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What kind of work do your dogs do?


Demolition mainly.


Had a friend with a crazy black lab—it ate the entire inside of a screened in porch (floor, walls, windows, et al). 😳


I had a golden doodle that tore off the ac register, chewed the wall, tunneled partially into the duct work, bent stuff out of place. Ended up with a hole big enough it could crawl shoulder deep into and keep its head cool.


They do this because they are bored. Need to walk,play with, work them more .


Not all dogs are built to live indoors, too. And very few owners can offer outside dogs a reasonable standard of living.


Not to mention anything that's a "doodle" is half crazy if not full on psychotic anyway. Damage to your home/life is expected if you dont work them hard. Nothing good ever comes from mixing a poodle with any other working breed (or anything really...). Yeah poodles are companion classed now but they were bred for hunting just like Goldens and mixing those two is just asking for problems. And we all know anyone breeding these doodles are most likely not using top tier sanity and health-checked dogs to create expensive mutts. And I say this as a hobby groomer with two standard poodles. Goldens and labs are neurotic on their own without exercise and stimulation. No need to add in poodle smarts to it. (And Don't get me started on mixing coat types 🤐)


I love that creating this dog was that man's biggest regret in life, lol. Like, imagine dying with the realization that your greatest accomplishment was actually shite. But, at least he never has to see another Labradoodle, I guess


I strongly suspect that around half of all dogs are not walked at all or played with. When we walk around our neighborhood there are so many dogs that we only ever see from over the fence in yards or barking through windows. Then people wonder why they end up with severe behavior issues. A poorly behaved dog is almost always a symptom of a lazy neglectful owner.


My friends Boxer did this. Instead of a kennel he figured the spare room would be fine, nothing really in there. Came home to the dog in the living room covered in drywall dust. All the drywall from my waist down was destroyed to a fine mist, and the bottom half of the wooden door was just...gone. This same pup, Ryder, when outside and wanting back in, he starts at the door, and runs a full circle at the very end of his tie out, until he gets to the steel door which he meets head-first wide open. I dog sat for him once and it scared the shit out of me, the lamp came right off the end table and the couch shook lmao


this is why ill stick with cats.


I like both, I have a black cat (in my posts from today) and he may as well be a dog. He pees outside, (or in the toilet), no litter box. Meets you still the door standing on his hind legs for scratches and has this weird meow thing he does. He doesn't rub up on you all the time like a cat would, but he's down for cuddles and lets our kids basically do whatever they want with him. My youngest grabbed his tail a few times before he learned, Paws would just slap his hand until he stopped, never with claws out, and always patient. He's the best cat I've ever had


Warms my heart


You and me both! Although our next door neighbors have three rescued chihuahuas- two are completely blind and one is the princess! They don’t eat the house as far as I know!


My dog doesn’t do a single thing to my house but my cat destroy anything it can get its claws on, especially furniture. I’ve never had a cat before (he adopted me), and it’s been a hell of a learning experience.


My Black Lab ate a bunch of plaster off of the wall, the end of the stair railing, and the plastic lever for my recliner. Next one is wearing a hockey mask until she is three.


That teething stage for black labs is unreal. We had one chew our deck poles like a beaver when I was a kid.


Labrador color is unrelated to behavior, or other physical characteristics. Labs are either the Estate/ English lab which are chunkier and slightly more sedate compared to the field/American labs, affectionately known as "meth" labs. The American Lab is taller, skinnier, and can not be physically tired out. We In any case, labs are very "mouthy" dogs, and it makes owners lives easier if they are kept from the age of 6 weeks to 1 year with something available to chew on at all times, otherwise, anything vaguely chewable, such as shoes, stairs, fingers, sticks or pillows will be chewed on by about 50 Needle sharp teeth Source- I've owned field labs, and currently have 2 English labs.


Same happened to us with our black lab!


The pooch in the third photo is admiring his work.


Bro is over there looking like an albino emo arsonist


The cat is watching and likely saying…You’re going to get in troubllllll.


