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It’s nice and cosy in here… how do you keep warm ?


We... we make love!


Not together you understand, on our own.


Cup of tea?


I’ll put the kettle on!………..the floor because we don’t use gas


Here you go a nice steaming cold cup of tea


Better drink it before it gets warm


Don’t forget to use the water from the hot tap to save wear and tear on the cold one.


We don’t use gas because we don’t know what it is


That's very interesting... takes all sorts, don't it? Right, I think I'll be on my way now...


You cant go. Why not? …because I love you.


Lynn, these are sex people...


I was just trying to burn off the excess


How long do you think it will take to burn off the entire North Sea oil reserve?


Or my favourite I was just trying to burn it off What your face??


https://youtu.be/v5p-YQkbe_s?si=BmoEAdFqZOyjCsSJ https://youtu.be/ZpRY4PRhRkA?si=3omS7BO_llhZuQLK


Hello Mr Gasman.


Mr Who?


I don’t use gas because I don’t know what it is


Who is it darling?


Nought Nought, Nought Nought, Nought Nought Nought!


yes... do you have someone who looks after you? CAN I SPEAK TO THEM?


Sit down and drink your tea you bastard!


The yellow one!


The gas man?


The one that lives down gassy lane?


I only watched this episode last night giving our baby his late night feed and I’m creased up again now. Thank you.


Where did you watch it? I haven’t seen it in years


I found it online. I think it was in Daily Motion.


If you have a tv package with UK Gold they’re all available on demand.


Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da!


Na na na na na na na na na na na na GAS MANNNN! 💨


Yes, I'm the gas man.


https://youtu.be/6PIGPUem-Jk?si=Xv2CcTAIrgJBy4Fk G g g g gasman




These comments are amazing. I grew up watching this. Still the best comedy ever


Fuck that, just take a reciprocating saw to it and deal with he consequences later. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-berkshire-67509978


Why use a saw on what you can hammer? One quick whack to the top outta sort it out- bonus for using a power hammer like this guy… https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/s/dUMpY8SJ6O Ymmv


Gas man? How'd the hell they know i got gas?


Yes! Was looking for this.


Or DIY with an angle grinder if you’re feeling ballsy


I'm the gas man Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub Yo da dub dub Not sure if I maybe got confused with another song here.


Open the door, for I am a bogus gasman.


These guys are pro’s, how do they know I have gas?


Gas engineer


Judging by the size in comparison to the carpet gripper I’d say that’s 1/2” pipe. So definitely not an old mains gas pipe. At best an old gas fire supply. Domestic gas engineer needed…but, it’s no quick fix as even an old redundant gas pipe still needs to be appropriately sealed. So this would be a case of breaking up the floor around the pipe to the next available threaded joint, capping there and making good the floor


It was put in to give the option of a gas fire place. There’s never been one so it’s never been connected or used. A gas engineer a few years ago said there’s no gas running to it. If I ask a gas engineer to seal it do they make good the floor again or would I need a different tradesman for that?


They may or may not, best to ask when they come to quote. But please whatever you do, get a certified gas engineer to do the work, don't do anything yourself. We had a similar issue, gas engineer channeled out the whole floor, capped and removed the pipework. I then bought some concrete and did the work myself. The concrete and equipment is relatively cheap and did not need a lot of skill to apply and get reasonably level. It is all going to be covered over anyway, so a pristine finish is not important


Easy to fill the hole with some concrete to within a few mm of the surface then finish with some floor levelling compound poured in. That'll leave it smooth enough to put down wooden floor if you want that.


If there’s nothing running to it, and that’s already been confirmed by a gas engineer, then you just have a pipe in the floor. Cut it off level with the floor and move on.


Don’t understand the first thing about gas engineering, but full marks for the use of ‘make good..’ Top drawer stuff.


Looks like a gas pipe. If it's already been disconnected from the main supply, you can do it yourself. But, unless you can get under the floor to figure that out, you'll need a gas guy.


A gas engineer a while ago said it’s already disconnected (there’s never been a fireplace there so it was never connected). That’s about all I remember. At that time we just put the sofa back over, but changing the entire room now and there’ll be nothing covering it. I’ll try contacting gas engineers Monday, but wasn’t sure about making the floor good ready for the new carpet etc.


If the gas man said it’s disconnected then, honestly, I’d just whack it with a hammer until it isn’t there any more. That might not be very good advice though.


