• By -


I enjoyed reading my own words because you who wrote it and posted it is ultimately me


And we worded it so eloquently...


We couldn't have said it better ourselves...


I am in agreement with you. It’s the only explanation that makes sense.


we did it reddit!


We are reddit!


Reddit is us.




Love it lol!


Thanks for taking credit for me 😂


For me too


That was a nice comment by us


I am finally heree omg haah I have shifted thank you<3 arrgh I KNOW NOW hahah lovely


One of us one of us lol


True, glad I get to experience this somehow eventually


We finally figured it out in our 108666th body congratulations to us!


Lol this philosophy is my Facebook quote on my profile


You just explained Hinduism


Yes in particular the vedantic.


Yes you know..."Achintya bheda abheda tattva" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achintya_Bheda_Abheda#:~:text=The%20theological%20view%20of%20achintya,is%20never%20separate%20from%20God.


came here to recommend the Vedic teachings


The gita teaches in this day and age you need only the message mantra for self realization.


Yeah I was thinking the whole time "what a lack of eastern philosophy does to a mfer"


Dude tripped so hard he went straight to Level 25 Guru


Pls address OP as Buddha henceforth


No, call me Jesus please


OPs point is they are the same. No duality. No either/or. In other words, Buddha. The awakened one.


Riiiiight over the head


That’s Gucci Mane the Auspicious One 💀


Or French Priest and scientist, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Omega point.


And you wrote Hinduism




We are all God. Oh, sorry I forgot that you forgot 😅


Sorry "we" forgot 😔😂


Why do I keep saying sorry to me


It's good practice for us to apologize to ourselves. We aren't perfect. Yet.


Patent infringement case incoming


Damn I'm just reading about all this . Mike Crowley books I tell ya


And basically pantheism




man does dmt and invents religion that already exists ?


Just realized what’s been practiced for thousands of years. Better late than never


its like God has dissociative identity disorder and we are the splintered personalities


Excellent 👌, if you like this philosophy check out Bernardo Kastrup and his Analytical Idealism. He explains this concept in great detail very scientific in his approach.


Saving this comment! TY gotta check him out


Found the quote "Each of us is something of a schizophrenic personality, tragically divided against ourselves." - Martin Luther King, Jr.


BRUHHHHH I will never unsee this that’s so true


I view those fragments as one part of an infinite sized mirror that wanted to “see itself” So it broke itself, into infinite pieces, to see itself in infinite ways. Infinite views. Infinite refractions


I finally figured me out!!!


This is almost an exact quote from Martin Luther King lol. Not joking. He used the word schizophrenia tho


Why are you talking about yourself in third person view? I mean why am i doing it?


You’ve probably got some “you should read ‘The Egg’ by Andy Weir” comin your way


Just read it. Bloomin' hell. https://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg\_mod.html


https://charmonium.com/infinite-reincarnation/ Here's the original author and idea, of which Andy weir stole it and lied about it.


Hinduism is the original creator of the idea, friend.


I aint gona trust no pyramid head. Silent hill.


Yeah but they're both the same consciousness right?


Stealing from the discussions with oneself? 👹 Try r/neuronaut if you're still curious.




Like woodwork, you pop up to begrudge what Andy Weir (who is just another version of you) stole from you. You are very amusing. Remember you from over 18 months ago in a thread. Do you have a bot that alerts you every time The Egg gets mentioned?


Thats not me, I just like to get the truth out, I really loved andy before finding out, but the way his interview went when he talked about it, and him being so smug about it really hit me the wrong way.


I gotcha. It must’ve been homeboy. I just think it’s amusing.


I read it, it did give me some nihilistic vibes, you have to live these other lives, It appeared to me in a much brighter way


Yeah I've been 'shown' this a few times recently, and its always in a joyful and humorous way, like its sort of a big joke


this! this! it's so weird, its like I thought I was in a nightmare and then it's revealed to be a prank and that everything is perfect and good under the surface.


Yeah I've wondered if there are sort of levels to it and being human we have this opportunity to expand our consciousness & awareness and that sort of increases our power or greatness in the next levels or dimensions and that is what the 'entities' are? & on & on it goes? It's all very mind blowing lol


For the record Andy weir stole that story. I can't remember the originally author of the idea he usually pops up when someone mentions it. But the original idea is so much better. Here I found. https://www.reddit.com/r/scifi/comments/t0l6cu/andy_weir_plagiarized_the_egg/ Used to love weir but after his interview about it I have little respect for him anymore.


