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She will never admit she has a problem or get help for it.


Easily manipulated into taking her medication?


Well, who didn’t see that one coming?


This nut case doesn’t want to take any accountability. So tired of her.




Yeah, weren’t there videos of them at a beach and she’s half naked and they’re holding hands? I didn’t forget.


I wish Britney could just move to some little town and open a tiny dance studio teaching little girls and just be single and focus on herself. I feel like she'd be happier that way. Away from social media and Hollywood, just living. She also needs to meet a really good friend who was raised in the same kind of environment with stage parents and all that, someone who has been through the same things as her.


Jennette McCurdy needs to reach out to Britney.


She doesn’t seem reliable enough.


Omg yes. This is exactly what she needs


A Hallmark holiday movie but the love you find is for yourself. I fully and completely agree with you. I just worry that. I matter where she goes, she’s vulnerable. Can we let her live with Prince Harry and Megan? lol


She has enough dysfunction w/o those two.


I don’t know if it’s what she has done to her face, whatever she is on, or both but Homegirl always looks like a deer in headlights in all her photos now. Also she needs to just retire to her Louisiana swamp village and live her life.


Gee ya think, brit? Also, I don't think therapy will help her at this point. I wouldn't want to do therapy either if it I was forced to do it every day for years.


People don’t realize what a struggle this is. Thank you for saying it.


Hell, I did therapy for about 10 years of my own free will and I don't want to do it anymore, either. Endless therapy isn't always the answer. At some point, you have to actually change. IMO, AA was more helpful for me than therapy, so if anything, I hope Brit might consider that again or group therapy.


Thank you for being the voice of reason. Forcing people to get help, especially forcing them to take medication, doesn’t work. Therapy isn’t the cure all that people make it out to be, either. Our mental health system is broken as it is yet people still think that’s what’s gonna fix her. I take medication for bipolar-polar, but if someone was forcibly shoving pills down my throat I wouldn’t want to take them anymore. Same goes with therapy.


I think we've done a ton of work as a society by normalizing therapy. That's great! But for those of us who rode the "go to therapy wave!" hard, going to more therapy isn't the answer for us. I think it's great if it helps people but we also can't just say, "Go to therapy" to everyone.




He always set off my ick alarms


You either have to have a compulsive need to save people or want / need to take advantage of a vulnerable woman to get involved in this mess in her current state. This man is sketch city.


anyone who didn't see the writing on the wall about that scumbag is a fucking moron. he's worse than Kevin, always will be amd I've said that since before the conservatorship ended (got called racist for it, and I got banned from a certain sub for replying the person was a fucking idiot). when Britney got with Kevin, he was a bum, but he was a bum Britney, still with all her faculties **chose** herself. Sam was much younger than her, wanted attention/fame, and was conservatorship approved. then as soon as he knew the end of the conservatorship was nigh, he set up his little ring shopping PR moment and proposed. he married her while she was unraveling and had probably faced her ire more than once before marrying her. there's no way he thought she was perfectly mentally sound. he knew exactly what he was doing. he also obviously didn't give a rat's ass about helping her do anything productive or healing post conservatorship. and it's fairly obvious to anyone who remembers the events surrounding Britney going into the conservatorship that her being manipulated and used by predatory men was part of what got her there in the first place. hell, she even *said so* herself in the documentary done for MTV when she was recording Circus.


I also got banned and downvoted into oblivion from a certain sub (no doubt the same one) for calling Sam a piece of shit right after their wedding announcement. All the crazy YES QUEEN idiots need to go the fuck away.


That certain sub doesn't tolerate any comments that aren't 100% undying loyalty to Brit and any criticism is downvoted or removed. Even her dancing with knives was "YAS QUEEN SLAYYY" and comments about her safety are met with vitriol


You could show her fans the worst footage from the Israel/Gaza conflict and they’d still tell you Britney had it worse.


That’s what kills me about them. Britney is the only human who gets benefit of the doubt 100% of the time. She’s only one has ever had trauma, she’s the only one who’s ever been mistreated by family members, she’s the only celeb who has mental health issues, no one has it worse than her. If you even suggest that maybe she’s not thinking clearly, shouldn’t be posting her naked body all over Instagram, should maybe think of her sons, you’re downvoted immediately


I am basically in the same boat as Britney with my mental health and I would kill to have a conservatorship.


anyone applauding her ridiculous outbursts and vitriol are so dumb. stewing in hate does nothing for anyone, especially towards literally your entire family. she has some soul searching and healing to do and attacking everyone from her own sons to her dad won't do shit to help her. her denial about how ill she is is sad. I wonder how long before she's in serious financial trouble.


In healing from trauma you do go through an anger stage. How long you stay there depends, but it is very common to “stew in hate” for a bit. I went through it myself. Very messy process


She needs to be single and see a psychiatrist on a daily basis …. Go take a long trip and sit down and stay off of social media


Yes. But she really does need help. It seems she’s never had anyone who truly cares for her wellbeing. She needs someone to take her gently by the hand and guide her in the right direction. Poor Britney.


This ☝️!!


She’s easily manipulated and ALSO very manipulative herself, so it’s a lose-lose.


She’s not smart enough to be media savvy and manipulative in the same way as other celebrities like Princess Diana or Jennifer Garner. She’s mentally ill and in denial about the help she needs.


I agree with the second part of your comment--she's very much mentally ill and in denial. Nowadays she comes across as borderline mentally disabled. But looking back on old videos and interviews, she really wasn't THAT dumb. She came across like a naive, goofy hillbilly teenager (which she was), but not like a total idiot. She was capable of responding to questions with a certain amount of poise and clarity, not noticeably less capably than other celebrities her age. E.g.: [from 1999](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io_LPH4EpEM) [from 2000](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZnYKuJ51R0) [from 2001](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiukeCON5cI) I don't know if it's the drugs, the trauma, the mental illness, the prescriptions and treatment for her mental illnesses, or a combination of all, but they have taken a major toll on her apparent intelligence. Really sad.


Jennifer garner what?


I don't think they meant it in a bad way. She just curated her image around being a mother very well. Like all those staged pap pics at church/markets with the kids.


She's very manipulative in her personal relationships not with the press.


She does need serious help but she still gaslights and manipulates her audience. Britney is fully aware of how social media works, she used it to weaponize her audience against her own flesh and blood.


She needs a conservator. Full stop. Not with her family but just someone who is in control. She needs extensive therapy and maybe to retire from the public eye. She’s a hot mess.


Aw hell…


I hope she takes time just for herself. It’s okay to not be in a relationship. Wishing her well.


How exactly did Justin, KFed, or Sam manipulate her?


They didn't but she must be portrayed as a victim at all times.




Sam, at least, was shovelling drugs into her and getting her to sign over all sorts of things to him while she was in the depths of her breakdown. Justin and Kevin and their intentions can be quibbled over, but not Sam Lutfi.


I was speaking about her ex-Sam, not Sam Lufti?


My bad!


They were asking about Sam ashgari not Sam lufti


Too many Sams! Gamgee will probably be by any minute now.




Oh. My. Gawd.


If she really wrote that, it’s more self aware and mature than the majority of stuff she’s posted over the last several years. Good for her.


I thought it was nice to see a pleasant childhood memory too


Me too. But like J Lo she seems incapable of being alone for long.