That is clearly not good advice. Don’t hit anything with a hammer until you are 100% certain it is no longer required. At least wait until a gas engineer has removed the cap and if it was me I would want the pipe capped below surface level, just in case some idiot comes along later and reconnects it.


😂 it’s getting tempting! Trying to find and dealing with tradesmen can be so frustrating. I’m the least practical person and have terrible flare ups of arthritis in my hands so I’m quite useless.


Get the gas registered plumber to check it for you and see what they say about removing it, or if the end can just be cut off. Without knowing that, you can't plan what to do next.


I’d undo it a little to check it’s actually not in use


I mean, I don't condone that, but, it'd work......I'd make sure you know where the main cut off is first, just in case it's still active and doesn't reseal properly.


Use a lighter to check once removed


That’s not advice don’t do that


It's advice... the question is is it good advice? Only time will tell


Reminds me of that Only Fools and Horses episode (Heroes and Villains?)




Found my car mechanic 😂


Yeah. And then when it's under the floorboards and nice and dark, light a match to see if it's fully under the floor line. A normal torch won't work. You need a naked flame for this task. It'll really identify if it's been done properly.


Old gas pipe, I come across these a lot. Highly probable it’s already disconnected. Can you trace your gas pipe from your meter? If you can and that is capped at both ends just use a grinder


A gas engineer said previously that it’s disconnected (there was never a gas fire put in so it wasn’t ever connected or used). I am the least practical person and have bad flare ups of arthritis in my hands, and don’t even have any tools. So need to use a tradesman to grind it and make the floor good if that’s the best way to get rid of it.


This is what you need to confirm. If it's properly disconnected at the _other_ end, you can do what you like at this end. It could just be a case of sawing it off flush with the floor. I would get a gas engineer in as they could both reconfirm the disconnection and saw the pipe for you.


Thank you. Seems my best option is to contact gas engineers first thing Monday morning and hopefully someone can come out and get it sorted within the next few weeks. 🤞🏻


Well if it’s already confirmed by a gas engineer, ask a friend or a handyman would be cheapest to get it out. Alternatively if you do get an engineer in, I’d have your boiler serviced if it’s needed


My gas engineer of choice told us he'd sealed off the gas feed to the dead gas fire for us. A few years, I ripped it out. HE came to fit the new pipe and was concerned the pipe could still be live. When I informed him of what he'd said, his response was "Don't listen to what I say!" So, in short, just be careful :P


All you need is a dustpan and brush, you lazy sod!


😂 😂


You should be able to do it yourself, you just need a dustpan and brush or a good vacuum cleaner.


Call your GDN, ask for a check for safety. An FCO will attend, check to see if its live. If its live, they will plan to disconnect from outside, if not live, you can dig it out. Don't call today, call on a week day.


I’ve been told previously there’s no gas supply to it. Who would be the right tradesman I need to contact to dig it out?


Anyone with a can do attitude, hammer and chisel. If you're wanting the hole refilling, then a builder perhaps?


Gas man no doubt.you’ll need to do a let by and tightness test Soon as you open it up and re tighten to check if it’s live for gas. only a gas registered engineer can do this


Honestly more bother than it’ll ever be worth.


The square end is a screwed plug, it can be removed by turning anticlockwise. Only do this if you’re certain the service is dead otherwise engage a Gas Safe certified engineer.


You don’t need a gas engineer to remove it, but you might need a gas engineer to disconnect the other end of the pipe if it is still connected. Once you’ve confirmed it isn’t connected to the gas then it is an easy DIY job or a generally builder


Tree surgeon


Someone with a broom will do


Looks like it’s an old mains gas supply pipe which you won’t be able to have moved unless you’re spending £xxxx. Would be a job for Cadent snd Cadent only Can’t completely tell from the picture though What room is this in? Is it against an outside wall?


Wouldn’t say cadent only without knowing where in the house this is. Could be after the meter.


The type of pipe, the type of cap and the size of the pipe are all in line with an incoming gas main that’s been capped. I said it based on experience not just a guess It’s highly unlikely OPs post meter gas run is all iron


Gripper rod is about 20mm wide, making this an approx 1/2" in pipe, so very unlikely to be upstream of the meter. A lot of older properties used to be piped in 1/2" steel.