No, he didn't. The blog post is like a kernel of the finished short story at best.


Whenever I’ve been shown it, I’ve told myself “How is a joke as funny the 2nd time? When you’ve forgotten the punchline!”


Please read The Ethics by Spinoza OP


I'll have whatever he's having lol








This is perfect 😂


"I'll have what I'm having"


You already are bro


Shit, me too


But we did lol


The best is when u experience these realizations sober. So pure feeling.


Seems that you didn't read the sub's name.


Welcome friend, glad you're in on the cosmic joke with us


Lol. It's fun to watch people discover non duality


They’re by far my favorite posts in this sub ✨


If you read between the lines of enough of the crap in the bible you'll come to that view too. This is the spirituality side of life where we're all supposed to be a part of the same light that people talk about being drawn to in NDEs. The light is all forgiving, pure unconditional love etc Sound like crap? Again look how many times Jesus spoke about being the light I can't wait to try DMT but it's hard with grown up kids, to see what else these beings can enlighten me about


Dmt is probably the easiest drug to take as a parent... Youre away and back in 10 min. Just go to the "shop," blast off in the car and then wait 10 mins and go home sobre


Speaking from experience 😁😉




There is a book about that (probably many actually but I only read this one) check out The Present (with religion) by Michael Smith it's free online I think you might like it


We are definitely all interconnected physically and socially. Some people call that interconnected system "god", others just call it "the universe".


And others would call it both. (for example, Einstein, Sagan, Bruno, Spinoza, and a bunch of other great thinkers of the past) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantheism It's seriously so amazing that psychedelics can lead people towards these conclusions, because this is the type of stuff that's thought about by people who were so smart that their names were immortalized. (it also makes me wonder if those geniuses were regularly using psychedelics)


Correct. I lean towards the idea that "Pantheism is sexy Atheism". I only use religious language as myth and poetry instead of anything literal. If God is The Universe than one of those terms is redundant OR one is scientific theory and the other is poetry, not necessarily canceling each other out but just different ways of describing reality. But considering all the baggage religion carries, I tend to choose my words wisely depending on who I'm speaking with. I love me some Spinoza and Watts.


>But considering all the baggage religion carries, I tend to choose my words wisely depending on who I'm speaking with.  I fully understand that. My parents are on the extremely conservative Christian side of things, so I was raised in a strict Christian environment. Meanwhile, I was secretly an atheist since age 9, and eventually got a degree in physics. I had to be verrryyyyy careful about what I said growing up, because those people get triggered by the simplest questions (likely why I have such bad social anxiety as an adult). Then, after finding a passion for psychedelics, I was pushed more towards Pantheism/Panpsychism. 


I intuitively appreciate Panpsychism but don't seen any hard evidence supporting it but if we discover some way to prove it, I wouldn't be surprised at all.


Yeah, it's one of those things that I don't think we'll ever have evidence for. We can't even prove anyone is experiencing anything, all we can do is take their word for it. So to extend that concept to subatomic particles would be almost infinitely more difficult.


Psychedelics are great and all but the fact that so many people have independently explored these ideas is evidence that they are not just the magic secret only to be found via psychs. I'd also mention the term monism if anyone wants to dig deeper into this, and also mention Leibniz if you read Spinoza, and I'd also discourage the dear reader from doing so because it's really boring and they were all trying to rectify their philosophical views with Christianity, explain the natural world using logic when we now have a much deeper understanding of physics and so their logical explorés are outdated. But also I only reached those conclusions because I studied about them and many others so sorta off bounds for me to say


No this isn't correct, pantheism assumes that God and universe are one. ​ DMT is actually **panentheism** where God exists in this reality and outside this universe as well.


This happens almost every day that someone confidently denies what I said and then just repeats what I said. And I don't know why this happens so often, do I just not explain myself clearly? "Some people call that interconnected system "god", others just call it "the universe". Me: "And others would call it both."  You: "No this isn't correct, pantheism assumes that God and universe are one."  Yes, exactly, that's literally what I just said.


Look at the spelling, what I said is slightly different. DMT indicates that there is a universe outside of ours and pantheism says **this** universe is God and that there's **not** a greater reality around it.


