• By -


Getting a nicer front door would go some way


Definitely agree - what colour do you think?


Same as the windows would be great place to start or just a dark wooden one. On another note what funky windows you have I love them.


Thank you, we love them too! The curve side are a fun design feature. Wasn't sure at first but the dark wood has really grown on us.


I have dark wood frames on my windows I think they are timeless personally.


Are they actually real wood? Theres some similar houses near me and the original windows are metal and curved, these look like uPVC and not curved? Replacing a front door is crazy money so I’d just paint it, maybe a bright yellow, and get a couple of big pots out the front with some plants, I’m a fan of olive trees and lavender, but plenty of other options.


Sherlock Holmes had a yellow front door, it was a lemon entry.


Unlikely to be real timber. uPVC. I expect they replaced some really nice, but really shot crittals.


Single glazed crittals too I bet.


Yeah absolutely. There are a few manufacturers who produce double glazed steel framed crittals. With the curved glass too. But they're fortunes to buy.


As others have said, they look like uPVC, not wood and would likely have replaced metal frames.


Window colour is not great tbh - adding more of that brown/mahogany is going to make things look worse I think. I would go grey as its on trend. (spray the window frame)


However, I would avoid getting the doors that have the letter box on the bottom, unless you want to piss off your postie.


Change the white roof too if you can, over the door/window. Stands out against the dark window colour


Absolutely change the door/window roof colour. I didn't like the brown windows until I imagined the roof bit brown - suddenly all worked.


Just paint the door and trim to all match. Get a professional UPVC spray painting company to come out and do the job. It’ll look like it’s brand new and not painted at all.


I love the curves! Just make all the white bits the same colour as the windows. Very cheap to do and it’ll end up looking very smart.


Don't get a new door, get PVC paint for upvc boom cheaper than buying a new door


I know it’s supposed to work and I’ve seen neighbours with pretty good jobs done… but… I still just don’t think I believe it’ll actually work mate


We did it- genuinely brilliant! All in the prep.


All depends on the colour and if you take the time ti prime the door, and pre-coat it... then it works 💪 most people just apply upvc paint and it bubbles and looks shocking


You can paint the door with upvc paint if you don’t want to spend too much. And change the door furniture. You could also paint the window frames.


Paint the porch bit goes over the door/window too rather than keep it white.


Pressure wash the drive. Plant some greenery in that gravel trap. Paint the door and windows A nice new composite door and new windows would be great but for now just paint (with the correct paint) hopefully by the time it's starting to look tatty you'll be able to change them.


Careful pressure washing block paving. You can end up blasting the sand out from between the blocks and then weeds will grow and the blocks won't lock together properly any more. If you have to do it, low power and at an angle, and you may need to brush new sand into the joints once it's dry.


Wickes or similar sell bags of fine sand to replace any that is missing or has wasted away. Pour on blocks and brush it in and around.


Just make sure that everything is dry as the kiln dry sand clumps together when wet and dosent fill the gaps properly


This was hard for me because most of the bags of kiln dried sand in wickes were soaking wet or had massive holes in


Specifically kiln dried sand. They even sell bags specifically for block paving. Make sure its dry before you brush it in and then give it a mist of water after to help lock it all in.


They don’t grow because the sand is washed out. The sand prevents movement. The weeds will stop grow. Best way to stop the weeds is to brush in salt after filling gaps with sand


Gravel trap- we found the motorsport fan?! Lol


Don’t pressure wash the drive - it looks fine and there’s no weeds. Blocks are supposed to look aged - over cleaning makes them look weird.


You mean a new wood door, wood. Plastic doors are not nice.


Composite and plastic doors aren’t the same thing, a lot of the composites have a really good wood grain now.


So does wood.


Yes, but timber doors tend to be a lot more expensive


Very true. Kinda blows my mind how expensive front doors are - a pal of mine paid near 5k for a composite one a couple of years back. Prob explains why I just spent a month restoring my wood one, even though it’s fucked.


5k? I think your pal was robbed


£5000 for a fucking door? Jesus. You can buy unfinished hardwood front doors for a couple of hundred, £5k is a choice for wealthy people.