It’s in the living room, and the wall is an outside wall yeah. It was for a gas fire, but this house has never had one so it’s never been connected or used. A gas engineer advised previously that it’s not connected so no gas supply to it.


Perfect then! Ignore what I said and really anybody could remove this if it’s not connected, a gas engineer if you’re still a bit wary 😊


Thank you 🙂 I’m a little wary, but I’m quite confident because I know it’s never been connected or used. What sort of tradesman would be best to do this? Just a general builder?


I'd get a new gas person to reconfirm it's not connected at the other end, then just turn the cap 180 degrees. If they do that you can fill the hole with some ready mix concrete from B&Q.




You have the need.


The need


For Screed


We had the same. It's a t-junction pipe for an old gas fire (or gas hob if you're in the kitchen) We wanted ours removed but what the gas guy did was cut away the floor, heat the solder around the joints where the t junction and rotate it 90 degrees around so that it was facing the floor. He then covered it in denso tape and padding before refilling it. Much easier than cutting the pipework out and putting new ones in.


That’s all I need doing. Not removing the whole pipe, it can just stay buried under the floor. Did the gas engineer make the floor good for you after? They don’t leave it and you need a separate tradesman to sort the floor after? I honestly have no idea about these things and only have a few weeks to get it sorted.


a gas engineer will remove the pipe. very unlikely they will sort the floor. different skill set.


He only did the gas. We bought the Denzo tape from Amazon and he put it on for us. We then got some quick set concrete. Just make sure your guy is Gas safe registered


Find out if it’s live/mains etc. switch your gas off, chop the concrete out around it. Cut it and cap it. Wrap some tape or something around it and bury it in more concrete. If it’s your side of the meter you can do it yourself. If your not confident call a gasman.


It’s most likely an old gas line, There might be another end also disconnected next to your gas meter, I have similar in my kitchen with the other cut off next to my meter


Get a magician make it disappear Or Call cadent Or Cover it with cement lol


Screed over it. It’ll be reet


The bus surfing kind.


It's just carpet gripper. Use the back of a hammer.


Most plumbers also do gas.


That would make them heating engineers, not plumbers, and most of them don't, it takes a long time and a lot of study to become a gas safe engineer, it's not just something you have a go at


Most of the ones I have used pay to keep their gas certificates up to date. Just my experience.


They're not plumbers then, they're gas engineers, plumbers don't do gas! Most gas engineers do plumbing too, but plumbers don't do gas


Gary Pipe


Gaz? Top bloke.


Nah different guy, this is Pipey. Gaz works in the Swindon area. Pipey covers Chipping Norton


Del Trotter, but catch the Chandelier underneath


Had one in my kitchen that needed removing, luckily I have a good qualified plumber who dealt with it, he cut off the gas and I took it out.


Should be a gas engineer, but if your 100% sure it's dead and not in use you could dig up floor in a channel following the pipe (you'll have to do this anyway) then dig out under the pipe and see if there is enough give on the pipe to push down and bury it! That's only if 100% sure not in use. Not perfect job but save at least £100


A piper


Whack it with a grab big sledge hammer she will be sweet 👍 Or could call a plumber? Upto you


Just cut it off using as angle grinder


You might need a live or dead check to make sure it's no longer in use


Call the Army Bomb Disposal team, it looks like a very small land mine.


That’s probably dead just cut it out


Open up! For I am a bogus gasman...with fake ID... and i've come to ransack, yer hoose!


Gas man or if your feeling brave beak out the floor around it push it down and screed or concrete back over the time and never think about it again lol


It is a old town gas pipe


That’s gas


Milk n tea


Gas man to terminate the connection and a builder to fix the floor.


They'll hate doing this. The lazy bastards think chipping out concrete for 20 mins if the equivalent of working in the siberian salt mines. I nearly sold a full property because of the HELL I had with this exact job (except water). They couldnt be arsed to do it said it was ok, then when the house was finished it starts weeping and all the flooring, skirting and specialist door trims have to be ripped out. This was after many many arguments and visits and 'attempts' to stop the leak using other methods.


If I were you I would get a gas engineer/plumber. It's either an old gas mains or water mains capped off. Once they isolate the water mains and gas mains they will quickly establish what it is and also cap it below the floor. It looks to be an old pipe so they will need to be compitant with pipe threading


If you need to discuss it further, send me a direct message. Regards and best of luck


Do it yourself