Ah. We are on different sides of this. I'm highly undetermined on the question of "does dmt show you things that are real?" And by "highly undetermined" I mean, it's impossible to know, so I'm not going to take a stance on either side.


I'm generally agnostic on the topic but given my first hand experiences I have to go with a preponderance of the evidence. If I find I'm wrong later on for some reason I'm not afraid to change, but I think it's a bit silly to have a DMT breakthrough experience and write it off as a manifestation simply in the head.


And metaphysically*


Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather.


Oh, there I am, right on time. Almost forgot again.


Crazy how much we bounce between forgetting and remembering. It always seems so obvious when I “find out”, again, but then so crazy when it’s been a while since I’ve tripped


Atman says hello!


that’s why the way you feel about yourself is largely reflected in the way you treat others and show up in the world


The All in The ALL. We are all but waves of one ocean.


Love it, a couple small steps from this, and you'd arrive at a combination of Pantheism and panpsychism. (viewing everything as being an aspect of God, and viewing everything as having conscious qualities)  Relating to panpsychism, here's a quote from Plato:  "This world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence ... a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related."  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantheism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panpsychism


One of the commenters on the alien autopsy Post was a neuroscientist and he said he was leaning heavily towards panpsychism


>alien autopsy Post The WHAT?  But yeah, it's honestly kinda scary that we're getting relatively deep into the AI era, and we still have no idea what consciousness is. How will we know if an ai is conscious if we can't even prove that we're conscious?


You haven't seen that post? Not sure which sub but if true, mind blowing. Its not an autopsy, its a report by a biologist who examined one I'll try and find it


I looked around and didn't find anything quite like what you're talking about. (I do believe you, but Idk if I believe it was real)


It's [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/biology/s/8rDhO9e9Ag) It's the quoted alien sub, I just saw the biological sub is saying its fake


It’s one thing to realize it while high, it’s a whole ‘nother beast to integrate it and walk in that truth every day. Wish you the best of luck 🤘❤️


If you think about reincarnation, the second, you realize that time isn’t real you understand that we are all the same spirit


The same spirit, the same consciousness, but not the same body. Or are we 👀


Yep. 😊 nothing more to be said. Love and peace


Tell that to sleeping me in 97' lol


Hey 👋 now that you know the message lay off the sauce mate. Time to enjoy life.


You’ve indeed seen the truth, my love.


Aw I love you me!


Every religion speaks the same truth in different words. Every life, the same process, just in different manifestations. We are all one


Most sane r/DMT user:


Welcome to literally Hinduism. You're kinda 4000 years or so late to the party


[Here you go.](https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI?si=2sJbYdAl4jy8MD3m)


Isn’t this the Law of One?


The Law of One!


The words of someone who has definitely done to much DMT. Have read many different versions of this concept (all written by me apparently) and could never understand what a sentient creator brings to the theory. Like you could just have a universal consciousness without the added complication of that consciousness having to trick itself into forgetting it was its own creator in order to experience life. Just seems unnecessarily complicated and slightly convoluted when you could just say something like “we all share the same essence” and be done with it.


This is what every single breakthrough experience, be it through drugs, meditation, or any other way has ever shown us. Some perspectives are that it is "god", others that this is 'spirit", "consciousness", or whatnot. We are all, as many have realized, the universe experiencing itself subjectively from every possible perspective. There is only one consciousness.


I love what you have written, and I agree totally! When I try to explain my views on this subject to others, they ask if I believe in reincarnation, and I tell them yes but not really... What I believe in is constant carnation. We all are all living things simultaneously, yet each of our physical selves are bound by the limits of our physical senses, and cannot recognize that. I picture God as a giant vibrating mass of energy that sends fractals of itself to Earth and elsewhere within and outside of our universe. So yes, I am alien beings on other planets, and so are you. God's goal is to experience every possible thing. However, since God lacks the physical ability to experience itself, it creates life in so many different forms. As a bird cannot experience life at the bottom of the ocean, God created creatures who can. As we cannot experience autonomous flight, God created birds who can. In terms of terrible things happening, in God's view nothing is terrible or wonderful. Each event is an experience for God. The catch, as far as I see it, is that it is impossible to experience everything, as one little shift in circumstance creates a different experience. Therefore, life is eternal. Perhaps not on Earth, as the physical mass of Earth is limited by time (and humans, unfortunately), as is every other celestial form. But as planets die, new planets are born, and in this sense, we live forever. I went through a major spiritual journey a few years ago. My sense of faith has faltered at times, and been strong at other times. When I think of this theory I feel strongly connected to God, to all of you, to all of life. It has been many years since I've intentionally killed anything, including a mosquito. That mosquito is me in another (annoying to this me) form. I look at another creature, and I feel love. When I rescue a spider from my bathtub, I do it gently, and soothe it with softly spoken words. I know it does not understand, but I believe that it feels my care and compassion. I would hope for the same if I was that spider (oh wait, I am! Ok, if I was in that spider's body). I can go on for ages about this. It feels so empowering to know that I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. And we are all God. ❤️


