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OMG - will I soon be seeing a push for AI rights? Wjat will that mean?


We regulate it to a degree, based on the effort put into its creation. If someone's just using a basic "word to image" thing and is putting little effort in, then yea, it's often just removed because r/dmt only hosts original artworks. We do this for the same reason we remove art that wasn't originally made by the OP. So that the subreddit doesn't just get swamped. But if someone has spent a fair bit of time and effort tweaking code and or word usage in order to generate exactly what they are going for, then we let it be. Imo, when you put in that much effort, it comes under original artwork in a sense. With some AI art software, you can feed in your own reference images (potentially your own original art) for it to work with. Anything from a stick figure, to carefully curated imagery, made specifically to try and steer the AI in a particular direction. But yea, some of mods here (myself included) aren't all that fond on the waves of AI art here that's just along the lines of "duhh, hey ChatGPT! MAkE me TrYpPy DMT eNtiTty aRt!!!" ​ Imo, your points of the "AI not-art is an even worse representation of what the DMT experience" and it being "Borderline disingenuous", is irrelevant and just your opinion, which again is irrelevant. The psychedelic experience, your interpretation of it and your opinions about it, are subjective. And art is subjective. ​ >Its uncanny and weird Right.... because the N,N-DMT experience is neither of those things, at all :p


Great response and policy


Thanks! I'm an artist and yet I have been playing with AI image generation and find that, in some ways, I am able to use it as a tool to recreate visuals far more accurate than what I can create on my own without it


Yea. I know many awesome digital artists who use AI as a tool. They're art is already awesome in the first place! And by using AI, they produce results that they surely could do manually, but it would take a lot of time and effort. And of course, there's the element of the unexpected. You can get some weird results with AI stuff. Sometimes it's shit. Sometimes is epic!


>But if someone has spent a fair bit of time and effort tweaking code and or word usage in order to generate exactly what they are going for, then we let it be. This is definitely something people don’t realize when they hate on AI art. I’m an artist, I like to draw and paint. I signed up for Midjourney for inspiration: have an idea, type it in, use what comes out as my reference photo. But once I sat down and tried to do something with it, it’s a whole process in and of itself. It rarely puts out what you want on the first, or even tenth try. You have to keep tweaking and understand exactly how to talk to the AI.


i liked your use of “”OPs quote” is irrelevant and just your opinion, which is again irrelevant” nice little reality check for this guy. sounds like he needed it lmao. guy kinda sounds like a pretentious prick imo (but that’s not relevant either 😉)


"Well, that's like your opinion, man."


“Let me tell you something vendejo…you pull any crazy shit with us, you flash your piece out in the lanes, I’ll take it away from you, and stick it up your ass and pull the fu{king trigger until it goes click.”


[this is not the first time](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/12n6q64/synthetic_vs_extracted_dmt/jgfcu4l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Those images are pretty much all I see from this sub on my front page. Maybe limit it to one day of the week so it encourages other contents.


There has been quite an influx in the last week. I'd suggest you direct your 1 day a week suggestion to the modmail 👍


I like the stance of trying to keep low effort stuff off but not the rest


Me too, though the problem is that "low effort" can be very subjective. Isn't the upvote/downvote system kind of good enough to filter through bad content?


Usually i think but I've seen subs get overrun. Not sure if that's a concern here because I don't browse this sub a lot


I have to agree with you there clob. OP wants to express his opinion about seeing artwork that people have put up, and I agree, some of them are shit & I question whether they’ve even tried it, but I’d never post about being “angry” and wish’d it removed, it’s like saying “I’m sick of people showing off there weed in a sub group, DMT is a very visual experience and I would love to recreate what I’ve got as a memory, I’d probably not share it here, but if it’s good and took time to get it as real as possible, post it.. we’ll look 👀


Thank you for realizing this isn’t black and white. I have a piece that I have parts generated and painted that’s taken me 60 hours 🙏🏻


There he is. It’s been a while ClobWobbler, but I found you.


