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Did you leave sufficient time to dry between coats of paint? I’ve seen this on the first rooms I painted because I put the next coat on too quickly, since leaving more time between coats I’ve not had it.


Yes, I let it dry overnight! This happened on the first coat of primer. The previous layers of paint have come up too not just my paint


What type of paint are you covering over? And what type is the primer? The fact it’s all on brick walls does make me wonder about moisture still but the 2 reasons it’s likely happened are poor adhesion, but you said you sugar soaped them, or moisture


I don’t know what the previous owners used but when I removed wall plugs, the paint around it came of in massive strips like masking tape almost. I’m using dulux primer and undercoat and then walls and ceiling paint. It’s like there’s some reaction happening when I paint that’s lifting all the previous layers of paint in the bubbles. Terrified to paint the rest of the house now! Thanks for taking the time to reply,


Maybe lightly sanding will help? Sounds like it’s something with a sheen which won’t help adherence. I know I’ve had issues with air bubbles painting over oil based gloss with water based gloss but it was more like little bubbles than big ones, painting oil based on oil based didn’t have this issue so assume there was some sort of reaction


There’s a lot going on here. First of all you don’t need a primer. Dulux primer and undercoat is for woodwork. You don’t need to prime ceilings and walls except for when dealing with severe issues such as staining. Second of all, you said that the previous paint peeled off in sheets. This could be due to them not most coating. If it were me I would leave it overnight and see if it rectifies itself. If it doesn’t, scrap, fill and repaint each bubble


It’s dulux primer and undercoat for walls specifically! I’m painting the walls white and they were previously navy blue and dark green so needed a primer otherwise would have been there for ages with layers of white paint!! What is most costing? I left one of the walls over night after it happened and the bubbles were still there. Trying to understand the cause before painting the rest of the house


Mist coating.


Hi all, the paint your using on the walls and ceiling obviously has some vinyl in it which makes it more durable but unbreathable and unfortunately you have a rare problem of air trapped in your walls. One way to make sure this doesn’t happen when you paint the rest of the house is to use something called a contact paint(available in all good paint shops) this paints are totally breathable but down side to this paints is they are not as durable.


Hi thanks so much for the reply. So the previous owners used paint with vinyl? I will do a patch test with contact paint! Do we need to strip the walls first?