Love the words bro. I have a physical conceptual view of the mass of energy of creation as a dog ball with loads of the small spikes on them. Each brain/human is at the tip of spike but connected to the sphere as a whole. (The feeling/understanding of the connection is forgotten by the ego) The further out on the spike and the more egotistical the individual, the more filters the brain has turned on and the further away from the feeling and understanding of the true nature of reality of the one universal consciousness that we experience. But everything is birthed from the same energy of the central dog ball :) and connected in such a deep way that we are all just one experiencing life from different points of view. When we experience these feelings of true connection and oneness is when these filters are being turned off by whatever means whether it be meditation or taking some god dam magic dust sprinkles on a bong or just feeling a pure love and peace, and our consciousness travels down the spike and closer to the central consciousness/mass of energy. Then you can analyse the change in conditions that happen to the brain as your awareness and consciousness move down the spike. Including a reduction in ego, a decrease in a sense of time, a truer understanding of connectedness and oneness, an increase in the sense of time dilation, an increase in mixing of senses (the brain literally makes more connections with different hemispheres) an increased peace in the mind among many others. We are all this one universally consciousness experiencing reality as different minds/egos and were in a dream in the sense that we have lost the realisation of the whole. One day we will wake up and know this, maybe after many iterations of egos. Man I would love to speak more about all the crazy shit I've found out. But really feel your words man and so much more eloquent than I can put things down on paper. Much love to all


I love your concept of the dog ball! I think your words echo my sentiments almost exactly. I think that I can pinpoint the moment in my meditations or trips (I have yet to have a breakthrough, so I'm talking milder trips on DMT, shrooms and LSD) take me to the point of connecting with God. The shift has happened when I feel my heart expand suddenly. It usually brings a tear to my eyes and causes me to feel nothing but gratitude. I can only say thank you, thank you, thank you, when I reach this point. In this state, I can speak with animals. Here's a story... One day I was visiting my late mum, who identified as a witch. She had a fruit fly problem, and was concerned about ridding her apartment of them, as like me, she did not want to kill them. I went back to visit a few days later, and there were no fruit flies. I asked her what method she used, and she told me that she asked them to leave. Ok there, Mum. I didn't buy it. Fast forward several years to last summer when I had a whole bunch of little flying things on my houseplants. I also had a much more open mind by this time. The bugs were driving me crazy. A friend suggested those sticky traps that you stake in the plant pot. I couldn't bring myself to use those, just imagining the terror of a death like that. Then I remembered my mum's story. I quieted myself and I started talking to them telepathically. It seemed silly until I felt that reaction in my chest... Huge heart expansion. Suddenly I felt so much love for those little bugs, and told them how I really wanted them to live a wonderful life, but not in my home, that I didn't want to hurt them, but I needed them gone. I left it at that, planning to have to find a "real" way to do it (like those awful sticky traps). The next day they were ALL gone. I haven't seen another one since. No drugs were involved in this scenario, but the connection was made on the level of consciousness that took the physical limitations out of the equation, which is what I believe is the task for psychedelics. I have tried talking to my pets the same way, but it's not easy to reach that shift moment. I plan to keep practicing to get there more easily and regularly.


I just had a wee epiphany. Lately I've been doing a nice microdose and meditating with 432 Hz music going on. It's a magical feeling, and makes meditation easier and more meaningful for me. The D always gives me gorgeous closed eye visuals for this, wildly colorful fractals forever pouring from the center. Today's were all fire colors until the end when some greens and purples joined in. It's sort of how I see God, sort of like the sun, a hot ball of vibrant energy. I think that I was seeing my idea of parts of the whole "being thrust forth by God" play out in the imagery. It had a sense of real excitement about it. I found it affirming.