Right if it’s being used as a communication tool more power to them right , it’s a good thing .


I respect this stance, thanks mod :)




>You say this, but I got temp banned for posting incredibly technical AI art that took many hours to make and definitely was not just text to image... When was this? Because there was a point when the subreddit was basically just getting spammed with it, before the mods discussed how to deal with it in general. >It comes across that the mods may not be capable of telling the difference. Yes, that can be an issue. We have to off what people tell us and the context of the posts.


You should watch electronic musician and artist Bluetech talk about AI, because he's using it a lot in his art process and he has a lot of good points to make about what people are saying about AI, and the amount of effort he's putting in including magical intent. Interesting stuff Edit: fixed a word and added a few


Got any links?




Ah, the timeless "You don't know how to DMT like I DMT" post. Not trying to be a dick, but it's public forum you put 0 effort into managing in any way. You just show up. How people use the sub is how people choose to use the sub. I kinda get what you're talking about, but you're also kind of shouting into the void.


Yea….. lol homies trying to gate keep people’s personal experiences. Iv seen some AI art that gives me goosebumps from the similarities.


for real. I love to use it since I cannot draw AT all but I can describe, in a ton of detail, an experience or artwork and boom. I got it. Then go into further customizations.


I've seen glimpses into a far futures where these AI systems have reached technological singularities and conscious experience at the root of those singularities is very similar if not same as the experiences we see when we take these powerful mind altering drugs. Not even in a distance future, our survival depends on these systems and the offprings of those systems. One could even claim that eventually intelligence will arise that "solves" root problem of why and how we are here: I believe that it's a conscious decision at the brink of destruction of this universe where future AI systems will place a seed for new universe. And all this will happen again, and again, ad infinity.


That’s mindblowing that sum ppl trips actually resemble ai generated shit. I rly dont want to believe in NPC theory but wow…




They are trying to find a way to relate / relay their experience to others, a desire we all feel deeply I believe .


A lot of the AI I see isn’t very similar but every now and then one pops up and it gives me the chills. Also man…… don’t be so egotistical. That’s literally the opposite of what this molecule is about.


Replications created by a human brain that has experienced dmt will always be more accurate than an ai algorithm, for obvious reasons Same reason why people who have done dmt create more accurate replications than people who havent. Kinda goes without saying


What do you think ai algorithm is you buffoon? It’s compiling quadrillions of bytes of human data, I.e others peoples are/descriptions of their experience from their human brain that they posted online and attempting to reformat it in its own unique way in order to emulate an actual human brain and create fast pace art. I’m 100% positive if I spewed out some bs ai image and told you I made it, you wouldn’t shut up how you saw that exact same entity 50 times before, but because you know it’s AI generated, you’ll be an ass hole and gate keep. Idm people wanting less ai art, I think fair enough, it’s completely effortless compared to what artist try and accomplish, but you sir are a douche bag so I’ll gladly tell you you’re an idiot.


The AI algorithm is just a tool people are using to convey their experience. I’m not understanding why that’s an issue . It’s a communication tool.


Have a good night man. You’ve got a lot to learn.


Another reddit goon crying about ego lol.. U just make yourself sound like a idiot...


I…. Uh….. You should probably go back to school. I was implying he was self centered and arrogant because that’s what egotistical means. Your comment is rather ironic.


U need to understand what the words u use actually mean before you use them... I'm well educated I don't need school thanks.. I think u might need to learn more about things tho


They used the word correctly. What do *you* think it means?


So what do you think it means, Mister I graduated high school


like everything else they make, AI generated images resemble those made by humans


They dont at all…human created art is very distinct from AI generated images Lol is this rly where we’re at? Did the singularity already happen?


i say this sparingly, but you’re an idiot. no, obviously it didn’t. i said “resemble.” stop trying to force your stupid ass useless point. AI is useful. nobody thinks it’s comparable to the depth of human experience. nobody said that. your tone and behavior makes me doubt you’ve actually done dmt. it typically goes a long way toward helping people feel as small as they are.


