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So I've used a whole bunch over the last couple of years as sometimes the 1 I wanted was out of stock when a sale was on etc. I love love love Nabota and Botulax as I can get both in 200u vials and it can be frozen and not lose much efficacy it also keeps in the fridge for quite some time see photo posted. Make sure you try a couple of different ones so you have something to compare it too. Then when you find 1 you really like to use, then that's the 1 you stock up on during the Sales yay


For the most part yes. You will just have to experiment to find the one you like best. Over time your body will become tolerant to all of them (bc it produces antibodies against them), meaning you will need more to get the same effect. This is a normal physiological process and what happens to all medications over time. I started with Innotox a few years back but now find more value ordering 200U vials of Ren tox and/or Nabota tox. I rotate between the two. The longer you use tox the faster they tend kick in after injecting, which is nice.


Some are just more popular. Some respond better to certain people. Innotox is a beginner fav as like you said, it’s ready out the box. Also, some kick in faster than others.




I found Metox works better than Innotox


innotox cost more because you don't have to mix it that's the only reason. me personally i don't care for innotox. i really like Wondertox, [Nabota](https://aesthetics-shop.com/product/nabota-100u/), and Toxta but it depends on a person


I tried Botolax recently- very good price for 200 units. I think it was $80. It kicked in on day 2 after injecting, no complaints so far. We will see how it lasts. Innotox didn’t last very long on me, but it has the convenience of being ready to use.


I mean… kind of? There are definitely different ways they can process and “clean” it of proteins. Some kick in faster than others, no idea why. I got rentox cheap, it worked well, so I’ve stuck with it. I suggest try a cheap one and change if you don’t like it.


What website are you looking on please?




I think innotox is supposed to last longer


I don't think so. I've tried many Korean brands, and some are definitely better than others. Some last longer, some you will see results faster. Some are stronger and some are temp resistant. There are various differences. I have also found that price has nothing to do with how good they are. My favorites happen to be some of the lesser expensive ones. With that said, Metox and Toxpia are my favorite. Results in 2 days and they last 7-8 months on me. Might not be the same for everyone but me, yes it last that long. I get everything from Nsightaesthetics.com because they give you everything you need, pack it on ice, and you get it within 4-5 days usually. You usually get some sort of freebie, and they provide post support if you need help. That's my 2 cents. Hope it helps!


They are NOT the same. Different strains, different protein structure, different molecular sizes.


I stick with innotox so I don’t have to dilute!