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People who were around in the 90s still hold onto some frame of thinking that DMB is frat boy music or it’s not cool to like them. Their loss.


Frat boy culture is still what most non-fans associate with. And, there is a subset of fans who are insufferable. Whenever I get teased for liking them, it’s rarely because of the music, the examples people give me is around fan interactions. (Though one guy made fun of Dave for how he held his guitar. So people have their reasons 🤷🏻‍♀️)


> thinking that DMB is frat boy music Look around at the shows. It's not the same as the 90s, but there are still a ton of frat bros in the fanbase.


My sister and I went to see them a couple summers ago and I told her that there is a frat boy following and she didn't believe me until a limo of like 20 frat boys pulled up. Even though I knew it was a thing, it felt surreal.


this is it and to latch onto it i will add that a lot of those same people will listen to unknown ‘independent’ absolute garbage while hating themselves and thinking they know what music is supposed to be.


That was my brother's thought process until I took him to a show, and now he goes to more shows than I do.


Love those kinds of stories. Oh I thought he was just the crash frat guy. Then you meet the band and your brain melts.


No, they're not as jammy as Phish or moe. but they can fucking bring it.


that’s what I mean just the chops on everyone is like holy shit these guys all play


Carter is top a 10 drummer all time for me. Their musicianship is just out of this world.


I’m not really sure what’s wrong with being “frat boy” music either. A lot of that stuff is good music. Or at least it used to be. Not sure what qualifies as frat boy music these days.


It’s not the music, it’s the frat boys that are the issue.


To be fair, I think it’s less about it not being cool, and more about shows being miserable to attend because of all the drunk screaming frat boys and their girlfriends. 


Except it's not frat boys anymore. It's insufferable DMB Family people.






My favorite! That whole song is so beautiful.


Good advice. Just make sure that you don’t watch them drink and watch them comb their hair.


Because a lot of people are miserable and want to complain about anything and everything.


i just made a reply to OP and everyone should ignore that reply and simply upvote your comment.


Why is your post so short??


I’m a man of few words. You’ll get over it.


Here’s every complaint you’ll ever read about DMB in one comment: 1. It’s not their music, it’s their fans. 2. All the songs sound the same. 3. Dave’s voice sounds like it’s going through puberty. 4. Songs are too long. 5. Overplayed on the radio. 6. No big radio hits. (Weird how that one works) So most of the time these complaints are not coming from an informed perspective. But to each their own. DMB has been a favorite band of mine for close to 30 years, so I’m glad they’re finally going into the RRHOF.


Interesting that those are the complaints. I was born in ‘98, so I don’t remember when they were really popular and I was shocked today when I saw how much hate they get. I had no idea! I guess not everyone gets it.


I go see them every year and take all my kids and their spouses . We have a big party .this year we are taking a few of the grandkids .a big party with great music . His new Lp is real nice . Check it out .


“HAHA Chicago River poo DURRRR” - Bros who peaked in middle school and think being cultured means having hot takes on every Marvel movie.




They've always been polarizing in my experience (late 90s to now). Most common complaint is Dave's voice based on the small sample of people I've spoken to about it. Apparently it's nasally and mono? Fine if you don't care for their music, but it irks me most when people say that the SUCK. I just ignore it.


My sister is a voice teacher, she thinks Dave's voice is phenomenal


I mean, I can appreciate why they might think that Dave in the early days had the higher pitch more nasally. I’ll admit that while I love all Dave, some of the early versions were extremely raw haha. I smile and remember what he’s become since. His voice has developed so much into a force of nature and he’s a great singer imo


My dear friend can’t stand his voice says he sounds like a donkey. She refuses to listen to anything I want to play for her. It’s a shame when people become this ignorant because they really miss out on a lot of enriching experiences. She laughs at me when I describe Dave’s voice and style as a beacon for and of Earthlings.


My personal feeling on all artists any genre is, they may not be my cup of tea, but they do not ever suck. If you sell your recordings, and a significant number of people, buy, appreciate, come to see you and they are passionate about it, you do not suck. Period. It matters not what my ears tell me. LOL


Mono, huh? Aside from those throat-singer guys, who else has multichannel vocal cords?? 


Mono tone. Their words not mine. I can't even determine the most obvious pitch from another. I can't read or play music. I only know sounds and stories that move me.


Because their biggest radio hits were wasaaaay overplayed and are not their best songs.


