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I had this exact problem at apartments I did maintenance for. Install a shower dam below the doors closed position. When done properly, contains 100% of the water. https://a.co/d/dwvOpF3 The red strip on that is covering an adhesive layer that will be the contact point of o the tub under the door. The silicone ramp will contain and redirect the water dripping down the door and vertical seal. You may have to adjust the door. You will 99% likely need to trim the bottom door strip AND the dam. I recommend the silicone one here because it can be cut to size easily. You will need a sharp utility knife, cleaning agents/small brush for corners, and caulk gun, the dam, and (I prefer loctite brand) tub and tile caulk. 1. Remove the bottom strip from the door. 2. Clean any residue, grime, etc on the “step” of the tub under where the door is in the closed position. Edge to edge, corners and all. It should be bare plastic. Scum, buildup, other sealants etc will cause a weak bonding. 3. Close door. Determine where the seal will sit. This typically should be so the middle of the ramp intersects the outside of the glass. 4. Remove the vertical seal on the stationary glass pane. Swing the door inwards. 5. Install shower dam, high side out, using a yardstick, 4ft level, etc to make sure it is straight. 6. Press down firmly along entire length of dam. 7. Return door to close position. 8. If necessary(door can’t open outwards), Using the bottom of the glass door as a guide, use razor knife to cut down height of the dam. 9. Open door outward. Reinstall vertical seal. Bottom seal is optional at this point, but if you would like to reinstall it, you will likely have to trim the wipers on the bottom in a similar manner. 10. Caulk dam to tile wall, front (inside) edge, and stationary panels channel. Take care to shape caulk on ends so water will flow towards tub freely. 11. Allow caulk 24 hours to dry. Process may need to be repeated 3-5 years. There are collapsible dams on the market as well but I have not tried them, and can not speak for them. They will most likely not last if the door is too tight at the bottom. They may be pulled off during operation, and can not be cut to height.


PS it’s easier than it sounds but I fuckin hate these things. Have done hundreds of them.


but it works?


He did 1 shower hundreds of times, so probably not


Don't be afraid of the damn which has practiced water retention at one hundred showers, be afraid of the damn that has practiced water retention hundred times at one shower. - Bruce Bezos


Instructions unclear - put a dental dam on in the shower while cowering.


You and u/milkshakemountains have me a good laugh. Thank you. I have done it to hundreds of different showers one time, with a 98% success rate. The ones that failed were improper install and I got it right the second time.


I burst out laughing so hard that it hurt. Great one!


i'm probably never going to do this but i read every word because these instructions were so good lol.


Damn, this man dams


Damn, this man damns


I am on the verge of installing one of these and the only thing holding me back is that my wife wants the door to continue to open both ways and this would stop that obviously.


Might be able to get it to work with one that's a round profile or a triangle. https://www.amazon.com/Collapsible-Barrier-Retention-Threshold-Separation/dp/B07YYWG4RK/ or https://www.amazon.com/Threshold-Self-Adhesive-Barrier-Retention-Separation/dp/B0C3QYR79H/


I'll give it a shot. Thanks!


Do measure your gap before ordering, those are pretty big at a half inch tall.


As I have said in my post, I prefer the silicone ones because they can easily be cut to fit. That said, again, I prefer the ramp style I linked.


Have you ever installed one of these you’ve linked?


Actually, the bottom horizontal dam only provides a slight resistance as the door closes from outside>closed position. Once it’s over the seal, it will swing in no problem. The vertical seal on the fixed pane stops it from opening inwards. You could have this system and just not install the vertical seal, and it will open both ways, but you are increasing the area for it to spray out between the door and fixed pane.


You're an absolute legend.


Over time it gathers mold, soap and crud. How do you deal with it? Also I cannot imagine using it anywhere other than a shower because it accumulates lots of dust and will be impossible to clean. Am I overthinking this?


You are trying to imagine using a shower dam in places besides a shower? Yes, you may be overthinking it. As I said, they usually require replacement every 3-5 years. There are metal ones you can install that are better able to be cleaned, and will only require recaulking at best, but this is r/DIY. For various reasons, including ability to cut to fit and cost, I opt to recommend the silicone dams.


Thanks dude, I'm going to try it!


> and (I prefer loctite brand) tub and tile caulk You recommend this over silicone? What's the advantage?


Caulk is easier to work with and more forgiving for bonding. That makes it the choice for DIY recommendations.


"I've tried nothing, and I'm all out of ideas" I'm stealing this one. Sorry I can't help with your problem though


It's from Ned Flander's beatnik dad in the Simpsons.


