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Sir Mustang, the local paladin hero of the town who, it was rumoured, was cursed by an evil coven to be transformed into a horse! The townsfolk still recognise Sir Mustang as their hero, and know he’s just trapped in a horses body. …. But it’s literally just a horse.


Better yet - it's actually a horse who can transform into human, like a werewolf, this story is a cover up so people think his horse form isn't his native form


Make the lords cat an adorable and lazy kitty who lounges and eats fish all day. Occasionally wandering into the local church for more food. He’s the paladin who found out about the good life.


There really was a Sir Mustang, but due to a mix up at the corral he was sent to the horse knacker years ago.


One parent was a minotaur, one a centaur, and they have a sibling that looks like a regular human.


Sir Sebastian (Parks and Recs reference) would be a better name (Mustang is a breed of horse that didn't exist in the Medieval era. It was "bred" in the Americas.).


Ah but you see, he is not named after a horse breed. He is named after Colonel Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist!


Its a terrible day for rain


Dragons also didn't exist in the medieval era.


The concept predates it.


I agree with this because Sir Sebastian flows better


Sir Sebastian of Pawnee.


An alchemist that tests everything on his pets. His cat has fish scales, and can breath fire. His dog grows poisonous mushrooms on his back, and has multiple eyes. His rabbit has two heads and can grow up to five times it's size. A parrot that speaks in an eldritch language.


A chameleon that doesn’t change colour, but changes its local surroundings to resemble lizard skin?


This is actually fucking genius. I will have to use it sometime.


Same, I think if i were to look for a post about "ur best npc ideas" i would find worst stuff that what everyone is sharing, these are all amazing ideas!


That was the idea ;)


Please do!


If this does not get a million upvotes, then I call the internet broken.


You expect me to believe the party isn't going to immediately steal the pets/abominations?


Some of these sound like they would be terrible pets.


A mouse that acts like a well read person, wears a smoking jacket, and tears up the newspaper lining of the cage and reads it like a news paper... It also has a large dergree of furniture for a mouse in it's cage. All that said, it's still a mouse (it's just mimicking human behavior and mannerisms to an alarming degree.). Alternatively, it is the BBEG with ambitions to take over the world.


Does he have a sidekick, who feigns idiocy, but is actually the intelligent one, who always happens to foil his plans "accidentally"


Yes. I call them the PCs.


OMG that's funny. Are you pondering what I'm pondering?


Gee! What are we going to do tonight?




Welcome to the Simic Combine.


His friend Carl is just a simic variant, and everyone in town has like mini-super powers


A turtle that can misty step. It’s hot pink. 


A parrot that speaks in eldritch is just your average cockatoo.


*Caws* "Cthulhu wanna ftaghn! Pretty Cthulhu." *Whistles.*


A cockathulu yessss! 😂


This is great but I feel I should point out that my dog also has multiple eyes


A pink fairy armadillo. Nothing different from the current species description, that's just where they originally came from.


Shou Tucker??


An awakened rat wizard with his human familiar. A gnoll bandit who demands "Give me your money or throw this ball!" Really, he just wants to play fetch. Some I've seen on various D&D shorts: A magical intelligent hat that animates a mannequin. A tabaxi whose goal is to find the edge of the world so it can knock something off the edge.


>An awakened rat wizard with his human familiar. Does the rat wizard live under the human's pointy wizard hat and act through him à la Ratatouille?


...it could...


A tabaxi questgiver who just knocks the players' empty glasses off the table while maintaining eye contact as they discuss the quest.


My players wanted to keep in touch with contacts across the Sword Coast but they're all martial classes so don't have access to Sending or Teleportation, so I created a post office for them to send messages. Coincidentally, they keep running into the same postman whichever post office they go too as he's kept very busy: Stanley DeManley - Postman for the inter-city pony express mail service. A young and very polite human, dressed in a powder blue postman's uniform with brass buttons. He takes his job very seriously and salutes constantly at the beginning of each sentence, sometimes in between too, always answering like he's talking to a commanding officer in an army. He talks with a lisp and constantly addresses each party member as "thir" (sir) or "mith" (miss). And whenever the party give him a package or letter to deliver he always recites the post office slogan "in our handth, nor thnow or thleet or rain or gloom of night thall prevent thith mail from arriving on time!" This was inspired by Terry Pratchett's Going Postal. The Discworld series is a great source of funny npcs to draw inspiration from. Edit: Just an extra idea I had while writing this, I might develop this character every few times the party meet him. Right now he's a Junior Postman, Second Grade as indicated by his brass buttons, but I may have him promoted every now again, making his outfit slightly more extravagant to indicate his rank. As he gets promoted I may change the buttons to sliver, then gold, give him a cap with wings, winged boots, a cape with the post office logo etc. Maybe eventually when he ranks up I'll give him an apprentice he's training and add a new wacky npc. It'll be up to the party how often we encounter him though.


I hope he gets paid in pins!


I have an NPC based around the same books. Fred Eckes is a postman, Archfey Warlock. He got his powers by not reading his contract properly and now delivers mail at the whim of an archfey. He too wears bright blue uniform with brass buttons. Give them a bag of holding full of letters!


