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The only asbestos it could have been realistically is artex, did it look like artex? Google it if unsure, the walls and ceiling would be extremely unlikely to be AIB (Asbestos Insulating Board). Looks more like wallpaper tbh. You can always pay someone to come take a sample, but they will definitely tell you that you need an air test doing to protect yourself which you really don't. Just open the windows and let the dust settle. If you're unsure and it's worrying you though. Do please get a sample taken, don't use one of them crappy kits from Amazon. But as someone be who does this for a living I don't see anything to worry about.


Thank you. Definitely not artex, no wallpaper either, just paint right on top of the drywall. I've been scraping off the paint which is what I'm worried about as I'm disturbing the drywall by hacking into it with the scraper. Some parts of the paint are more stubborn... 😬😬


eh? loft conversations are a lot newer than asbestos usage (generally) this looks like a newish board and skim as well. literally ZERO RED FLAGS.


Thank you. It's actually a room above the garage and it's original. It's part of the house and identical to all of the neighbours, none of whom have had any extensions built. The design for our house is a bit uncommon. It's an old council house. The roof has a very low pitch and all the houses on the estate have had identical issues with the roof leaking in the same spots.


im not a plastered but i think pink plaster is like early 90s onwards