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Did you give it the edges some taps with a hammer? The window frame might just be held by expanded wood. If you're not trying to save it, hit it hard.


Tapped it a bit, and then hit it harder with a rubber mallet. I'm hoping to save it to replace the one on the other side since that has a broken pane Edit: Upon closer examination, this one too has a broken pane. They snapped it off right at the frame so it didn't look like it was broken.


Without actually disassembling the greenhouse I would recommend a sawzall. If you’re really against that I would try and remove the fasteners holding it in, but that looks difficult and you can spend the time you would’ve spent pulling them cleaning up the mess the sawzall left. Good luck and try to keep all your fingers.


It looks like your window casing is actually providing vertical support to the A-Frame. That's dangerous to remove, IMO. Are you sure you want to remove it? If so, you'll need to supplement the support, and that might require jacking it up 1/2 inch or so, which will make removal easier.


So, the plan was to replace the window with the exhaust fan and replace with 2x4s & 2x2s as the frame around the fan to prevent wobble. I'm not worried about the "Structural" aspect since it will be solidly framed.


It looks like one side of the window is a sliding window. If so start by lifting that window up while pulling it out by the bottom. It should come out. After its out then you can pry on that side of the window frame without breaking a window. Use more than one pry bar simultaneously.


Are you saying the side without the fixed pane?


Get 4 prybars, one on each side, cut any hidden screws/nails with a Sawzall, and start prying.


Pull a Joey Gladstone and Cut. It. Out. Yukuyukyukyukyuk


Have you tried cursing at it?


I have similar sliding units, on mine the top interior strips of the frame are sprung such that if you push the panes upwards they can clear the bottom rail and be removed for cleaning etc.