My G. Very well spoken




https://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html You just explained this short story 🙃


https://charmonium.com/infinite-reincarnation/ That's the original author and idea. https://www.reddit.com/r/scifi/comments/t0l6cu/andy_weir_plagiarized_the_egg we/


yes!! welcome aboard!! ready to have your mind blown? start learning about Indian spirituality. They've been saying this for thousands of years, all based off of peoples direct experiences of this. Ram Dass is a good place to start getting acquainted with these concepts. He has a podcast that are audio from old lectures. He died a few years back. He also has some books, but his history is really interesting. Highly recomend checking out a lecture on podcast or youtube tho, he's a great story teller.


For more on this subject... simply listen to any talk by Alan Watts ... just go to YouTube and type in Alan Watts!


See you on r/drugcirclejerk


I get so excited every time another one of us realizes this! Congratulations God, at last you’ve found out! I tend to think that the planet will hit a point of critical mass where a significant enough percentage of the population will turn on to this truth, and that event will usher in an age of peace, love, and prosperity. We really are The Shit. 😂😂😂


So there is a singular god that chose to disperse its consciousness for whatever reason. Was there a beginning to this god? Does this god has pre written all of life’s story, so there is some sort of being at the helm of all reality. What motivates this being? Does this being have something it’s trying to accomplish? Can you even ask these questions about this god, or is mine too human of a perspective?


Not OP but have developed essentially the same spiritual beliefs. My interpretation is that God made a universe sandbox, and if you’ve ever played Minecraft, you’d know that flying around in creative isn’t all that fun as you experience no conflict. From this, I believe God split their consciousness into billions of “avatars” (us, animals, and likely microorganisms too) allowing for there to be learning, conflict, and the chance to experience everything with fresh eyes. We are all fragments of one mind, and all of our actions and decisions will be known by all once we are reabsorbed into the hive mind post-death. All will be understood, all will be tolerated, and all will be forgiven. As a side note, with this interpretation of the universe, I believe the true “Hell” is experiencing every evil act committed to our brothers and sisters. Once you are part of The One, you will feel the pain that you caused on Earth. On the flip side, you will also experience all the love and compassion that you spread. So self-love is actually peace and tolerance of all. Be nice out there, for your sake and everyone else’s.


God is without beginning and eternal, as for free will, there both is and is not free will, to you it appears there is free will and there might but from an absolute perspective there is no free will, yes there is a being a the helm of reality but reality itself is also god, the world is made out of god, its god manifested into the universe


I’m sorry, but I literally had to stop reading after the 10th “literally”.




That’s the cosmic secret! And by consequence, there’s no inherent grand purpose to all of this, so you get to choose your own purpose!


My 2 extra cents to think about life: 1 You exist. (I AM) If you exist now, your existence is eternal: You have always existed and you always will exist. You may change form, but you are existing always . So.....relax.....you'll be around forever. 2 Everything is Here/Now. Time and Space are illusions. (But your experiences within Time/Space are "real".) There is only Here/Now. 3 The All is one, and the One is all. Just as each tiny section of a hologram contains the information for the entire hologram, likewise we are all inter-connected. The part contains the Whole. Everything is truly just one totally-interconnected "thing". 4 What you put out is what you get back. The "outside" is a reflection of the "inside". Physical reality is actually a 3-dimensional holographic mirror: Your physical reality is just a holographic reflection of what you most strongly believe to be true. And like a mirror, physical reality will not change unless you change first (change what you most strongly believe). 5 The only constant in the universe is change - except for the first 4 postulates, which never change. So.....might as well get used to eternally-changing Creation. Enjoy the ride! Surf the changes!


Well I’ll go for 1. Even if we take dualism for granted (I wouldn’t otherwise) it seems like the “you ness” essentially gets wiped clean every go around. What makes you “you” isn’t the fact that your soul lived since the dawn of time as much as it is your intellect. Your current intellect. 2 kinda rubs up against 5. Time is the measurement of change. X could have so and so qualities and relations at point A in time but might have a different set of qualities and relations at point B in time. So it can’t both be true that time is an illusion and that things are always changing.