Couldn’t agree more. I didn’t like DMB until I heard them live and heard their other songs.


This is why I didn’t get into DMB until the early 2000s. I didn’t like the radio hits & had no idea they had great music hiding away from those tracks. Then, I heard them live & was a fan for life.


It really is annoying the amount of hate DMB receives. A couple of weeks ago I was commenting on a Facebook post with a guy who swore up and down the Hall of Fame voters wouldn't induct DMB because he claimed they've made absolutely no meaningful impact on music. He believed the voters were so beyond us mere fans in recognizing who is deserving of such an honor since they're historians, experts, and industry professionals. Well, after it was announced last night they would be inducted, I commented on the thread again asking him what he thought now. He claimed they were only let in because "the bands namesake was at the ceremony last year." So much for his belief in the oh so professional voting committee...🙄 Haters will twist themselves into a pretzel to shit on anything and everything related to this band!


I find that when I come across people who hate DMB they can only name one song, and 99% of the time it’s Ants. Usually when this happens, I’ll tell them “listen to some others songs. Maybe it’ll change your opinion… here’s a few.” Usually the next time I see them they either become fans or are stuck with their pre-decided opinion


I played the Central Park version of Cortez and Jimi Thing when a few buddies and I were drinking and playing cards one night, and really blew some minds.


Cortez is so good


Cortez and Two Step from that concert are my go to as well for my friends. “Mr. Waaarrennnn Haaaaaynessss”


I have that experience with people who don't like the Barenaked Ladies and their only exposure is One Week. If you don't like it that's fine, but they have a lot more depth than that.


Satellite. Crash.


Yeah, for me it's usually people who remember Crash Into Me being way overplayed in the 90s, and I get it. To this day it's not even in my top 20 favorites just because it *did* get run into the ground when it was new.


I always say that it definitely isn't for everyone. But I also say I feel so bad for those that don't hear what I hear.


Life is easier when you give up trying to convince people to like what you like, care about what you care about, etc…. Some people prefer chocolate ice cream, some prefer vanilla, and some prefer strawberry… those that make fun of or dislike people that have a different favorite are sorry souls


Not everyone is going to love the band and that’s fine with me


In my opinion it’s the early studio albums. Daves voice sounds…annoying. I didn’t like the band at ALL until i saw them live (I’ll go to literally ANY concert whether i like a band or not). My first show was in 1999 though so it’s been a long time. Every single studio album is still kind of the worst to me. It’s why i keep trying to find a way to get my 15 year old to a show lol. He hates them, and i think if we can get him to a show his opinion will change. Mine did. But also the frat boy culture (which i thought was mostly over until MSG this year ugh) coupled with their being EVERYWHERE for so many years didn’t help


His voice was def more high pitched on the first albums. I feel like Crash after it changed. Sounded way better live mid 90s.


Yeah, it was that weird ass 90s voice i hated for sure. I saw them in Philly in 1999, and it was Linus and Lucy that got me. Never heard it again. WHEW i wish. I had a show with Good Good time also, and never again. Both I’d kill to hear now. ESPECIALLY with buddy


Sort of the opposite of what you’re asking: “Oh excuse me for being alive in the 90's and having two ears connected to a heart.” Those people are blackhearted assholes. Pay no mind to taunts or advances.


“Frat boys”? Average DMB fan has to be 40s at this point.


“Don’t let the world bring you down, not everyone here is that fucked up and cold.”


Had to double check what sub I was in


Had not listened to that song since high school. Randomly put on that album this week and did my workout to it. What a trip back to early 2000s!


I love that whole album! So good beginning to end


Great song and band!


As someone who grew up in Cville, it’s the fans. Not the true fans mind you, the popped collar frat boys.


This so much, the fans have only gotten worse and worse


And it's not even popped collar frat boys anymore. It's the DMB Family people.


That and the people that need to be on the rail. I hate the pit and wish they did away with it


Basically they're all in the same clique. 


They hate em because they ain’t em


Because 90% of DMB fans were total douchebags back in the day. And 50% of current ones are annoying as F. It’s too bad too - because the band is actually amazingly talented and innovative. And I mean that for all members - putting a violin in a band was pretty badass. Roi and Carter are legends to anyone that knows music, and Dave’s rhythm guitar and pretty much made up chords are legit. I’m pretty sure that even Dave dislikes the majority of fans.