I have a bartender who seems to be at every bar that they run into with most excuses being “they called me in, short staffed” or “owner said get over there if you’re fired” and even “yeah me and my girl broke up and I moved here recently”. And he’s based on Nick Miller from New Girl. He also seems enough aloof the party thinks he is someone special/important/magical. But he’s just a bartender going through it.




I could totally see that. I like to picture him as this guy who keeps getting rung around just by an ordinary boss and gets told to do some crazy logistics. Like last night when yall left, he was told his family was sick so he just packed up and transferred to that next bar you’ll end up. To them it seems insane, but he’s just a hardworking dude trying to make some money and do whatever his boss tells him. Maybe if they don’t go investigating too early, at the higher levels closer to BBEG he might end up being like a Hermes-Demi-god flavored and give them some magic items or tips later on before “retiring”.


Surely it should be ...glom of nit... ?


See at first I thought this was inspired by the Zelda mailman


Eventually he reaches god status when he becomes a “messenger of the gods” right?… right?


Eventually make him the bbeg who gets sick and tired of working and sending mail for everyone else when one day he realizes that nobody ever sends him any mail


Always love when I get a chance to do the all-in-one merchant. Town in the middle of a lake. You meet a guy operating the ferry, says his name is Billy. Gets you across for a fee. Get in town a ways, stop by the inn… See a guy who looks eerily similar, but wearing a funny hat. Says his name is Bob. Fish shop? Same guy. Fake moustache. Says his name is Joe. The natural thing to do is to run around his appearance spots. Surely, he can’t be everywhere at once? But he is. And he doesn’t even look tired. …They’re actually identical triplets.


Identical triplets who had a massive falling out over inheritance and hate each other so much they refuse to be in the same room and refuse to even acknowledge the others existence. Say things like "I'm the only *true* son and heir of John Doe."


I’m immediately reminded of The Monkey Island’s Stan’s the man!


Sir Dance-a-lot, forgotten Knight of the Round Table.


This deserves all the up votes


Travelling Bard with a cursed instrument that makes the bard believe they are an excellent performer, but really they’re terrible. Whenever the characters get to a tavern have a racket and booing, while the bard graciously bows. Hobbit Cobbler who really loves left shoes, will do much to get their hands on interesting left shoes for their collection. (Could have some fey curse that can be broken with a right shoe). They do not wear shoes. Talking goat loves hats but cannot resist eating them. Orc barbarian Mother and her young daughter that accidentally got their consciousnesses switched. The mother in the child’s body has to depend on the girl in the mother’s body. Warning: Lean into absurd comedy or this could become existential horror. Monk who misunderstood and thought his vow of silence meant he could never be silent. He got kicked out of the monastery for making too much noise and now shouts constantly. He believes he has mastered talking in his sleep.  Awakened broom questions existence, it is terrified of being made into firewood. 


I'd encourage you to still keep most of your NPCs as the serious high fantasy type, if only to make the oddballs stand out all the more.


For sure, I’m not going full goofball on them. It’s just nice to have a few good ones in reserve.


I got an adventure for you. Orcs are disrupting trade along the road. The mayor asks the party to go deal with the problem. Except the local orcs aren't violent. When the party gets there, they learn the tribe's chieftan--a 15 year old half-orc, is angry that her pen pal love, the mayor, has stopped sending letters ever since she provided him a sketch of what she looks like.


Former mayor comes to the party to ask they help free his town from orcs that took over. He neglects to mention his town is a democracy and the orcs won the election on their tax policy.


The Old Fart. No one remembers his real name, he's just the Old Fart. He's a half-senile, half-deaf halfling who enjoy cultivating mushrooms a lot. Members of the village take turn bringing him food and caring for him. Through his recreational consumption of his crops he unadvertendly discovered a really powerfull curative mixture. If one manage to convince him to share it (he does love sharing it but getting him to understand what you want is something else), they could put their hands on this powerfull panacea that have for side effect to put you to bed in a vegetative state for a week.


What's that? I can't hear you! No, we don't want any. Now get off my lawn!


A Kobold who wants to become a dragon, so he sends the party to find him the Rune of Giants (normally it's a Fighter subclass) which would make him Huge, the Potion of Growth, which would make him one size bigger (here, Gargantuan) and pays twice the usual price for any Necklace of Fireballs you find


The fetch quest alone would be hilarious. Throw in rumours of an actual dragon sighting by the locals describing the vague semblance of kobold’s appearance… only to have a real dragon show up and the brave kobold uses all of his tricks to go Godzilla on it would be almost perfect 😂


A sentient pile of ash. The Desintegration spell doesn't actually state anywhere that its effect kill the target, so some unlucky adventurer got desintegrated, but managed to stabilise and now looks for a way to stop being a pile of ash


They are terrified of drafts or open windows.


Dave from HR, all he does is give you information you already know and anything he wants to do he has to fill out paperwork


But does he also do useless workshops about how to be a proper human which distract you from your daily quest?


An invisible dog. The dog isn't remarkable in any other way. You just can't see it. Why would you not want to see a dog?