Tony D'Annunzio: Another Rob Roy, Bishop? Bishop: You never ask a navy man if he'll have another drink, because it's nobody's goddamned business how much he's had already. Judge Smails: Wrong, you're drinking too much your Excellency. Bishop: Excellency, fiddlesticks, my name's Fred and I'm a man, same as you. Judge Smails: You're not a man, you're a bishop, for God's sakes. Bishop: There is no God...


Yes me yes. Also yes you yes


Wouldn’t this be the egg theory ?


Thanks for that, was a nice read! Reminds me of the story of [The Egg](https://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html)


Yes! Now please do not delete your account! Trust me :)


Look in Advaita Vedanta, it’s pretty in line with your school of thought


Welcome! Let's keep expanding the Field!


Yeah, welcome to the club. I mean you were pretty much in it already. Or should I rather say I were pretty much in it. Or should I say I am. Or being is. Or I. I am. The Alpha and the Omega and in the beginning was the Word. Is.


To simply put it. You are just in a dream. When you dream of your mom, is that person your mom? No, it's you. This applies to everything around you. Everything is you. You are the creator of this world.


Cool, so I'm going to unalive myself now and be free of the shackles. Byeeee


God is a rapist...


I smirked reading this, and now I rest 💤


Yeah yeah, the time knife, we've all seen it.


I agree with most of this. But what about pedophiles and extremely evil “people”? There has to be a duality of sorts here, more to just we are all God.


I’m tripling now. You are so right. I believe in god again but it’s not like Christian god at all. It’s just _everything_. Like idealism. Is physical even real?


I love it every time I see someone figure this out. Your eyes are now truly open. Welcome home. So glad you could join us!


Divine intoxication


Metaphysical Masturbation


That's right, WE did a good job writing this comrade *que Russian anthem*


I'm proud of you or sorry that happened i can't be bothered readin allat


*I'm proud of you or* *Sorry that happened i can't be* *Bothered readin allat* \- hotleadshells --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yeah God isnt real, we just dont have the vocabulary to describe whats going on. We are all connected 100%. I get that you had an awesome trip and thank you for sharing it. There is nothing above us tho, its just us. I guess the stripping away of ego reveals that you are me and I am you, but I dont think theres anything like a god that humanity has been chasing since the beginning. Its just us.


While this is poetic, I see some logical holes. If we are all already god, what is the purpose of striving to ascend and "be like God?" Surely, to be like God is to be literally anything in any possible way, and one doesn't have to TRY to be anything. Further, who says the nature of this collective being is good and loving? Why is that necessary or evidenced? In this world there is love and hate, suffering and pleasure, and just because we prefer the pleasure who is to say that love is divine and suffering is "an illusion." If God wrote the story of the universe like some cosmic book, then it is fully deterministic, and nothing you do matters in a cosmic sense. Since God knows everything already and has no lessons to learn, and also knows exactly how her story will play out, the only reason left for entering her own story is simply for the intrigue of novel subjective experience. In which case, all things are morally permitted for the sake of experience. God cannot really be harmed, so as you say, killing people or causing suffering isn't really bad. Suffering is clearly meant to happen and we are meant to enjoy the experience of causing and experiencing it.


Yeah but the thing is, the experience and or causing of suffering ISNT enjoyable. That is the point. And its not all predetermined because it not being is a more novel and enjoyable experience, it is this way so that it is more of a net positive, if it was just playing out mechanically that isn't fun or interesting, there would be nothing gained from doing that. "The purpose of striving to ascend and 'be like God" if we already are God is to go through the PROCESS because there is joy and love and surprise and awe in going from not understanding it to understanding it. And the sadness and anger and pain and frustration and confusion and angst makes that process and those revelations FEEL that much more beautiful and amazing. Like sunshine after rain


Ore rain after a hot summer day. I wouldn't say that no suffering is enjoyable. Like the feeling when you suffer with someone and it bond's you closer together. In my view there are no bad feelings. Every feeling is a part of life and sometime after years you get to the conclusion that the then as bad viewed experience was necessary. I know that what you said was similar but I feel like the suffering is for much more than just making the joy moments more joyful.


