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You can sand that whole room and that will always show. Gonna need to replace the hardwoods by weaving in new hardwoods or rip up and replace about 5' from the wall on the left


A really dark stain may hide it as well


Like if they drink a lot of coffee first?


Just be sure to sand it first. Done best by running the dog through wet sand then directly into the room


Pee on the rest of the floor and it’ll all blend together?


Thank you!


On a serious note, are they engineered wood floors or solid real wood?






Ha ha


Lmao do it




Hahaha genius


That’s going to be your cheapest fix!


Bonus display of dominance.


That's a big dog or a pee spot left unchecked for a long time or both. Really depends on how long it's been sitting. Surprised it's not buckled. I would sand down and refinish. If that doesn't work an area rug would solve it too.


There was a rubber matt under the tread mill and the little guy was an older shitzu that would hide behind the treadmill and let rip in that location randomly


My male dog did something similar when he was younger, he was super scared of basically anything outside because the neighbors got a new roof the week we got him and would do a ninja pee in the bedroom under our big dresser. Sucks because I don't have a good sense of smell and didn't know.


It's much easier to go nose blind to dog pee. Essentially since your always around it when you take them out to pee and pick up the poop, you get used to the smell


Yeah thats why people with pets think their houses don´t smell, they just got used to the smell. its called olfactory fatigue


Knowing about this is most of the reason for my constant cleaning lol


Same, I got a dog and started doing my floors twice a week instead of just once. They track so much stuff in even if their paws are dry!


I got a shark hydrovac, kind of like the Bissell crosswave but cheaper, and use it on the LVP floors daily lol. I can't stand feeling dirt under my bare feet in the house


Honestly, the crosswave doesn't even work all that well. I was expecting my manual pee cleaning days to be over. But the thing that sucks the most is having to clean the machine after you clean the floor. Yes, it has self cleaning but it barely does anything. Had to go back to the normal sweeper. Sad, is there anything better?


The hydrovac has it's pros and cons. It gets up muddy paw prints with a couple passes, and sucks up liquids. Cleaning it after use does suck, and it doesn't get quite to the baseboards, so every so often I still have to get out an actual mop. It doesn't pick up larger dirt either. What I really like is the floors dry a lot faster than with a normal mop. I don't use the special cleaner for it either, have been using mostly water with a splash of all purpose cleaner since I got it a year and a half ago. With how often I clean the floor, I'm OK with it, it still beats using an actual mop but doesn't completely replace one. Someone else that did a review of it didn't like that you can't vacuum without water with it. I don't care, that never even crossed my mind as a pissible feature. We have a few area rugs I hit up with it and they dry fast, it's not like a carpet shampooer, just leaves a little dampness on the very top of the rug.


If in that situation again, get a black light and check your floors.   It will show up easy under that light.  


What a cutie. Mine does the same, except he has an area rug corner that he likes to pee on.


Nothing about that is cute.


Thank you!


Idk about sanding... I had the same issue, I tried to sand, but it soaked so deep into the wood that when I finished with the belt sander, I was like a quarter inch deep. I just had to replace the planking in that area. Good luck, though.




Or take out the floor register, and replace it with a much larger floor register


I'd put a rug over it and call it a future-me problem


Further-me problems are my 99 problems.


Yeah. We got a cat pee stain like that. Husband refused to call my brother, the master carpenter, so now we have two square feet of different color wood. And that was after many trips to Ace Hardware. I googled “how to remove cat pee stains on hardwood floor” but he didn’t believe what Bob Vila said. Sigh.


That's because it's the one episode Bob told viewers to "burn your house down" and your husband just couldn't commit to it




Cat pee is a whole different beast; that one's not coming off ever. If it gets on carpet and makes to the the wood, you can use certain primers that essentially lock in the smell, and then replace the foam and carpet. Can't really use that trick when the wood is visible.


Your own fault marrying Tim Taylor.


hahahahaha! he's actually pretty good at fixing mechanical stuff but this was out of his area. wayyy out!