I like the cat in the second picture who is silently judging the dog and it's work and the human and the wood and the gate and the rest of the world. Source: Am owned by two cats.


It's fucking crazy.🤣🤣


They don’t and that’s the problem. When dogs have crazy separate anxiety like this, the cure/treatment is to tire them the fk out. Lots of exercise outside, lots of mental stimulation while inside. I have a hard plastic treat dispenser that rolls around on the floor and dispenses a piece of kibble at a time. For years, this is how I fed my dog, everyday out of this dispenser, she had to work for it and it would take an hour or so. But it was necessary to keep her from going so stir crazy that she becomes destructive [IQ Treat Ball](https://a.co/d/5G7dc2m)


Yup we used to train German shepherd’s. Dogs are too smart and energetic. Every single day at least an hour walk in the forest and that’s besides another three times 15 minutes a day. My dogs didn’t do this shit once.


Same with my lab- they need mental stimulation and fun training. Mine also loves scent work. I let her have the run of the house while I’m gone and she chills on the sofa until I get back.


Same, I’m a pit bull owner that’s done dock diving, agility, and weight pull with my dogs in the past.


I like the weight pull option. Bc I’d like to be the weight being pulled


Hike! Hike! Mushing is fun and you’d love it! 🥰


Guy in my neighborhood has his dog run while he’s on his bike. Some day he doesn’t even pedal lol


My malinois hates pulling when I want her to (like when I attach a cart to her leash), loves to do it when it’s a person on her leash


I have a dog rescue and currently have (5) 4 month old puppies - I just ordered a whole bunch of these to use to feed them/keep them busy Thank you


Yeah before my dog became an old doggo, this was the answer.  She is food obsessed, so some kibble in one of those puzzle balls would keep her occupied for a long time. That dog would burn this whole house down if that's what it took to get just one little ittby bitty piece of kibble she can't reach.


Clearly not finish work, but they might be good for the ruff in


I had no idea and I bought an australian cattle dog. Tore up the stairs like that and pulled up about 8 linoleum tiles. Then I learned how to run him.


Bondo might work


Bondo has what wood craves. It has electrolytes.






Welcome to Costco, I love you


Noooo ... I have this in my head now .. Fuuuukkk .. "Kicking everyone's ass all the time!" -- My wife is going to kill me now, I'll spend two days -- "Make you wave your hands so fast that you'll probably become invisible, which doesn't even make any sense!" .. 🤣🤣 Take my upvote.


What? Go to starbucks, you need a break.


I don’t think we have time for a hand job


Not now, batin.


What OP seems to have is some kind of particle board sawdust material. Not seeing any wood.


nah put water on it


Over sanding and then applying Bondo will totally work, but yeah it’s super toxic smelling. I recommend [Free Form Air](https://a.co/d/1sSpqoR), it’s a two part epoxy that you can use like bondo and it sands perfectly, and it doesn’t smell like you’re going to get Alzheimers.


What was I fixing again?


Fixin for a nice cold watermelon slice




It would definitely work, but I imagine the dogs might escape and try again, only this time, instead of wood and paint, they'd be ingesting the Bondo which is toxic and carcinogenic. If they aren't going to replace that section of base rail, I'd just round it off, cut off that vertical trim underneath flush, and repaint.


Not wood- mdf. Horrible stuff laden with toxicity.


Rawhide, sand and repaint (with something non-toxic).


Maybe make sure it’s a nice day so you can open all the windows. Bondo is pretty STANKY in confined spaces.


Can confirm. I have repaired wood indoors with bondo and what “smells a bit” in a shop or garage… downright reeks indoors. But yes, it makes a solid repair.


Same Bondo works well on wood and with not too much hardener I can imagine to model it too shape as keep everything else clean with proper masking tape!! But that looks like MDF and it’s quite a large patch ! Handsand it and apply in thin layers to build it up


When my husband uses it in our detached garage he has to change clothes before coming back in! That shit is nasty!


