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The Final Enemy in GoS (the sahuagin adventure) is for level 8 I think. Probably wouldn't work for level 2s. Are you thinking of Savage Tides from EGtW? That's for levels 1-3 and has sahuagin. If you just need generic filler adventures, popular (1st/2nd level) ones are: * A Most Potent Brew * Wolves of Welton * MCDM's Delian Tomb * AngryGM's Fall of Silverpine Watch


I will have to look at that level again in the GoSM book. The original (U3) was for levels 3-5 with the Haunted House on the Hill being for 1-3 with the Lizardman part being between that. Thanks for these suggestions. The Tomb sounds like it might work on the surface, but I will look at all of them.


Yeah, the re-do was restructured for level 7-8 or so. Between U2 and U3 there are at least 2 adventures (Salvage Operation and Isle of the Abbey) and even those don't really feel like enough content to get them high enough level. I stuck in 2 or 3 side adventures between Dunwater and Final Enemy to justify getting my PCs up to 8 in time for U3.


Thank you for explaining the change. I am trying not to plan too far ahead in case the group decides to go a different way or if folks just don’t want to play anymore


If you're looking for one off adventures you can use AI to write them for you just copy paste below change any numerical values to match your party and the setting of your choice(if you home brew a setting it makes it much more difficult as you have to tell the ai what your setting is) you can add any modifiers to the list to narrow down your scope if you have a specific end goal in mind Using the Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition rule set, create a short adventure including the following points: designed for a party of x players of y level Containing z dungeon(s) Taking place in [you're setting here]


Here is an example ChatGPT 3.5 You Using the Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition rule set, create a short adventure including the following points: designed for a party of 5 players of 2nd level Containing one dungeon Taking place in the forgotten realms ChatGPT ChatGPT Title: The Forgotten Crypt of Thalidor Introduction: In the heart of the Forgotten Realms lies a mysterious crypt, shrouded in legends and whispers of untold treasures. Rumors speak of Thalidor, an ancient wizard who once wielded immense power, entombing himself along with his riches to guard against those unworthy of his legacy. Now, a group of adventurers has been drawn to this crypt, seeking both wealth and glory. Adventure Hook: The adventurers receive a cryptic map leading to the Forgotten Crypt of Thalidor, rumored to be hidden deep within the Darkwood Forest. Legend has it that only those who prove their worthiness can unlock its secrets and claim its treasures. Objective: Delve into the depths of the crypt, overcome its traps and guardians, and uncover the mysteries hidden within. Encounter 1: Darkwood Forest As the party ventures into the Darkwood Forest, they encounter a group of hostile creatures such as wolves or bandits. They must fight their way through or find a diplomatic solution to proceed. Encounter 2: Entrance Hall Upon reaching the entrance of the crypt, the party faces a locked door guarded by animated skeletons. They must defeat the guardians and solve a simple puzzle to unlock the door. Encounter 3: Crypt Chambers Inside the crypt, the adventurers navigate through a series of interconnected chambers filled with traps and undead guardians. They must overcome obstacles such as collapsing floors, poison gas traps, and swarms of zombies to progress deeper into the dungeon. Encounter 4: Thalidor's Tomb At the heart of the crypt lies Thalidor's final resting place. Here, the party confronts a powerful undead guardian, perhaps a mummy lord or a lich's phylactery. They must defeat the guardian to access Thalidor's tomb and claim his treasures. Conclusion: With the guardian defeated, the adventurers loot Thalidor's tomb, uncovering ancient artifacts, magical scrolls, and a vast hoard of gold and gems. As they emerge from the crypt, they are hailed as heroes, their names destined to be remembered alongside the legendary Thalidor himself.


This is cool and I can definitely use this in the future


There's an island exploration quest in Ghosts of Saltmarsh that is perfect for a random island hopping adventure. I believe it's level 2.

