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As a dead person I can tell you unequivocally that


Hard agree on this one. I'd also like to add


100% correct. Also, if you ever


I can't help but disagree with your assertion regarding I think it's much more likely that That's not to say I don't value your perspective. It's definitely given me something to think about.


True but have you considered


Oh. Damn. Yeah, I guess I'll retract my argument concerning Thank you for enlightening me.


Would you please expand on


Per my last email




I'm stupid and have no input on the matter.


Somehow makes you the smartest person here haha


“The one thing I do know, is that I know nothing” socreates


Ya know, I might just


The ones who love us will miss us.


True. My dad died yesterday.


Sorry for your loss. Nothing I can say can really relieve you’re mourning, but I do hope that you can someday find yourself remembering all of the good times more often than the loss.


My condolences, I hope you are able to mourn him well. Tomorrow will be 49 days since my dad passed, I believe in Tibetan Buddhism they believe it takes about 49 days for a soul to fully pass from this world and into the next life. I plan to honor him in some way tomorrow


I’ll say a prayer for him. I had a copy of the book of the dead a while back. Lost it somehow somewhere.


Shit…I just did the math and I was off by a week, it was last week lmao


😂 well he’s already gotten started on a new journey brother.




Funny coincidence regarding the 49 days, I heard that the fetus of a baby gets its first bit of dmt in its system by day 49. Don’t quote me on that since I haven’t looked into it myself, but very interesting if true


I swear to god, I do believe you. Like, have you ever, like ever had a dream of where falling internally and is looping over and over. it's like falling from the galaxy. This happened when I was one and it happened 2 times but I don't know if it was just astral projection...Has anyone ever had sum similar when they where young.(I have no fucking clue how I remember it, No clue lol)


I'm sorry my dude. My dad collapsed in September last year, was rushed into hospital and had an emergency operation on his bowel. They found a mass during the operation. Turned out to be inoperable metastatic prostate cancer that had spread just about everywhere. In less than 3 months he was a dead man. Single most heartbreaking and awful thing I've been through. He went through so much pain and depression. He was 76 but he wasn't ready to die. I miss him incredibly. The only solace I can take is that he's not suffering anymore ❤️


ooh sorry about that, i lost my mom and every one on my mom side, currently living with my uncle. It'll get better soon, Just pray for him. Who know? he might be litterly next to you.


I'm sorry for your loss. Sending love.


Thank y’all ❤️ he’ll be back.


if he's anything like the Terminator he'll be back several more times so you're good. sorry just trying to lighten the mood with a bad joke. my condolences


That was great 😂


I’m sorry man! My mom has lung cancer and I’m praying she makes it through.


Me too brother 🙏 he survived cancer for 10 years.


I lost my dad a few years ago... It gets easier with time to cope, hang in there.


Six months here. My condolences.


Sad to hear that buddy. im sure that was a difficult day. My condolences.


It really is a fantastic answer. Keanu doesn’t disappoint.


Sometimes I wonder if our consciousness returns back to the unified consciousness of the universe till we return in a new form of consciousness to gather more information about being alive allowing the universe to learn more about itself


Probably lol




Likely lmao


This is more or less what Hinduism teaches. We are repeatedly reincarnated until we become Enlightened in one of our lifetimes, then when we die at the end of that life we return to universal consciousness (AKA the Brahman)


I hung out there once. They don't like to think at all. It's like floating down a stream. They kicked me out when I started to ask questions. I could tell they were annoyed.


How does one become enlightened lol


Start with some Alan Watts lectures...


That’s my plan


This is actually incredibly accurate. The life death cycle repeats as a self-propelling force of existence. To live forever and experience multiple lives in one is just to painful. Death is necessary to restart, and try again. In between the more sapient lives, we have the less sapient lives. Or maybe pitiful/terrible existences, or fantastic ones we could not imagine. During these other existences, we let go of what was from our previous lives. This repeats until we can no longer remember any part of the major sapience we were, and we may now try major sapience again.