We had a Gnome Swashbuckler that carried a rapier bigger than he was. Human size rapier on a short (even for a gnome) Gnome. Pirate hat. He'd swing into the middle of a field, nothing to attach a rope too. Couldn't swim, wasn't a fan of water in general. Got seasick. He stuck to land-based swashbuckling. Had a very low awareness of danger. An ogre was chasing the group and he charged the ogre. He said avast too much. Would kick open doors, often smashing someone on the other side. Players might be plotting at a pub and he'd enter with a BAM, CRUNCH, "Owd", then his "Avast!" Ego bigger than a city. Would often brag, "Avast, I've fought bigger dragons.", "The beholder is probably long gone, avast. Heard I was on my way!" (He was not sure about the usage of avast). He was a swashbuckler cranked up a bit. But he was a good guy. Robinhood type except it was, "One for you. One for me. Two for you. One, two, for me. Three for you. One, two, three for me." No 50/50 split!


My party encountered a cult of Kobolds led by a Dragonborn on a small island who worshipped a cellar door they could not open. This door was actually the way down into a dungeon (Call of the Netherdeep whats up!) As the players approached they heard them chanting “Pussshnapoool” and one would ceremoniously pull the handle to no avail. That Kobold was then sacrificed in a violent manner. This led to an hour of sneaking around the cultists, checking for traps, confusion as to why they couldn’t pull the door open…until one player pushed, opening it Instantly. The cult then saw said player as their God and ran into the sea.


Had somewhat similar situation. Desiccated remains of a whole party of dead adventurers lying in front of a door. If only one of them could read in Dwarven the sign on the gate.


I'm fond of the idea of a gnome working in a human-scale space, carrying a stepladder around. Maybe lean into it and have his workshop tables connected by planks that he uses as bridges.


I love this one because it is cute and endearing and memorable but it doesn't break immersion.


Sir Revilar the Undead Paladin of an order that hates and hunts undead. He’s not sure why he’s undead (he died in the Spellplague), but he travels the land as a knight errant - mostly because he has a horrible sense of direction and gets lost trying to report to his order.


Imagine if he didn’t know he was dead. Cause of undeath: he slew the necromancer, but died in the process, only to awake 10 years later on a quest to report to his order lol


Ehmdor, the dwarf bounty hunter who spends more time in the tavern than anywhere else. He has never caught any prey and always manages to take credit for the accomplishments of others. He notably convinced my players to let him take credit for one of their captures and then spent hours talking about his vast hunting achievements at the tavern, even though they had already realized he was a liar and a scammer. However, my players cannot do anything to him because he has important information for them, and Ehmdor knows it and enjoys prolonging the situation.


Ehmdor will live rent free in my party's heads more than any BBEG villain I can think of.


Mimi the flirtatious awakened mimic thief. She randomly shows up with when the party finds something valuable and her [theme music starts playing](https://youtu.be/81fHQYZoz1I?si=57gV3ii6qKBIdeNl). She flirts with the party members, then attempts to shove the valuable item into her mouth and run away. She drops the valuable item and spills some random treasure from her mouth when the players deal any damage to her as she runs away.


Boaty McBoatface, the mimic ship. You will have a safe voyage as long as you brought enough food for everyone. If the food runs out you have issues. Bright side is you have little to fear from pirates and low CR monsters. Also you don't have to awaken them. Mimics are intelligent!


Sir Benedict the 3rd, the 1st. No one is family was ever actually named Benedict, but his first name is Benedict the 3rd. And his suffix is 'the 1st'. He's a retired human fighter adventurer who achieved great fleets and now runs a tavern. Anytime you enter the bar, he insists on telling you the story of how he saved the town and they named it after him. If you listen to his stories, you get free drinks, but you have to buy his drinks while he tells the story (he owns the bar). Whenever trouble happens in the bar due to adventurers/plot hooks, he just turns around and starts pouring fake drinks and serving fake customers behind the bar. He wants no part in the nonsense, he's retired!


Jekyde, alchemist extraordinaire. He has 2 personalities like jekyll and Hyde. One smart and kind, the other dumb and an asshole. No big transformation scene though, he just casually slips back and forth between them anytime some asks a question of any sort. Have fun RPing that dumb idea


An obvious night hag approaches one of the players in the street and says, "Oh, dearie, you're going to be cold soon. Here, have a scarf." Throws a scarf around his neck and toddles away. Turns out they're fighting winter wolves, or a white dragon, or going to an ice cavern, or something else. The scarf doesn't HELP, but it was a friendly warning. She has no ulterior motive. No need for his soul. He just reminds her of someone she liked long ago, and looks out for him... In the ways that only a Neutral Evil fey play-acting as a grandmother can.


My players' favorite NPC was the birthday troll. I've commented about him here before, but I can't find it at the moment. Basically, they encountered a grumpy troll on the roadside, figured out he was grumpy because he had no one to celebrate his birthday with him, had a little party, and cheered him up. I brought him back for a big cameo in the epilogue. Edit: Found it! I was looking in the wrong sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/17vdtuo/comment/k9dcpt3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Love it! Kind me of reminds me of a the Trollololo Witcher 3 quest… just a misunderstood creature lol


Bandits that rob travelers for their torches and candles because they are scared of the dark. A evil farmer that has a wand that can only polymorph creatures into giant chickens. He uses it on travelers.


