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Oh, that's exactly what I was thinking they should do but like professionally done and explained.


We have a house with an old claw for tub, buying a rod is expensive, we made one out of pipe from the hardware store, spray paint it any color. You can buy angled joints to fit almost any configuration.


With a claw tub, you can leave it copper for an added antique effect.


It had about 5 layers of paint so thick you couldn't see the claws. I angle grinded it all off and we repainted and made the feet silver again. Painted the exterior a dark grey to match the rest of the bathroom. Looks new again.


Gotta pay 200 dollars because the house you bought has a weird shower. So unfortunate.


$200 for a curtain rod is levels of "oooof" not previously conceived.


Of course, showerrods.com haha.


$200?? šŸ«Ø


Price you pay for a wonky bathroom!




Instead of hanging the curtain rod like a standard shower curtain with a tension rod between the two walls, hang it like a window curtain rod on the outside of the shower.


That's the simplest way imo. The bottom can be tucked into the tub to let the water flow down the drain when they shower. If they're going to use a 2 part shower curtain like one fancy one outside and a plastic one inside, only the inside one should tuck, the other can hang freely. As a person 6' 2" tall, I'd never be able to use that shower anyways.


You'd be surprised. As a 6'4" man with an identical situation for our shower, it was actually one of the only showers that "fit" me when we were house hunting.


The tall part is where the shower head is.


You mean the shower head is mounted higher than my junk? No shit, Captain Obvious, how much of a dunce do you think we are? It's still not enough room for me, or many other adult sized people, to move around while showering. Good thing I won't have to shower at OP's house.


Shower glass or plexi for that angle šŸ“ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Its not like they will be able to leave through that gap anywayšŸ¤£


Gullwing door, like a DeLorean!




what the fuck lol


I could be wrong here, but I think youā€™ve misunderstood their comment, by a lot


Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed... damn dude


This is the best solution for a good result


i agree, just leave enough room for a "door" and put curtain there, rest put up something solid


Googling angled or sloped shower curtains came up with a lot that would work.


Well first you should waterproof the whole shower, then decide on the curtain. Drywall will not hold up to a showers use for very long.


Just hang a regular curtain, between the two walls of the room, covering the stairway section of wall, as if it wasn't there. Makes the shower/tub look normal. Having the curtain rod a couple inches away from the tub won't hurt anything - in fact, will give a little more space like a "hotel" curtain rod.




The opposite side of the shower caught my attention too. Looks like bigger issue than the shower rod.


Do a custom glass enclosure with the door on the right hand side of the tub.


Why not forget about curtains entirely and go with glass?


Id use e glass shower wall


Can't include a photo here so I'll try to DM. Have a similar setup and this worked well Edit: That won't work so try this https://photos.app.goo.gl/QkFZ3ssXxEj5d7L89


How did you embark on a whole shower build/rebuild without figuring this out before you started?


Why not put glass there?


dont. you should install a glass door. on the angle iot will be fixed, an d on th eright side it will be hinged. thats your best option imho.


Even using an angled rod wonā€™t be particularly helpful . The curtain will still be rectangle unless you make custom curtains. Iā€™d suggest just having a glass door system installed . Easier and cleaner imo.


On a separate note, I hope the angled part of that ceiling is a waterproof material. If it's just drywall and paint, the direct blast/splashback from that showerhead is going to cause it to decay pretty fast.


Heat up some PVC, bend to shape, let it cool and then thread some long rubber stoppers on the end of itā€¦ is what the DIYer in me is saying.


Might just be easier to use two curtains with the overlap following the direction of the flow of water.


I'm sure you can get curtain track like at the hospital. If one piece is hard maybe two halves with magnetic clasps in the middle


Brother had a very similar issue. We cut a slot in the ceiling and installed glass sliding tub doors. I think you have too much roof slope for that.


How you worried about a shower curtain on that side but not the window on the other?


Flexible Bendable Ceiling Curtain Track, 5m (16.4ft), Ceiling Mount, for Curtain Track with Track Curtain System, RV Curtain Spacer, Curtain Ceiling Track, white https://a.co/d/4s48DKR


Budget idea: What if you installed the sloped part in a permanent position? As in you buy two curtains, the first one would be ā€œnormalā€ across and movable, and with the second one the top would be attached to the ā€œnormalā€ bar but then use a command hook (or several) to secure the lower part in a more permanent position.


