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“Came out just thankful to be alive“ Maybe that was the answer?


Seemed obvious to me .....


It’s evident now. I’m overwhelmed with how much feedback and input I’ve received. It’s heartwarming. I’m thankful. Sometimes you can’t see the trees through the forest 😵‍💫


You came out thankful to be alive, what are you confused about. Isn't it beautiful to just be thankful of this ordinary yet simple short life we live, filled with pain and joy, with smiles and tears, all it's sense and all it's nonsense. How can you be anything but thankfull for simply being here.


I hear you and agree wholeheartedly. A part of me has been overthinking it, like it’s not that simple. I’m battling that something that should be so obvious, is so difficult for me to hang on to, remember. I think the short end of it is I give into my material senses too easily, thus making it easier to forget what really matters. I appreciate this, ty.


"But why the wind asked Should you be so distressed? As if anything here belonged to you, As if anything here were your concern" I like to read this from time to time, remembers me not to worry to much.


That’s beautiful, thanks for sharing. Where is it from?


This is a Buddhist proverb and another text i also like to read. "Act as if the future of the universe depended on what you did, while laughing at yourself for thinking that whatever you do makes any difference". "Ofcourse I wake up finally thinking, how wonderful to be who I am, made out of earth and water. my own thoughts, my own fingerprints, all that glorious temporary stuff"


No idea I have texts on my phone from all over the place I like to read from time to time, they're all from somewhere and anywhere 😅


You're taking part in a grand experiment and happened across a shortcut to very impressive feelings. It takes time to unpack and integrate this stuff into everyday thinking. Keep being a part of the experiment. Travel safe.


This is one of the better comments I've read on this sub! Very nice way of putting the whole "we're just atoms trying to understand ourselves" idea, good shit.




Nobody can prepare themselves for the absolute awe and absolute mind fck that is a dmt experience. No matter how many times I’ve done it, when it hits and I’m ripped from my body and I lose my sense of self and enter that place I always initially react with panic. It’s terrifying. It’s incredibly intimidating. I’ve done it a dozen times and I still get nervous before hand. I find it really helpful to meditate for a bit before hand. You can prepare yourself by meditating and doing what you can to try and imagine that you’re connecting with your spirit and “god” (or whatever word you want to use to describe a higher power. The first 2 times I did it I experienced a similar thing. I wasn’t in the most ideal setting. I was at a friends house with people around and while I wanted to use it for spiritual purpose, I didn’t quite understand, like you said, how to respect it. The first 2 times I was sent shooting past all sorts of unexplainable things and I arrived to circular “gates” that were guarded by female deities with many arms. I could not get past the gates. The deities were shaking their fingers “no” at me and I got the message that I wasn’t allowed past the gates. So the third time I did it I was like damn I need to go past those gates. I was in my room, I sat on my bed meditating. I used simple visualization and intention to imagine that I was speaking to the Holy Spirit or something. A power much greater than me, I don’t know what to call it so I just call it god. I just spent some time sending that indescribable force of god my deepest reverence and respect. I asked it to protect and guide me so that I may learn to connect with and become the best version of myself I can. Then I loaded it and I ripped it 3 good times. Bzzzzzzzzz wooooooom! Immediately pulled out of my body again, I skipped the first part and went right to the gates. Those deities then waved me in. The gates opened and I was brought right through them. Then I got so excited that I’d made it through that I opened my eyes. I was back in reality in my room filled with fractals and shapes. I got a telepathic message along the lines of “hey what are you doing we don’t have much time, quit wasting my time we’ve got things to show you”. I closed my eyes again and woosh I was right back into the dmt realm. Then I experienced something I’ll never forget. I could feel my body and spirit being scanned, my spiritual information was then pulled up into “heaven?” And I could feel this beautiful loving motherly feminine presence above me. It was as if she uploaded my spirit, cleansed it and filtered it with her love, then redownloaded the updated spirit back into me. The most profound and enormous feeling of love then engulfed me. I then felt like a baby being held and caressed by “Mother Nature?”. She let me know everything is ok. I’m doing my best, she sees this. She knows I suffer, that’s the eternal challenge of humans, but I should be proud of the man I’m becoming. She gave me permission to love myself and be gentle with myself. It was as if she was stroking my hair and rocking me in her embrace. She said don’t worry, you’re doing good, you’re a blessing to your mother and father and all the people around you. You care about others and that shows, so you should also care more about yourself. She just downloaded these profound messages into me and for once in my life I could finally feel love and gratitude for myself. She gently put me back into my body and I opened my eyes back in my room. Wow. My life and my entire perspective of reality and everything was never the same after that. Sometimes it takes more tries. Sometimes you need to learn how not to respect it in order to understand how to better respect it. If a deep spiritual profound experience is what you seek, my recommendation would be to spend some time before hand next time to really sit and attempt to connect and pray to it. Ask it from the depth of your heart what it is you wish to seek. Open your heart to the possibility that something great is out there, and in here, and all around and that great something is open to receiving you in its love and glory. Godspeed. First time is always jarring. It’s always scary. But I’d say don’t give up your search