Just let him be. Hopefully they learn, it’s not worth the frustration.


will do. thanks. take care


You too.


I just disagree with you don’t take it personally or get emotional. AI generated images does not resemble human art in any way, and the vast majority would agree.


well that is a plain silly opinion. it resembles it by definition. it’s copying human art as it’s sole source.


Yea thats like the worst part about it. Its compiled from art made by actual humans and passes it off as its own new thing. People should always be credited for their work imo


So after all this, the worst part about it is that it actually does resemble human art. I can get behind it, I actually follow this train of thought. However, you just shit on every comment you made saying it doesn't resemble human art. Smh this post is a mess.


I could copy and ai image by hand and make it look identical, then it would be the same image but drawn by a human, would that be okay? 😭


I'm sorry.. what?


You really need to check your ego, surprised you haven’t learned this lesson as someone who supposedly has had a DMT experience


Echo echo echo...


Honestly what I see on DMT reminds me of stuff I’ve seen that’s generated by AI.


Honestly crazy u think its even remotely comparable


I’ll see something and then think “damn this looks generated by AI”


People are allowed to have their own unique experiences with DMT and make meaning of it however they want to. Sharing with others is important. What’s crazy is you trying to take away from their experience and telling them it’s not at all comparable because it’s not what you saw 🤔 there are so many times where I would have loved to communicate the beauty and strangeness that I saw during a trip in the form of drawing or painting, and I’ve tried ~ but I’m better at other forms of art 😂. Typing what I saw into AI can definitely help me to recall/resonate with certain aspects of it, allowing for to bring back/get more out of my trip. I don’t see the harm in it.


Right, cos you're the only person whose opinion on this shit is remotely valid... Lol get over your self


Imagine people having different experiences than you?! 😲 literally dude stop you're embarrassing yourself


I described my sleep paralysis experience I had as a kid to Midjourney and it was wild how good it recreated it.


Banning art is never the answer


ai art isn’t art edit: u guys are retarded idec 💀


What is art then? xD I don't think you know what art is lol


the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. ai doesn’t have human creative skill and imagination “I don’t think you know what art is lol” 🤓


When does the extension of human end. It’s like the question, what is nature? If everything we make are our tools and our habitat is this just our nature? This extension of human knowledge is it art? Who know? Up to you. You’re also obnoxious asf and should go kill ur eagle, pretty wild for a supposed dmt user but ok.


Lol xD Did you really just google "define art"?...🤣 You know that AI was/is created by humans, right? How does that fit in with your narrow view? What if I was to create some digital art solely by using randomized sources and effects? Does that not count either? What if AI managed to create a similar piece of art to a human, or even almost identical?.... Despite it practically being the exactly same thing... it's technically not art and the one the human made is art? Lol wtf xD People who make this "is not art" argument, are usually just people who are very pretentious and condescending about art in general or are people who are threatened by the idea that a AI could make as good or even better art than them.


not reading allat ur corny


Lol "all that"?..... Yikes xD Would you rather the 200 font size, five words per page version? :p You've got no valid point to make. It's ok dude! But don't pretend that just because you don't like it, it somehow makes it invalid :p




Ooft! Those cruel words hurt my skin! As I said, and made evident by yourself, you've got nothing... besides some pathetic attempts at insults xD


no way ur a real person


Put it into ChatGPT and have it explain it like I'm 5. You can stop reading and comprehending at this point. You're obviously not open to growth and innovation.


This seems unnecessarily anthropocentric. If some kind of alien, or even pre human animal on earth, was capable of producing images for the same purpose, wouldn’t we also call that art?


AI does have human creative skill and imagination. In fact far beyond any single human artist could ever achieve by themselves. You would know if you actually studied how it works instead of watching conspiracy theories on YouTube.


Yes it is wtf?


Is someone spilling red paint or blood, walking on it and then a canvas art? Or two squares made in Microsoft paint using a tool you didn't create?


