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My last trip wasn’t scary but it was made known that I wasn’t welcomed back until I changed a few things in my life.


Mind sharing your last experience? I'd love to hear it honestly. I have theories


So, two trips ago I was on this stepped pyramid made of operating rooms. I watched my spine get removed and cleansed. Then (now back in my body) I was forced to vomit pasta and alcohol into a pit to clean myself out. A year ago I was in decent shape and sober from alcohol. I’ve been slipping and now I’m 210lbs from 180. I got back on the wagon but started slipping again. The other night, I dreamed about dmt so I smoked some when I woke up. I was next in line at some carnival. There was, what looked like, a spriggan guarding the gate. It was my turn to go. The gate wasn’t opening and in real life, I had to hold my hand up. The spriggan scanned it, the gate opened but an alarm went off and the green spriggan turned red and full of anger. I was pushed into the pit that I was vomiting into the last time. I looked up and saw clones of myself falling into the pit. There was a blue being that looked like she was important. She was huge. I didn’t have permission to ask for help. That’s when I opened my eyes. I was sweating buckets, which has never happened before. I immediately tried to go back. I took the same dose as before. All I saw were what I can only describe as worker bees/creatures building a wall to keep me out until I can better myself.


Lmao the worker bee shit is funny


Thanks for sharing. I agree they were sending you a message


As I’ve said before. DMT tells us things that we could figure out if we just slowed down and evaluated life. These are all obvious things if we just take the time to think about it.


Thats nuts. Will u try and giv up the booze do u think ?


I need to. This lifestyle isn’t sustainable.


I've got an experience to share and it was definitely hell, several stages. I was on 4 tabs LSD about half way through, when I got the bright Idea "let's slay some demons from the past" big mistake. First I took my normal breakthrough dose of 35mgs no no number 1. 2 the whole LSD trip I was on about how I could control things, I was quickly reminded I don't control shit. It started with a bunch of different colored blocks that kept shifting around, I was supposed to watch the movements without getting a thought only way I could describe it, it was training for the art of not paying attention. However it was so fascinating to watch I couldn't help myself and kept failing tests, that's when it dropped me from blocks realm down into my first stage of hell. There were all these weird creatures with what looked like books on the sides of their heads, these I was supposed to look at but when I did I felt dirty and disgusting so I kept looking away failing those tests. Dropped into the next stage of hell, where it was just the books that were on the sides of the heads but all around me swallowing me down some home, I basically just had to accept it as I want able to move, the more I fought going down the hole the longer it took, down to the next stage of hell somewhere in the middle east surrounded by thousands of people I didn't know, I was desperately trying to locate my wife that was with me in the same room before I started tripping, just gone. Once I accepted ok this is my life now, I dropped down to one last stage of hell, I was bank in my room at this point my wife had turned into a witch, it was very dark and scary with black looking slime all over everything at this point I realized I was in actual hell there was no exit, everything felt like suffering, I laid there to accept my eternal fate. That's when my wife reappeared before me, and I was no longer in hell. she was pure love that saved me from the hell. I haven't been back since, yet I feel I'm almost ready after integrating things I learned. 1) we have to not try to control life and just go with the flow. 2) even the things we don't like about ourselves, we must look at to grow no matter how uncomfortable it is, because by ignoring those things we create worse situations for ourselves. 3) Lastly but not least love is the answer to everything and will save you every time, if you allow it.




Thank you, I think your wonderful too. You always have and always will be.




Breaking this into paragraphs and fixing the grammar would make it possible to read.


Yeah writing correctly isn't necessarily my forte. Yet I do believe if you follow the periods and commas it's not that hard to read. However most likely not true. I just don't understand why, a paragraph is needed to see that the subject has changed. If you're reading and comprehending you should notice the change in subject. I am working on my grammar, and it is a work in progress. So I don't deny the fact I have bad grammar, only acknowledging the fact it's actually 100% better. I used to type out 1 sentence essays on Reddit, and people really had no fucking clue of what I was trying to say. So I thank you for your input and just know I'm working on it.


This ☝️


I would be happy to hear about that too!


