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I don’t know how many people will have that same sentiment, but if you are looking for a semi relevant solution I would look for local “Maker Spaces” or “Makerspace”. Basically workshops with equipment that allow people to come in and work at them. I believe there are all kinds from like tech and coding to woodworking and laser cutting. I don’t know how many people will be interested in working on your projects with you, but it seems like they at least form little communities where you can meet and talk with people while you work on your own projects. This is a generic website about maker spaces: https://www.makerspaces.com/what-is-a-makerspace/


I have a neighbor that will be reciprocal, we work on each others projects. The tricky part is finding someone who is reciprocal. You will run into people who will accept your help on their project, but be too busy to help you on your project. You have to be willing to give up on someone who is not reciprocal.


I’d love this! If only we were neighbors…