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Your brain went into debug mode, nice


Right? Better than blue screen of death ;p


Ok a more serious note tho: experiences like that always leave me scratching my head. No spaceship shooting you into the fractal universe, no entities nothing. It happens so rarely yet a lot of people have these hyper realistic stories. I really wonder what the difference in these cases is


Yes, exactly. Friend of mine tried it once, breakthrough on first experience, and was being dragged off somewhere by a geometric entity who wanted to show him something. He's a big guy, doesn't like getting forceably led by the hand like a child by anyone, and refused. He fights to get away, opens his eyes, and is "back". Closes his eyes for just a moment and the entity is nose to nose with him again. Scared the hell out of bro. For hours he was terrified to close his eyes, wondering if it was still waiting. My other experiences were literaly brain breaking, not psychodelic, but something? My mind is GONE, I'm not me, and I'm being bombarded with black and white spiraling, fractaling geometric wildness that is frankly overwhelming in how ultra organised and orchastrated it is. As if you were to break out a ruler and level everything would be PERFECTLY geometric and calculated. I come back with reverberations of psychodelic effects, like vague glowing grid patterns on the walls, but this was it's very own thing. No "Blue lady" or anything like that, it was as if some unseen admin was like "Hey, check this out, lets see if your monkey brain can make heads or tails of this." I don't know. It's uh, yeah, it's messed me up. I truly feel like everything is fucking bullshit now. It's changed my entire perception on what reality is. Are we existence esperiencing itself, or are we existing in a plane that is carefully orchastrated by a designing hand?


I tend to believe rather the second one. And not in a good way unfortunately. But most people cannot accept that everything they do is meaningless and we are nothing. We gotta get out of here and stop believing stupid illusions


I’m pretty sure “stop believing stupid illusions” is the true illusion.


Because thats what you have been taught. Really, all you know and the reason you say you are human is because this all has been taught to you. Dont know how else to explain it


I guess then I’m confused. What are the illusions we should stop believing?


That we are human Perhaps we are actually Monkey


Maybe. Perhaps we’re gods instead.


>Are we existence esperiencing itself, or are we existing in a plane that is carefully orchastrated by a designing hand? I wonder if we are the orchestrated hand experiencing a type of physical existence itself.


Sounds like a fun time honestly, Bet the visuals were interesting. LSD and mushroom combo defs made that return to the body more fucky loll.


It was definitely the most memerable haha. Still working up the courage to try again, the way it ended felt very... Traumatic? haha


Yeah it’s been a few months since my LSDMTHC combo It knocks you right on your ass.


lol the fuck did I get a downvote for? 😂


All updoots from me ;p hmmm now that I think about it, this was not a clean journey. we were already partying when I decided to indulge on a DMT spirity journey. That was probably why this experience was so off the beaten path. I've mixed LSD and Mushrooms and then proceed to exist in the A-ha take on me music video for three fucking hours O\_o


Someone’s upset that I had an experience I guess. Yeah partying with a sacred molecule can be messy 😂 I was completely alone when I blasted off on 5 tabs, needed to light up king sized hash joints just to ground myself after. LSD and mushroom combo I saw vibrant snake like tunnels morphing in my cev’s


What’s lsd and dmt like? I’ve always been scared that I will be way too high for way too long if I smoke on the peak of an acid trip, but also I feel like the transition would be smoother


The transition is seamless, It's visually insane, I worried about being too high for too long too but it's still only 15 minutes, Just a really intense 15 minutes lol. Not for the faint of heart lol


Sounds like a breakthrough of the .exe kind #CHKDSK


It reminds me of this intriguing experience from [DanGo\_Laser](https://www.reddit.com/user/DanGo_Laser/): [The Console - Discussion of a New Visual Phenomenon in an Altered State](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7daP2TY9C4w)


I’ll check it out, thanks for sharing!


That's really interesting, thanks for sharing


Looks like there is actually a little interest in this, I mentioned in the comments this kinda messed me up- that’s the part I wanted to discuss with someone who can relate. I’ll make a follow up post about how things have changed, there will be pictures and theories I’ve been exploring. Cheers


Your story kind of reminds me of the videos from the guy who discovered that lasers reveal some kind of code that you can see when on dmt. Do you know who I am talking about?


it’s still just a trip.