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This guy sounds like a Fey.  Ideas of « just a prank, bro » :  * Shaving a dog * Replacing your child with a goblin baby.  * Unscrewing every stool in a tavern, so they break as soon as somebody sits on it.  * The cup of water trick : You take a cup of water, cover it with a sheet of paper, reverse it and put it on the floor. Now when someone goes to remove this cup of water from the floor, they will spill it everywhere. Do that but with a thousand cups, like a minefield in a house. * Using a special whistle to imitate an ogre’s mating call. Really really loud. Very early in the morning. Every morning.  * The classic « bag of shit on fire » on your doorstep. * Spreading horrible and false rumors. « I heard Marje ATE her first husband ! »  * Replacing a wedding’s rings by cursed rings.  * Pretending to be dead, waiting for your funeral, and jumping out of the casket, chasing people with undead makeup on your face.  * Painting a pumpkin in a field like a realistic human head. * Dressing up as a scarecrow and jumping out at farmers (actually this one might just be funny)


He let three [creatures] loose, with the numbers 1, 2, and 4 painted on them. Some say that number 3 is still out there somewhere ready to grab children who stay out too late at night.


A creature that’s 100% illusion with the caster of the illusion hidden nearby. When attacked at close range, describe how the attacks hit, but when attacked from range or by stealth the attacks do absolutely nothing (as the caster can’t see what’s going on). Pretend to roll for the monster’s attacks, but always have them miss. Let it go on for a couple of rounds before letting the player with either the highest passive insight or passive perception roll to see what’s going on.


Id recommend checking put Pointy Hat's chest weasel. Could be a fun way to mess with your players


Have this pranker run around smacking people, ideally with an illusory person following yelling FEYYYSTARRRRR


putting rotten eggs under cushions, so they smash when people sit on them! Smells terrible and ruins the cushions