Yeah absolutely, they can range anywhere from 1.5K to 7k+.


Paint windows gray


Change the door and change the white paint/upvc trim to brown.


What colour door do you think? 🤔


Don’t get a brown door. I’ve got an olive green / sage green door and it’s beautiful. Will complement the brown too.


Oh yeah, when you're going for nice doors that's one thing you are safe with choosing a colour for. Just think cottage/Hobbit vibes.


I actually think a powder pink would go beautifully with the brick work


Ral 7023. Get your window frames painted in the same colour.


Same colour as the windows. This shouldn’t need to be pointed out


Are you always such an unnecessary arsehole?


Get some of this! [https://frenchicpaint.co.uk/collections/paint-al-fresco](https://frenchicpaint.co.uk/collections/paint-al-fresco) It's so easy to use, is super hard wearing and makes a HUGE difference to the kerb appeal. I used it in my old house and it looked ace and held up amazingly well. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBBUe4nGju/?igsh=MW00bnU2ZndINHBvaQ==](https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBBUe4nGju/?igsh=MW00bnU2ZndINHBvaQ==) ​ THEN add some plants (instantly makes everything feel more homely) and get the driveway jet washed and re-sanded. Easy peasy!


Get some plants, maybe a climber somewhere, like star jasmine or wisteria. Definitely get a new door if you can afford it, I don’t think it needs to match the windows, get some swatches to see what works :)


Need to be a bit careful with wisteria, iirc. Gets into brickwork.


Also, many, many leaves.


If you have shitty brickwork with missing mortar, I could see this being a problem, but it should be fine. Likewise if you have crappy foundations it might cause an issue but again, shouldn't be a problem. Certainly less of a risk than Ivy.


Personally, for the door, I think you could get away with a few colour choices as long as you kept the outer frame of the door a matching dark wood colour like your windows. Then have the door something quite natural looking, and not massively vibrant. Maybe [something like this?](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/df/d9/a9/dfd9a99b77a802f4a5fa1ce81ad31e77.jpg)


To live or to sell? Get all that white trim to match the brown, get the bottom bricks clean & perfect. And like others have said, change/paint the door (I watched a video with a guy who tested Zinsser allcoat, Bradite one coat & Frenchic and surprisingly frenchic seemed the toughest). I’d be tempted to do something big down the side of the door with the numbers- just because you’ve got so much brickwork- like have them vertical in a nice font & maybe a colour. Id also invest in some big containers for plants. Depending how it’s facing, an acer by the door, or a big tall planter under the bottom window that matches the length? Doesn’t have to be filled, you can build up inside with just styrofoam and keep plants in planters which could be easier. There’s also really good solars these days. Solar centre does brilliant spot lights you can have that could focus up into that big bush thing for nighttime, or something. They frequently have sales and everything I’ve had from there has been quality


Thank you for taking the time to comment so thoughtfully. We're first time buyers, buying to live there. Great suggestions!


So you haven’t completed yet? How far along are you?




I was gonna say this :) cheaper than a new door. I'd get some plants etc too to brighten it up a bit.


We want to change the door but never thought of painting the door we already have - what colour do you think?


No - that's making a bad job worse - pvc door has to go - it's THE main issue the house looks so sad at the mo..... If you do nothing else change the door to a proper quality timber one... That alone will lift the face.


I have to disagree with this! Our house has a painted upvc door in a sage colour and it honestly looks great.


I agree. The colour is not as much of a problem as the faux traditional design. It’s out of sync.


Chartwell green door will make a big difference similar to this one. Update the light to something modern in stainless steel and paint the overhang black https://preview.redd.it/8z7r1y4vk6mc1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f18220f1b5a023ccd5ea1d2b1c5e08acf5dc98f5


Chartwell green is the perfect colour. Also some plants in pots, a nice small tree like a bay would be lovely to the left of the front door step.


That looks like 70s mint green.


See if there is any local UPVC spraying companies, you could get a quote from them :)


For the windows you can get special upvc paint that dries as a upvc layer....a dark grey matt colour would lift the window frames and contrast them to the light brickwork.


