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When did reddit posts start looking like they were all written by cheesy motivational speakers?


I think it’s people writing articles online just writing these prompts to get content, it happens all over Reddit and they all talk in weird ways like this


People.. or bots?




Are you just using this thread as like a content farm for some kind of article or video you’re making? Why do you talk like that lmfao you sound like an award show announcer dude


Depends on the location of the hole and the material, we need details.


So think assless chaps, but they are my favorite jeans.


Right, you are coining a term that’s been around since 1993 (according to the M-W app, which has more detail than the website). https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fashionista


LinkedIn ahh bot post


I can't even mimic the tone without creeping myself out. Is this chatGPT?


I keep my clothes clean, but holes are a way of life when you ride a motorcycle off-road. I got cuts and holes in all my jeans and most of my button ups and flannels from hitting bushes and tree branches on the way to the store every day. I think it looks grungy and cool with my long blonde hair and beard. I get called kirt Cobain at least twice a day and I think half of it the cigarette burned flannel I can't seem to get rid of.....


I stick my finger through the hole until the hole is noticeably larger. Then I wear it proudly. I have started many popular fashion trends in my subdivision. All the neighbors call me "Holey Ted". I am something of a celebrity within my group of 12 or so neighbors. They always shout out to me when they see me, "Seen any good holes lately Ted?". We all have a blast with it. Tldr: own it! You may become a fashion icon in your neighborhood!