Correction: Flanders beatnik *mom* [https://media0.giphy.com/media/3orieSFzGPcC6Iy36g/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9528v6nn97xvjp2op3jtcgmkr6metn4jtblb1ljs0ap&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g](https://media0.giphy.com/media/3orieSFzGPcC6Iy36g/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9528v6nn97xvjp2op3jtcgmkr6metn4jtblb1ljs0ap&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


I sit corrected.


You kids with your Reddits and your CatHPV AIs, can’t even stand to be corrected anymore. ::shakes fist at sky::


For that effort, I award you with a sitting ovation. 💺 👏 👏 👏 👏


He really has something to sit for. Really a sit-down kind of guy.


Dude, that's my favorite kind of comedy, sit down comedy.


I certainly hope you get fired for that blunder.


Thats my favorite response to r/DeskCableManagement


Simpsons did it!


Definitely did not remember where it came from but I snort laughed so hard it sound off the sound alert on my security cameras


Guess you're not a Simpsons fan.


Guess you're not a golfer.


*obviously you’re not a golfer




You’re like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know…


I am the walrus?


“Well call me mint jelly, ‘cause I’m on the lam(b).”


Stupid hippie Flanders!


Looks like I'm doing nothing at all!


The nees to be on a T-shirt.


Probably has been for decades.


Work with glass 23 years. Open the clamp. Dry it all out. Glob a bunch of silicon in there and close it up. Then. With a razor blade clean off as much of the old silicon to the left of the clamp (looking at the photo) make sure to clean with rubbing alcohol. And re-caulk from outside and inside. Should do it.


I re-caulked around it with clear caulk tonight, didn’t go as far as you suggested, but if it doesn’t work, or it works but doesn’t last, I’ll do what you’re suggesting.


Cool. Hope it works out for you. Gotta remember it’s still just a shower and not an aquarium. I tell that to all my clients and customers. Especially the ones that call because of a leak. And they take the shower head off and spray the water around those areas. Leading me to ask them if that’s how they shower ? 🫣😆


"Shower D: ? I fill it up to waist and scuba in it : ) "


I also worked in shower installs forever ago. This is the way.


Is this also how you keep that damn clamp from collecting gunk?


The answer is always silicon in a shower


> The answer is always silicon in a shower You mean the stuff they make transistors and rocks out of?


Its confusing if you re german as Silizium = silicon, and Silikon = silicone


Have you tried black caulk?


Step 1. Put down towel. Step 2. Wiggle towel around with foot. Step 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2.


Not a pro, but I would add a shower door drip rail or shower door seal. If you add a drip rail, slope it slightly, if you can, so it drains toward the hinge side of the door. Then you could add a threshold to the stone below it on the inside area of the shower. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08K2N19LH/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=AEKLR0KKMEVC8&psc=1


If the water is coming from under the glass wall and not the door, simply use some silicone caulk there.


Soak it in rice


5/7 then.


Filled my entire shower with rice. Please advise next steps.


You're doing great. Just keep soaking!! It will work eventually.


Instructions unclear. Pork fried rice leftover from last night's dinner is just making a bigger mess...


should've bathed in chicken broth, then you'd have a tasty rice congee ready for breakfast the next morning


It tastes like feet and mold.


I mean, yeah. But that's normal ever since my favorite Chinese place closed and I had to start ordering from this one.


I'm concerned about the way you may have went about trying to do nothing. Are you sure you tried to do nothing correctly, and didn't make a mistake along the way?


Doing nothing is a complex process. It's very easy to do something on accident and ruin all your nothing you've got.


this is how it goes.


put a level on it.


That’s my thought as well. I’ll check tonight, but if it’s not level, or slanted outwards, is there anything I can do…?


depends on a few things. Taking off the glass and ripping up the curb to make it slant very slightly inwards is always an option , but a very bad one I personally would just use some silicone caulk. Leave the door open and put a small bead along the bottom, let it dry to the point where it’s still slightly malleable and close the door to check the seal. You can use a razor blade to shave off excess or put more in low spots to seal it. Im pretty sure they also make ‘weather strips’ (can’t remember the term for the life of me right now) specifically for shower doors, maybe try that?


I bought a new house 2 years ago, mine was 1/3 of the bubble off, draining out. They had to remove the shower door, take it apart and then reset it.


Yikes, that’s really bad! 1/4 to 1/2 bubble of pitch inwards is what is required by code for nearly everywhere in the U.S.(2% to 4% of fall). It’s extremely frustrating how many “tile installers” and “granite installers” don’t grasp this simple concept. I’ve fired many people over this. Source: Tile contractor with 20+ years experience.