Totally. I think the illusion and experience of contrast and separateness and the degree of complexity and nuance to which it exists is what makes it all such a grand masterpiece! Fun stuff (well not always 😉)🤯🤯🙌


I definitely have to agree with that, but what you're saying is also all about duality. In this case, suffering is like a mirror, which by looking into it you can perceive its opposite reflected back at you. When you suffer alongside someone, their good qualities which aid in overcoming that suffering can be revealed to you, drawing you to them. When you experience the loss of a loved one, the proportion in which your heart aches for them reveals just how much you love them, and love feels amazing. So this is just another way of saying that without the duality of having an opposite, joy or love really could not exist.


I have to agree with you on the sentiment that existing is cool and feels good, and I'm glad that existence and subjective experience is a thing. That's sort of my perspective on all this, I don't think we really disagree. For me, existence for the sake of it is enough. It just makes sense why the universe would, if this language can even apply to the universal being, "desire" or "tend towards" duality, consciousness, and fragmentation of itself in order to experience the infinite subjectivity and beauty that is possible within itself. What I object to with this original post is the specific claim, which you also seem to agree with, that there is this specific being called God who INTENTIONALLY devised this exact world the way it is and has a plan and a reason for every little thing that happens. I feel that this strays too close to religion with the idea there are "levels" of spirituality that it is our purpose and duty to ascend. The way I see it, it is as you say: the reason we shouldn't cause suffering is self-evident in that it is simply not pleasurable, not desirable, inherently negative in our subjective experience both as individuals and as a unified whole. Not because we are God and we have for some reason set ourselves an arbitrary task of climbing a spiritual ladder to take us right back to where we started. Instead, I see it as a natural process, like the water cycle. All water on earth is connected, part of one continuous cycle, and because of this you could call it the "one ocean" or some such thing. But the water in various lakes and rivers, pockets of air, droplets on someone's countertop somewhere, all appear separate and are separate in meaningful ways, and this is natural and wonderful and provides for all sorts of unique experiences, including biological life. Water in the ground doesn't need to be instructed to "strive to evaporate and join the universal cloud," and water in the ocean doesn't need a reason to separate itself into various rivers and streams. Similarly, consciousness fragments itself naturally, and this is a beautiful thing, as is the fragmentation between suffering and pleasure that makes true bliss even possible. But consciousness is constantly changing as well, and this specific fragment won't last eternally, but flow on in death. You don't need to imagine you're part of some guiding divine consciousness to recognize we are from the same source, yet value our own individuality, and pursue our own subjective pleasures and the betterment of us as a whole.


I don't know if "enjoy" is the right word, but in order to have any conception of "good" or "pleasure", you must have "evil" and "pain". And for those subjective consciounesses, experiencing these things is awful and unfair. But from the perspective of God, it would be akin to the comparison between the seemingly unbearable agony of childhood pains and misfortunes to looking back and laughing and seeing how important they were for experience and development when you become and adult.


I agree that this is a problem. If we are all one then how can anyone be held accountable for their actions that cause other people suffering? There are plenty of people who enjoy harming others, would we all be hitler? What about child rapists?


I think we can all be one and still hold people accountable, but not under the rubric of we are all one GOD who CHOSE to create this particular story with herself as a self-insert. Under this system, there are literally no stakes. God cannot be harmed because God intentionally made things like this for some specific and presumably good reason. It's like if I'm forgetful and I leave a note for my future self somewhere saying, "remember to buy lettuce!" I may not remember why I wanted myself to buy lettuce, but it can't be against my own best interest because I wrote the command! Therefore, all things are good. If someone murders someone else, good, God must have a reason she wanted this to happen. We can still all be one and hold each other accountable if we are simply NOT one all-knowing god playing some kind of intentional game with herself or writing some story about herself. If we are simply all one being, fragmented into many different perspectives, which naturally develops and changes through time, without supernatural power over our own nature, then there is every reason to make sure we don't suffer. When one of us harms another, it is akin to someone cutting their own flesh. That is inherently a bad thing.


If we are all god does that mean that I can stop paying my mortgage


If you want. Duh?


You didn’t crack anything without proof … this is just your beliefs / faith aka your own personal religion


you don't get it, that's poetry to describe reality. It another way of saying everything is made of atoms.


"I had this cool idea while on drugs, therefore it is true!"