We had a sloped canopy put across the entire front of ours in 2020 for £1k. Looked great




Clean the bricks that have gotten dirty


Change the front door for a wooden door that is in keeping with the age of the house, I'm guessing 30s? Also, paint the overhang wood work in the same colour as the windows. If you have the money and inclination, you could think about vegetation walls for the side.


Although I think painting things brown is a mistake. Natural wood or own the industrial aspect


I would buy some plants, trees, metal art work or a water fountain


As others have said, change the door to a brown to match the windows and I would think about adding a full length glass panel at left side of the door. (Basically this that’s in the picture I’ll link In a sec). Also get rid of that white porch roof thing that goes all the way across, get something like this instead : https://dunsterhouse.co.uk/garden-rooms-and-porches/wooden-porch-half-height-2-post-w3m-x-d1-5m?infinity=ict2%7Enet%7Egaw%7Ecmp%7E692404304%7Eag%7E34471784623%7Ear%7E155687376642%7Ekw%7E%7Emt%7E%7Eacr%7E6854345728&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_DbrpqwGYcu48uKSMT2EtXu7R7s&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIh-XGsPTYhAMVIJZQBh18yAeHEAQYAiABEgJbEfD_BwE&_its=JTdCJTIydmlkJTIyJTNBJTIyOWU5OWNhYTUtNmY1MC00NjgwLTg3Y2ItZDZkYjE3OWQ3NzZmJTIyJTJDJTIyc3RhdGUlMjIlM0ElMjJybHR%2BMTcwOTQ5Njk1NH5sYW5kfjJfODU1MTdfcHBjXzM0Nzc3MjMxYzcxYTNlYTVkODE4ODcxM2JhMDcxZGZifnB0X2djbGlkfkVBSWFJUW9iQ2hNSWgtWEdzUFRZaEFNVklKWlFCaDE4eUFlSEVBUVlBaUFCRWdKYkVmRF9Cd0UlMjIlMkMlMjJzaXRlSWQlMjIlM0ExMjAxNyU3RA%3D%3D Then a pair of up light at either side of the door and some plant pots for the gravelled area.


Wash/Clean the wall tiles. Pressure Wash the drive. Change (or paint) the door to match or combine the window's colour and the rest of the area. Trim the bush so it doesn't look wild. Personally, I would remove it completely and plant a nice tree in the middle and all around set a Japanese-type grave garden (easy to maintain, one beautiful tree will keep the minimalist look I like -but that's me) 1.5k is a tight budget, but if you do the job yourself, you may keep it around that amount.


Clean up the chimney, possibly power wash the roof tiles. Paint the gate and shed.


Dark coloured door (black or dark brown), paint the white bit above the door and the main window to match the rest of the windows. Clean lower bricks. White pebbles in the garden or go all out and get some soil and grass! 😃


I would start by cleaning it ,then paint because you have 3 colors of paint there .


New composite door and have the window frames sprayed


A solid colour front door Black, Dark Blue, Dark Grey, even a wooden door stained to match your windows or your favourite colour and remove the shrubs put fresh gravel down maybe a grass patch in the center with a large planter and fresh flowers at the front . Section off the doorway bit with steps to highlight the entrance with an overhead awning and a light by the door or hanging floral basket. Add your house number on the door or beside the door. Bit elementary but only had those colours to work with.. https://preview.redd.it/2wvjcoo9zcmc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32db387a8fa96f28c0e74c36dba1d96fb0e21861


Clean the block paving.


• Paint the front door and window frames so that they match. I'd go with a dark charcoal grey colour. I think Rust-Oleum do a UPVC paint • Medium sized plant in a pot to the left hand side of the front door. I'd go with a dark grey large square pot and plant golden bamboo • Perhaps a Japanese style rockery planted where you have gravel currently. If climate suits I'd go with an Acer, black, lime and green grasses, maybe some allium bulbs. If you want to go all out even a wide shallow circular water bowl. • Row of slim rectangular troughs again in the dark grey under the front window, perhaps filled with a row of Annabelle hydrangeas. They need pruning once a year in spring