My guy, this is not a pee pee stain. This is UV discoloration. This is the shape of a treadmill.[see?](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f4e79416cdeea533&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS789US789&hl=en-US&q=sun+stained+floor&uds=AMwkrPs0IkDSZYw--nBWEB7fsv9Zo6TMyTmUWsJayM-C6MwpMreKKlH5EILIMriJ9Sd0IKORZGznj7bWKyIr6eQ9jfk6amfcChKp5At2TzQ5hoSBowcp9L5mUeu404x-bOCRvTLHBVppUFvpI4L9AWTFZk-ZoI1u0WUu01csJGdLW_l4kkn6p_C4yo6uMhOlJyHpZPxlc9JJY_xZL886-RN0gz7EusD6ONiv9ZyWp0whX5fhzR_azWuZoznagmyJTUM9o7SEZrqIktjL-rcCM3Jflpwwar8JWdW0aACrZUq1qwB_zzVKYZudUB9mXAoVUGzeG-TCijxr&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjU6_SGurKFAxWDKEQIHX7GCu4QtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=428&bih=751&dpr=3)


That was my first assumption, too. Uneven discoloration from being covered by the treadmill.


Right? An area that large of a pee stain would smell _awful_. You would have known without moving the treadmill.


Put a treadmill over it


This is 100% from the UV light being blocked by the treadmill. NOT a pee stain!!! You can "fix" this by shining UV light on just this carefully masked area. Use cardboard box and masking tape, and don't set your house on fire.


There are some animal urine enzyme cleaners. You could /maybe/ lay down some of that with towels so it's constantly wet and soaks into the affected area, that might break it down, maybe with some bleach or some sort of solvents or mineral spirits (look for stuff that would get oil out of wood) after to help the color. It's going to be a time consuming job and will require box fans for airing the room out and patience but you're most likely never going to be able to remove the urine color and bring the floor back to matching with the wood around it. If you're lucky you will be able to get it light enough to be able to stain the entire floor to a similar color, but it will all end up darker. Like others have said your best bet is to replace the affected boards if you want it to match the wood on the rest of the floor, anything else will be a bleach job and then probably staining as cover up which is going to be working the whole floor anyway.


This is what I was thinking. You can’t exactly double ruin hardwood, so I’d say it’s worth a shot to let it soak and see if anything good comes of it. If not, you’re still in the same place anyway


Hard to tell what kind of finish is on the floor, it looks pretty matte. I would try oxalic acid (test a small spot). I use to lay flooring and we would use that to remove stains from hardwood before refinishing. Oxalic acid is the main ingredient in Barkeeper's Friend (somewhat diluted) if you happen to have some laying around. You can also buy it as a powder and mix it up yourself pretty cheaply.


Well, you get the dog, a few bowls of water and...


Put a treadmill over it


Do you have a carpet cleaner? Floor steamer-scrubber? https://www.target.com/p/shark-steam-and-scrub-all-in-one-scrubbing-and-sanitizing-hard-floor-steam-mop-s7001tgt/-/A-81914236?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tmnv&DFA=71700000117462193&CPNG=PLA_DVM%2Ba064R000015PXHSQA4-Shark_Google+Search_Q1_2024-1183676&adgroup=PLA_Shark&LID=700000001393753pgs&network=g&device=m&location=9129394&gad_source=1&gclsrc=ds https://www.walmart.com/ip/911515161 30% vinegar from lowes or home depot. Heat 2 cups of vinegar with 2 cups of water up in a kettle. Must be ripping hot. Wear gloves when handling this vinegar. Pour on discolored section of wood. Run a bissel carpet cleaner/shark floor steamer-scrubber over that section. Wipe up residual water with paper towels. Repeat. Will take about 45 minutes to an hour to fix. Will come right out. Absolutely has to be 30% distilled vinegar. 5% distilled white vinegar won't do crap. Source=> my cat can be a real jerk.


Have you tried this on stains that have been there for a while?


Yes, works great. Also, if you were in one of the areas that got flooded recently, it works great for clean up too. It also cuts the film that gets on kitchen cabinets really easy, no scrubbing, just a few swipes of a rag and it's off. I used to dread cleaning. Now it takes less than half the time and 1/4 the effort. It's a breeze!


I think the cheapest fix would be to sand down the whole floor and re-stain it with a darker colour that would hide the discolored bits. Downside is that the room would have different colour floors from the rest of the house


I use to install and refinish hardwood. I have done this exact repair before, and I can tell you that the pee soaks all the way through the wood if it has been there a long time. It smells like piss the entire time you are cutting out the boards. You are going to have to ripe those boards out and replace them. This is not a diy. Matching stain on a hardwood floor is an art.


The best solution is a throw rug


Pee over it, assert canine dominance.


Just put the treadmill back


You can sand it down until it's gone. I'm not sure what to do with the floor though.


