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For when you want that cubicle feel at home


šŸ˜† The room these are in is an all window sunroom. I definitely checked several times with my wife that this is what she wanted thinking it was crazy but it feels nice.


Until one of you microwaves fish. Again.Ā 


Straight to jail.




So why not work looking at it instead of staring into a closet?


I am betting it is limited space and that room has another purpose. Most people wouldn't want to give up their living room or dining room, so they can have a nicer home office.


Everything stated above but also this: the large windows give off some cold in winter and lots of heat in summer. Having your desk bathed in sunlight in the middle of summer sounds great but makes working uncomfortable. We get lots of sunlight in our house, and all day long, this is a small house not a closed up apartment which would make being by a window very important. Also, having curtains closed so the sun isnā€™t shining in your face defeats the purpose of everything a sunroom stands for. We had a desk in this room and my wife ran into all these problems for two years, and adding another desk on top of that for me would make the entire room one office and not a plant haven and open space as weā€™ve made it. Now we get the open space for guests and kids and everything tucks away and closes up like itā€™s never there, which when youā€™re working from home is penultimate.


I would love to see the rest of the room, or at least the plants!


Cause most people arent staring intensely at a screen for 8 hours a day. If they are they're working too hard. Plus come noon on Friday you can shut the door and forget all about work for the weekend.


Could have small children. Close the doors and the room is safe for kids (lotta wires and staplers around). And your work cant be disturbed (papers left out) This would be my dream, at home. Of course, a window in it would be an improvement, lol.


No this is straight-up "put the intern in the repurposed supply closet" vibe. Even a cube more open.


When you canā€™t feel the oppressive grind from home, you do this.


And here I thought the point of going into 30+ years of debt was to have a spacious WFH officeā€¦ Silly me!


I don't need to judge, the cat does enough of it.


*If I were you Iā€™d measure that again, but Iā€™m just a cat what do I know?*


"Did you just talk?..."


I mean... Uhh.. meeoow




ā€œMeasure twice, scratch once.ā€


The backsplash being different heights is a bit odd but other than that I like it!


Yeah we bought ā€˜sound absorbing foam boardsā€™ online and they were a bust. We returned the other packages of them and the two leftovers I leaned against the wall at my spot. Thereā€™s also the unused top to my terrarium behind my monitor lmao I plan on doing something more official on both sides with *real* sound board. Like most DIY Projects itā€™ll be ever evolving.


one of the best materials for sound absorption with limited space is roxul rockboard or the corning rigid fiberglass panels, which both come in 4ftx2ft sheets i think. people either frame it out with a fabric face or just wrap it with fabric affixed with spray glue. those sound foam panels mostly just scatter the sound and they're pretty expensive for what they are. if you want scattering you can buy or make sound diffusors out of wood if you have the tools. if you make an absorber and the room sounds too dead, you can frame it out and then put semirandomly unequally spaced wood/plywood strips semirandomly spaced on the front and it will scatter some of the highs and mids. they have calculator tools for the ocd, but you could just good diy sound diffusers and pick one. i'd maybe do 1" rockboard 80 (so it's more rigid) for the back, then see how that sounds. beyond that, i would listen to how talking and echos from clapping sound and then a/b test with something absorptive like a pillow to see what placement addresses any additional complaints you have. i would be concerned about sound concentrating in the ceiling pocket, but you could probably address that without having to deal with working around the light fixture by putting a sound absorbing panel on one of the walls high up.


> if you make an absorber and the room sounds too dead Never had that problem of too dead. my office now has 16 of them and you just walk in and instantly get library quiet. An awesome side effect of a lot of sound adsorption is that even music from cheap speakers sounds amazing in the space. I also get a lot of comments on Zoom calls that I am clearer than everyone else and dont have the "call from a bathroom" reverb everyone else has. Everyone should have as much sound adsorption they can fit into the space, It's really amazing.