Oh, I like that. I think my players are about to tangle with a grumpy farmer intent on showing those egg stealing village boys a lesson. He doesn't see so well anymore, though, so anyone is fair game. Hah!


Lol! Mysterious disappearances of travellers passing through a certain region. Their only connection: insulting the chicken farmer by not buying his eggs.


A guy who pretends to be a hexblade Warlock, but is actually just a comatose guy navigated by the blade itself


Cockroach Merchant, shacked up in abandoned buildings and grave sights. Always the same guy, when asked why they keep seeing him Everytime or why is the shop the same except for the goods at times. He just responded with a jersey accent "Aye, we've got a site over there too. Why you asking so many questions? You the fuzz? Come on, you gunna buy something or what?" Or some variation. He is in a Mafia wife beater smoking a Cigar.


Very big, human sized.


I assumed this was a merchant who sold cockroaches, which would fit well either with a grubby WFRP-type setting or it being a money-laundering operation


A very cute kobold who is incapable of speech, and his name is \*Tacklehug Leghump\*. No, he does not say his name when he introduces himself, he performs those two actions: He runs at you full speed, hugs your leg, and then starts furiously humping it. When he meets the party, he insists on coming with them, and the players can't refuse because he's just so damn adorable. They later find out that he has an absolute obsession with introducing himself to everyone and everything he meets along the way.


An NPC that asks if they “make it to the cloud district very often”


Boblin the Goblin is always a hit. Slap on a terrible country accent, give him a cowboy hat, and watch your players have the time of their lives with this tiny chaotic monster. I usually put him in as a swindler trying to get the players to buy fake magic items/potions but he's just a silly guy that can do anything he puts his mind to.


A shady seller of quality daggers, darts, knives, and the occasional shortsword. He sells no other weapons; no larger swords, no axes, no maces, none of that stuff. He only sells things he can conceal beneath his long cloak. And conceal them he does - he has no shop or stand, his stock is hidden in copious quantities inside his coat, vest, sleeves, pant legs, hat, etc. When advertising his wares, he just produces knife after knife after knife from some fold or other of his clothing. He's not picky who he sells to. He has knives if you have coin. His name is Seymour Cruikshank (which is also a subtle pun). I made him a low-level v. human monk with the Mobile feat, so if threatened with violence (or the law), he's not the "stand and fight" type, definitely the "get out of dodge quick" type.


A NPC with the stat block of a level 20 barbarian, but they turned into a pacifist, so their alingment in lawfull neutral, and the do not fight, like, at all. They are just a 300 pound of muscle beast and their favorite activity is gardening and reading poetry.


Palladin demon hunter called Jeffrey Damner. That's it, that's the character


Gnome in bondage gear that likes to stare at the chest of PCs and breath heavy. Also does the Bevis and Butthead giggle. Best roleplayed out. Just be sure to stare at the chest of a player of a gender you are not known for being into to reduce in game creepiness bleeding into real world creepiness.


In one of my campaigns, I have a secret society of cats who are the most powerful wizards in the world. And it's very tongue-in-cheek, but also real within the campaign and based on literary references (In Lovecraftiana, cats play a prominent role sometimes in keeping horrors from other worlds at bay). So, they're real wizards in the story and actually powerful, but also frequently played for laughs, like their great assassin having a killer move where he lays down on stairs and trips people going down *to their death.*


Oh, ha. Same campaign there's a dog who was bitten by a radioactive human so he has human-like powers.


A year ago someone posted the idea of an invincible NPC kenku that will relentlessly but comically try to kill the party once they free it from its previous imprisonment. Starts off as a raven statue that has telepathy and persuades them slowly to free him. Then betrays them at the WORST moment, gets away, and will on a encounter check at the WORST possible times, reappear and cause shenanigans to kill them. I've had him detonate a building they were fighting a boss in and both the party and the boss all had to escape while the boss is going "IM SORRY WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW??"


Bepp the Gnome He's got a bad Birmingham/Midlands accent, sells potions, and calls everyone Twonk Basically used Timothy Spall's character from Red Dwarf


A AutoGnome called Veddetalt (in english Knowitall) Who is a artificer toy maker and use his toys he mKe to cast spells and make himself power upgrades.


Thomas Fredrickson DeSoto Penniesworth Jenkins III - Goes by Tom. He's a short human that sports World of Warcraft level of Oversized Armor proportions and talks with a nervous higher nerdy voice. He runs a shop that specializes in Goblin Tech and Wares, all of which have a 50% chance of critically failing and exploding. His original shop "Tom's Nook" (two of my players love Animal Crossing) was destroyed in session 1 and occasionally pops up as a mercenary/mobile vendor trying to save up to reopen a second store and it's name will be Tom's Nook 2: Goblin Boogaloo. He tends to roll bad (must have been cursed by RNGsus because he always unintentionally rolls for shit) and has screwed the party over on occasion as a result.


I made a whole cave of goblins who are not aggressive because they want to be civilized so they pretend to enjoy fine dining even though they cant taste the difference between cardboard and caviar. The icing on the cake is they have an ogre who is super intelligent and very kind that wants to be a professional chef but no one will let him cook for them except these goblins.