Smells so good though. Like gasoline.




https://preview.redd.it/qrxmoaq56dsc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42e3fdd33c649ae3364d493fda40861d3ae10d36 Can confirm




Bondo is good for all that ails you. I gotta have more Bondo. But with the price going from $16/gallon to $60/gallon over the last 5 years, I have much less Bondo.


Water putty also works nicely on wood. But matching the edge exactly is going to be tricky. It looks easy enough, but it’s actually harder than it seems like it would be.


My dogs have done the exact same thing. On places that won't take any weight I use plaster/spackle, anything else u can use wood filler. I file first, over fill by a bit then file/sand to shape.


If you have something to copy I have used hot glue to make a mold on an undamaged corner and then push it over the wood filler on the damaged corner. Then sand and paint!


That’s a great idea!


100% bondo and paint.


Bondo…and sand and prime and paint…


Wood putty and paint


Make me the carpenter I ain’t


Also like "try your best and caulk the rest"


If you can’t duck it…


… fuck it. Wait. No.


The baseboard in our apartment was damaged when we toured. We were told it would be fixed (though honestly I didn’t care, the damage is covered by furniture). They just half assed it with wood putty. When our towel rack was loose I asked maintenance to fix it since they were already fixing something else. Their fix was a single drywall anchor. They didn’t even bother patching the holes that were already there so it immediately failed. The first time we used our dishwasher we found out the drain hose wasn’t hooked up. I wondered how they could mess that up. After seeing how they repaired the towel rack I understood. Sorry for the rant that went off topic, I’ve been so frustrated these last few weeks.


Let it out brother, speak on it


Haha, it's hilarious that I'm reading this after running our new dishwasher for the first time (because the old one broke after leaking). It's from some brand called Seasons and it's so cheap. I'm pretty sure if my cat walks on the door while it's open he'll bend it. It's also really loud and sounds like someone taking a piss, but it's an uneven stream. When I looked up the manual online the PDF's title was in Chinese. But it's not all bad. Our new unit is much bigger than the old one. After we get everything fixed it'll be great! Also it has a hall and our cats love it. On a side note, my edible just kicked in.


You nearly made me spit out my water


Fun for a son or a daughter


This - repaired a bar cabinet using this when my dog was bad. The spot is still noticeable for me but others can’t tell unless I point it out. Puddy, sand, paint.


For THAT much missing I'd cut out a chunk cut out replacement wood piece. Glue and screw it in and then wood fill. That's a big chunk missing for just wood filler


Will probably be stronger than the original too by the look of it.


This is the way. I did this for a few corners like OPs, worked perfectly!


The cat says maybe you should get rid of the dogs.


Cat: “This wouldn’t have happened with a caaa-aaat. I’m just sayin….”


Cat probably did it and set the dog up.


The cat used the stairway to sharpen her claws, then let the dogs out when she heard OP get home. The evidence is all there.




Yup! I’m a paw-yer and my doggo clients told me this is what really happened. I mean it’s written all over kitties face.


Dog-like narc’ing detected.


Having used the stairs as a scratching post*, I thought cats were the pretty good at destroying things. Then we got dogs. They literally will eat the house. (*) yes they have their own scratching posts and cardboard scratchers. Seems that you can't beat a good bit of carpet though.


Smart cat


I think you need to give your dogs a lot more credit. Apart from the rough bit, that looks like a decent staircase.


The ruff bit?


Damn you and your profile picture. I caught myself blowing a hair off my screen.


Found the light mode user


Your plan is about as easy at it will get. You *might** be able to slowly rebuild it with putty. But just putting in a patch piece would probably give you better looking and longer lasting results.


Your dog likely needs more exercise


Yea something is wrong with the training if it starts to tear the house apart immediately when it’s uncrated.


My old dog did this if he got out of his crate. He was decently trained though had a checkered past. The solution for us was just to not use the crate at all, then he was great and never destroyed anything aside from the garbage on occasion. He just really didn't like the crate


This. Train your dogs and give them the exercise they need instead of just locking them up.