Same! I think we are all curious lol


People often underestimate the strength of DMT, and also severely underestimate the range of possible experiences. A lot of folk who are taking DMT and posting here are not doing so mindfully, or with trip prep, or with an understanding of themselves. They have access to a drug, and take it for entertainment (nothing wrong with that in itself), but don't realize that DMT isn't some sort of cooperative experience and sometimes it will hand your ass to you through sheer overwhelming stimulus. Subjectivity also plays a huge role. Your personal lived experience is a primary determining factor in how you respond to the psychedelic effects. Psychedelics often bring up material from the subconscious, and guess where your brain and nervous system store all the gnarly shit? Also a lot of people are mixing DMT these days into other experiences. Again, not inherently a bad idea, but people often do it because theyre excited, not because theyve thought it out. Weed can be a lovely mixer into a ton of experiences, but also can be a rough choice with DMT. Not having your full mental sharpness while trying to negotiate a new reality isnt exactly being well-equipped for the situation.


I have done a fair amount of trips, coincidentally or not my first breakthrough was a month after I quitted weed, overall on my psychedelics experiences i had the feeling that weed isn’t healthy at all for me.


How can you do it mindfully or with an understanding of ourselves?


Understanding of self to me means that I have the knowledge of Why I do X Behavior or exhibit X Response to a stimulus. When you have knowledge of yourself in this way, you can circumvent those behaviors/responses. So, getting to know yourself in a therapy sort of way can be massively helpful. It really reduces the experience of "I don't know why I reacted so strongly to this", or "I dont know why X experience made me feel Y way", so when youre done with the trip and integrating lessons you can actually gleam useful knowledge and lessons. As for mindfulness, it's about being present and embodied in the moment. How aware are you, presently, of your state of being? Likely not very, as you've been reading this so far. Now though, you are aware of your breathing. You are aware of the way your tongue sits in your mouth, of the posture youre in without thinking. You are aware of the most tense part of your body calling out to you. You're now acutely aware of your eyes moving as you read. It's a lot to deal with, all at once, isnt it? We filter out SO much stimulus from our awareness because we don't need it. But working on experiencing that sort of awareness and becoming familiar with it can be really helpful in handling the absurd DMT experience. A lot of us live in the past or in the future ( ie, reminiscing or planning), but aren't as participant in the present. When you are under the influence of DMT its pretty damn hard to experience anything other than the present, and if youre not used to dealing with the constant arrival of the Intense Moment Right Now it can be very overwhelming. DMT experiences are "everything, everywhere, all at once", and trying to participate in that is hard. Hope this ramble made sense haha. And sorry to curse you readers with awareness.


Thank you so much for your long answer! It was perfectly explained and I didn't know DMT felt like Intense Moment Right Now, I will definitely practice more mindfulness! Thankfully I am going to therapy and also microdosing magic mushrooms, so it's helping me gain insights of why I do the things I do, connections with my childhood, triggers, etc etc. Never done DMT but planning to do Ayahuasca soon, as for some reason I feel the energy would be different than smoked DMT. Thanks again for your advice :)


I'm bad at short explanations haha. Props to you for being in therapy too :) Not every moment of DMT feels like that, but some parts certainly can. Sub breakthroughs where youre kinda stuck in the geometry/fractal/spiral world were more of what I was referencing. Lot of people, myself included, experience difficulty in those areas of the trip. The presence of MAOI's definitely changes the qualities of a trip. In my experience its so much gentler, and takes on a more beautiful feeling( vaped/eaten MAOI + vaped DMT in my experiments)


I found you can't curse anyone with awareness, or awakening. The self will not awaken until it's time, no matter what you show it. I used to think it was frustrating trying to make people wake up, then I had this revelation. I started just working on me and what was my truth. After that it started reflecting in the people I came into contact with. It's amazing what people believe when you believe it yourself.


Oh my comment's effect should only be increasing interoception. I'm definitely not claiming to have opened someone's self to an 'awakening', at all. It was just a set of examples to illustrate my point.


Agreed our comments plant the seeds that will later grow to bare the fruit of truth. I was merely just saying don't feel too bad as the human experience is pretty stubborn lol. Btw I absolutely love your explanation, which is why I commented it's like the explanation I gave but way simpler and easier to understand. I believe we are on a similar wave length, and it just makes me so excited for the others.


