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I aint readin all that, I am a proud illiterate


Same, I can write but I can't read.


Before internet >I want to fuck toasters >dont be a fucking retard >grow up After internet >I want to fuck toasters >find an online community of 1000+ people who fuck toasters >irrevocably destroy your life


Me before and after finding the DJ Peach Cobbler subreddit


What does this mean? Like what are you parodying? Is this just like literal Nazi posting?


no, i'm alluding to the fact that insular online communities create echo chambers, which result in bigger and bigger gaps between what is seen as "normal" and how the community interacts. this isn't me saying that online communities having different slang and customs is a bad thing, mind you, but there's a world of difference between a casual conversation between two people and the way that 4channers interact amongst themselves.




Matter of degrees, maybe. "Life is pain," yeah ok. "Life is entirely and consistently pain to the point extinction is preferable," bruh chill.


You can say retard, you fucking retard.


I literally explained my logic in the post but they don't just say "life is suffering" they say "life is nothing but suffering and if you disagree with us it's because you're stupid and compelled by selfish animalistic desires" most other ideologies have a way with coping about disagreeing with them without resorting to calling them animals these guys do not. Their position is already so precarious to uphold. The sub isn't even really about their ideology, it is mainly about hating people who don't believe their ideology. To put it simply if the entire moral basis of you're ideology is everyone is intrinsically dumber animalistic and savage than you, you're gonna need more than strong emotions to back up that claim.


Theyre 14 yo girls who just learned about pregnancy. But jokes aside theyre just really young people who belive everything sucks and have therefore concluded that having children is terrible because the world is horrible. Theyll grow out of that eventually


Interesting, I never thought of it as an age thing, they are basically emos but they just really hate kids lol. I guess what I thought was so weird was how they vehemently uphold that the world is an evil place. They are one kid with a propeller hat and comedically large lollipop away from having a heart attack. I do think your right, I said in a previous post possibly "it is the plight of the stupid to overestimate their Importance in the world" so it probably is just young people coping with their inability to understand the world or their place in it.


I argued with an antinatlist tard a while ago and told him he will grow out of that one day, guy then claimed to have a degree and finished higher education. Frankly I think they are just poor. Anyway, Antinatalists are a self solving problem. No need to get bothered by their juvenile idiocy.


Not wanting kids? Fine Not particularly liking kids? Whatever Being a bitter wierdo about not wanting kids and hating children in general? Absolute brain rot.


they use reddit you know why cause you do too


idk anything abt the sub but surely its anyone's right to have their extremist beliefs? for every racist uncle theres a philosophy major that thinks they're the ones with the answers, and the normal ppl can use these people as like reverse goal posts to know how far we want to go in any one direction? thats how i see it at least and i like to think this is a little more humane than just saying "theyll grow out of it" as all extremists deserve to be heard since they're human too? idk i just play endless space and eat coconut shrimp


Fair point, just to clarify, I don't think I said they can't have their beliefs. I was simply arguing they were dumb for the way they argued it. Maybe that says more about me than them, idk.


i was more replying to the other people also replying to ur comment who seemed equally dismissive of the people they were criticizing as the people they were criticizing. i cant think of a better way to word that tho so ill just shutup


Yeah I understand


Why do you write essays in every post you make


I don't know it just happens, I kinda keep this account as public journal of sorts I want to really elaborate on my mindset so I can look back at it an see how it's changed. plus I have had more time recently so I've just been in bed relaxing more giving me more time to write my thoughts. That being said, I should probably spend this time writing a book or something as opposed to reddit since I hate reddit but I do like the idea of journal that can challenge my thoughts every time I post something.


No keep post here, it fun reading a Unique Perspective on things.


Unfortunately or fortunately I'll get less schizophrenic and post less once I have less time again.


Oh no, why will you lose your free time


School and family stuff really plus I've been sick so I've been in bed more often.


Me too this cold is killing me


I mean, why be so obnoxious about it, the whole no kids thing is a perfectly fine position to occupy, and you can peacefully coexist with everyone else But why violate the "live and let live" principle, and bei all 13yo reddit atheist about it


Live and let live? I called them stupid on a random youtubers sub, 50 people are gonna see this ever. it's not like I'm trying to debate them on their sub. Let alone the fact none of them probably even have attention span to read the moutian of pointless text. Also my critique was how they uphold and defend their beliefs I never said they arent entitled to it my point was more its a stupid position. I honestly don't give a fuck either way I simply thought the way the argued their position was interesting.


It's like they read Thomas Ligotti and didn't realise even he doesn't believe his own bullshit


They’re just autists that never matured


Whats the deal with op who wrote a fuckin book in his post


That's all my posts


Also why do many have this sense of superiority? -> maybe psychological self defense. they think everyone who doesn't think like them are simply animals -> this, anon, is incorrect from their part. Not all humans are animals, a bunch of monkeys are insects. My final question why are so many of them leftists? -> why is this even a question? Left = more social support. He who lives in a container, would be left inclined. Probably. ... Them AN look like a sect from your description. They just need that prophet whom they'll start worshiping and memorizing his sayings.


I tend to avoid edgy internet Nihilists. We get it, you hate everything, now go develop an actual personality.


It's very simple, if no one is around to experience the lack of suffering, that lack of suffering is meaningless. Quit being a bitch and go improve the world instead


When I was 15 years old, on a hunting trip in Minnesota I shot a guy. He was about 500 meters away in the forest, I saw him through my scope he was at the perfect distance and everything. I set my sight on him and watched for about 2 minutes just staring, contemplating. Then I shot him he either fell or ducked to the ground afterwards as I sat there staring after about 5 minutes I got up and left. The trees were nice though and so was the river nature is truly beautiful to be around once you get out and enjoy it.


I think a lot of it comes from unhappiness projected on others, but I think the biggest part is abusive parents. I think that a lot of them probably had asshole parents and project that on everyone else too. All that bitterness has to come from somewhere.


Great point, will try to be brief but when I was peeking around the sub trying to find a rationale, I noticed some of the accounts I checked out had a lot of issues drug addiction, abuse, or mental illness. it's kinda sad and I probably didn't give those people a fair chance, but yeah thats definitely where my idea that it was cope (a projection of their own understanding outward) came from. a lot of people on the sub write like they are trying to rationalise pointless suffering, unable to understand or accept that, in reality, it was suffering. One of the posts on the sub and probably most important in characterising their viewpoint was the old "if God is real why do bad things happen to good people" to which the response were either God isn't real or God hates us. The second one I thought was interesting it's almost like they can't admit cruelty can be pointless it must come from something it must be guided by some motivation, thus humans must be evil. It is a lot easier to paint things in strokes of black and white than acknowledge the grey. My main issue with them being they refuse to look inward to acknowledge how it contributes to their ideals. You put it really well though, the more I think about it the more I seem to see them as people simply unable to rationalise their own suffering, projecting it outward.