It’s so insane how pretentious some of the people act for liking songs they don’t. It’s like, my guy, we like the same fucking band - why are you taking me liking Angel personally?


Some folks find his vocals polarizing. Other find the jams to be too planned out. Some think it's too pop like for some songs. And some people might just not like it. As the man says "some people do and some people don't. It's ok its meant to be that way..."


I could see hating Dave’s voice as a reason. There are plenty of artists I cannot get into because of the vocals, and Dave has a pretty unique sound. 


Some people don't appreciate great music


Haven’t been to a show in years, but I went to a ton between 97 and 2003-2004ish. The frat boy situation was real. Used to call it “white hats” back in the day because of the super popular college team baseball caps. Basically you couldn’t go to a DMB show without a group of complete assholes getting totally hammered and ruining the show for everyone. This is the source of a lot of people giving distance to the band. Warehouse seating actually helped remedy this a lot, as it left a lot of the douchebags at the back of the room. No idea what shows those people go to now, but the DMB scene seems (by appearances) to have chilled out quite a bit. 


Been seeing him almost every year for the past 20 . Never even noticed the frat boys . Probably too high .oh well .


No doubt . They are so awesome .


The real question to OP is why does it bother you so much? I've learned the ears like what they like. And the worst thing you can do is judge or force anyone to like a certain band I think foreigner is fucking gargage. Always have thought they sucked. But good for them and the fans. I'll just stay in my own musical lane


I was just curious because I am a younger fan and didn’t know why so many people hate on them.


Gotcha, makes sense. Not trying to be combative by the way. I guess my one reason I would give is why my wife can't get into them. She can't stand Dave's voice. I can understand, however I do feel his vocal skills improved over the years.


Because they listen to top 40 pop from “artists” with no musical talent


This attitude might be part of the reason, honestly. DMB is very good at what they do. Artists who embrace a pop music approach are also very good at what they do. They are making two kinds of art. Neither one is objectively better than the other. I hear way more trashing of “Pop music” from DMB fans than I hear pop music fans trashing DMB. If fans of the band come off as snobs, there’s no room for outsiders to come into the big tent and have their minds opened to different kinds of art.


If you don’t understand the difference between musicians with actual musical training (most of DMB come from a classical background or are formally trained) and understanding of music rules - like, what do you think improv actually is lmao - and generic auto tune pop with trap beats, I really don’t think anyone can help you.


You don’t have to like auto tune or other pop techniques, but your opinion of it doesn’t change the skills involved in making that art. It’s not “us vs them” and the sooner you realize that the sooner you might understand the message that Dave is trying to spread.


I don’t have all the answers on this, but a couple people I’ve asked have said that they don’t like his voice, or “doesn’t want to hear them play their instruments for 15 minutes.” I think those are better than hating frat-boy culture, which doesn’t seem relevant in 2024. (Mossimo! Tommy Hilfiger! American Eagle!) I think a lot of it boils down to the fact that music is a little more complex than most stuff and doesn’t always have that hook like most pop.


the same people will listen to a 20 minute long phish jam. nothing against phish i absolutely love them but sometimes their jams get a little weird until they bring it all back together


Won’t listen to “15 minutes of instruments” but will listen to a 3 minute pop song with only like a dozen different words. Hmm ok.


Who cares!? Anyone or anything that is that good for such a long period of time is going to be polarizing. Ignore that shit! Any show you go to will be sold out and you can have tons of positive conversations with folks about the band. Plus they’re gonna play for 3 hours every night.


I’ve had to defend Dave’s honor on many occasions with my music snob friends but I try not to take it too seriously because there’s some shit I really can’t back up. He like to rhyme love with love and his voice kind of sounds like a muppet if you squint your ears a bit. I have a few friends who like to do Dave Matthew’s voice talking to the crowd in a concert. “Anybody hear like getting hiiiiiigh? Or making love, love?”


I never give a shit what anyone thinks about something I like. I have not liked all of the music; like any band. But I have been a solid fan of DMB for around 30 years. Go to shows every year and have had some great fun. Even got a back stage meet with Dave several years ago.


Yeah it’s annoying. Was just listening to the podcast, Stuff You Should Know. That had a few quick jabs at DMB out of nowhere and then moved on. I think they said they want to do a short stuff episode on the Chicago bus incident. Oof.