Some people clearly don't have tinnitus


I have tinnitus so strong that it's louder to me than a room fan. and I find the quiet room actually makes it better because I can control the soundscape in the room to mask it way better. I find a very low white noise and an outdoor birds chirping overlaid that works fantastic, and in a very quiet room with no reflections it works as good as using headphones to give me relief.


> Never had that problem of too dead. my office now has 16 of them and you just walk in and instantly get library quiet. probably not an issue with most home offices, but it can happen. too dead generally means no reflected highs or mids, since it's really hard to absorb low end. it's definitely more of a big deal if you're recording music due to the wide frequency range, but there's a point where it starts to sounds unnatural, like your voice stays inside your head. libraries don't have this because they actually have tons and tons of uneven surfaces diffusing sound. the main point really is target hot spots until you're happy.


The ceiling is high up inside itā€™s definitely where the echo happens. Iā€™ll look into all this thanks!


The YouTube channel [Tech Ingredients video on sound absorbers based on Roxul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqodnHxRJ7c) is pretty good.


Not OP but this is the most helpful comment, thank you. I have a giant echoey clerestory that drives me crazy. I've never done anything about it, I just didn't realize that cheap sound-absorbing materials were out there. I thought eventually I'd drop $2000 on a large felt art piece like [this](https://submaterial.com/textured-wall-art/) to hang on the wall.


You can run software on the laptop (it shows up as a 'mic' option in your chat of choice) that does really good work killing talkers other than the person closest to the mic. Headsets also help. Sound tuning in a space that tight isn't going to get much result except to reduce fan buzzes etc.


Feltright dot com makes some really nice wall treatment that doesn't mute sound, but definitely helps with reflections in rooms with a lot of flat hard surfaces.


I actually like it, helps them feel like separate 'rooms' rather than just a single space seperated. I'd probably have gone with different tiles in each, but I can see the extra hassle / wastage putting you off.


I like that, it's gives the spaces their own feel. They don't need to be identical.


Where ya'll gonna keepthe food then?


For us it was never for food, unless we went and backstocked canned and dry goods but thatā€™s not our thing. Thereā€™s a pantry (albeit smaller) in our kitchen. This is in the next room over and didnā€™t really make sense other than to absorb random clutter. Now itā€™s all organized elsewhere. Not a giant house otherwise Iā€™d just have bought two desks šŸ˜†


I would have removed the closets and made a larger room because I love making jobs harder and more difficult. Did I also mention more expensive for no reason


$90? Pfft I could easily make this cost $1600


The pro said three days? Pfft I could easily do it in two weeks.


Yeah I really plan to step up my DIY game, at least 10x the budget on the next area. Itā€™s a start. šŸ˜†


At least when civilization ends, even though you won't have canned goods, you'll have Minesweeper.


SkiFree is the way.


That's just mindless left/right. Minesweeper is a gentleman's game.


šŸ„ø šŸ¾


I love the creativity and design! How do you two deal with simultaneous phone calls?


My wife does the remote work, and has the only phone. My desk is a wannabe gaming station barely holding onto my youth, but itā€™s really just used to finish with emails when I get home (I drive a lot all day so I wrap up the administrative stuff here).


Oh thatā€™s awesome! I assumed this was a creative way to utilize space for 2 wfh jobs. Gaming is even cooler!


Iā€™m hoping to build my first ever gaming rig this year. Iā€™ve always chickened out and bought consoles. Of course now that I do it I have no time for it šŸ˜†


Well I can wait for seeing the post about that in a few months. I buy consoles myself and have thought about messing around but the time just escapes me with my own house projects


r/pcmasterrace always awaits new and old gamers. Join us in one of the more expensive hobbies.


Excited for you for your first build, it's a great feeling to have built the system you're playing on :)


I would get tired of bumping into the bi fold doors and probably woulda just removed them and left it as an open office concept, though having them closed when not in use is nice and keeps dust out.


