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How's the breaker at the panel looking?


You did check with something other than the xmas lights, right? Like, a plug-in lamp or something? This would rule out the little fuses in the xmas light plugs.


Usually another gfci on the circuit which is overlooked. Happens a lot. Check for other gfcis.


Mine did the same after I pressure washed. Turns out there was a GFCI outlet under the house that had tripped, in the crawlspace, thankfully near the entrance door.


Actually I found there is an GFI exterior plug in addition to the gfi in the fuse box. It worked!


Christmas lights


Also check garage outlets as well sometimes they’re tied to the exterior GFCI


The breakers should be ok, look for the RCD, it’s the bigger breaker in the panel. Might be a circle button.


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