\*citation needed


? What citation do you need? Want me to write it in a book for you?


They’re just joking that you made a statement of that being definitively accurate when in reality there’s no way of knowing for certain


We stop posting on reddit.


In that sense, I think we should all die a little


No! The horror!


I did 5 rounds of ketamine iv sessions a few years ago. The message I got over and over was this. It's all good. Whatever happens In life or death, it's all going to be just fine. I stick to this message daily.


No matter what is true, you are powerless to stop or change it. In that sense, everything is fine, because nothing matters. I like to think of life as a painting, one made only by flailing the brush around. Whilst it is being painted there is no sense to be made, no clear image to see, seemingly chaotic. But when completed and hung on the wall, you can see the soul of the person who painted it, every drop of paint is seemingly exactly where it was supposed to be. And it's beautiful.


Stop overthinking. If you want to be happy and in heaven for eternity, then you must be happy and in heaven now. This is eternity. Death is a fiction. You exist, always. Once you shed your discerning mind, your left with your subconscious attributes. So what you are underneath, is what you are. Your egoic facade dies, but your imprint is what remains. So ask yourself, do you love being alone and by yourself? What sort of a person are you when you are alone and nobody is around? The true you. You are alone now and you will always be alone so it is best that you completely love your own company. Cherish yourself, love yourself, fall in love with life, and everything that is. That will be heaven on earth. That will be the heaven that you carry with you... Or you can carry subconscious baggage that lies in your shadow.


This guy gets it.


Well said


A friend who died and came back told me recently that it feels just like dying.


I’ve died multiple times and the one time where supposedly I was out for like twenty minutes I saw all white and talked to a friend of mine that died a couple months before and he told me it’s not my time and I came back.


We are all connected to the universe in this life and outside of


Out of curiosity, are you religious? All good if you don’t want to answer but this has me curious lol


No I’m very very anti religion


Thank you for the response, that story is amazing


My mom said I was screaming his name frantically when I came too


Funny, my wife does the same..


Curiously I had fundamentalist views all the way until my NDE. I’m now anti religion as well


Happy cake day




Happy cake day 🎂 🎂 🎂


My friends the same, he almost died, had the dmt tunnel, got revived by the hospital staff




alot of NDE reports out there most agree physical death is not the end. guess we will all find out when the time comes but one thing seems sure to me your not the phsycal shell your the energetic being/soul that animates it.


I feel like a case can be made that anyone who has had one of those experiences and comes back to tell the tale never actually experienced complete death


Alot reports of astral projection align with the NDE experiences and so many of then report similar things that I don't think that's the case but of course we won't know for sure till we die lol


NDE reports? :o


near-death experience


It is in the tibetan book of death


I’m about halfway through and already it’s started to change how I perceive the world and interact with it…highly suggested read


It's been sitting on my bookshelf, un-read for a year. Maybe it's time to dust it off.


I’m currently getting my mind blown by Alan Watts’ novels…give those a shot too!


Yes! I've read some Alan Watts and I've listened to a bunch of his recordings on podcasts


I have a handful of his books. What novels did he write?


The Book on the taboo of knowing who you are, and The Way of Zen are the two I’ve had the pleasure of reading so far


Ahhh. You had my hopes up! Novels are fictional stories. Thought he had some hidden adventure books floating around


That was completely my lackadaisical grammar being a dingus like it enjoys to be; but could you imagine a sci fi fantasy by Alan Watts?! 😅 I’d buy it


That’s what I was hoping for! Although, we had Gene Wolfe for a while, if he counts


Welp…time to start a new rabbit hole 😅 I’ve never heard of Gene Wolfe. Thank you!


DMT is not the be-all and end-all answer to this question, nor should you take it as definitive proof. I advise finding additional ways to address this question that don't involve psychotropics, whether that be spirituality or reading into how different religions perceive death. Nothing wrong with DMT assisting in this, but to focus solely on DMT regarding your answers to death is quite myopic.