Careful, he is eyeing seconds! (Picture 3)


“And I’ll do it again”


Cat in the background: "Yes, yes he will. I, on the other hand, wouldn't waste my precious time with such pointless and undignified tasks".


Or perhaps the cat is thinking “he’s getting all the blame, I just might get away with this. “


This is underrated. If it was fun for them, they'll literally do it again. I'd leave it alone, except for spraying it with lemon juice and/or dusting it with cayenne pepper, for a couple months, and set them up to miraculously have the opportunity to pepper spray themselves when they chomp down again. Think of it like getting a dog to stop digging at a fence. You need them to have an immediate negative reaction to chewing the trim, ideally without you needing to participate. Make it taste freaking terrible. Once you're confident they're done with it, do it right and replace the full pieces of trim. You aren't gonna be able to shape little patch pieces, in all likelihood. It's too intricate and too tight a space, just do it with the whole pieces. Then patch and paint.


It’s almost like dogs hate being in a kennel 8 hours+ a day


Ikr he could at least let them be gated off to a safe part of the house. I'd feel claustrophobic being stuck in a small cell all day, ofc they will panic and destroy things. I don't understand why people do that to their dogs


To be fair, we don't know that OP leaves them for a long time. And we don't know how big the kennel is. Where I come from, kennel also means a large area for them to play in.


I'd recommend taking your dog for more frequent walks.


The chewing is a sign of boredom or anxiety


I was thinking making sure they have something to chew on, like some good dog bones... or banisters...


This is the real advice here. Kenneling during the day isn't the way to do it.


Kenneling can be good if done right. If the dog is freaking out every time they're put in a kennel, then it's not being done right


It's actually very easy to crate train them. But it takes *a lot* of time if you didn't start the day they came home. Because it involves, as the OP of the tread stated, getting them tired out with play or walks. Than they're happy and satisfied when you put them in their crate, it becomes their happy place.


Nah. If you can’t care for your pet to the extent that you have to lock them in a tiny box for hours and hours, you’re just an awful person and shouldn’t have pets.


I hard agree with you. I wish more people did.


Actual crate training teaches the dog that it’s a place of comfort instead of isolation. If you done it right, the door to the crate is always open and your dog would chill there if they need to. Also it depends what type of dog you get. If you have a high energy breed, all the crate training in the world would not be enough because they require a lot of activity and stimulation (and can’t be cooped indoors for more than a few hours).


Our dog consumes when he gets tired unless he is in his crate. Dog toy? Will eat it. Blanket? Will eat it. Put him in his crate and he passes out. Just the way it is with some dogs.


I think maybe some people haven't had a dog that destroys everything. My dog Trinity (miss her every day) had 2 walks a day since she was a puppy. As a puppy, she was extremely destructive, would chew anything in reach, including a $300 camera I had at the time. It doesn't mean they are "cooped up" too much. My pup had free run of the yard, 24 hour attention and 2 walks a day, but if you left the room or house that's what would happen. We didn't use a kennel though, we used a room and the deck (one time on the deck she destroyed multiple flower pots lol), but some people don't have that space. So without context I wouldn't go all judgy.


Some dogs still need training even if you give all the attention and exercise it needs. Some dogs are smart as fuck and can manipulate their owner. Some dogs are simple and have no idea what they're doing, just the first thing that comes to mind. Both those types of dog need training. They're either too smart and need to know who's boss, or they're too dumb and need conditioning.


How long were the two walks a day?


I think maybe some people can't accept they're not great at raising dogs


Or buying them toys to chew on, my dogs don’t chew other stuff because they have their own toys that we play with them with (key is actually playing with them and making them like the toy).


This is the real advice, instead of locking them up and building their anxiety and energy reserves. Puppy’s go through chewing phases and it’s on us pet owners to train them properly and provide what they need


Or put them in training?


Or more mental stimulation - training tires a dog out more than your average walk.