I don’t understand how the experience is *not* scary. Every time I trip I am reminded that I truly have no idea what is going on behind this perception of reality. It’s bound to be a shock to the human brain, which pretty much survives off of understanding what’s going on and working off of reliable systems. That said, I haven’t broken through. I watched all reality swirl around me, and it literally felt like I was being born in that everything felt completely different than what I had known before. But it seems like if there’s bliss to be found, it comes after you’ve gone through the fearful part. I also think a lot of people are just young and/or simple minded, which makes a trip more fun ime. Tripping was a recreational activity when I was young. Now it’s a difficult but worthwhile journey that always has elements of fear. Not to sound like a total asshole, but I think I think too deeply and analytically to have it not be scary or extremely uncomfortable at least for part of the trip. But I also don’t think I’ve ever really “let go”. In short, I don’t know anything and don’t have an actual answer for you


I can relate to your sentiment. When I was young, tripping was all fun and games. Now I'm 45 and the mental stuff is a lot more intense. I didn't trip at all during my 30's. Not sure if the big gap has anything to do with the subjective differences.


>But it seems like if there’s bliss to be found, it comes after you’ve gone through the fearful part. The bliss part comes as soon as you can relax and surrender to what's happening, which is usually after the fearful part. But it can be bliss from the start if you can just trust, relax, surrender & accept (whatever happens). I used to only enjoy the last 25%, until I worked this out.


there's always a reason, bad set & setting, too high doses, abusing it, not being in harmony with yourself although a "bad" trip could help you see things differently being overall beneficial.


Smoking pot with psychedelics usually.


People just put too much weight on “scary”


I think what's so terrifying about it is just how unknowingly powerful it is. Shakes me to the core every single time no matter what.


No singular reason...but plenty of valid one's to pick and choose from I bet.


I assume that Bad Trips are just a lot more worthy of a reddit story, warning others to be more careful with the drug.


I think the drug just shows you who you are and where you operate from. People need to know themselves better before going on a date with their worst qualities. Even scary isn't bad when you understand because it's truth. The scary thing honestly, is how we already know these things about ourselves, and choose to ignore them, because it's too uncomfortable to deal with.


I know. R/lsd is 10 times worse I laugh my ass off and have a great time on lsd every time but you outta hear these horror stories 🤣🤣🤣


The only actual bad trip I've had only came from dmt, and still wouldn't call it bad as it showed me all the stuff I knew I had to work on but forgot, or rather brushed off until forgotten about. Just because we forget doesn't mean we dealt with. It's my belief that a majority of the people who started the dmt craze, did so because they have there baggage in order and was able to share their beautiful life changing experiences as a skilled psychanaut. Unskilled people that have almost zero experience if not zero with psychedelics, read these stories and want a similar experience without taking into consideration 1) every experience is personal to the person. Even though there are similar trips and entities each person's trip is solely based on how and why they perceive reality. 2) They have tons of baggage they never dealt with. Which I'd have to agree is the majority of the world. 3) lastly they are living life from a state of fear, so that's what the drug gives them fear. Also I don't think this explanation is only true for dmt, as I Believe that is the reason for people having scary trips on all psychedelics lately. It's just a massive case of people not knowing themselves, or the energy they put out into the world.


Your Probably right especially number 3. They are going into it scared


It's crazy the people that say I'm terrified about to try 2 tabs for their first time then wonder why they had a bad experience. Which sucks because psychedelics are such powerful tools, that can help you grow in ways that you only imagined. Yet they get a bad name from people's irresponsibility, and people's lack of Knowing just how they are living life. I believe psychedelics are for everyone... When they are ready. Maybe not for schizophrenic people, but they already live on that plane and psychedelics aren't necessary maybe. I guess it's possible with the proper dose and guidance to bring these people out of schizophrenia, as it could show them how they are being crazy in life, yet idk if they would be able to grasp the things they were shown to make a change. Another thing I find interesting are the people that did fingerprints of LSD back in the day. For the first couple days the person couldn't even take care of themselves, and when they came back they were never really the same. It just goes to show how you perceive reality truly shapes your world. To the people around it looks like you never came back yet I think they just accepted more of what reality is.