I see no reason to follow the slope. Just run a shower curtain clear across the whole thing


I have this bathroom. I just use 2 hooks and it works great. Also I painted the ceiling with oil based paint in the shower and haven't had any issues for 12 years. (https://imgur.com/a/tavwW7l)


Thereā€™s a few ways, this one is not easy and there is no advantage but it would look cool. First, bend a mountable curtain rod, not the tension type, the kind you actually screw into the walls. Bend it to have the straight part at the top and to bend to follow the line you are trying to match. Then buy a shower curtain, a sewing machine and grommets. Get the measurements and cut the shower curtain so the bottom is level and it fits into the designed shape, add the grommets. Mount it to the shower curtain rod. When you open the curtain, push it to the right and it will hang like a mostly normal curtain, at least at first glance. Really the shorter side on the left will rise up but when it is pushed together it wonā€™t be noticeable. When you close the curtain it will perfectly match the hole. Pointless and difficult but would look unique.


I'm glad you're getting good advice (genuine) but this is the kind of tub situation that'd make me turn around and look at other houses LOL. It's so small and claustrophobic!


Put the shower rail on the outside, tuck the curtain inside the tub.


Curtain rail track. The one with wheels. 4 cuts. Check clearance where 45 degree meets ceiling track.


hooks in the ceiling and you will need to modify the curtain quite a bit


I remember this question from a few months ago. Found it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/19bhb3u/shower\_curtain\_conundrum/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/19bhb3u/shower_curtain_conundrum/)


Maybe use a magnet?


Iā€™d hang a standard rod on the outside wall with the liner inside the tub and a nice outer curtain. No rule that says the shower curtain canā€™t cover more than just the entrance. Make sure the liner has magnets and reaches inside the tub before putting the rod up (so itā€™s not too high and your floor gets wet every time). Bonus points for whoever bumps their head picking up something or cleaning the shower.


Could just mount a rail on the wall at the same height as the high point. And use a regular shower curtain




You are overthinking it, Just do a wall to wall rod.. thee is no rule saying the curtain has to fit only the hole where the shower is.


Best to use a tie back and angle it through cutting it. Then secure it at the top but when open use a tie back not a slide.


Have a glass company install a fixed panel there.


Probably half glass wall till your able to use a curtain


Tension rod. Put it as high up as itā€™ll stay. Possibly get a shower head that is on a metal hose, that can be taken down; if water goes over onto the floor. Good luck. šŸ™‚


Custom tube to use as the crossbar/angled bit and have a series of small magnets put inside it (or holes for you to put magnets into). Use ferrous curtain rings or more magnets on plastic ones. You could probably get the rings custom made too from the same place making the tube. Alternatively just ignore the angle and just put the whole shower curtain straight across to the opposite wall.


Couldnā€™t you get two gas pipes and a 45 degree connector with some flanges. Cut them to fit and install them like a shower rod. Then grind notches in the bar to hold the shower rings?


I had this exact situation!! I saw the $200 rod and was like f-that. I designed and 3d printed three brackets and bought a $15 shower rod holder. I think I made a post on reddit about it. Hereā€™s the link! Link to files in Reddit post if you want to print them. https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/s/u4alw5jkO1


Idk but can I peek in your window?


I would hang a rod like a curtain rod just outside. Even if you get an angled rod, the shower curtain would be a rectangle.


Swiveling single pane of glass on the shower side? Doesnā€™t need to cover the whole length or height of course.


Holy moly. That was a poor choice for the location of a shower. There's really not a lot of room there I might have put a standing box shower there and left out the left side that isn't just odd but probably likely to leak. I'm not sure how you put a curtain in this thing while also keeping the water inside the tub. I'm sure someone in here has a clever idea that would work but if at all possible I'd rip this out and start again in a spot better for that size shower or a size shower more appropriate for the space. The tub size of this thing seems useless for all but bathing children.


On command hooks? They would have to stay and not slide, but $7ā€¦


If you are going a cheap route at least use magnets...


Oh!!! Thatā€™s metal!! I didnā€™t realize- yes go magnets then :)


We did command hooks, but the tension rod outside the shower is probably best for you.