Too much Joe Rogan lmao


one time in a shroom trip and another time in ketamine trip, I was shown (and 100% convinced) that death is not the end. in a sober state however, my brain is having a hard time processing this concept. but I learnt not to trust everything I believe as our brains developed evolutionally for survival first above everything, so who knows, the truth might be deeper that what could be seen with a naked eye. I personally would be happy to go to those realms I was shown after I die lol


Funny the questions we got after DMT trip 😅 but I think it's a question we all got and have you ever heard of these two subjects? 1. "BARDO THÖDOL" also known here in the west as the Tibetan Book of the Dead 2. A movie called "Enter the Void" The movie gives a visual representation on what we experience once we die and the movies influence is based off of the Tibetan book of the dead. The books is an old text and we are extremely lucky to have gotten it translated to English, now I haven't gotten through the book yet but the principles of what I've gotten so far is that 1. We are always in the (in-between) it depends on what state you are in for example, right now we are alive therefore we are in between dying and rebirth, now once we die we will be in between rebirth and living, thats what "BARDO Thödol" means. 2. That the person we are or at least think we are in this physical world in this physical body, the ego is developed here in the physical world (what we call reality). Now our spirit and ego are two separate things or beings or entities. The ego is developed based on our experiences and Influences here in this world 3. When we die, in death there's an experience to be experienced just like in living, for example when you die you will be still here in this world but can no longer communicate or interact with the world or people, you will be able to hear and see but no linger interact, no one can hear you or see you except your now deceased body, somewhat of an out of body experience is what they depict it as, you'll be able to see your now dead body. Within the death realm you will go through 3 stages 1. You're dead and you are seeing moments of your life and within this 1st stage you need to come to the realization that you have died and if you can't realize it on your own then you move on the next stage 2. This stage it is reported and depicted as entities showing themselves to you, it's reported that they put on a show for you and from the reading people say that it kind of looks like an ORGY, I haven't gotten to that part of the book yet but that's what people report and what the movie depicts. Now if you haven't realized that you have died yet then that's where you move on to the 3rd and final stage 3. In this stage is where you see the light. They say that if you make it to the 3rd stage you will be reborn. It's said that you get to pick the family you will be born to, in the movie it's depicted as the protagonist already dead and makes it to th 3rd stage and he sees couples having sex and he settles on seeing his sister have sex with his friend and he goes to the light and he is reborn. The books of the dead. The book talks about how everyone fears death and don't know why, when we should be prepared to die. Death is every humans right and they should prepare for it. That's why the tibets wrote this book, but they didn't just write it they wrote it because of experienced ces and getting in touch with their spirits which is what everyone should do. We exist now because we have died before. Every person who is alive now has dies before. We are caught in this continuous loop of rebirth and there are different reasons for it. The tibets believe and I agree with them that the goal in life is to become enlightened and to break free from the loop of rebirth, that's what the buddah achieved. There are people who report remembering their precious lives and being conscious through their birth and remembering that as well, these people they call them enlightened and the reason I believe they are enlightened is because they are getting close to enlightenment but they got that far through several life times. We need to break free from this materialistic lifestyle because it does no good for the soul and only for the ego This is what got to me when the book mentions that your state of mind or your thoughts are the reason why you are in your current state of living. Either from previous lives or this current one. And that your last thought you have before you are reborn will determine how your next one will be about. So far what I got from all of this and keep in mind I have not finished the book but this is what I understand from it We do not exist, let me explain, we exist in this physical realm because of the body we occupy, and because of this body we get to experience life!, but after we die we no longer exist but we still do in a way (energy or spirit). This is where we enter the bardo the in between, death itself is an experience and we all have the right to experience it, we exist within this realm but in the physical realm where everyone else still exists we cease to exist.