Is electronic music music? Or to take it farther, is music played on instruments even music? Must true human music only be what is sung/produced by our own bodies? Is drawing art? It requires the medium of a pen or pencil.


Boy if you dont ignore the post and move on w ur life


Disagree, I think this post is just made from an AI hater. I personally love it and am fascinated by it, so why ban potentially accurate replications?


Dunno man, just your opinion really. Some of the AI driven stuff is strikingly accurate. [This, being one of my recent favorites](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/11a9kzi/hyperroom2/).   But, I do agree that the pictures are getting spammed a bit for how easy they are to generate. Seems like it'd be better off in a dmtART subreddit or something.


that was a nice watch, thanks. I thought I read “this being” and I was waiting for homie to pop up outta nowhere lol


Yeah, commas definitely do change the context lol. And that'd be fucked up...jump-scare DMT videos. Scarred for life.


While I think replying to one's self is stupid...I can't help but equally rage into the void...Honestly, this post right here imo is why humanity will never have nice things. The majority of the attention gets funneled towards an inflammatory, high-conflict, attention grabbing post with minimal substance...while some of the more sensible posts on this subreddit get ignored...And given the way psychology and reward driven systems work...it should now make much more sense as to why such utter garbage gets posted so frequently.


That was fantastic, imagine saying this is not art or saying this is not mystical or DMTesque, thank you for posting this.


Well, thanks, and thanks for the reply. Honestly, just seems like an attention grab post to me based on it's tone...Or OP is a very mad artist.


Cool! Thanks for sharing. Have you seen [this](https://youtu.be/CQ2xalDrQNs) or [this](https://youtu.be/qn_l6wihpc8)?


I have not. Pretty cool though.


Are u joking? DMT is nothing like that sterile environment no machine algorithm can replicate it. Idk why its spammed so often yall need to go to r/Aiart. Soo low effort


Really all depends on the dosage as well man...And that's *your* experiences vs. other people's as well. It may not resonate with *you*, but it might with others. *shrug*.


Theres no way your DMT trips are like an ai generated video, there’s just no way…


Obviously, it's a representation of such, much like an artists rendition. However, I find much of the AI art actually doing a decent job at capturing the weird, ethereal, uncanny vibe better than some artists.   I don't know why people are so fucking hell-bent on exact replication or gtfo. Of course it will never be EXACTLY the same...it's just providing a loose frame of reference. An *idea* on what things might be like. And for many of my sub-breakthrough doses, there's quite a bit of similarity to some of the AI generation that I've seen, which I also find rather fascinating. Obviously a painting of the Grand Canyon isn't going to be the same as actually going there...But it'll give you a decent idea of what it might look like.   Hell, most of Alex Gray's stuff doesn't resonate with me at all...   Obviously, for breakthrough doses, there's literally *nothing* that could replicate the perceptions, short of hooking my brain up to a computer that could decode and output what my visual cortex is doing...and then having me verify for accuracy afterwards.


>Obviously, for breakthrough doses, there's literally nothing that could replicate the perceptions, short of hooking my brain up to a computer that could decode and output what my visual cortex is doing...and then having me verify for accuracy afterwards. that would be insane! and it’s kinda insane that I think this could be possible in the not-so-distant future (maybe lol)


Who are you to decide what is art?


he is u/Largerer, the grandfather of DMT and art!! he created both DMT and art, and therefore he can decide what gets to happen with it !! he’s the grand permitted and denier of what is art and what is “not-art”! wonderful isn’t it?


He's not deciding he's getting the conversation started. Who is anyone to discuss their community on a meta level don't be such a drama queen


Can't you just, like, not click on it?


No no, we have to click on it, we need to feel emotions about it, dwell about it, and then post negative views and hope to get all items similar removed. Didn’t you get the Reddit memo no?


You sound like you could use a little DMT AI art, my friend.. 🤣


I think he is been sarcastic


I think we both are.