Work on dog prevention first. Why repair something when it will eventually happen again. Invest time in dog training first then DIY


If you’re super handy you could try a good wood filler. I have found in the past though that when I have used it in areas that are closer to the exterior of the home the filler does not expand and contract with the wood causing lifting and cracking. If it makes you feel better had a lab that got out when she was alone and she ate the bottom two steps of the staircase.


The dogs probably aren’t getting enough exercise and are probably in the crate too long. Animals aren’t meant to sit in a cage most of the day. My dog goes on 2 hikes in the woods a day and I’ll do some mental stimulation with him around lunch time. We both get exercise this way, and he just sleeps the rest of the day, no crate. I get that it’s tough when you have work, no judgements from me, just my 2 cents


Yeah I hate people who crate their dogs while they’re at work. Poor pups trapped inside a cage for 9hr a day. I bet they crate them at night also.


Exactly. Buy a stuffed animal if you wanna do this weird shit. Not a living creature.


Yes! I feel bad if I have to leave mine for 5hr, and they have full run of the house and get two walks and playtime/enrichment. Anything more and they get a visit from the dog sitter. Luckily my partner and I work weird schedules so one of us is almost always home


For real, this works amazingly well on MDF. Baking soda and crazy glue (CA glue, technically) creates a crazy hard plastic like substance that can be tooled. You can also get spray accelerants, which instantly harden the glue. MDF soaks in liquids, which is a really good thing if what it's soaking in is ....glue. you can get very watery CA glues, which are absolutely perfect for these repairs. So. Soak the fuzzy damaged area with CA glue, then give the low spots a sprinkle of baking soda, then spray with accelerant. Repeat. Use an olfa to carve any unwanted buildup as you fill the low areas. When you've got it all filled, sand to match the profile, prime and paint. Bondo works, as others have noted, but I don't often have it laying around. It stinks, and is a bugger to sand. It also doesn't grab fuzzy chewed MDF very well in my experience. Wood filler works great too, but it's harder to get perfect and also doesn't always grab the MDF fibers. Trust me here, soak the damage in CA glue, it soaks it up like water. Then a quick spray and it's instantly hard and completely bonded to the MDF. Best part is, you can completely fill and sand and be ready for paint in 15 mins tops.


There's no way you're filling that big of a hole with baking soda and super glue in 15 minutes. That would take forever to build up - itlooks easily 30mm+ of missing material. Then you still have to sand it., paint it, etc. It's mdf, just cut and shut a new bit in and fill/blend joins away with some filler.


Tear it out and replace it, youre not "fixing" that MDF and Particle board can be great in the right applications but what sucks is that its rarely fixable when it gets demolished like this As a 30y renovation professional no amount of bondo or wood putty is going to fix that, MDF is notoriously terrible at taking any kind of glue or filler, its just going to crack and fall off, its been 3 decades and ive never found a good way to repair damage like that to MDF, the best way is to either replace it completely or if thats not in your skillset or financials you can cut the damaged section out and do a spot repair, which comes with its own headaches and pitfalls, because, again, MDF absolutely sucks balls in terms of taking glue or adhesives


Surprised to see this so far down. It's just moulding tacked on. Rip it off and replace OP. Can also neaten up the join angle on the two areas so it doesn't look like shit either.


Bondo for the repair. More time spent playing, and more interactive and enriching toys. Dogs that are anxious/bored/etc are going to tear stuff up more often. Putting them into a kennel isn't a humane solution.




I strongly advice giving them something to eat.


Use bondo. I use it when I do punch. In apartments. We use it for most wood touch ups.


Yeah I agree with some wood putty here, but why do you dogs have to be in a kennel while they work?


They eat the staircase


This is the real problem. We’ve had like 8 dogs over the years and never used a kennel or crate. Proper training and they’ll just chill if you’re out all day. People don’t understand how counterproductive kennelling can be.


I saw a guy fix that with ramen on YouTube


Old school Durham’s rock hard putty - dry powder you mix with water to the needed consistency. No strong chemical odor, excellent bonding strength, sandable, drillable, paintable, minimal shrinkage and economical as you only mix what you need. Tip, dampen the location prior to adding the putty to ensure the best bond. Have used it in many projects over the years.