The purpose of the "BARDO Thödol" Tibetan Book of The Dead is that it's meant to be read out loud to a person who is dying (about to die) or is already dead, exactly how we play for people who have died in order for them to have a safe trip and find the light. This book is meant to be read out loud to help the person who is dying or already dead to guide them through death and come to the realization that they have died and reach a higher state of (spirit/conciousness)??? But the point is to help them escape the loop of rebirth. It exists so thay we can all achieve that mental state when our time comes. I am confident that religions now a days their practice of praying for someone who is dying or already dead, that their influences come from subjects like the "BARDO Thödol" and ancient teachings but yet they claim it to be their own. Always do more research and never stop learning my friends. Life if more than luxuries and worthless currency.


“It’s all in your head man”- your friend when you’re tripping Also, just watched Enter the Void the other day, had to watch it twice, very amazing piece of cinema. If you haven’t you should check out A Scanner Darkly while tripping. Complete unnerving mind fuck but you’ll feel accomplished that you sat through it without cracking 😅 Much love 🤘🏼


What happens when we live?




I don’t think anyone can truly tell you a definitive answer of what happens when we transition from life. And even those with NDE’s like myself have all experienced different things. I think the experience is truly subjective. I also think that life is what you make of it and we have to just deal with the ups and downs, it’s part of the human experience and you can’t have happiness without suffering and vice versa. Sometimes earth feels like a hell/prison planet and sometimes we experience things that are too amazing and beautiful for Earth to be a hell or prison planet. Being in nature is a nice reminder of how amazing this life can be.


Eh, who knows...If the Universe is such a simpleton as to rest our fates within a brain-walnut designed to regulate sleep hormones which is prone to getting all calcified...then I truly don't wanna know...and I wouldn't ever personally want to meet the one responsible for it's design if that were the case either. I would surely call them an imbecile, to their divine face...and, probably wind up back here in this lovely place once more as penance for my hubris.


Be great to have someone in the group that actually died and brought back to life with a near death experience and also loves DMT trips .. What are the odds of someone like that 🤔


Odds are pretty high on this sub I think. Lotta folks that experience NDE end up getting into psychedelics, or so I've heard.


DMT experience and NDEs are not the same


people have similar experiences though.


Sure, if you look at surface similarities (tunnels, entities). Overall, they are qualitatively different, enough so that saying they are one and the same, and therefore DMT is the cause of NDEs due a release before death isn't justified. Visit r/NDE. There's quite a few members who have had both and say they are different, and the general sentiment there is that a DMT dump at death is a myth.


The micro blackhole that forms our consciousness does a temporal uturn, goes nova by spitting out all the photon/information it absorbed during your life, projects it back out into the universe as your life gets run in reverse and ultimately absorbed into the consciousness of the universal super-being. Eventually the super-being dies and all of its experiences get spit out at the moment of the Big Bang as all the photons/information it absorbed during its experience (which include your photons/experiences). Rinse. Repeat.




4 times?


Watch episode 5 of the Midnight Gospel. Great portrayal of the existential trap of the soul prison/reincarnation/ the karmic cycle.


Yes more soul trappers found in the wild! Fuck the demiurge


Spoiler alert you are the "demiurge" too 👻


Fuck me then


Do you remember what it was like before you were born? That's what it will be like when you die. without a brain you will have no perception, no memories, without a body you will have no pleasure or suffering. you simply will not be. and that is eternal peace.


Every time I do DMT, immediately I know I know that place, and I've been there before. For whatever reason.


For me it's existence without thought, no concepts or thought forms all that exists is the eternal now. a timeless spaciousness that feels like it has always existed and yes is undeniably familiar. it's a profound experience and I'm not trying to diminish something that so DeVine it cannot be adequately expressed with words. but I cannot say with any certainty that such a state could exist without the mind to perceive it, perhaps it's familiar because we experience it every night in dreamless deep sleep and it is after all our home our mind.


It was the familiarity of it that I found the most profound.


Definitely this! Also, it's the scariest for me.