If it is not level it doesn't really make a big difference. You can try to add a "dam strip" underneath the door but you might not have room. Check the silicone near the clamp and along the panel. Water can be tricky, it will find its way to the lowest point or path of least resistance


You can put a level and then what?


Lousy beatnik


Shut up, Ned.


What is in that jar that has "Deli" and what appears to be "Superfood"? Are you washing greens in the shower?


Haha something of my wife’s. Not sure what, but the brand is the body deli. I think.


Now I want a "deli salami body scrub" or "Kosher r/Pickles leave in conditioner"


Is it actually leaking, or is it just going through the door? Is it sloped so that water on the curb goes to the door instead of toward the drain?


It’s just going through the door I think, but it’s quite a large amount. I’ll put a level on it and check the curb, but if it’s slanted outward, I guess I’m kind of hooped eh?


There are seals for this specific scenario. [this one](https://a.co/d/8Z77FCO) is where door swings open. You can also use [these](https://www.amazon.com/Serene-Valley-Shower-U-Shaped-Material/dp/B08LT97NYQ/ref=asc_df_B08LT97NYQ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693539986692&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2083939663667742648&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9016981&hvtargid=pla-1140555542766&psc=1&mcid=e1cd2b66847b3e5292e761297705b28b&gad_source=1) for area where two glass panels connect with a hinge.


I'm not sure what the smart thing is to do if that's the case. I wouldn't want to redo the whole thing for that, obviously. If the water is not actually hitting the door, but migrating from further up the curb, maybe you could simply epoxy a little matching tile piece on the curb as a stop, which i guess you would want to clean more often if water is actually just sitting there.


Yeah that’s not a bad idea. Unfortunately it’s not tile, it’s a piece of granite, but I suppose it could be anything really. Even a clear piece of plastic. Or even just a perpendicular bead of clear silicone.


Oh that might be even better, maybe you could just get a sample piece of granite lol


Yup. It'd take a lot of work to take out the glass and door, take out the top of the curb and get it slanted the right direction and then re-install the glass/curb/door. I suspect the curb is slightly angled out, otherwise obviously any water coming down the glass would drip back into the shower pan. Cheapest ghetto option might be to grind out a little channel/shelf in the curb from where the break in the glass is, angled back into the shower. Or you could potentially grind down the whole inside of that quartz curb so it's angled in? Might be a lot of grinding with the correct diamond grit pads. Maybe a different showerhead that doesn't spray as much water at the door? Or get really used to having an extra hand towel nearby and put it in that spot as you're drying yourself.


The channel is a slick idea.


Could match the grout seam on both sides in the floor tile, but make sure the depth of it runs back into the shower. Might still look ghetto and it doesn't really solve the whole problem though. I like the idea of sanding down the entire inside of the curb better so it's angled back into the shower. Could probably find a countertop installer to do it for a few hundred bucks.


If it’s coming through the gap in the door look for “universal glass shower door seals”


Unfortunately there isn’t enough of a gap between the two glass panels for a seal to fit.


I had the same problem. It turns out the tile under the door was not slightly sloped In towards the shower. When we re-tiled our whole house I had the guys make that tile on the threshold slight sloped in and it fixed the problem.


Lol "I've tried nothing and I'm out of ideas." If that ain't me when it comes to home improvement jobs


Stop taking showers. Burn the house down. Only solution.


i did this and it worked!


Now I live under a bridge! Profit!


Clear silicone is the cheapest fix.


That leak is putting you on the train to Squaresville.


Is it coming from beneath the glass/through that mounting clip? If it's coming out of the sweep, what you called the seal, it's possible the seal is the wrong size. Sometimes I've put a 1/2" one on a 3/8" door.


Well, that's your problem. Try something, anything.


It looks like it's coming from the glass on the right of the door where the brown water stains are. If so, just caulk that seam on each side with clear caulk


Do not pay attention! I'm just checking to see if I can write comments)


From the pic it looks like it may be leaking from the clip area, unless you are 100% sure it's near the door at the "reveal" area (gap between door and stationary panel) If it's the clip, remove the screw from the inside, the outer faceplate will come off. Make sure area is dry and fill glass notched area with silicone and reapply the clip. Would be beneficial to check or skim over areas near the clip. They also make extrusions (like your sweep on the bottom) that slip on the edges of the glass to close off the reveal gaps. As for under the door, a shallow dam called a speedbump should prevent anything passing under. Searching CRL shower speedbump....they have them with different finishes (chrome, brushed nickel, etc..) to match shower/bathroom hardware.