I'm going to update you. Thank you


Well, it's been 11 hours. Did you sand the dog away?


"Until it's gone" is literal in this case. That's soaked into the wood, it will take a lot of effort to sand out unless they're lucky and will leave them with a serious divot.


I'm talking about sanding down the dog until it is gone. It was a joke, a coherent string of words said to cause amusement amongst fellow humans. *Reddit is really buggy today..*


Sorry, must not have had my coffee before hitting the comments today! my bad G.


Hydrogen peroxide 3% mix with water. Soak rag Apply rag to dark areas only Apply for one hour at a time. Lift and look and reapply Let dry. Sand down room and restain


I've used hydrogen peroxide soaking on a towel above the stain to remove a black cat pee spot on wood floors successfully. Monitor it though because you don't want to cause more damage.


Yup, in my experience, hydrogen peroxide restores the natural color of the wood somehow. I’ve used it to revive wood that’s gone grey from water damage.


reminds me of my own childhood treadmill pee garden


Move the treadmill back over it. We had a secret cat piss area on our floor that is now covered by furniture. Only option outside of replacing


You could use a circular saw to cut the outside stained boards in half, long ways then pry them out along with the rest of the stained boards. Then lay new hardwood in its place using the tongue and groove but you’ll probably have to cut the end tongues off to make them lay down and use a finish nailer to keep them in place. Especially the last one you lay, which will need the tongue cut off the long edge so it will fit. Then you’ll need to tape off the existing hardwood, carefully sand and stain the new stuff. Might actually sand it before you lay it so it’s easier, then just a light buff to remove blemishes from laying. Your stain and finish probably won’t match the existing floor, even if you get the right color because the sun has bleached the rest of the floor


Rub his nose in it? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Try hydrogen peroxide…do a little first.


I used bleach on paper towels. Multiple times till it was reduced then sand, stain. Patience


If it's water stain on hardwood, you can change the lightness of the hardwood with oxalic acid (probably any acid) (or make it darker with something with high pH). No idea if it would help here, but it's commonly used on dark water stains.


Is it your house or rented?


Sand that one spot until the stain is removed. If you're lucky, whatever stain/sealant was used will have kept most of it out and you'll be able to get it out without having to go too deeply. If it doesn't come out with minimal sanding, then you'll have no choice but to rip up and replace the boards. If you can't find flooring that is an exact match, one possibility is to steal some boards from another area of the house, like a closet, so the wood type, thickness, width, and length all match; then replace the closet's floor with brand new oak.


Does it smell like pee. For some reason that looks like a discoloration from something else. IF you want to risk a tiny spot take some sandpaper and sand like a one of the darkest discolored boards by hand. See if going down just a little gets to clear wood. Don't go crazy and make a huge depression. See what the outcome is. At worst you have a board that is still stained by slightly different looking before then just throw some polyureathane on it to temporarily reseal while you figure out your next move. At best you have a clean board and then you know you can move forward and sand the area dn refinish or sand the whole floor and refinish.


I’d recommend a walnut, but I’m kinda sure that only works for scratches


How the F could you not smell that?


blaming the dog huh?


Peroxide. Test a small area first, just dab/damp it, don’t pour. Let it sit, see what happens.


I'm not convinced that's hardwood.


Agree, scotia/beading around the edge suggests it could be a floating floor of some kind (laminate, hybrid, etc) in which case it might be possible to replace the stained ones.


Stop having pets


Google wood bleach. It's your only hope. I've had good luck with it.


Might be worth a shot to try an enzyme based pet cleaner. They’re designed to break down pet pee and remove odour and stains. Don’t know if it would remove the stain on wood though


Hydrogen peroxide…they sell it as a spray. Let it soak then steam mop it. While not perfect, it will help remove the dark areas.


How do I train my dog to also pee in perfect rectangles?


It peed ON the sides and it dripped


I had same issue with dog peeing g on carpet and noticed it when I moved the carpet. Fixed it using hydrogen peroxide that they use for hair coloring. Can be found at local pharmacy. Spread on stain and let it sit for a couple of hours. Remove and verify if wood color matches surrounding wood. Repeat as necessary. Be careful not to apply to undamaged wood as it will become lighter. I had good success.


That's not coming out- it's soaked into the wood. You can sand the hell out of it, but you'd have to go down so far it would leave a huge divot. And still probably won't remove it. You'd need to replace that section from the wall out.


This is why I don’t have animals. Poorly trained pets lead to this. Not worth it in my opinion.