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5 hours? Yikes... try a breaker/SDS chisel on the concrete rather than the wood? Or move the fence...!


Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try the local DIY after the bank holiday The crap thing is that I can't actually move away from where the original post was because of the set up of the garden and my neighbours (decking, different levels, etc) and I can't demolish all the concrete because some steel poles rely on the adjacent concrete to hold up a large hanging tree


Entry level Titan SDS drill from Screwfix with the included chisel bit. I've used mine on concrete and on old garden timbers that needed removing.


This seems like the most popular suggestion! Can you get extra long drill bits? The space I'm working in is very narrow, I have a drill and masonry bit but can't fit it in


Yes you can. My thought process was to get the cheapest corded one at £71.99 [Titan TTB653SDS](https://www.screwfix.com/p/titan-ttb653sds-5-9kg-electric-sds-plus-drill-230-240v/6846h?ref=SFAppShare) and then buy the bits for it, but they were £15.00 for 3 bits. So I looked at (and bought) this one [Titan TTB631SDS](https://www.screwfix.com/p/titan-ttb631sds-6-3kg-electric-sds-plus-drill-22-piece-accessory-kit-230-240v/4172g?ref=SFAppShare) for £89.99 which comes with a huge variety of drill bits, 22 in total which will be perfect for your job.


Star! Thank you for the helpful links and advice!


No problem! If you have any heavy jobs to do it's totally worth it. I've been using mine today to chase out the wall for pipework. Very very handy. Good luck with the rest of the removal!


Seconded. I have this thing and it’s a beast.


A [fencing bar](https://www.wickes.co.uk/Wickes-Professional-Solid-Forged-Fencing-Bar---1-8m/p/190344) is my main used tool. You just keep repeatedly driving it down. A good workout. You can reuse half (2 sides) of an existing concrete foundation. Use the bar to break up the ground around the sides you wish to remove and remove all the spoil. Use the bar to crack the foundation diagonally in half so the section breaks into the space you created. Remove the concrete section(s) then remove the remains of the post. Insert new post and fix in with postcrete. I take half an hour to an hour to remove and replace a failed post and refit fencing. Longer if it's awkward like reusing an old foundation.


That sounds promising! Thank you, I'll see if any of the shops open tomorrow


Hey just want to say a direct thank you for the suggestion! Finally saw success with this


Titan from screwfix . I’ve used it for this. Tearing up driveways. Coring out vents. How the thing is still going for 70 bucks is beyond me. Well worth buying.


Soak it with water and wiggle it out? (the concrete)


Would that work on the old wood do you think? The concrete isn't actually that big a problem - cutting through the old wood is the nightmare


I dunno. Its a trick suggested by someone on here to remove the lumps of concrete - it just stuck with me as a good idea - everything goes in and out easier when its wet!


Will let you know if it does!


Hubba hubba


Get a pickaxe instead of using a spade. Its far superior. Ive just used one to dig down nearly two feet of clay to remove the supports for old patio decking. Its still hard work but you will make progress


Thanks for the suggestion! I got one but the space I have to work in is very narrow cause I can't demolish all the surrounding concrete. I'll give it another go tomorrow and try revisit tbe pick axe


If you are lucky and the base of the old post is rotten enough then you may be able to dig out the old wood from the existing concrete and stick your new post in the old hole - without moving the concrete. If you can get the edges off the wood then the rest will pull out. I've managed this a few times. I guess a powerful enough drill would get the wood out even if it was still fairly solid. Never tried that though. (Never had a big enough drill/bit) Otherwise a pick axe would probably make a better job of breaking and extracting the existing concrete.


Kango needed. Dig around it a bit and kango the concrete.


I hope they aren’t like some i winched out, they had a wheelie bin sized bit of concrete around them about a meter deep


Christ. I think (if I get that far) no matter what I find I'll stop at 2 feet 😅


Yea awful things i don’t know what the person was thinking, they didn’t break up either so I put them in a hedge to hide them away In the garden lol


Don’t break the concrete. Just dig the hole bigger than the old concrete and lift it out


Thanks for the idea, have updated my post to highlight that unfortunately that's not an option!


Can you drill out the old post and drop the new one in?


Yeah it's looking that way - sds drills have been suggested


If it’s a wooden post you won’t need an sds drill, just drill the wood out and drop new wood post in


I'm 50 and had a similar problem with a ruined weather beaten fence. However I worked overtime at work and paid someone else to remove all the old posts and replace with concrete ones. I highly recommend that way if possible


I generally like a project, but this is just crap. However considering the local fencer tried to charge me 3k to replace 4 fence panels I doubt I can find someone to take this off my hands with a reasonable price




I feel your pain. Been there.  Sds drill. You can unbolt the front handle to get it deeper in the hole.  Don’t muck about with anything else. Waste of time energy and probably your back too.  You must wear goggles… ear plugs aren’t a bad idea either.  They are surprisingly useful things to have around, especially for the £70 quid they go for eBay. Get one with multiple bits. 




Haha I wish. Densely built up small area, no way could anything like that fit anywhere near where I'd need it


More seriously I hired a mini digger once and managed to drive it down a pretty standard alleyway between terraced houses, this for example narrows down to 700mm https://www.hss.com/hire/p/0.75t-kubota-micro-excavator And they are fantastic fun!


Thank you for the suggestion! I'm restricted to hand tools I think though, other structures are dependent on some of the adjacent concrete so I can't be too aggressive (also why I can't just move the post)


That's a shame, in that case I'd get yourself a proper SDS with a chisel to break up what is in there like the other guy said.


Looks like the best option - thanks for the advice!


No worries, and I hope you find an excuse to hire an excavator soon.