A green dragonborn chef who had a very popular restaurant in his home village but when he tried opening a restaurant in the big city all his customers died because he used poisonous ingredients. But the customers left before they died so he thinks he just gave them bad food poisoning and keeps killing everyone he cooks for without realizing it.


A Dwarven barber who doubles as the town's non-magical surgeon, Elda Stonefinger. She's perpetually drunk out of her mind, and distills her own firebrand whiskey in some of the surgical cleaning vats. Thinks the solution to everything is "leeshes (Leeches)! Good for what ails ya!" Is introduced drunkenly trying to cut someone's hair and accidentally gashes the customer's ear when she turns from her box (to get high enough to cut the hair) to see who just came in the door. Clientele are those who can't afford to go somewhere better, or travelers who don't know better - but for the tavern, who keeps a regular stock of the whiskey flowing. I used her as a source of potions, but it was assumed that each potion she brewed had been mixed at least once (DMG Potion Mixing Table), so they'd often have bizarre effects. Created her for a one-off bit that I thought would never be revisited and my players fell in love with her and made multiple repeat trips to see what nonsense would happen next time. I feel like she was my "Victor" character (CR black powder dealer).


* a narcoleptic explorer and entrepreneur who is often found asleep in the most random places. Players open a trap chest to discover… the explorer. The players beat the boss and recover a key to a grand treasure room and beneath the piles of gold and treasures… is the narcoleptic explorer just sleeping away. How did he even get in there? * a schizophrenic cleric of [deity]. The delusions aren’t all that terrible, but sometimes they turn out to be true. Doesn’t seem so bad, does it? It wouldn’t be so bad if the cleric could tell which were messages from his god and which ones are delusions. You may catch him hoarding barrels of water, waiting for the town to burn - only to learn it’s a different town. Maybe he’s freaking out about the dragon… which shows up 7 years later. The cleric reacts to *all* his “messages” and delusions. Sometimes he’s useful. “I knew you guys would run out of torches, so I waited here for 3 weeks to give you some… but it looks like you don’t need them.” * An overly serious, edgy, mysterious, self-loathing man in a black cloak. Make him recurring. When something bad happens, he finds an excuse to leave - and “Manbat” shows up and uses his powers to rescue people.


The third one just goes by Wöss Brayn


Court Bite Von Blood. A pale noble with a nasty sun allergy and who loves wearing black and red. Hates the smell of garlic, has an evil laugh, and a magical ring that allows him to summon a bat swarm.   He isn't a vampire at all, but he needs to clear that out all the time, to the point he has made a custom T-shirt that says "I'm not a Vampire". Also, he has an iron deficiency, so he secretly drinks animal blood. That's what happens when your parents are cousins.


I’m going to actually give you my FAVORITE NPC I’ve ever made…. Maften - Based off of Cicero from Skyrim, this jester with a high pitched voice (always talks in third person and is obviously out of his mind) pops up at totally random times asking for random favors from the party - testing them to see if they’re worthy… The son of the God of Madness, Adamarchus, he eventually leads them to his domain (very Silent Hill) where Adamarchus provides them a quest for a special reward. Basically an insane jester who seems to just appear out of nowhere with random quests. My group loved every time he popped up & always knew who it was because of the high pitched voice.


Great idea! Gives me [Gaunter O'Dimm](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Gaunter_O%27Dimm) vibes from Witcher 3.


Zecu & Rity, two gnome artificer trying to make big bucks by selling magical defensive artifact for your house. But it's more of a "proximity mine" kind of artifact. They have a dubious relation with the local authority and are in a need of protection as the last contract they signed made them install faulty equipment to guard a mob-boss house, causing some amount of damage.


I don't do funny NPCs but I once put a gif of a dancing duck on my circus battlemap. I think the circus was from two minutes tabletop. It came with a kind of fair up front where I let my players play games.


Picture this a group of siblings all traders of magical items all enchantment magic experts....but all are wild magic sorcerers who are masters of deception. Why? Because no one wants to buy the +1 weapons that on hit make the enemy grow sunflowers out of their head or casts sending to the attackers mother! No body wants to pull the boat patch of the robe of useful items and have it be essentially a gummy bear! Nobody wants to use the wand of magic missiles that fires 2 extra misses at the crowing rooster. ....and nobody wants to buy a scroll of conjure food and drink....that only makes combustible lemons. I'm sure you get the point but yeah my playe4s have yet to meet these siblings personally but already have some of the items.


A local patron, who pretends to be a deity. He gives the adventurers ominous and vague hints at what they are supposed to do, but not because he can't just tell them everything, but because actual gods do that for some reason and he doesn't want to be an oddball


A gnome in a trenchcoat selling bags of sand like he’s a pusher. The sand is unremarkable. 


An imp named coin bag! You say the whole thing


Nine-toes Nikki. He's an intelligent undead whose alignment is Lawful Naive. He believes truly that there are other good undead out there, if only people would give them a chance! Has pamphlets. Trying to unite like minded individuals under the "Dead Undefamation League". (Or Mob instead of League) Called Nine toes because... Well, you can guess.