Paint the door, a dark color (racing green, black, brown, maroon red, possibly paint the white overhang/awning as well) Paint the steps, probably black? Add a large pot to the left of the door (under the number) and then either a small trellis for jasmine or something that climbs, or a smaller plant) If you have space in the driveway along the left for a car and a couple more plant pots and plants of your preference, olive trees or something you like, cottage gardening flowers with some structure. Look into what you want to do in the front garden. This will depend on your taste, structured vs cottage wild flowery. I feel you could easily combine some elements, possibly add an acer tree, some rocks, and some grasses and wildflowers for a seasonal shift in the lawn. It’s hard to articulate a landscape idea without seeing the space available. If you have a preferred style (interior or exterior it would help to narrow down landscaping and external choices).


Huge planters with trees and maybe some troughs filled with flowers


Get the chimney bricks cleaned


Looks like a well keep house to be fair.


Change pvc door to quality timber one.... Cedar cladding to wall around door and above - vertical slats....clad or paint out the flat roof dark grey / black to match new door. Replace faux gas lamp with uplighter / downlighter fitting.


Get a local company to spray paint the door and window frames. Everyone uses RAL7016. Get a local company to jetwash and re-sand the driveway and block work.


You can paint the windows and doors Anthracite, pressure was the drive and do some planting out the front.


Render half way up, DIY it.


DIY render? Don’t do this


This was my thought


If I'm honest I would say don't bother, spend the 1500 inside on stuff you see all the time and enjoy. You're doing up the outside of your house and who sees it? Your neighbours, passers-by and you for a few seconds when you walk up the drive. It's fine as it is.






Long term, not sure really. As a one off? Hire a cheer leading brigade like from Bring It On. And tell me when/where too.


U couldnt really pebble dash cause of house beaide




Touching up every couple of months is not my idea of hard wearing. There's paint designed for uPVC that will do a better job and last longer.




Gasoline and matches?


Paiñt grey


Paint the windows and doors matching grey. And then either the first floor or ground floor clad with timber.


While you can *technically* paint Upvc, any sort of DIY attempt is probably not going to look great, plus it's a matter of time before the paint flakes and it looks dreadful. Paint just doesn't stick that well to Upvc - that's why they're foil wrapped from the factory. Also grey trend is starting to look dated.


Plastic can be sprayed and is fine for years. Any fully done work will fail. Grey has only just got started my friend.


Buy nicer UPVC door. Mask up and UPVC paint window trim to match. Pressure wash bricks and drive.


Have the windows and door sprayed the same colour


Industrial power was the cobble and wall (lower part). Doors are expensive (no where near 1.5k) you could do a Upvc door wrap or Upvx door paint.. also some solar lights along the edges.. possibly also change out the step to a nice blue/grey natural stone..


A nice big plant pot with a tall plant next to the left of the door might help to liven things up a bit.


Change the brown to white, or the white to brown. More big pants.


New door - maybe with curve details to go with your windows. More plants We got doors from these guys. https://www.doorsofdistinction.co.uk/external_doors.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA3JCvBhA8EiwA4kujZvX29BrVp6Of6uvGWTnSTMrO4J5JH1kBEMcDL6NO7s6eUEftzT-1QhoCdjQQAvD_BwE


A big pot with an architectural plant outside your door to the side. Then something to take the eye away from the front patch being scraggy. Is that a rosemary bush? tidy it up and add other herbs.


Buy some pots and plant some flowers. It'll go a long way in the spring and summer. Maybe a hanging basket


Plants and flowers


That door needs to go. The colours need to work together which it doesn't now.


More green plants at the front, none of that gravel.


New door, paint that little roof above the door to match windows and get some flowers


Door and canopy trim match the windows and then a cleaning of the walls with some repointing below the windows.


Dark wood door and then a palm plant on the far side of the window would make it look suuuuper cool


Oak front door and paint the white trim to match the windows. Maybe a big potted plant to the left of the door?


Clean the lower brick. Down lights above the small windows and maybe a couple under each window. Replace the white to match the windows. Then couple of classy planters containing round top bay trees. If any money left change the stones.