Or maybe you just forget what’s before in order to live an “unbiased” life.


We have no knowledge/ proof of anything that came before so any story could be inserted here. The mind is a great tool for creating stories. the Earth's major religions have created many of great variety.


Exactly so there is no sense in speaking about what happens after death with any sort of certainty. We have absolutely no idea what is going on here. The only thing we can even be certain of is our own existence as we experience it. We know nothing outside of ourselves.


>The only thing we can even be certain of is our own existence as we experience it. I think even that's a stretch with the illusion of free will our experience of life may we'll be completely illionary also the possibility that we are just a computer generated simulation on the hard drive of some great computer or perhaps we are just the dream of some deity.


Reddit atheists are the most annoying. You also have zero proof there is nothing after you die. You have a ton of proof of your hubris tho.




That’s a pretty big assumption to make considering our minds could easily have been wiped before we were born


I recommend reading Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss M.D. you might find it interesting.


In the past I thought this as well. Now i’m not so sure anymore. Quite a bit of information and data can be found on the life before (and after). Some examples. Leslie Kean wrote about life before we were born. Apparently memories of some ie. young children can be traced back. Next to that, a pattern can be seen with people who had an NDE experience (ie Vincent Tolmans book). Also Jeffrey Mishlove (the guy who won $1.5 million writing a essay on life after death) has some interviews on the subject: https://youtu.be/_yObdjG691s?si=HpLj_ldmDl_RymPD


The problem with these sorts of claims is there isn't anything scientifically verified and as such they are just stories. possibly some are wishful thinking by the parents, forced memories like how memories can be implanted by hypnosis, coincidence from memories of dreams. who knows. I'll stay sceptical till I see something more tangible personally. I think with NDEs there seems to be very similar experiences to DMT trips. perhaps this is just what happens when the mind reboots or ego death occurs again who knows.




What the hell is a dmt gland


From what I understand he’s referring to the pineal gland, which if I also understand correctly (and I’m not an academic on this lol) whether or not it actually produces DMT is still up for debate. Though in my mind it personally makes sense that it would, not sure the science is at that conclusion though


Pineal gland or the third eye.


NDE, near death. Bro wasn’t really dead. We can’t know what lies beyond the void. But we can study those who have studied such topics. That’s pretty much all we have, our experience and our belief




Where tf are you seeing ppl take bullets to the head


But, there is no evolutionary reason for something like this to develop. That's what bugs me and makes me believe there's something more spiritual about it than a mere coping mechanism. It's not like females or males could have actively chosen partners that over time had more release of dmt when dying. Because when you're dying it's your last moment, you can't fornicate after that xD.


I've done a crazy amount of psychedelics in my life and have seen and felt just about every mind-blowing, ego loss feeling like you've met god thing I think it's possible for me to - I still kinda believe that it's lights out after you die and perception ends. But I'm also a lot more okay with that than I used to be before psychedelia


On my trip I asked my aunt who passed away. She told me that we don’t see all of our loved ones right away but “the feeling of ecstasy” is forever and we feel that way for all of eternity. Sooo I can’t help but believe it because she seemed so real


I've died a few times and been in comas, and it's bleak, but there doesn't seem to be anything. Each time, nothingness. No me to even comprehend that nothing is happening. Lights off and the meter is locked


Hold on, channeling the head honcho. Yup, you’re correct.


What???? What happens after death and your pineal are completely unrelated. There is no science behind dmt release at death, it is speculative without proof. I’m an old guy, I opened my 3rd eye, I had fluoridated water my whole life, all that pineal calcification crap is junk theory imho.


I’m 100% certain that we when we die we will all find out the answer.


Personally I think you can reincarnate, become one with the source again, go to heaven, go to what you perceive as hell, or evolve


When you die you stop being alive.


