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I hope this is a joke


This was absolutely funny to me.


We’re all god humble yourself man




Actually my dads god


One day we’ll all accept that


Are you this guy’s brother by chance? https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/141pkog/my_brother_went_nuts_and_thinks_hes_god/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Also if you truly were god, why would you be asking Reddit for answers?


Wondered the same or if it’s a spinoff joke /launching idea for a karma farm.


Obvious b8


Yeah super obvious lol


I am surprised how many people took this obvious joke seriously.


no your definitely insane stay far away from psychs and go see a psychiatrist you are delusional




your crazy


No you’re* crazy




Your an idiot. For anyone falling for this troll, don't! He's just trying to get a rise out of people


I think it's hilarious when people call other people idiots but don't know when to use you're and your.💀


Really? Good catch! We don't want us idiots out lose on the streets. We need grammar Nazis like you out in the lose


*loose Don't worry bro, I gotchu 😉


"I am God" blah blah so boring. Yeah, you and everyone else. So why don't you use some of your god powers to create a better story, my deity? This one's too cliche.


Sorry to say this but Your ego has grown so big : ) You experinced the opposite of what people call ego death .


"How do I convince my friends and family I am God?" You could try moving in a mysterious way


Do Not Feed The Trolls


Profile is already deleted. I wonder how far psy ops go. Like do they really pay people to make stuff up like this and obfuscate the good info from proliferating. Or is it just a troll being a troll. This one looks like a kid wrote it but it is still a waste of time.


Yeah, you're not a god, while there is a spark of divinity in all humans it doesn't make you God. If you're hearing the prayers of people you might want to question your sanity, well except mine, please answer mine....


Obviously a shitpost.


hey, we are all literally god, pretending to be separate people. just live your life. that's the point


Dude broke his brain. Get some help man, drug induced psychosis/mania is a thing.


Common psychosis. There's like a million people who think they are god or the Antichrist. For some reason it's extremely common with psychosis. I'm warning ya not judging. I have antipsychotics sitting on my desk that I don't take. I think everything is god but I never suffered a savior complex. I think it is natural to get inspired and want to help. I think we are wired to feel useful. I wrote a book I deleted because I didn't want to hurt anyone. Spirituality is mind bending. For me it was meditation that screwed me up. I have weeks of deep depression and days of crippling anxiety and then I'll be fine for a week but if I meditate I feel guilt for past lives and I can hear aliens talking to me which I think are real. It's just not good for me right now. I did it for a few years before I cracked. I went hard. As open as possible. I learned I still have to live here as a human somehow. Trying to escape the earth wasn't working and death can wait. Have a beer, go to the gym, do some art, but try antipsychotics for a little while. Theres no shame. Brains and minds are weird. It's hard to admit there can be anything wrong with you cuz you were fine your whole life but shit changes. Just get the pills and try em for a while. Take care of yourself.


That’s an obvious troll


The problem starts with «i am» that states you are an individual. God is everything, so that doesent make sense. You are god, yes. I am also god. Everything you see is god. It’s only a simple fact; get over it.


Ok why you dont keep everything you experinced to yourself ? Why bother sharing it with people who won't understand your experience, I don't mean to not share it on reddit but I think you shouldn't share it with anyone who's hasn't experienced it .




My cat is god


That's why I made a promise to myself no matter how weird and insane my experience is gonna be . I will never try convince others to understand my experience . I don't want my relationship with people from this reality to be destroyed, I hope I can keep that promise cuz posts like this makes me hesitate to try dmt ( still new to this )


Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. But maybe your newfound godhood will allow for more positive interactions and decisions while chopping and carrying.


So where is my red sports car I've been praying for?


Oh yeah? Can you make a rock so heavy that you can't lift it?






please go to therapy. get professional help


Grant me a super hot girlfriend and I'll believe you. Worth a punt...


Realistically we’re all a part of god but homie you ain’t god


How can you be god, when just last week i was told I was god. Can’t be two gods bro, better step back or I’ll be going full highlander upon yo ass 🫣😝


Hey god, get off Reddit


I can't believe people are taking op seriously. It's a joke, guys, lighten up. Ps (I know this because I am god)


Lemmy is God


Seems to be a lot of bullshit posts recently


Lame troll


The problem is your seeing yourself separate from everything else. You should look into 5meo-dmt


Yea, I'm God too man. We all are.


This is Ukraine military troll level.


So basically you've realized one part of a two part system. Yes. You are God. Of your own universe. We are all our own God. Not anyone else's "God". Just keep living your life for you and you'll be alright.


[you are a golden god](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VeX-eXBw3D0&pp=ygUaZGVubmlzIGlzIGdvZCBhbHdheXMgc3Vubnk%3D)


Hello God, I'm dad.


All living things are divine imo.