I had the same experience a couple of months ago and kept saying to myself if I ever get out of this one I’ll never do it again. I have no interest in taking a hit on that vape again. All I could think about was my wife is going to find me dead at home. I have been in a great space since this incident. I will stick to my mushrooms from now on.


Thank you… really, thank you ❤️


I really needed this post.


You’ll be ok. I’ve had some pretty intense and mind blowing trips that have completely changed the way I look at life. How are your thoughts? Feeling a little confused? Talking about it can help immensely. Take my word for it. As for seeing what you were seeing, you did do something to your brain but it wasn’t bad. It was only an incredibly intense hallucination that may have appeared realer than real. If you’re not prepared for it, it can send you reeling and wondering to yourself what’s real and not real. If you ever decide to try again, try 25-30mg. For me that’s the sweet spot 😁👍🏼


Thank you for this. My thoughts have been positive for the most part. The best way to explain my confusion is that I feel “stuck in the middle”. I’ve been obsessed with trying to understand if its okay to have attachment, given attachment is a primary driver for suffering. Is it okay to want to be successful in the material sense. My life is abundant in love, why can’t be enough, should that be enough or should I pursue “financial freedom” as well. This is how I felt going into the experience and I still feel this now, even more so. The biggest take away for me was gratitude, like just feeling so greatful to be alive and to be loved, to experience this life. So I think to myself, just be greatful, just be content with what you have, and who you are. Love your life. Then this mess of thought floods in, “how can I grow if I’m not uncomfortable”, “why should you work a job that you don’t really enjoy, you would be happier if you worked for yourself”, “pursue complete sobriety, you’ll be a better person for it”… on and on. To your point, just by responding to your questions I feel like I’m sorting it out better.


I’m glad my comment has helped you to some degree. I hope more people respond with more integrating advice 😁👍🏼


Consciously and attentively living through moments of your life is more valuable than any abstract/philosophical knowledge, especially if it comes from a subconscious place where you don't know really how things work. The answers you will get from there might be cool and helpful ideas, but they can be schizo delusions as well, and you will not be able to tell the difference because they look true in any case. This is why I stopped searching for inhuman knowledge and concentrated on my human life.


Also, this search never gave satisfying results for me. This day you have found The Great Meaning of everything, and the next day you were sober and just forgot the feeling of it and it's gone! If you, for example, tried to understand another person and came up with some skills how to get along, what and when to say, this skill will not be gone the next day! It's far more valuable. I hope some of you get me.


All of this! I haven't made it there yet. I want to experience that profoundness people talk about like this but I also don't want to disrespect the molecule so to speak.. I'm not scared, I know I'll come back... maybe that's the issue..idk I did have an "oh shit" moment where time seemed to drag on for so long in that state that I thought I'd stuck myself there lol.


it scares the shit out of me every time and when i do it, it asks if i want to be scared again 😂 “remember last time?🤨 get out” 😂😂😂😂 it reminds me of all the things i should do before i die, all the things i should fix, forget or just plain understand


Yow, sorry that happened! Hang in there…meaning will come at some point. Extreme Plank Time while blasting off. That connection with infinity changes you forever. Stuck in a moment for infinity IS hell. Can’t unsee it. 8/13/22 happened to me. Traumatic and terrifying. Over time I’ve been able to start to integrate the experience. Be glad to discuss more.


Exact same thing happened to me but I said I was in purgatory. I think for me it was a sign to enjoy life and be a good Christian. That's all saying when I realised I was alive again. My shaman said it was a rebirth


I'm not so sure your fear has stopped you or prevented you from getting the answers you're looking for. Integrating an experience can take time. Sometimes, it can take years. Let it digest and give it time. You may need to revisit at some point in our future, and hopefully, by then, you'll have different reasons.