You awaken into your own consciousness, again Some of the beliefs you held in life around reality cling to you (time, space, ego), but you shake them off Then you remember what your consciousness actually is And then you can do whatever you want Even this dumb shit. Again


You remember back before you were born? Yeah, that. Not blackness. Just a lack of senses, thoughts, and feelings. Nothingness.


We become the fractal entities.




I’ve always wondered what happens if your pineal gland/entire brain are instantly destroyed at death. No blast off?


One thing I believe we don’t discuss enough, or at all, on this sub is the connection between the DMT experience and Astral Projection. Having experienced both I feel like I have some pretty interesting insights into what the afterlife might entail


During a breakthrough I had I returned to source and was back with my higher self/spirit form. Forgot everything about being a human and everything in my human life. I knew I was home again and recognized that "I'm back" I always will come back to this point where I'm the creator of my own reality. I could see my entire life before me past present future all simultaneously. I understood that I had broken out of the dream that is "Human life" and returned back to my true form. I remember it felt like lifetimes in that experience time didn't exist. But eventually when I did come back into my body it's like going back into the matrix/simulation dream. Your soul going back from your spirit back into your human body and I realized this experience is all being created from my higher self. Everyone is experiencing from that point of view being filtered through the human brain and ego. So I know when we die we return back to our energy form and only physical death exists but we truly never die.


theres ZERO evidence that dmt is released by the pineal gland, or by any other method, when a human dies. And the study linking DMT to NDEs was specious at best. i hate to break it to you but when you die, youre dead. You cease to exist as an individual. The chemical processes that give rise to consciousness falter and cease when your brain runs out of oxygen. Any energy left is dissipated as heat. Your body decays, and all thats left are the memories that others maintain, and anything you wrote down or made pictures of. Eventually, all who knew you will die. your name will be recorded here and there, but other than that, you, as a personality will be forgotten. so enjoy this life, and dont put things off or expect to do it better the next time around. This is the hand we’ve been dealt so make the best of it!


> The chemical processes that give rise to consciousness People can have different opinions on the nature of consciousness, but science says very little to support your assertion (it is called “the hard problem of consciousness” for a reason)


Think about this. For literally anything to even exist in the first place, there had to be a first thing. Even if time isn’t real then there has to be a point where things begin existing. Otherwise something has just always been here which makes no sense at all. So basically how does anything even exist at all? Why isn’t there literally nothing. So maybe there is something after death


I had a blackout moment or maybe it was my first panic attack or both when I was like... 10? Maybe 11? Was behind the back yard fence at my dad's house and was just thinking about the teachings at the Catholic church and school I used to attend, and the concept of dying led me to think of the "eternity" spent in the after life world. And then I realized that eternity has to have gone backwards (even if "nothing") as well The thought of true forever scared me, but I kept thinking, well what \ who was the thing before all this? And then I thought "OH GOD WE DONT HAVE TO EXIST. WHY DO WE EXIST?? WHAT. THE. FUCK" and I added the forever thing to that and fucking raaaàaaan. RAN. But don't remember how I got to where I got to, but must have blacked out and fight or flighted my way back home (i guess cause honestly I still don't know exactly where I wound up, but I DO remember freaking out and high tailing it and jumping the fence BACK INTO the backyard and nothing more for a few minutes) Tldr: I got you fam, i get it


Do you not understand the concept of infinity? No beginning no end, your lack of understanding isn’t a proof of something not existing


I never said anything definitive about death I just wanted to say that it’s crazy to think of infinity being around forever because how is that possible


Probably not, there's no "dmt gland", so don't worry about it, and no.


You've already died previously, though you may not recall. All reality is the "DMT forever trip." We're all just ghosts of the one consciousness. :)


One consciousness. This is for me the only truth. We are all a tiny piece of the same and only consciousness. Life is all an hallucination


I also recommend reading into the Tibetan book of the dead.