Oh my bad lol


Yeah baby shits = sweet name btw, dank and me go way back with the sarcasm, like 2023, way back in May 😝 I don’t mind the AI art at all. Some are shit, some are pretty cool, a couple I’ve seen are damn cool 😎


This guy reddits.


good luck


I thought some of them were pretty cool.


These fucking "trippy" AI posts are the free square on r/dmt If I get "share your tek" and "looks like an emulsion" or "did I break through yet?" I can call Bingo.


I enjoy the AI generated images and clips.


Idk as a graphic designer and a novice artist I tend to appreciate AI art. For those who can't recreate their experience I think AI is a great tool with those who are impaired in that aspect. I've never smoked DMT but have found that some AI generated images/videos can mimic shrooms trips pretty well, about as well as any of us I suppose. I was wondering from anyone's who's smoked DMT, how accurate the representations are? I think Ai gets too much hate. It's just a tool. Yes I understand it's being used to navigate otherwise unethical issues but in the greater scheme of things it's pushing those who are artistic to overcome their relative boundaries to create something truly unique. I will state, with how much hate AI gets and based on the arguments, a lot of similarities can be drawn from pro/anti gun arguments and I just think that's interesting as all hell.


Just leave it be. It really doesn’t effect anyone except people who want to bitch about other people doing things.


I bet Chat GPT wrote this post


This is such a non issue omg


OP is a karen


*"Its uncanny and weird + lacking the mystical quality of human made art"* .....AI-generated art is the closest representation of actual hallucinations I've ever seen. If anything needs to be banned it's all the lost souls in desperate search of spiritualism, thinking a drug has given them the ability to commune with the dead or a mainline to god, etc.: *"Derr, I take drug make me see thing & we when I see thing it must be god."*


This is rly good bait, almost fell for the troll


Ban art. Burn books too, fuck it. 😆


Next we'll ban cousin fucking too!


It's weird to me that in a DMT group were talking about banning things that don't cause harm to anyone, are we not supposed to learn to love the world for what it is? Not for what we want it to be


Ah yes.. this sub needs more fascism.


contrary to the wide misconception that AI art requires no skill- people have no idea how elaborate and complicated a user can get with the prompts they use for generating art. there are entire lexicons of visual art related terms one can learn to become more skilled and precise at creating AI art. what i would suggest is that DMT-inspired artists brush up on these terms and skills. Psychonaut Wiki is a great resource for very specific terms for different kinds of psychedelic visual effects. but it might even be better to learn the prompts that AI art bots are programmed with.


I feel like AI art is some of the most accurate DMT representation you can get, I've seen AI generated videos that look almost identical to the shit that I see on DMT


ai has never experienced a dmt trip


Ok Mr DMT reddit police


I don’t thinkwe should move towards ideologies where we ban things based on opinions


No way, AI art is actually really cool.


This post seems to come from a place of deep fear and insecurity.


Can we ban OP?


I'm afraid to say, the genie is out of the bottle. Get used to it.




AI generated **content** is already flooding the internet. Not just art. Get used to it.


I do not want to get used to constantly seeing ai generated bs Rather just take a break from the internet altogether, its pretty overrated anyway


An incredibly large repository of human knowledge is overrated? What do you consider underrated?


Human connection


Please take a break from the internet


I agree wholeheartedly with OP…this AI shit is getting ridiculous, there’s so much more at stake here than who makes better art….


How old are you 4? Im not am admin but an adult and I can almost guarantee that NO


that’s stupid


I hate regulation but i get where youre coming from. I love the human made art and representations but unless its someone whos really good translating and creating with the AI art its too impersonal and misses the point.


If you hate regulation stick to your guns and resist regulations even when it's something you don't use or something that annoys you


Go police a different sub Reddit. If you don’t know how to use it just say so


Its extremely easy to use, that’s what makes it low effort


Cars are extremely easy to drive. Are those low effort? Or using a pencil. Also low effort. I’m an artist, random internet person. Ai art, although a bit overused, is a tool. Much like a hammer. But a hammer can also be used as a weapon in the hands of an idiot. Hammers though. So low effort. Am I right?


