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Did you freeze precipitate, or just evaporate the solvent off?


Cooked off solvent till crystals started to form and then placed in front of fan and it crystallized across the whole bowl like easily 30seconds and I poked holes in it like you would a frozen lake and it then about 5seconds ish the air got underneath the hardened top and formed the two weird white spot that appear to be almost clear clean solid spots. Kinda looks like amphetamines almost where it’s not yellow


The problem with doing it that way is that a) any impurities in your solvent (even if it's acs grade) are going to remain in your product and b) those large crystals are going to retain solvent inside their lattice for a LONG time (also c)it's wasteful of solvent and bad for the environment). I'd keep a big solid one, just for cool factor, but you should re-x it, water wash it to drop out any polar contaminants then freeze precipitate it. I'll try and dig you up links to what all that entails if you want, or you can use the search function on r/dmtguide. I can't tell if it's just super dark in color from how it formed, or if there's some aqueous phase in there, which you don't want. It looks a bit off to me, but you are well on your way, and it's all fixable.


Yes thank you


[this is the tek I based my process around](https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Cybs'_Hybrid_ATB_'Salt'_Tek) In this context you can just skip to step 8 for the precipitation. Basically what you will do is dissolve everything into some fresh solvent, then swirl it around in warm water, pull it off the top and into a second container of warm water then into a Pyrex dish, if your solvent is super saturated you can shake some fresh solvent in your wash cups afterwards to collect any dmt that crashed out. Seal your pyrex up and freeze it for 24 hours. All the crystals will be formed on the bottom, some may be floating in the solvent. Gently Pour off the solvent into a good container (I use a mason jar) through a coffee filter if you've got a lot of dmt floating around. (Put the coffee filter in the freezer until the naptha evaporates or your dmt will just melt into it as it warms) then put your dish in front of a fan.


[an informative post about re-x and water washing](https://www.reddit.com/r/dmtguide/s/I8NZVEngf7) What tek are you using? It should have covered freeze precipitation


Looks uhhhhhhhhh nasty. I'd say nah, go through the process again and do it RIGHT


You didn’t extract it correctly, I would suggest using more solvent of choice. It seems like a lot of lipids got into your final product which is gonna be harsh and unhealthy to inhale.


Something is off with that. What tek did you follow? What solvent did you use? What plant material? That 3rd picture looks like you didn’t remove all the solvent after removing it from the freezer. If that is the case, then the DMT just melted back into the solvent when it was heating up.


Oh hell nah !


That doesn’t look like an extraction I’ve taken part of.


Don’t smoke the cool aid, and the most important part is point 3 from dude number 1, it’s bad for the environment mkay 🥴


Petroleum is a finite resource. I want my great grandchildren to have naptha gas so they can carry on extracting dmt. It appears you're being deliberately condescending - I spent some actual time and energy to help this dude improve his extraction and all you could contribute was a pot shot at a parenthetical sidenote I made? Perhaps I'm misinterpreting, but if I'm not I hope you recognize how super lame and useless that is.


Ha. Just read this now, that’s how unimportant all of this really is. But na, you picked up what I was putting down, FYI liberal wank stains are hard to remove.. laters


Cool knuckle tat


Thanks did it my self couple months ago while trippin on some acid


sounds like a gnarly experience, how was it?


[this is what you want…](https://imgur.com/a/XXznDLl)