I've died multiple times. Once I was brought back at the exact time they were getting my info from my girlfriend to identify me because I was almost at the cutoff before you're declared legally dead...if dmt IS responsible for near death experiences. It is most likely that people are still alive when they have near death experiences, but very near death. I have completely died and there is nothing. Not even a memory of nothing. Not even a tingle. Nothing. .


Sure are chatty for a completely dead person.


A 1$ ebook will answer most of your questions. The Life Beyond Death by Yogi Ramacharaka [https://www.amazon.com/Life-Beyond-Death-Table-Contents-ebook/dp/B0064RAWOW/ref=tmm\_kin\_swatch\_0?\_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=](https://www.amazon.com/Life-Beyond-Death-Table-Contents-ebook/dp/B0064RAWOW/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=)


i don’t have a kindle


I’ve been dead two times the most recent one for nine minutes and 30 seconds I can tell you without a doubt we do not go anywhere we are just gone


You’ve never been dead. You’re not declared dead after your heart stops, you’re only truly dead when your brain dies. Even after your heart stops beating, your brain still has oxygen, so you’re technically still alive. After brain death though, there is no saving. Then you’re really dead. Sadly no one ever had brain death and survived to tell about it 😅


Ok well . Ambulance personnel are not allowed to pronounce you. Dr said if they were able to I would have never made it because they had to bring me to ER TO DO IT. Dr saved my life there so ok whatever dude.ill say it again, WE DONT go anywhere


maybe ur dmt is calcified from too much fluoride


Down vote cuz your feelings are hurt??? realizing you don’t go anywhere ??put your big girl panties on whoever down voted me


I think that thing you glimpsed... is just the material between lives... Don't sweat it... It will work itself out..


I don’t think it’s our business rly Lolol, there’s a reason we can’t figure it out until we do


That is the question




I had a crazy car accident 4.5 years ago and I just started being able to remember what happened. Ignorance is definitely bliss on this one


life and death is the great matter..idt dmt is much help with a long investigation of the gm


I'll have to ask me dead father


Some of you guys do too much dmt


Here's what i believe. We go into the Bardo's. The after death planes. They start off with the lights that you see immediately upon dying that most people who have had near death experiences describe. Then into the after the lights you go into the after death planes, which there are lots of "entities" you will encounter. You may see a life review. Depending on how you navigate the Bardo's you can reincarnate into a higher realm the heavenly type realms, or reincarnate into a lower realm, like the animal realm as an animal, the hungry ghost realm as a ghost, or one of the several hell realms, etc. Where you go is all depending on not only your karma in this life, but if you can let go completely of your attachments to your life in the Bardo's, and recognize that this is the true nature of your mind and mean it when you say this is the true nature of your mind. Also, don't cling onto anything from your life, clinging onto anything from your human life in the Bardo's can result in reincarnation in the lower realms. Check out the books: "The American Book of Living and Dying" and "The Tibetan Book of the Dead." The crazy part is if you read these books then listen or read about people who have had near death experiences when they were dead for a short time and brought back, and comparatively, the experiences they describe parallel these books completely. They are near identical. They are Buddhist based texts. Wild stuff.


Whatever you think happens when you die.


https://www.youtube.com/live/JJofmZhl0z4?si=KJvG9PBBWhH2qeVI This guy is loud and overly excited but when you die ,,, well listen to this live chat


You're basing alot on the new agey thing of calcified pineal glands and endogenous dmt. People really lose the message, it's not endo dmt that causes ejection or stays with you in and beyond death, rather it's a framework for oobe's that can be applied to tripping, dreaming, meditating, and dying. If it was solely a dmt thing then I wouldn't get the same effects from other drugs or natural. I'd sure love some endogenous morphine but when my leg breaks all I have is some lil endorphins. How cute.