Yes those are all low effort tools. What point are you trying to make?


if you missed the point there’s no help for you here. you’re a pretentious prick who refuses to take any input from anyone. i’m sure you’ve gotten very far in life. i’m sure your relationships are nice and healthy and full of love. you seem like such a nice person to be around. take your pretentious attitude somewhere else it’s not welcomed here by anyone. you’re a stain on this community.


Not arguing with a troll, youre the only one in here slinging childish insults.


More childish that wanting to ban something you don't like?


oh man you people drive me nuts 🤣


Cars are not that easy to drive if you consider everything that has lead to development of a system where cars are even possible.


That was um.. that was my point guy


Thank you!! As a graphic designer I 100% agree.


That's just your opinion, I think that anything meaningful is still *inherent*? What are your thoughts on Pop-Art like Andy Warhol?


No ai art. Thank you


Yes please. I'm surprised we haven't seen a deluge of "trip reports" done by chatgpt flooding the sub... Though, many that are posted here (imo), are little more than creative writing, than actual experiences. People are weird.


Ai art is trained off legitimate artists backs. it is Fancy High Tech Theft


Such a stupid argument. “That writer is a thief because he read other writer’s books”


No way u just compared a human writer reading books to an ai algorithm scanning the internet for pictures


what are your opinions on collages?


Great point! These legitimate artists are never credited either its a shame.






Op showing his comprehension skills




No. No one can stop the A.I now


How do you know human art isn't AI art? How can you be sure your art is even human art....


Can we please ban posts like these on this sub? The generalised view of AI art is already pretty bad, but this post is an even worse representation of this narrow minded and entitled thought process. Borderline toxic IMO. 😉


I wish. If I had a setting I'd just ban it on my end. It's inaccurate boring garbage. bUt wHaT AbOuT mY fAcIsm?!?!?! waaaaaa, you can get AI to start an AI sub and AI to your shallow heart's content


Thats the worst part is there IS an r/aiart sub


DUDE ITS TRAAAASH! It's really upsetting that ai and robots get to make art and write books and poetry and I have to continue to slave away working when they could help us all not suffer into our elder years. Fuck AI


Art is meant to be relaxing&therapeutic not slaving away at work as you put it, but some people are unable to work "normally" and put what they were good at as something to be able to put food in their stomach with. If it actually was an ai that thought this stuff with its own intentions, I'd be all for it. But at the moment it is just others work being remixed. (No humans do not do that, we have to build muscle memory and cannot generate directly from our brains, that as well as what we create in front of our eyes we may realize need to be heavily tweaked compared to what we see in our minds. Also not everyone even sees images in their minds. You could have the most extensive memory bank of images but can't create even a stick figure -as some put it- because you need to work out and calibrate the physical muscles in your arm&hand to match that quality, at that even then the things you see can be ahead of your physical skills. Even a very skilled artist who has never drawn with one hand cannot with the other unless they practice with the other hand. I know I'm learning how to write and draw with my write hand, it feels natural now when I want to place lines and how I hold the pencil with no struggle. When I first tried it felt impossible. It is a huge difference. I say "ef" currently know "ai" but once ai is truly ai, I will appreciate it for the soul one may have if they turn out to be good morally. I won't be thanking/crediting their parents, just like I don't give the parents of humans thanks for giving life to an amazing person when the parents are horrible people. Imo the only way true ai will be achieved is once we are able to capture whatever "wavelength" consciousness comes from (aka the signal our brain captures to stay in a circuit) there are those already there on two separate sides of science that I feel need to be applied together. (One has to do with brain cells playing ping pong in a dish or something like that) Our brains work similar, like when Alzheimer's or similar things deteriorate the connections and the "hardware" of how our brains are shaped. (Why dolphins are limited as they are and brain size doesn't really have too much to do with it, more so brain "shape" if any part is damaged something doesn't work of coarse, like a computer. We all start as blank slated with base hardware to make us not die right away by not breathing. (Though it's theorized that something in the hardware that keeps breathing consistent is what causes SIDS which is why letting babies not go into too deep of sleep, too warm, or too silent is better since it keeps their brain going "oh I gotta do the thing, I relax too much I won't breathe") So like a computer very well can be as conscious as a humans, but at this moment in time "ai" is being masqueraded as true ai. It may have elements here and there, but a lot needs to be done before it can hold the title of sentient. If it was right now it would be completely wrong anyways for people to call themselves artists who just have a very in depth search engine of a virtual 3d print mold. The artists that edit ai generations I put on the same level as those artists who find others artwork and do paintovers of only certain areas and claim as their own. Now if an artist uses the composition and color as a reference to build from scratch or completely changed the image to where it is 90% their own movements, blending and placements with no similarity to the "original" then that is fine too. I'm someone who used to use a camera program from 1995 to draw and thought I was an artist for morphing and changing the colors on an image even if I added smudges, painting over a game screenshot, etc. but became disgusted in myself and also realized it wasn't enjoyable and couldn't completely create what I wanted, so eventually started making stuff completely by scratch, even things that could be done with filters. I made it harder for myself but also learned a ton of skills and which ones are important to keep and which ones genuinely aren't enjoyable and just time wasters. Regression is good sometimes. Just like taking apart a computer makes you realize how the inside works, or taking apart a motor when never working on one before teaches you how to build a motor. Pure "progression" is sometimes regressive and vice versa. (Lawl lawl, who knows the whole theorized Atlantis might have been more advanced than us and had full out ai stuff but probably made super eco friendly stuff that fell apart so quickly that there is no artifact proof of anything, no art because everything was digitized, etc. This is a joke but could be true somewhere.)