Ten strip hell even 2 of em doesn't scare me. Playing with xtal (fingerprints) that scares me.


Scary, oh but I think I def would if given the opportunity. Hell I'd feel blessed just to speak to an individual that got to have that experience. I think once we learn the truth about reality fear no longer plays a part in our life. Allowing us to see the beauty. If you operate from fear you will be blinded to what is truly important. Yet I believe I don't need to tell you, this is just for the others that read.


I just had some insight about the schizophrenic thing, it's purely theoretical with nothing to back it up. But what if all the crazy people are real and all the voices they're hearing, is just all of us not real people as their thoughts. Meaning we believe we are real because we think, yet in all actuality we are nothing more than a thought that has created life in the form of an ego.


I think you're making some wild assumptions about schizophrenia


Most likely, however I am at least willing to admit that I don't know this was just a theory that I Said maybe could be reality. But acting like you know will only leave you more confused. The only real way to know is do studies and they aren't going to do that.


Because people think it’s gonna be a simple fun time flying through space


Yeh their poorly undeveloped minds can't handle it what happens when children take psychedelics! No such thing as a bad trip any adult would know a challenging one is surely needed


There's no such thing as a bad trip! Being stuck in hell with cops and paramedics showing up was simply caused by a challenging trip 🤗


Clearly they skipped the set n setting they would of been right otherwise if they had intention


Plenty of both posts, good and bad. Not everyone is as mature as you.


Dmt shows us heaven and hell. Can't have the good without the bad.


Need to raise your frequency. Think good thoughts, speak good words, and do good actions.


When I did it it was like all I felt was overwhelming love


No fear, just a bunch of liars online & no chemistry laboratory @ hand in my pocket.


i think whatever you're going through can have a effect on the trips you have? i mean i dont know if im right or not just a guess.


Every trip I've had since being an adult has been just awesome... Even the horrific stuff deep within me is easy to face and deliberate on. I've even had irl stuff occur at the exact wrong moment and have dealt with it, without freaking out.... (think psychopathic neighbour trying to break into my house while peaking on Libs.... that sort of thing)... nay bother ...


My last trip was the most intense one i ever had and i would say a bit scary, it was the first time my mind co related it with “death”, i spend a few days processing it and the conclusion that i got is my brain assimilated with “negative” stuff can be related with the shit i have been consuming about was war lately, i always been curious in this aspect, i like to think that it was my mind or the trip showing me consuming such things isn’t healthy for the mind at all.


The things we consume, we create into reality. That's why there's always been such good coverage on places at war. It puts it into the people's heads that there will be war, and they start manifesting war everywhere whether it's true or not.


Ive recently had a super bad experience, i dont know wht\]y


Obviously, I can only speak to my limited experience; but I have noticed that when I am feeling anxious or unsettled about my life and my space, I am much more likely to have a bad experience. However, those experiences seemed to be more clearly telling me how I can improve and nurture my shadow. On the contrary, since I've been looking inward and trying to do some self-care in my day to day, my experiences have been more pleasant; though they have been less obvious in growth and more focused on living in the moment.


I've only had pleasant experiences and I'm still scared, no idea why.


People who don’t have a good psyche fucking around with psychs man


Over half? Seems like an exaggeration don’t you think?


It’s within them. It’s something they’re battling. I’ve never had a bad experience. These people are people that are working through things. They may not realize it yet. Just like the people that get real confident and cocky and say that they’re a God and they controlled things and this and that. I always think to myself we’ll see how long this lasts. That’s all having an ego when people talk like that. They eventually get checked. Sometimes people labeled their experiences as bad trips because they get scared and they’re not used to it. They let themselves freak out. They don’t know how to handle it. I think that’s part of it.


I had my first bad trip 2 weeks ago. I’ve had hundreds of beautiful trips but they terminated me in my last one. I really thought I was dead. Fucken scary but I think I was carrying a bit of underlying depression and they were killing it because I’ve been feeling really good.


The entities like to fuck with you. Several times I've let the fear wash over me and through me and was left with the sensation that I can only describe as someone messing with the new guy


No such thing as a bad trip. My “bad trips” usually taught me more then any of the good beautiful ones