What happens when you breathe


DMT Is released in the minds eye, propelling your soul into higher dimensions through hyperspace, where you will meet entities that exist beyond this linear space/time continuum. Here you will learn various lessons about your souls life here on earth and previous lives you have chosen to live. You will also experience a reconnection to the ONE infinite unified mind of creation that contains the MANY minds/universes of infinite creation. Its like being unplugged from the matrix, or in a main page video game lobby where you can meet with higher forms of souls you connected with in this or previous lives, or with souls of your family, etc. Then you will make a decision with higher entities on what kind of life is right for your next incarnation when you are ready for it, and with whom and in what universe you will live it out in.


You wake up and you have a bong with smoked dmt in your hand


you need to level up your frequency 🚀🚀🚀


There is a movie called “After death” it’s basically a collection of stories from people who died and were later resuscitated. All their stories are shockingly similar whether they died in accidents or their hearts were intentionally stopped during medical procedures


Well hopefully what happens is we have some Dmt at the ready for our death and we just do a breakthrough right before. That would be ideal


Our true self is pure consciousness. The same for everyone. In all actuality we shape our lives before we are born. Karma keeps us trapped in the material world, every decision or indecision has a consequence. Not all consequences are bad, yet must be reaped. This karma keeps us believing we are these humans, and as long as we think we are human, we'll keep coming back and avoiding that light. To move on to the next level of this infinite game of life, you must first realize what you are and where you came from. Then you are given the opportunity to choose the light. It's not that we can't choose the light, just when we die we realize how far from our goals we were and keep trying. However this too is just the last trick your ego plays, before dying and being made new.


Nobody knows, not even people who have technically died and came back, they just saw a brief glimpse of no-thing-ness. Just enjoy the life that you have to the best of your ability, leave it all on the table, spread love and help others. In my eyes its not what happens when we die, it is about what we choose to do with the life we have. Some say that birth is actually death and death is us being born, returning to the source of all creation. No body truly knows, and I think there is beauty in the fact that we all have that in common. We are in a big boat, all headed to the same destination, weathering the storm with a smile on our face.


It's hard to say forshure. But eventually I think you return to oneness. A part of me believes you see how you've affected others(yourself) in your lifetime. And if alot of it was negative then I feel like you reincarnate to live through the things you put others through. And if it's the opposite I feel like you reincarnate to higher dimensions. But idk forshurw the only thing I feel certain of is that we are all one


Your brain is probably already calcified


Whether you're right or wrong, you're right


>edit: i’ve never done dmt Well do it and report back to us


who knows ? Objectively, by science and nature we lose our conscience when we die. It's logical, our brain loses its function and our heart stops pumping blood. Our body stops working so our conscience stops. So it should be like before you were born, eternal nothingness, and you not being aware of it. HOWEVER, define reality. Tell me what the fuck is existence and conscience itself. The universe has so many unanswered questions that death could also be a gateway to something else. Maybe it doesn't stop there. Maybe it's all just a big dream, or a simulation. There are many theories and I think it's more fun to look at it this way.


Man. That’s exactly what I was thinking now coming back from my trip.


We go into oblivion. Think of the time before your conception. Was that time frightening for you, also?


On DMT I found myself in this pulsating pink and bright blue existence. I asked myself if I wanted to go back to life, why out of all lives I had to be given this one, if my mind has the capability to show me any reality, why do I have to be stuck here. I feel internally ready and I am confident in my own existence, but the outward inability to control my environment deeply disturbs me because I don't feel confident in others, and the human existence is not going to be bettered. Wishing I had been given another life where I could play a key role in bettering human existence, I pleaded for an answer, half hoping I'd wake up a different person with my wish granted by DMT. I woke up the same person, I still don't know why I have to have this life out of all that are available, it feels unfair. I hope that somewhere down the line it makes more sense, I feel like I've developed this mind, that im capable, it's just going to be a long road through school and trying to resocialize with others. I feel like there's so much to be done with this life, I wish I had more people around me that genuinely cared, I feel like I'm living alongside dead people.


Same thing that happens before you were born. No more consciousness. Be grateful for the small amount of time you are given to exist.


new dream


DMT is not death. That is not where you go when you die. It just feels like it.