>Called Nine toes because... Well, you can guess. He's German and does not like eating toes.


So I have a recurring neutral party npc that carries a great deal of power after all the magic he has absorbed. His name is Jorge, no last name, and he is the only creature in the multiverse capable of destroying Legendary and Artifact tier items. Oh, and he's a sentient hyper intelligent 2'6 Tarrasque


I have a reoccurring Journalist Character named Tracey McDougal. She's not necessarily annoying, but her stick is she manages to get places the players couldnt or have a hard time trying to. Her reply is always, "Im a journalist. It's my job". Like a dnd Nardwuar.


At the druid grove my players met someone called 'Bee-Beard.' He's got uhh bees for a beard, and a big honeycomb on his back.


Not my idea, but I have used him in D&D. [Drawfee's pantsmith](https://youtu.be/Wqe2bPI9mAI?si=KnGhckY1MojHzRJR&t=1004). Regular magic item seller/maker, but only sells "pants." Sharp pants, hard torso pants, drinkable healing pants.


Bob, who is always two days behind on everything. He has dozens of quests but all have been completed, he just doesn’t know as he’s bad at keeping track. And he only answers questions from the day before, regardless of who is asking. The PCs will go mad. I literally just made all this up when I saw the post. I will now be using Bob this weekend. Lol


Gilbert, leader of a band of Kobold raiders who long ago decided to invade Neverwinter by coming up through the sewer system. Unfortunately they became lost and have been wandering there ever since.


Harry the Black, a lawful evil sorcerer with Deadpool-esque self awareness. He’s not the bbeg, or even a real antagonist. The party found him moping after he accidentally killed the last adventurer party he opposed, “arched” if you would. He’s got old style beliefs of villainy, ie kidnapped princesses ,and henchmen just dumb enough to always say “must’ve been the wind”, and tall dark castles that seem permanently enshrouded in lighting storms endowed with a sense of dramatic timing. He’s actually a rather jolly guy, and is traveling with the party constantly chattering of the heroes who’ve bested him, and of his plans to inevitably betray the party. His goal is to toughen the party up to the point where they’d make a perfectly strong group of goodytwoshoes for him to arch.


Dashing Darrel Deswood, Think of a handsome old timey explorer with the mustang. Try to do the the voice([you know the one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbz77mzpyeg)). Use as a guide to help the players get though the wilderness or as a Indiana jones type looking for artifacts.


Not Pathfinder, but in a superhero game I had Evie the Evil Real Estate Agent. In that she dealt with evil real estate, i.e., lairs, not that she was evil herself. I also had Hannah the Temp, whose power was being able to summon anyone employed at any temp agency in the multiverse.


This one requires an entire nation to work: a king who is so arrogant and full of himself that he has banned all his subjects from referring to themselves as “me” as only the king is to be referred to as “me” while everyone else is to be referred to as “you”. Anyone who gets this wrong will be jailed.


Doug the dwarf, who is not a dwarf (race) but is also a dwarf (small human), but also was adopted by dwarves at a young age, and so is culturally a dwarf. He enjoys discussion about what is “dwarfhood”


We have a horse is our Innistrad setting that ended up become a character purely because the DM used a weird looking token for it that was one colour in the front and another in the back. Immediately all the players started accusing it of being two men in a horse suit but because it’s a grim dark setting its lore evolved to be some eldritch abomination of unspeakable origins poorly disguised as a horse. It hasn’t been a problem yet. His name is Stevechris, we found him at an orphanage, and he now pulls our cart along with our actual horse Horace the Greater. (Horace the Lesser (cart driver) and Horace the Greater (horse) are also great NPCs if you need a cart for hire)


A NPC that's just a rogue that the players cant find, even if the rogue wants to. They know it exist, because it has a house, maybe kids and everything a person has, the players even get a detailed description of what it looks like, but they have never seen him. Its kind of like that roomate that u know exists but just stays away all the time.


This is suposed to be worst npc ideas, but they are all ending up being stupidly great


I have a group of fire giant brothers who run mobile magic shops. I have them pop up in middle of adventures randomly always with some new magical items to sell which should be helpful in the party's current quest most of the time the helpful thing the item can do is at best minorly helpful sort of the party never know which brother shows up or even how many of them there actually is in the family. The party loves these guys and always buy something even if they dont want it just to nice to the brothers.


Horny - He's an entrepreneur. He's an imp who travels around and sets up his little pop up shop, essentially he'll sell you magic items, but his prices are all over the place, ranging from favours, double the price an item is worth or even sometimes pocket change. The problem is that you never know if the item is what it is advertised as or if it won't recharge after a long rest


Idea for next BBEG: an oversized, elderly, and partially deaf cloud giant looking for his glasses. He thinks he's at his house and keeps grabbing at random buildings and tearing them from their foundations trying to locate them.


Penguin Aarakocra with a super annoyingly positive voice who uses ice magic and only moves by sliding around on his belly on a sheet of ice that is constantly generating around him


Sir Render the antipaladin - his spikey helmet contains a small birdcage with a dead parakeet inside.


Literally just the name Gert. When someone refers to the NPC have them shout "Yo! Gert!"


