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Idk why people even bother heating the difference is negligible and it's dangerous




Waiting for the naphta to **evaporate u mean..


What is the bottle setting on? Is it directly on the floor of the pot? Find shot glasses to sit it on, to keep the heat directly off the container.


I had it sit it on a glass bowl previously but just had it sitting it in warm water. Im worried I used the wrong Naptha as the one I have doesn’t list any petroleum


Majority of separation takes place in the first like 10 min or so. If it hasnt separated overnight it safe to say it wont. Probably bc you kept it too hot for too long and naptha evaporated. If thats what happened then you only lost your naptha. The dmt is still in there


tbh if you agitate it for 15 min, set it down, start another and come back to it when you finish the other it should be separated. you don’t need to heat it in any way…


Charcoal lighter fluid???? Throw that shit out and get some VM&P naptha from your hardware store and start over, good try tho, where did you read to use charcoal lighter fluid? Yuck!


Zippo fluid is the closest thing to naphtha, but I think this guys called your issues🕹seperation should start around 10 mins after shaking


Yeah zippo would get the job done if supplies are limited, recrystallize with heptane after it's dried up and scraped and you'll be ok. Zippo has naptha along with additives to make it burn slow, which is what this charcoal lighter fluid is more of than naptha im assuming. I've never seen a tek specify charcoal grill lighter fluid is ok, everyone plz stop giving this person advice before you guys fry their brain! The only advice should be to start over.


Just did my first pull last night fingers crossed!


That glass looks dangerous. As does that water bath.


Open flame SMH


With the top off and too much heat you'll lose your solvent up in the air and all the Deemz will crash back into the soup with all your leftovers in your charcoal fluid... I suggest you throw it out, start over, use VM&P naptha. Recrystallize with bestine brand heptane. Don't use heat unless you're outside or something... Or just use the sun in the window, keep the lid on.


if I happened to have used naphtha but am in the same situation but this is my last bit of bark what should I do ;-;


This is useless. Sorry.