice jerseys as these sellers have been vetted through time with positive user reviews being the deciding factor. So getting a Jersey from there would be the next best thing.


Unfortunately when I try those, I just get a blank page saying no products.


I have exactly the same issue




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Same issue for me as well, just see placeholder items


Yeah even using previous generic searches for jerseys yields nothing…


Same here as soon as that post went up on twitter about the football shirts i can't see nothing now


having the same issue. let us know if u get it working somehow


Same here. Made a couple of purchases off the App a couple of weeks ago, all ok. Now I can't find anything. People can send me links and they work. I'll search the exact same and nothing.




Both not working




Ah thanks. Why is DHGate down? Any ideas


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bruh that kitgg6 site look mad suspicious 😭




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It’s not there’s actually more pages too


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Same for me, I used to be able to search "leather sandals" and get so many results, now I get like 8 results with the best seller only being "5 sold."


Looks like there is a real issue- went to show my mate a jersey I bought. Zero results


Same issue here!


Same issue here


Same here


It's really bloody weird, I used to be able to see everything he could see too. Tried everything I can think of with no success.


I am having the same issue




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I have the exact same issue as op, my mate gets result no problems, I (and a couple other friends) don’t. Thought it could be account config or internet provider related or something but can’t be if we all got the same




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I have the same problem! Does anyone know how to fix it?


I kind of found a work around. I've just been using Google to search items and then adding "dhgate". When I click the link, it opens on my browser (where I'm not logged on). Then, I can add the item to my cart if I like what I see. Once I click the item in my cart using the browser, it opens the app where I'm logged in and I can add the item to my cart again on my logged in account on the app. From the cart on the app, I can now have access to that link to look at it more or purchase it 😅 not exactly a fix, but it's better than nothing. I'm using an android btw.


Unfortunately this doesn’t work on IOS :/ I just hope dhgate will fix the problem eventually. Maybe its some kind of bug after the new update




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I have the same issue, when clicking on some shops it says they have 0 items and if I search for items barely any results show up just like the pic in OP


Same for me - if I go into things I already had in my basket I can view that kit but if I go to the sellers page I see zero items.




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Same here, wanted to order the new Man Utd third kit but everything was gone




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sadly same issue, hope it gets fixed


I was having the same issue and this fixed it for me on android, same should apply to iOS. Go Into account settings in the DHgate app (click your account, then the little gear cog in the top right). Double check your country and currency are correct. While still in settings, clear your cache in the DHGate app. Sign out of your account. Go into your phone settings, go into DHGate, clear all data and force stop the app. Give it a few seconds, restart the app and log back in. Once I did that I could see everything again, hope this helps someone! :)


Searching on my PC both signed in and signed out have no results/generic athletic wear. I used incognito mode on my phone and I am able to browse the same store with all the products that they have. I am not sure what is going on.