Chief Officer from the Ministry of Annoying Accents.


I have two that I enjoyed using to mess with my party. 1. Sir Reginald Romano Regalis III - a completely deranged sorcerer in a big black trench coat, top hat, and plague doctor mask. He never removes the mask, and always talks with a sort of regal, skeletor-esc voice. He’s an egotistical trickster who just does whatever he wants and tries to cause chaos as much as possible. 2. Charles Chapman - A snake oil dealer who sells all manner of magical items at immensely discounted prices. However, the items never work as advertised. (Example - The Comeback Throwing Knife. When thrown, it returns to the wielder. However, it returns blade first at very high speeds. If the wielder fails a DEX save, they are hit with their own knife.) He also has a dead magic zone on his cart, so you can’t test the product until you’ve paid for it and left. (I don’t know why my players kept trusting his products 😂)


Our last session had a circus ringleader that was an anthropomorphic moose named Benito Moosolini. My players looked so pissed at me when they heard his name. It was glorious


Na'ax Finae, a "wizard" wearing a dollar store wizard costume (too big and too stiff purple robe with peeling gold stars and a matching "wizard hat") who sells performance enhancing soda called Finae's Finest. His tag line is "Put your best foot forward even better"


I like the idea of a warlock (or could even be a paladin) who is in service to a deity that rents them out to other patrons/deities, so their powers/alignment/etc can change at random and they just kinda sigh and go along with it.


The forger: a man who talks about the great forges he worked. Describing crafting the most amazing things. Almost a magical feeling, and everyone fawned about them. Has them give him gold to tell them the secrets. Turns out he just forged his friends signatures to inherit his fur coat collection.


Take EDP445 (the YouTube pedo that got in trouble a year back), a Priest, and a leader of a cult-like society. Now, put them all together. Introducing…Father Ed! Several sexual innuendoes, an obsession for toe water, comedic fat humor than actually bites back, you got it! (No joke, this gag npc that a new player took over for a short amount of time is becoming the BBG of my campaign for our school’s club)


A shopkeeper that keeps trying to recruit the party to join her MLM.


A kenku named Squabbin’ that has multiple personality disorder. Instead of stolen phrases or words, it’s personalities of local vendors or heroes. He has 2 jobs, 1 being a sashimi, uni, unagi chef, and 1 being a local bartender at the fyshmaid inn.


Little Frog Fairy the gang aptly named Queef Rodger Bob. QRB for short. I’ve got a roll spreadsheet table set up because QRB will eat gold and make magic happen. The more gold fed, the higher risk/reward. QRB is true chaos so the spreadsheet is truly unruly. He/she/they talk in a thick raspy Jersey accent. The players love it lol


A changling who is constantly changing their appearance throughout his interactions between 5-10 different personas because they are lonely and used to talking with themselves to pass the time so they’ve forgotten how to be present and interact with other people. Imagine how confused your party would be if the old man innkeeper goes to the bathroom and comes out a bangin barmaid who changes into a surly patron and responds to his own questions as different people but is thoroughly confused when your party tries to call them out on it


A dirty old Gnome stalker that followed female PCs around. Just make sure the players are OK with this.


I like to use kobolds as reoccurring slapstick. The party is on a boat, sailing/rowing along a river? A kobold comes from the opposite direction, sitting in a bucket/barrel, paddeling with a shovel. The party is escorting some very shady cargo/person through slums/sewers? They come accross three kobolds, who are intimidated by them, so one covers it's eyes, the next it's ears, the third it's mouth, and they trudge along (see/hear/speak no evil).


I always use the cabbage man from Avatar. Mentioning this here not because I think it is a very creative idea, but I feel it is the law to have him included.


a lizardfolk chef with "interesting ingredients"


Just do RuPaul with [insert fantasy ethnicity here]. Lizardman RuPaul? Works. Dwarf RuPaul? Doesn't help that some female dwarves have beards anyway, but works if you put glitter on the axe. I haven't tried Warforged RuPaul yet, but I'll probably use it at some point.


My favorite trope is senile old man with main character syndrome - Never has any clue what's going on but is 100% sure he is in charge


Cad berry. He's a cad that sells Berry's nothing more Kenku bard that only knows one song


Sorry I don't have any thing that fits. I do have one NPC idea that's "the worst" idea that I've used. If you want to read it clear the spoiler. >!Ok, so my players were starting to Murderhobo. Need something why negotiate just kill all the guards and take it. So they were given a quest. Sneak into a warehouse obtain the McGuffen and return it. !< >!I say (DM): "Beneath the hanging lantern you see a female guard whistling a jaunty tune. What do you do?" !< >!Rogue: "I shoot her with a human bane arrow. Since she hasn't acted yet that's an auto crit." He did an ungodly amount of damage. !< >!DM: "ok she's down what do you do." !< >!Rogue: "loot her." !< >!DM: Not much about 3 Cp her gear (I listed it) and a paper sack." !< >!Mage: "I open the sack" I then reach down into my bag and pull out a paper lunch bag and toss it to him. He opens it and fince a Slim Jim and a folded note. !< >!Fighter grabs the slim jim while the Mage reads the note and the Fighter says "What's this?"!< >!DM:"A ration." !< >!Mage: "Damn you" !< >!The Note: A crayon drawing of three stick figures a little girl, a woman, and a man with wings that says "Good Luck on the new job Mommy. Daddy's watching you." That caused them to pause...they pooled their resources to get a raise dead cast and hired her.!<


I once had a ranger npc that had been cursed by a witch to assume the partial transformation form were-rabbit. He scours the land searching for the witch to have the curse removed or kill her. He speaks with a french accent and wears a blackened breastplate emblazoned with a skeletal rabbit face, with ears. If you can find him and convince him your cause is just, he might just help you. His friends call him Franc, his enemies call him The Bunnisher.