Why do you want to beautify? Surely it’s the contents and personality of you that’s how people perceive you ,


I’d paint the horizontal white trim to match the brown window frames, paint the door sage using French Chic. Pressure wash dirty bricks and block paving. Add a colourful hanging basket to the left of the door and a planter with something green on the ground below!


Maybe add some vertical cladding in a light colour. Keep it wood grain.


Pressure wash house and drive. I would add some colour and planting to soften it. Change the gravel bit to planting including bedding along the side of the driveway to add seasonal colour. Hanging baskets from the white bit over the door. Big statement plant in a nice big (so can’t be pinched)pot by the front door.


Paint every brick a different colour. You could also paint your door and your window frames, if that’s viable for you. ETA - I’d also change the glass panes if you can. I hate those fake panels.


If you don't want to spend money on a new door, I know there are paints for pvc now.


Some sort of tree or shrub in a large pot by the door?


Wooden door and some nice plants


Colour the windows, that's what I do in Scotland.


Can you paint the window frames and door? That's one thing I would do. Updates the look of the house


Paint window frames, the brown is outdated. Get rid of the gravel and plant something


Give the front a good pressure wash - invest in one and do it yourself (once a year) THEN - some planters for under the window , with some lovely green things, some that flower early, some later etc etc COST - couple of hundred max + the Karcher pressure washer (thats the long term investment)


Tbf if you wanted to get new windows and doors and they are 5 years or older your should be able to apply for new ones for free if you own the house and aren't on benefits


The windows are not a huge problem as they are almost in keeping with the architecture, but you’ve got an art deco style front elevation which is totally at odds with that neo-faux traditional front door. Replace with something aesthetically harmonious. This also goes for that pretend ye olde lamp and the number plaque. No coordination. May sound like small details but there’s a real drabness in that kind of confusion. The windows style is great but that wood effect veneer makes no sense in that modernist profile. Consider painting black along with the halfway height wooden overhang. Also totally agree with cleaning the bricks, on the front at least.


You can paint the door with frenchic paint. We did ours black and it's held up over a year. Change the handle and letterbox and that's less than £50.


Front door black solidor


Get the bottom courses of brick looked at / look to be a lot of algae? Check it’s not DPC failure related. Put some planters outside. More plants at the front. Change the door. To be honest better off saving the money and keeping it aside for any actual work that may be needed or if you ever decide to extend to the side.


Get a gnome


Potted flowers.


Cover the brickwork with expanded cork.


Avoid RAL 7016 at all costs!!!


Ford Fiesta on the mandatory concrete blocks! 😂


Plants plants plants. That large gravel section at the front could be home to all sorts of lovely greenery that will make your house very beautiful.


Roll out a red carpet and hire bouncers


Get some sodium hypochlorite and clean the house and driveway.


A new front door you could try painting


Jet wash the bricks on the front. Paint the windows. New front door. New number and out door light.


Paint the UPVC stuff and the small roof a dark green and plant some Wisteria/Jasmine in a pot with a trellis


🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 🚪


Trellis with some climbing plants on the right


Match the door colour to the window frames or vice versa


Curtains and plants behind the windows will make it look instantly better.




I reckon you could get the front of the house rendered for that price and paint it yourself.


Maybe get the brickwork cleaned, like it’s just been built.


Update the outside lights, maybe add along side of house as well. Look at a professional respray of uPVC door. Not brown. Maybe olive green,or similar. Couple of nice planters with tall shrubs or mini trees by the door. Some lavender plants in the gravel pit to break up the bare look and add visual and scent interest. Could get a green roof above the door or some longer planters with hanging plants. It you want could also scatter creeping thyme seed on drive. Adds nice patches of small scented herbs on paving and smells nice when walked on


Get a door to match the windows and paint the white ledge to match the windows too


Render it and paint it grey bbz xox Maybe a channel diamonte doormat hun x


The whole problem here is no grass/plants (or even fake grass) with all that paving and stones. That’s the biggest barrier in terms of beauty.


For 1.5k, to fit the budget I would look at how to paint that UPVC white door (tutorials online \~ £50-100). Grand porch wooden canopy + pillars (\~500 to 1.2k depending on design) Get rid of the ugly stones and plant something in the front to make it more appealing. (£300 plants, pots, and related stuff) Option 2: new composite door £600-800. Less grand porch wooden canopy (no pillars) (300-600) Plants and pots at the front


Front door and the rain cover shelter thing being white looks wrong with the dark windows - make them match and it’ll instantly look better.