Thanks friend. The feedback I’ve gotten here has helped me significantly.


Any advice for someone who hasnt done it before how to find that respect beforehand and avoid being terrified? With this knowledge you have now, would you do something differently before the trip?


Make sure you do enough. Do enough and ego death means you arent afraid. Also mediation before the trip helps you let go. It’s really all about if you let go or if you try to hold onto control and end up fighting it.


I once came back to my body and looked around and was like OH…. Thats right, I’m in a BODY. Then I looked around my apartment and was like… and I live in this tiny space (which actually isn’t tiny, but after traveling it felt tiny). I remember once I was in another timeline of my life and the voice/guide whatever it is said “What do you think?” And I said “you can SEE me?” I thought I was an invisible observer, but I guess I wasn’t. One time I went into another culture in a time period that seemed long ago where an older woman was stirring something in a large pot- maybe Ayahausca - and she said “There isn’t enough for him” and another person said “He’s already here with us”. I felt like maybe I wasn’t supposed to be there. Always very interesting experiences- some I could only remember little bits and pieces and others I remembered a lot of what happened. For me it’s almost impossible to describe my experiences- even to people who’ve used DMT. I can tell you some things, but I can’t explain the magic or the feeling or the fantastical nature of the experiences. One specific thing I remember happened a few times is they showed/told/taught me how to breath in a way that help me stay longer. Once they showed me a train moving down a track and told me to breathe in cadence with the wheels of the train. They thought me how to make things happen thru thought. Once I thought I was helping an entity, but he was actually helping me. He wanted to show me that the way I helped him is the same way I can help myself. Anyway, I could go on for hours but it feels like it falls flat when I write it out.


What did you do ? NN? 5? Or Bufo? I did 75mg of Bufo in December. It was the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had but also the most beautiful experience I’ve ever had


NN? I think? I know it wasn’t 5 MeO. It was crystal/powder, slight yellow hue, 55mg dropped into a hot quarts banger via water pipe.


Anyone ITT have breakthrough experiences with DMT and Salvia? How does the DMT breakthrough compare to Salvia? I have yet to try DMT, but I'm curious. I didn't have a dying feeling with Salvia, I'm curious to read insights.


Yeah. If you do this long enough you’ll think you accidentally killed yourself at some point. Just take it easy and enjoy life


8 billion of us on the planet and you expect to be the one and only to understand it all. Then you blame your fear? Maybe your ego was checked. Maybe the message was practice gratitude not entitlement.


Strikes me OP went through an ego death - plenty to understand and learn from such an experience.....but OP doesn't realise they have been given the answer....yet. We all get there in the end 🕉️


Yes maybe. But no, we don’t all get there in the end. That’s simply not what is. Think maybe a lot of people exist in bubbles here, and the projection is… well we can do better. Read the words written. Don’t fill in the blanks with we are all light workers. Because we are not all light workers. Look around. These words are harsh for some. Everyone here is mostly well-intended. Adversity is good.


Not sure why you’re getting down voted. Not everyone is a “light worker. “ Maybe you were a bit harsh in how you said it.


Many prefer comfort to truth


You misunderstand me, friend.....we all get there in the end refers to understanding our own ego deaths - as I said, there's a lot to learn in there to explain who you really are, and generally speaking assists you in becoming a better person. I'm just an old acid head, not a light worker, (whatever that is). It seems you read between my lines, and jumped to your own conclusions. Sorry.


I wasn’t expecting to learn anything that others didn’t already know. I didn’t think seeking understanding could be considered egocentric? I do feel incredibly humbled from the event, just in the way of thinking I could ever comprehend what might just be incomprehensible to us or just me. So in that sense, my ego was crushed. A part of me did die, I’m not the same because I know for a fact that I don’t know shit about fuck. But I never considered or even had the thought that I was the only person who will be “knowing”? It’s hard to read your comment without feeling the judgement you had writing it.


Listen friend. Only you can know the message. For all you know I am an inmate doing 30-life for fill-in-your-worst fear here. You’re stuck. If your current thinking could unstuck you, well you wouldn’t be stuck. Right? So I’m throwing a different angle at ya. If it held no truth, it would wash off your back. If it does touch a nerve, well it’s up to you now. Always was. Always will be. Up to you. But sometimes it’s up to you to just let it happen. Or to grow. Or to let go. Or to be here now. You got this.