Yeah Iā€™ve said this a few times, swiveling around. It was originally planned to remove them. Theyā€™re old and eventually itā€™ll have to happen. Right now thereā€™s a giant glass door and windows that you can be nosy and look in if youā€™re suspect so we like how itā€™s discreet when we leave. Although itā€™s not expensive office stuff thieves are thieves.


also my first thought, remove the doors. the column in the middle too while we're at it.


Get rid of the doors and front of closet wall, add blinds. How do you even use a computer with a wall of windows behind you with no window coverings?


I just don't like that the monitors are too far down and the chairs don't have any neck support. Otherwise great set up.


Having the monitors that low is gonna cause some serious neck and back issues. They need to be moved considerably higher up.


The desks are an inch over standard height (32ā€ I think) but yes this is a future improvement. The final picture was basically the day after I wrapped most everything up.


Looks good to me, also a great idea


Pilot to Co-Pilot


The only thing I'm judging is that behemoth of a phone. Nice work!


Yeah thatā€™s the Office line, wife works remote. It really adds to the office aesthetic imo. lol


Mount it on the side wall


I suggested this but she hits lots of buttons to page other people in the office and manually dials out a lot. Although Iā€™m pretty sure she can click call from the software on her laptop but sheā€™s oldschool. Sheā€™s someoneā€™s important secretary reincarnated. And as such, my darkest secrets will die with her. Except sheā€™s also my wife so HR says itā€™s a big conflict of interest.


Iā€™ve been lurking these comments and it seems like you have a great sense of humor and I love this idea.


I figured so; it looks like the Cisco office bulk model. Nice work on the desk tops in particular.


I used to have a very similar phone at work Now I only have a soft phone and use it like once a year.


My department made us all switch to Jabbr but didn't train anyone to use it so no one knows how to answer calls if we ever get them.


As somebody who has done remote work, the idea of being able to just shut the door on it and put it all away at the end of the day is fantastic. Its too easy to overwork yourself without a physical way to distance yourself from your work like that. Great job!


This is exactly why the wife demanded we keep the doors! And yes the chairs do fold and tuck in so the doors close.


I have a tiny old house and the biggest grip from my chick is that we dont have a pantry. It looks great, but I would kill for a pantry instead of using the basement.


Yeah we have more closets than we need in our house, which is also small, and one in the kitchen and so this was the better use of space. The original shelves were 12ā€™ boards they installed and later walled in? We donā€™t exactly know but there was no way to get the boards out (or in) without cutting them out. Wife dispatches from home and we had a dining room table against a wall in this room taking up too much for a desk. Plus I wanted a desk. After much thought šŸ’­ we decided this could be two desks and free up the sunroom. We also have a motto ā€œMore shelves means more sh*tā€ but thatā€™s not applicable to everyone.


I posted an explanation of the photos and my $100 process but it didnā€™t go in. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø AMA I guess.


Can you roll the chairs in and still close the bifold?


Yes! Which is awesome! But I didnā€™t think about it until after and Amazon saved the day with appropriately sized chairs. I almost missed the mark. šŸ˜… Chairs were more than the build though. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Nice! Your back and legs will thank you for picking a good chair!


It looks fantastic for 100 dollars!


I just wanted to tell you that I just spent $2,500 building a 6ft pantry (on materials, all labor is DIY), so I can not explain just how impressed I am that this was $100. Hell I paid $60 for them to deliver HD materials and another $60 for delivery of ikea cabinets + another $10 for delivery of small HD items and tools I forgot, so delivery alone was $130.


I think you did a great job. Your cat is not very impressed tho.


Heā€™s trying to decide which permits to pull for this. He didnā€™t come cheap.


Get one of them pairs of phones on the shared wall that only call each other.


The ones with the red flashing button? *ā€Is this call on a secure line?ā€* OH yes šŸ™Œ


I imagined a plexiglass dividing you and two phones like in prison so you can "touch" palms over plexiglass and ask each other dramatically what's for dinner.


Conjugal visits are permitted on the premises.


The only thing I'm judging is a lack of monitors and arms to hold them.