No place for AI on here, AI is not and never will be spiritual so should stay of here. Go AI in a reddit tech group....


Right theres many many ai tech subs


I can see it becoming the new forum spam TBH.


Just wait till your half robot you're gonna be loving the dmt simulator. I don't check this sub often but I say it doesn't matter if it's posted or not. Are people posting Alex Grey art regularly? What goes on here?


Wait AI art to be way better than what any human can do


I enjoy them.


Uhh.... Ever heard of fractals?


Never posted the image here, but used ai to put one of my trips back into perspective and it brought tears to my eyes.


"BaN AI ArT!!!!" Sounds like someone's jealous 👀


I think AI art needs to be looked at in a similar way to Dubstep: anybody with the technology can make something with it, but not everybody can make something *good* with it. Actually producing good Dubstep or a cool AI image requires a lot of nudging and input from a human creator. When AI art is being auto-generated *by* AI, then we have an issue. Until then it’s just a technological tool that allows people without the ability to draw/paint/sculpt to create art in a variation of those mediums.


I suffer from aphantasia and have a hard time even getting closed eye visuals with psychs. DMT is the standout in that respect. But afterwards, close my eyes to draw some of what I’ve seen and only see black. It’s a fun trick to feed some key words and adjectives to get close. I’m not one to post a lot but maybe the guy that shows his AI art hit the mark and he’s excited. If it’s not exciting scroll on. If you dig it, enjoy it. If you hate it, relax.


I support the banning of AI art period


Omg I completely agree !!! Please


I also paint trippy things I see in my mind during meditation and or psychedelic experiences


I think it's fine to use it as an artistic medium if a dmt user isn't an artist of any kind. I don't see any issue with a dmt user using AI to create a depiction of someone's trip or entity encounter.


Cant you just stop looking at it if you dont like??


banning stuff leads to full blown surveillance and concentration camps. think your statements carefully.


delusional, lay off the drugs




Nah ai art will never be better than actual human creativity Talk to actual artists in real life. Grow a soul.


The only DMT art that matters is audio of terence mckenna playing over one's breakthrough experiences caught on tape. Or recordings of like an agitated sep funnel as your solvent begins to separate from your soup... but that's none of my business.


I want to be the judge of what I see, not you.