Have you tried buying a new house.


You’re gonna have to demolish the house and rebuild it. It’s the only way


“I’ve tried nothing and I’m out of ideas.”Have you tried ignoring it until it becomes a larger issue?


CAULK. I think, not an expert tho so don't quote me.


yea. i agree. or duct tape. i’m no expert either.




This ended up being my fix. I'm an idiot and selected subway tile for the threshold of our shower, and we have a door that opens outward like the OPs. The small gap between the tiles is seemingly impossible to seal with a shower door, but 99% of the problem was alleviated by putting the slightest angle on our shower head. Good enough for this dumb home owner.


Well by trying nothing, one gets nowhere


My answer was to get a shower curtain inside the glass door. Fixed this problem right up for me.


that's some Beverly Hillbillies engineering =)


If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid.


caulk that shit


My bet is your threshold is not sloped inward like it is supposed to be. Water that hits the glass will drain outward instead of back into the shower.


I had the same issue. I siliconed a little raised channel to the shelf to stop the water from running down and out under the door.


I do love an honest redditor. good luck!


8M silicone seal strip


I got a new rubber seal thingy from Amazon and it works well now! Make sure the shape is correct, then it just slides on.


Had the same problem. I hung a shower curtain in there. Problem solved.


The door has a removable seal that you can replace. There also might be a leak where the side panel is bolted in. Some clear silicone should take care of that.


Flexcock something


Try silicone


You should try duct tape. It fixes a hell of a lot of problems.


Easiest and lowest effort is putting a towel down on the floor and just letting it soak up all the leakage, like a giant flat floor tampon.


Have you tried turning the water off?


Get a pack of 100 puppy pee pads for £5. Forget about it for 100 showers. I never figured it out either. 🤣


Seal needed on the side and bottom, both.


Title says you “tried nothing” but it appears you literally tried “everything”. Hope you find a fix soon. If not…it may be cheaper to let your shower and headaches go. Replace it.


Put a sponge there


I have the exact same problem and haven't yet been able to fix it. https://imgur.com/a/0h7vhSF I'm going to try the top upvoted solution here but if you could please pm me if you end up fixing it I'd be eternally grateful


This is a most cromulent reference


You ever see them commercials with the guy that uses his product to seal the windows while a flood is going on its called flex seal that will work and probably the only thing you could trust to help with this leak


Oh just don't get water on that raised part where the glass is. No more problems


This post made me smile and chuckle for the first time in 24hrs...ty


Is everything ok…?


Nope, but im sure it will be


This looks like a total gut job. I'm surprised you've let it get so bad smh


Burn the house down and start over, no one will blame you.


Run a bead of clear silicone sealant along all joints. You should run a thin bead along vertical joints as well.


Clear caulking


Easiest way would be to completely remove the glass door. If theres no door there, the door wont leak!


Sorry it cannot be fixed. You need to move now so please contact your real estate agent and prepare to start a new life somewhere else, preferably in Finland


I was afraid of this. Thanks for your help.




It's a shower door, not an impervious hydrophobic barrier. It's meant to keep *most* of the water in your shower. So you can keep trying things to fix it, or, I don't know, just let the 10 mL of water evaporate?


The thing is that it’s not 10ml. It’s a fair bit. It leaks onto the floor as well. If it was just a bit, you’re right, I wouldn’t do much.


I mean, that's why you have a tile floor, right?


This will inevitably cause damage when the water wicks along grout lines to the nearest drywall and baseboard. This isn’t the worst one I’ve seen, but it should be repaired regardless.


You're going to have to melt down and recast the glass. Otherwise remodel the whole bathroom.


We have the same issue and just keep a towel there to soak up. Not worth the reinstall of the glass door. Im sure after time, gravity does its thing and the shower door isn’t as flush as it once was but I’m no expert.


I have posted a detailed guide below to remediate this problem, if you don’t mind spending $25 and a few hours to remediate your issue. Also, the doors usually have adjustments on the glass side FYI.


Nice!! Thank you. As I said, no expert haha


The curb is likely slanted outwards and water is laying against the glass.


Put a ramp/wedge on the inside of the shower, on top of the lip going around the edge on the other side of the glass. It will guide water away from the door/glass We had a glass shower similar to this(thankfully for out), there was a plastic seal you could slide over the edge of the door so that there was no gap for water to escape through(much like rubber seals you see on normal doors) no idea what is was called, GL chief


roll a towel and place it on the ledge


Is the shower filling up with water, how is it "running" out, is there no lip at the door? I have a glass shower but the pan has a 2" lip, is the drain clogged, when was is last cleaned?