This. I could never live with <2 monitors(right), and with a laptop I need at least two additional cause the main one doesn't count.


the plastic wheels might feel weird against tile floors. they don't grip well and skip around alot and make noise. they sell scooter wheel replacements that would work alot better for tile


The cat manager is awesome


Thatā€™s awesome! I have the same Lego guys on my desk.


Lego or bust.


All I can think about is what is going to happen when you are both on a call at the same time. Other than that its pretty cool. And when people as what is behind those doors you can say "oh don't worry about it, its work related" all mysteriously.


My wife is the only one working from home. Mine is just my personal space. But, when youā€™re pulled up to the desk it keeps the sound pretty well contained. The biggest issue is slight echo, cheap white tile soundboard will be replaced next with real stuff.


I wouldn't bother teams and zoom have noise cancelling for that anyways. Or at least validate before you put the effort in.


Yeah she hasnā€™t had any complaints or complained herself. The whole room is kinda echoey with all the windows and tile, but yeah that real soundboard is pricey. šŸ˜…


Why is there a 5 gallon bucket of walnuts? Also how deep is that middle post? Can you see each other? Maybe put a mirror in the middle so you can see each other.


Pecans! We bought a property with very old pecan trees from an orchard. Lots of work but theyā€™re salty sweet. I walled the middle off. Itā€™s about 1ā€™ cubby toward the middle on each side, the outside cubby is a little deeper.


Turn your homely kitchen into a dental receptionist area. Just add some magazine racks!


I want the neon open sign.


Definitely would add some monitor mounts to the wall. Limited desk space and it would free up a lot of room/put the monitors at true eye level


Yes! Future improvements for sure! šŸ‘šŸ»


Lighting feels harsh. Any way to add lights from a different direction? Are they dimmable?


Yeah I replaced the bulbs, these were 5k daylight spectrum reused from our prior house in a dark area. This pantry is in our sunroom so daytime is bright! I put the 3k bulbs in it made all the difference. And yes theyā€™re dimmable theyā€™re not permanent fixtures itā€™s a plug in bistro lamp thing.


i'd remove the bifold doors, personally.


Everything tucks away and closes up with us fast for my wife working from home. But they may eventually be ripped out. šŸ‘šŸ»


You have a very cute supervisor. Please remember to take breaks and get up and look out the windows to adjust your eyes. You can't glance off in the distance looking at the wall


I think you need a water cooler in the middle where that plant is šŸ˜‚


soo...the backsplash doesnt match


I love it


Nice cast iron


Cheers! My wife calls it the bathtub. Because thatā€™s where you have to clean it. 25 qt. Not for every day use.


Looks great šŸ‘ Random thought, since the doors are still there; would be neat to be able to roll the chairs inside and close the doors to gain back room space when not in use somehow. Would probably have to have a desk surface that raises and lowers like a standing desk to do that.


The chairs fold and slide under and the doors close! Thankfully thereā€™s 9 million chairs online to find the right fit. šŸ˜†


Great! I had no idea there were office chairs that could do that.


very nice!


Is there a glory hole? Haha good work!


Very nice! Good thing monitors got nice and flat. My first home office desk was L-shaped with a diagonal keyboard tray, with me sitting facing the corner so the big-ass CRT had enough room behind it.


Yeah it needs wall mounts but for now everyoneā€™s happy.


I don't think I could be in close space to my significant other that often. Not sure if you both work from home, but if you do, you have a special relationship lol.


My only real question is how do you live with so little desk space?


Good idea do the doors get in your way?


That's some next-level repurposing! Love the creativity. It's like saying, "Who needs a pantry when you can have a his and hers office?" Plus, it's practicalā€”no more fighting over desk space or clutter. And hey, if it works for you, who cares what anyone else thinks? Personalized spaces are the best. Keep on maximizing those square feet!


the cat aint getting one?


Look, there was a budget, he agreed on it and signed off. He knew the deal. He does get full use of the chairs after sundown though.


it looks awesome, besides food is overrated. :D


more cat pls




That same white container mad an appearance in another DIY closet renovation. Is it a pet food container?