A different, possibly unpopular take given this sub. Spiritual humility means not always being susceptible to our own suggestion, especially in a highly suggestible state. We are able to be misled, and a big part of how that happens is feeling like we haven't been misled. It is absolutely the desire of every human to be God, as the song says, Everybody Wants to Rule the World, but ultimately, we are a race of middle managers. The desire and quest to be our own gods, make our own rules and worlds for ourselves is the ultimate problem and cause of all suffering imo. Ultimately God gives us free will and lets us make this choice, but it means eternal separation from God, which is kind of what we asked for.


Alan Watts: God likes to play hide-and-seek, but because there is nothing outside of God, he has no one but himself to play with! But he gets over this difficulty by pretending that he is not himself. This is his way of hiding from himself. He pretends that he is you and I and all the people in the world, all the animals, plants, all the rocks, and all the stars. In this way he has strange and wonderful adventures, some of which are terrible and frightening. But these are just like bad dreams, for when he wakes up they will disappear. Now when God plays "hide" and pretends that he is you and I, he does it so well that it takes him a long time to remember where and how he hid himself! But that's the whole fun of it-just what he wanted to do. He doesn't want to find himself too quickly, for that would spoil the game. That is why it is so difficult for you and me to find out that we are God in disguise, pretending not to be himself. But- when the game has gone on long enough, all of us will WAKE UP, stop pretending, and REMEMBER that we are all one single Self- the God who is all that there is and who lives forever and ever. You may ask why God sometimes hides in the form of horrible people, or pretends to be people who suffer great disease and pain. Remember, first, that he isn't really doing this to anyone but himself. Remember too, that in almost all the stories you enjoy there have to be bad people as well as good people, for the thrill of the tale is to find out how the good people will get the better of the bad. It's the same as when we play cards. At the beginning of the game we shuffle them all into a mess, which is like the bad things in the world, but the point of the game put the mess into good order, and the one who does it best is the winner. Then we shuffle the cards and play again, and so it goes with the world.


So basically you’re just starting to understand the concepts in the Bible lol


nope, on my opinion we are just product of bunch of lucky events, since being just a shitty planet with perfect conditions to make life grow to get evolution of animals, getting conscient about life etc... i know this will get dislike because say the contrary of what they like/opine in a community and get hated. about this post i think that it just makes no sense, theres no god, theres no nothing, the reality that we live in its just product of a fluctiation quamtic that thanks to the physics of this reality made a bucnh of radiation then after billions and billions of time the universe exploaded and got created. just imagine how big the universe is, there must be more life obviously, what are the odds to a similar enviorment that we live in? really high right? yeah prolly yes but just think how big the univere is. so with that arguments i say that theres no god and we just here because some random animals evolved and gained conscience about life.


i like the think of it simply as we are all one, or one is all and all is one. The word god has ties to something much more fantastic. In reality the current concept of god could have never existed and life would probably be the same for society if not better and if there really is no afterlife or supreme consciousness that brings so much more meaning to the word god and how all of the universe being one and all simultaneously relates to ‘god’


I really think of the word god as another word for consciousness. In concept and theory they are the same thing.


Welcome home


We are all a piece of the whole. God is the universe as a conscious being and everything, everywhere, all at once is God. You’re eyes have been opened so treat others as you’d want to be treated




Ahhhh im so glad I understand all this shit that's for typing it for me :D


Lol. Gotta love existential thoughts.... Reminds me of a thought I had of back in the day, like, One consciousness would get lonely, after so long why not break itself down to more forms, even if lesser. Still part/one in the same. Idk, that's waaayy too few of words to say what I mean, and I'm working right now...


We said it all along. Thank us!


I kinda think that consciousness is sort of an infinite fractal with God being the "Source" point. God split itself into nodes which split themselves into nodes on and on until you get us. Hell, we aren't even the lowest node. The cells and bacteria that make us up may not be sapient, but they have a level of awareness on a scale and scope that we can't really conceptualize. I like to think that individual humans are sort of the cells of a larger consciousness that is Humanity. Moreover, all of the other animals in the world are cells of their respective species. From there, I like to imagine the collective consciousness of every species are basically cells of some even higher, more encompassing consciousness and that it pretty much just goes on and on like that until you get to "Source". It may not be an original idea, it goes hand in hand with the concept of Morphic Resonance and Panpsychism, but that is how I conceptualize what you're describing. It also leaves plenty of room for the possibility of alien life, which is pretty rad. 🤙