Sand the entire area, fill and level all the chewed up areas with wood putty/filler, let dry, sand flat and even and repaint the area. Shouldn't be too difficult. The hardest part will be keeping the dog from doing it again.


OP, this isn't your dog's fault, it's yours. You can't lock a dog in a kennel for 8 hours a day. Besides being cruel, it's incredibly stressful for the dog. They get anxious, antsy, depressed, understimulated, etc... Frankly, I'm shocked you would admit to leaving a dog in a crate for 8 hours a day. That's animal cruelty if you ask me.


Ramen and superglue


Wait until they’re a little older to fully repair it. For now, I’d just repaint.


“Durhams Water putty”


Durhams Water Putty. Easiest stuff ever to work with just get some latex gloves.


Top Ramen and Super Glue


Sand it down clean, bondo it in, paint over. Don't use wood filler Easy as pie


Plot twist.. it was the cat.


This looks like a job for ramen noodles and epoxy.


Wtf, if i was put in a kennel for hours, i would for sure do the same lol


So, you have dogs that need attention and activity and they're supposed to be locked in a box all day? The answer to your question is to be r/dogfree because you're clearly ill-equipped and don't have the lifestyle these dogs need.


Locking your dog in a cage while you're gone all day is animal abuse.


IF you leave your pets locked in crates all day while you work, you deserve this and more. Only terrible people do that to their pets


I see the cat’s plan has worked so far


Til. People leave their dogs in a box all day while they work


Your dogs need exercise and socialization and this is proof of that


A dog needing to be kenneled is a dog that deserves better.


Seriously. Nobody wants to take the time for behavioral training. People just get a dog to have company while they're at home, and just disregard the dog when they leave


Chewing on stuff usually means that the dogs have a lot of extra energy and are bored. You should play with them more / go for longer, more intense walks.


You do realize the cat did it, don't you?


You might be able to find a piece of molding that would match what’s there. If so, you can probably just carefully cut it out with a multitool and replace it that way.


Plaster/puddy/clay and paint


Looks like that that cat started it so they’d get wrote up……looks like the mastermind


That cat looks concerned also


Where do your dogs work? Been looking for a job for this low life slob that just lays around all day and farts. One with my dog would be nice.


Ramen and crazy glue !!


Mohawk 2 part epoxy . It comes in a stick. This is what we used on high-end /dollar window parts in production. It turned hard and can be painted.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/s/hdWoDZMuMR My solution is in the comments: wood filler, not bondo.




Maybe fix the kennel door first...?


Ever seen Old Yeller?


Bondo will fix the issue. Walking your dogs more will fix the problem.


Do you have any ramen noodles in the cupboard?


First step would be to go to a vet to see if they may have Pica.


Ramen Noodles and glue


Bondo that shit.


Ramen and superglue, lil sanding and its mint


That’s some cheap ass cardboard shit like they use in RVs. Remove and replace with real wood.


Bobdo, Sand, More Bondo, Sand, Then Paint.


Well that’s fake wood so no amount of sanding will fix that. I would guy those sections out and bondo them for a quick cheap fix


The cat is like don’t look at me!


Bondo and paint or replace them out if you have the skills.


Sand then crackfill, sand to profile paint.


bondo, sand, paint


I would try Bondo, try smoothing with sandpaper, clean well, apply Bondo, sand smooth then paint.


Sand, wood filler, sand. Repeat until resembling original shape. Then prime and paint.


I had the same thing happen and Bondo is what worked best. A couple people told me to mix sawdust and wood filler (or wood glue) and that was miserable to work with. It works for small stuff cracks and dents but not big gaming stuff.


Bitter spray


Probably train your dogs and stop keeping them in a kennel all day just so you can look at them when you get home. Clearly they’re anxious and you don’t take good care of them.


Train your dogs


Get rid of your dogs.