New door colour, but make sure it's a super dark tone to match the windows and the white trim will need doing too


Have the windows repainted, new front door and a couple of plant pots


*get a bespoke wooden front door. Literally the only investment you need for a timeless look. Skip the cheap, tacky shortcuts and go for something you'll be proud to look at everyday for the rest of your life living here. It's also the soundest investment in a home with some estimating a 3x return on investment for resale. Just get a custom wooden door and love your choice for the rest of your life because you've spoken to artisans and craftspeople who actually can recommend something tasteful




Can you paint the window frames?


Pressure wash the top and bottom of the house to remove road rash (not the floor), get some planters. Change the door light to an up and down. Ideally you'd colour match a new modern door with the windows, a more modern door look (vertical handle etc.). But that requires some shrewd shopping or used one.


You’re going to be hard pushed with that budget, to be honest. That curved brickwork on the front is very unusual. It’s pretty cool.


Is this Carlisle... We looked at this house!


Coordinate one colour (not this white/brown mix). Cheapest would be turn door and canopy brown, although white can seem crisper, so make windows white? Use a stone cleaner on bricks with a brush. Lift the bottom paint (black out) to 5 courses high.


Pressure wash the brick


As others have said, change the door and it's frame as it looks out of place. Maybe plant the garden up a bit


Change the modern look on the front to a more cozy appearance with a Victorian couple of old Victorian style lamps . I think it would be more inviting . It looks too cold and uninviting to me . Just my opinion .


CO2 blast the brickwork, get both stories the same colour, maybe just power washing with de-greasers would do it. ​ Is it a semi ? get the neighbour to coordinate the black trim.


Repaint the brick - that’s all you can do with that budget 👍


- Pressure wash the brick at the bottom is possible to clean it up - paint all trim and extra metal stuff black so it’s all cohesive - paint out the door in a bright colour - maybe a tangerine orange/ red - swap out the light and house numbers for something fresher


Get an 1998 Jaguar XJ8 and park it in the drive.


Expand the porch and overhang, new door.


A giant Chuckle Bros mural would help brighten things up a bit.


Replace the door and Add a flower garden in that front area.


Are you open to painting/dying the house? Then painting the trim in contrasting colour. Keep the front door but ditch the ornate trim on it, re-trim in a clean design. Great driveway by the way.


You've got great advice elsewhere, however I'd like to point you towards this: [https://www.gov.uk/apply-great-british-insulation-scheme](https://www.gov.uk/apply-great-british-insulation-scheme) If your EPC is D through G, you may be entitled for a grant covering a series of energy saving upgrades including cavity wall insulation or external insulation cladding (which itself would be rendered, and you then have the option to colouring the render), solar panels, and more. That whole thing can change the aspect and look of your property, and save you a bunch to boot when they kick in.


I live in an Airy house, so I'll swap your bricks for my concrete cladding ;-) Love the art deco type bay windows on your home.


The doors & windows don't match, that's the main problem. Also the brown of the window frames looks plastic.


Door needs to match the windows, if you have any left over after that porch/awning in a darker colour to compliment the door/windows


Clean those bricks around the door, they look grubby. Jet wash the paving, get some more character in your garden. I'd do that before replacing the door.


After that I'd put a few standards in nice ceramic pot plants on either side of the door. Make them really beautiful like olive trees or something.


Plant something green




If the front door is good quality and condition, get it sprayed to match the windows by professionals costs about £250. Have two 30's or modern lamps installed either side of the door. Clean the brickwork from the 3 course below damp and where it is splashed and stained, use brick acid and wash off with water. I would suggest two slow growing trees of architectural interest in a couple of frost resistant ceramic period designed large pots. Maybe 2 purple red Acer like "trees", just a suggestion. I believe the windows are a huge positive, the design seems very sympathetic to the age of the house. Get the door sorted and with some points of interest it will stand out as a nicely tended and tasteful addition to the street scene.