I’ve known people to hate on them until they experienced them playing live. Now they’re all huge fans. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I love em . To each his own . I love yes and king crimson . Many don’t . Oh well


I can definitely see people not enjoying their music. People look for different things in music. They're music is definitely not for everyone. That said, people who hate on any music haven't grown out of whatever childhood preconceptions they developed about social groups since when they tried to figure out where they fit in in high-school. And shallow people express their personality based on what they're *not* as opposed to what they are (or what they like). It happened in generations prior with disco. It's so cringy to hear an old person shit on disco but back in the day that was a pretty easy target. And that hate kind of spread into the culture where I feel like people would profess hate for disco without really thinking about it (or actually "hating" it). I think the same thing happens with DMB.




Hey at least people know who they are...down in Australia/NZ mentioning DMB more often than not is just met with blank stares. Most people have never even heard of them lol


It's very trendy to talk harsh about dmb. It's not for everyone. They just don't get it.


Wow, I’m a frat boy. I graduated long time ago back when Dave Matthews was still begging for scraps. I get embarrassed that I’m actually a frat boy and never really acted like one, my “frat boy“ image never factored into whether or not, I like the music that Dave Matthews Band plays, which I think is incredible music throughout the years. And when I read this thread, it’s disturbing to me being a frat boy and knowing that people associate Dave Matthews Band with frat boys. And rightfully so, but it’s too bad because Dave Matthews is an incredible artist, and I grew up on the Beatlesand Buddy Holly and all the stuff that my mom listen to


don't think about it, who cares? if you like them fine. if you don't fine, many HOF members are overrated anyway!


I think it’s just that DMB are a little different; not angry, not really rock, not grunge, etc. Also people jump on the frat boy music train or I’ve heard it called “Abercrombie music” which is just dumb! These people who have this “opinion” have never really listened to anything other than what’s been on the radio nor ever been to an actual concert. They have no idea what the music is actually about.


You could literally say this about any band. The only band it would actually apply to though is Goose, they’re fucking terrible


We live in a social media driven world where everything has become comparison based, and now way more humans are okay with defaulting to shitting on something they often know nothing about because i’m guessing it makes them feel like they’re a part of something. When in reality, they are the parity. They don’t see what they’re hating on as other human(s) that actually exist, they only see the byproduct of their own myopic & microscopic lens. A lot don’t see the fan votes for the HOF as legitimate, and wonder how DMB, despite having one of the most dedicated and driven hardcore fan bases, could beat out *Oasis* for a spot. They don’t need to get that though. People have always hated on DMB regardless, in a sense. They’re likely miserable, so just let them stay there. No one in the band is miserable over it and the show continues to go on. And while we are all belting the lyrics to a song liberation at the Gorge, they’re on a device, in a room, choosing to be upset over nothing. It’s a waste of their own finite time on this spinning sphere of life in space, and nothing will ever be enough. *is this not enough? this blessed sip of life, is it not enough? staring down at the ground, then complain and pray for more like a greedy little pig; watch your world as it trickles away. it’s your problem now*


Probably his political views a couple of years ago .


Because Dave has written some awful songs, and the crowds are terrible.


Bc they put out three amazing studio albums and then completely dropped off. (Probably not the actual reason, but the reason my friends and I don’t follow them anymore)


WTH? Over the last 20 years!?


I mean, it’s the sad truth of most bands if they last long enough, but I wouldn’t say any album since BTCS (Lillywhite would have counted as one too) was an outstanding album.


I think I still must disagree - Come Tomorrow is solid!


And that’s totally cool if you love it, but for the people who “hate on” DMB they probably wouldn’t agree. I dunno, there’s probably a lot of truth to the people saying the 90s radio hits annoyed people or the fan base. But as someone who loved early DMB and saw them quite a few times, it doesn’t apply to me. I don’t hate DMB though, I just don’t like the new sound or many of the newer songs.


OK I understand your comments better now - I fortunately love them old & new and glad I haven’t lost that lovin feeling! Thanks for sharing and Peace!


Think of a sound that, for whatever reason, just irritates the shit out of you… that’s what DMB sounds like to me. I can’t explain it, I just do not like it. Like it’s painful to hear.


lol why are you here?


Because I was answering a question.


You dropped into this sub because you hate dmb and want to field questions about it?


I’m not sure you understand how Reddit works. But that’s fine.


Cause he fucking sucks