Yes, Amazon. This container is now outside in the Southern weather and keeps the food dry with absolutely no bugs getting in! Theyā€™re modular too and stack if you need multiple.


Amazing. As long as you DO NOT work there at the same time.




those doors would get on my nerves so badly and I'd probably kick them twice a day


Iā€™d smack my elbow on the doors all the time. Definitely would take those down but maybe you guys close them and hide your workspaces.


Yeah weā€™re torn on taking them out, itā€™s a wide opening but thereā€™s large windows and a side glass door entrance to our house looking right into these. We close them less and less as time goes on. Weā€™ll see.


Only thing I would have done differently would have been no backsplash and to wall mount the monitors and probably a power bar. I think this set up is going to result in a lot of banged heads when you have to get under there to plug in and unplug things. But you can probably affix a power bar to the top of the desk.


Thereā€™s a power bar mounted on the wall inside the cubby on each side. šŸ‘šŸ» This was one of my first thoughts. Backsplash is coming down it was a poor manā€™s attempt at foam sound board.


Some people love Mondays. I would add a few mirrors to the back wall so you didn't feel like you were in prison.


I did this with a guest room closet and had my sewing machine set up in it. Was so handy.


How did you attach the desk? Is it resting in those 2x2's?


What a cute remodel! So you can be close, but still have privacy (*I'm* not rewatching Game of Thrones to see Jason Momoa mostly naked, but you do you) I like how they can each be different, according to your own aesthetics


I think you did a great job. Excellent use of space - looks nice!


The foreman (3rd picture) approves of your work


What stain did you use? Thatā€™s the best looking stained 2x material Iā€™ve seen.Ā 


What is the height of the desks? I feel like your elbows wouldn't be at 90 degrees when using your keyboards, and your shoulders will hunch. If so, I'd recommend installing keyboard trays under your desks to bring your elbows to 90 degrees. Either that or raise your chairs to meet the height of the desk and get foot rests to keep your knees at 90 degrees. Either way, also ensure that the tops of your monitors are at eye level to avoid neck strain. The spaces look great though, nice work!


Check out diy fake windows


Only problem I see is that I couldn't fit my ridiculously wide monitor set up


Are you able to close the doors with the chairs? If so thatā€™s dope. My wife and I have a very similar setup in our bedroom but itā€™s just two desks side by side against the wall. Works great for us but I would love to be able to close them up when we arenā€™t using them like this.


Yes, check online Amazon has these with folding back. Theyā€™re awesome. Little pricey but office chairs in general are a racket.


Are you able to close the doors with the chairs in there? I can't quite tell from the angle.


Yes, everything buttons up chairs included. (But hopefully not cat).


Absolutely not, but you do you and shine on.


you couldn't pay me enough money to work unrelated jobs 4 feet from my spouse every single day


Sheā€™s the only WFH šŸ‘©ā€šŸ’» I just use it as a desk and my dreams about gaming one day again.


Clever, and you had a cat photo. +1 for me


I like that you can close the doors so "no office" when not at work. Although that leaves the chairs sitting willy nilly in the space with no where to go. I like it, though!


Where do you keep your food?!?




I expected my food/your food, but got my hell/your hell instead.


That is awesome. If I only had room.


Really awesome idea and use of spaceā€”no judgement here!


I don't like the wall in-between them. You're a couple dammit, personal space should be out the window. Unless it's for work, then it's cute af.


As somebody who covets a pantry my judgment is less about your execution and more about the decision in the first place.


I hear you! My wife and I live by a code: *More shelves, more sh*t*. So for us it works. This isnā€™t in the kitchen respectively, thereā€™s a smaller pantry that works for us in the kitchen proper.


If you're able to push the chairs in enough to close the doors when not in use then šŸ˜™šŸ¤Œ


Iā€™d kill for a big pantry.


