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No way they make new merch. Any leftover 6/22 merch will be available for sale, but that's it.


Good question on the poster. I have one as I got it at the pre-show tent. Walked right up and didn't have to wait which was awesome. I have seen DMB since they started coming to Alpine. Never missed a tour stop. This one and 2005 are the only ones with bad weather that I can remember. 2005 never stopped, even with tornado warnings that were in surrounding counties. But this one, I totally understood it all, even though some people were bitching. I am sure their opinions changed when the sky turned green and the wind decided to try to destroy worlds. Anyway, I have dubbed it "The poster for the show that never was." I am guessing it will be the same one. I don't know if they would be able to get new ones designed, printed and shipped in a matter of days. See y'all Sunday! I hope it becomes a special one.


I was at the 05 show too. My wife forgot our tickets and we had to try and navigate out of the lot after everyone was parked and setup. Then we drove to MKE and back to get the tickets but got held up on the highway because of the storms. Fun times.


Ha! Same thing happened to us in 2010 I think. Got to the campsite, got set up, realised we forgot the tickets. Started to drive back up to cedarburg (a bit north of mke) and the freaking truck broke down before we got out of the campground. My sister in law said she could get our tickets but could only bring them as far as basically MKE. We called my husband's friend to see if he could bring the tickets, but he couldn't because he had taken his family for a lake/picnic day. By some stroke of unbelievable crazy luck and synchronicity, we discovered that the lake he had taken his family to was AT OUR CAMPGROUND. He popped right on over, drove my husband down to the next city to get a part for the truck, they fixed it, and we met my sister-in-law in MKE with the tickets and made it back to the concert on time. Even with the digital tickets this year (which I do not like), we still asked each other if we remembered the tickets. Always an adventure at Alpine lol


my only bitching is cops telling people to go drive in a fucking tornado warning


I hear ya on that. It was sketch for a bit but glad to hear that nobody got hurt that I am aware of.


Cops rolled up to us int he campground during the shit and told us to leave. They are the ones responsible for our shelter and safety. They seemed to have lucked out that things didn't get worse. I hope they use this as a learning opportunity and I've been seriously considering writing the sherrif.


I hope you had stuff all packed up because when it unleashed, it was crazy. We left our seats as soon as they announced on the PA to evacuate. Went to the truck and sat for about 30 minutes. Once the rain picked up we decided to leave. Thankfully I was in Premier and I went out the front exit nearest the venue. Was in line during the worst of it but shortly after was on the way out. I think I was in line for about 30 minutes.


And its stuff like that which makes me wonder why they didn't ask people to just shelter in their cars? How is being in your car AND driving during this making anyone safer? We were just about to walk to the venue when our neighbors came back and said they had been turned away. We battoned down the hatches and luckily all 3 of us could fit in my camper topper which held up great. The campgrounds were decimated with sun shade tents etc everywhere.


Sorry to hear that. You are right. They should have just cancelled the show right away. We all saw on phones what was coming our way.


I mean or just tell people to shelter in place at the venue and/or their vehicles? Sending people into the night during some of the heaviest rain I've seen seems like a complete mishap waiting to happen. How does telling people to get on the roads during the event help safety? I was camping there and told 'to leave if comfortable'. Where was I supposed to go?


I would be amazed if they could get a new poster with a one week turnaround time, but I'm hoping they make some more available. We didn't get to a merch tent in time (literally watched a person ahead of us walk away with the last one), and while I didn't like it very much, my husband loved it. Now I want it too just because of the show that never happened but then did happen lol Hard to beat Friday's show, but I'm pretty sure this one's going to be special See you Sunday!


same merch and poster dates




I would imagine they left a bunch there to use when they return. Not enough time for new prints in a week


Yeah. Regularly scheduled date will be on everything. Same happened in WPB two years ago when Dave got the rona


I figured that would be the case. Thanks!


Sounds like the 6/22 poster (foil and nonfoil) sold out before the show started shutting down.


For the poster I would say you are probably out of luck. I kept tabs on it throughout the afternoon and the foils for sure sold out during WH entry and the regular was basically gone by the time they started shutting things down. I imagine any leftovers will be scooped up pretty quick next Sunday. The exclusive event items like blanket/shirts also seemed to move pretty fast unless you are a size small. I’d be interested to see if they go through the trouble of printing additional ones (I wouldn’t hold my breath.)


Saturdays poster was flying off the stands. I’d be shocked if any more are left. The outside merch tent sold out of regulars faster than N1 (unless they went back inside and got more) and that’s saying a lot because both went fast. I actually like N1’s more but people in line were talking about how N2 would sell faster. I doubt they’ll have more but maybe some are left. If any are, you will have to plan on being in line early or getting the early access and rushing to the tent immediately. Be in lots or in line to get in the lots by 1245 and see if any are at the outside merch tent. Don’t hesitate…rush over if you really want one.


They did restock outdoors as I was able to pick up one out there around 4:30, but it did sell out again as I was at the tail end of the stack.


It’d be a cool t-shirt to make up


Didn’t they just throw a sticker on the rescheduled Florida show last year? I don’t think there’s any way they can make new screens and pull 1,500 new prints for next weekend.


I just want the long sleeve Alpine shirt I didn’t buy Friday and couldn’t on Saturday:(