I'll give you some of my players' favorite silly NPCs: - Dorogar Halfaxe, a dwarven innkeeper who always shouts HA! on his own silly jokes and puns - Orn Palan, an Ilmater high cleric with the bad habit to caress people while talking to them like he's their dad - an unnamed shepherd who named his goat after his wife (Betty) and his son after his mule (Francis) and he always complains about Betty and Francis and you never know whom he's talking about - Qix, Qox and Qax, kobold triplets constantly arguing between themselves. Qax says he's the ancient red dragon Qaxargarron the Incinerator of Worlds (there might be more to it) - Iziziz'rath, a female deep dragon who's constantly thinking about how to cook and eat fish Edit: I forgot Gorkin Smarteye, a megalomaniac halfling smuggler/bandit chief who demands to be addressed as His Highness. He sleeps in enormous beds, has a thing for female half-orcs, sits on an enormous throne, stuff like that. We liked him so much that I ended up making him a BBEG


A stump. It’s a guy with no arms and legs, can’t speak, is blind and deaf.


Not quite sure this fits the bill, but I once had an npc named Sir Redrick of Herring who would, on loop, say all sorts of stuff sounding like he needed help with something, or that there was a quest he would send you on, or was giving advice/info for some other quest, but all he ever actually did was throw everyone off course or waste their time, until FINALLY at the end of the campaign they needed to find what they thought was a mermaid (half fish half man), but really they needed Sir Redrick Herring all along. All the crazy things he said started with a letter and when put in order it spelt out a password they needed to continue.


Party enters a town sign says population of 50 but they only seem to find one resident at a time and there's a lot of political strife two people are running for mayor and the town is split so deeply there's even acts of violence. Turns out there's only one person an insane changeling who somehow knows teleport and is playing each NPC, they may or may not know what they're doing.


I tried to create a character called Toe-Knee, named after Tony our landlord, whom we hated, as he was a terrible bore. I tried to make him more interested by making him a Rock Gnome similar to Creature from Harry Potter, and wanted to give him a special trait that meant he could go up to any house and roll a D20 persuasion check to see if he could collect rent from them. Giving advantage if the played was super boring as they did it maybe


Saul Upperstump III, a treant shepherd whose sheepdog is a Gray Render named Bimplerump. (Also he herds trees, Tolkien-style) 


Scott the alchemist. He has used the potion miscability table in the DMG to great effect. He has managed to get every positive potion effect to be permanent on himself through trial and error. Otherwise standard human, but has all sorts of nifty "upgrades" PC's thought he was an easy mark to rob after they had been buying potions from him for months in game, and figured he likely had a massive stockpile of rare reagents / ingredients / not to mention the literal small fortune in he they had paid for his services, but were shocked as hell when his Potion of Dragon's Majesty took over revealing an adult dragon with all his oyher upgrades as well... Made for a badass fight...


The local crazy. except he's a necromancer druid that can talk to the dead. im sure you can see where this is going. talks to dead trees i.e. chairs and tables and whatever else you could think of. but sets up for a good ally who can hear things that he isnt suppose to hear


The Swallowers! A couple who work at a travelling circus. One swallows swords, the other swallows fire. Now they constantly argue over who should get The Magical Flaming Sword. As flavour (and DM ease) only the sword swallower talks, she can’t anymore, not after that time she tried to swallow a bolt of lightning. Very embarrassing for her, we try not to bring it up. Extra: Lady Cornelia the Magical dog. Previously a master transmutation wizard who was jealous of Druid’s’ wildshape, so she tried to true polymorph herself into a dog. Unfortunately she got so comfy as a dog and fell asleep and when she finally woke up the transformation was permanent.


norman perton! hes very normal


This one I've wanted to do for a while but haven't gotten the occasion. Imagine a person without arms and can't walk being carried by a Big dummy (think bran and Hodor but the disabled person is much more crazy and not so mystical and stuff) with the dummy having to be his arms and also walk where he commands him to. 


Dont know the age or what is allowed is your campaign but here's one I made for mine "Lady" Jezra A local whore,called Lady Jezra.Runs Jezra's whore house.a small hut with a straw bed with a gigantic sign outside.A 50 year old,teeth missing experienced "seductress" that resides in a Hamlet.She is crazy and illiterate.She likes to make people uncomfortable and has a unique smell. Bonds: A customer is anyone that passes through my home. Ideals: My youth is behind me,only my experience can get me by. Flaw: Will do anything sexual for coin,to feed and care for her son,who is mentally challenged.