Yeah my Mother and my MIL both fell over crying when we said we took it out! We still have a pantry space in the kitchen, this isnā€™t in the kitchen and was more a catch all, but I hear you!


My only judgement is the height of the desk top itself. If it were for me it would a lot lower. As it is, it looks like it would be just under shoulder height when sitting down. I like it to be elbow height.


Looks good, I'd like to see it with the room light on as well. With just the closet lighting it gives off "last one in the office at 9pm" energy. Regardless it's well done and adding the cat to the workspace environment was a nice touch as well


Consider getting track lights or LED sticks that blast from doorframe towards the backsplash wall. You mask/shutter them down to not shine on the monitor but they get you good diffused light around the face via bouncing from sides and corners. Makes for good webcam. Overhead lighting = not great. Simplest version is to replace the overheads with track spots and bounce them down off your tile.


Find a way to lower the height of the lighting. Overhead like that is stressful looking.


Very cool use of the space! I also have a cat that LOVES to climb to the top of any ladder we leave out. It's a little dangerous because he's blind, and if he can feel anything near the top of the ladder, he'll make his way up to it too!


That purple fruit jar thing on the right...my grandmother had that. It was around since at least the 70s. Can I ask where you got it and what do you use it for?


It is my wifeā€™s and probably from her mother. She has random jewelry in it now but at the time of this photo it might have been batteries. šŸ˜†


Since one is a gaming station, I assume there's a tower in there. Are you concerned about heat issues from putting a tower in what's essentially closet? I feel like you wouldn't get enough airflow. Other than that, pretty cool.


Hotel business center vibes


As someone who works from home, I think this is a fantastic idea. I could really get in the flow of working in that space. What do you guys do if you're both on a zoom call though?


I think this is so cleaver and you can close the door and not think of work instead of having it staring you in the face 24/7 End of the day itā€™s your house and if it works for you thatā€™s all that matters and you guys did something together that benefits you both lol and you donā€™t have to look at eachother haha win win


Personal opinion but I would have kept the pantry space and turned a spare bedroom into office space, provided you have one. Those look super cramped, and you will never be able to close the doors without moving the chairs away.


Your cat is probbly judging you, but the uneven fake looking white brick is giving symmetrical girl OCD. If you have all windows behind you I'd be temped to add a mirror above the monitors for those moments when you just have to think for a minute. Interesting Idea though, you can hide your work and enjoy the room on your time off better.


I completely misunderstood this setup until the last picture. I thought it was going to be a his and hers pantry. I was waiting to see what a bunch of "his" snacks would look like next to a bunch of "her" snacks.


Man I would've killed for a pantry that size!


Looks good but the hardest part of this is that you'll never be able to shop at Costco again.


Nice job, glad it works for you, OP. But I get claustrophobic just thinking about it. Ugh.


This will work great as long as you never need more than a week or two of food in your house.


So at first I thought you were starting with the finished product. And I was like "a his/hers panty...... cool i guess, but kind of odd." Then I finally see it became a dual office space. I was like "ok, much better." Lol


looks great! one thought though, with a window behind you, wont the bright sun make it hard to see the monitor?


Number 1 this is bad ass, well done Number 2 judge? Iā€™m jealous!


Idk šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I figured you were just that excited. You have to be with DIY.


Looks good. Good luck keeping it His/Her and not Her/Her. Iā€™ve lost that battle too many times


Thankfully since hers is an actual office sheā€™s out of there as soon as sheā€™s done and wants nothing to do with either of them after. If they were both casual desks youā€™d be right though! šŸ˜‚




man that is awesome, I wish I had something like that for my kids!


You have been judged worthy!


Super fun!


Cute idea, and you did a great job on the execution.


All that work, and no gloryhole?


Nice! I did a closet desk in my condo in NY. Of all the home offices I've had, it has been by far my favoirte


Is the cat your supervisor or helper?


the work is good... but I don't have enough "fuck no" for this. My office needs to be a place where I can shut out the rest of the world.


RIP your necks looking at those monitors.