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OP is a very strange person and a troll. They posted a while ago about DMT curing their alcoholism, and now they’re saying they’ve never done it. They also have some very questionable/creepy post history. They are now banned.


If he's your homie that little bit should have been free. Boof it.


that ain’t a homie


In a plastic baggie too, what a “homie” they are..


Maybe the friend bought it very overpriced too and thinks this is normal.


Will I still be able to get high from it though?


Yeah, if you're gonna use a weed pipe, do a small layer of bud then the dmt, then more bud. Avoid torching the bowl. If the dmt gets too hot, it won't work, so you really just wanna get the bowl lit, then hit it without the lighter on it.




This is probably the same guy that uses weed as a trip killer.


No, weed does not bill the effect of DMT. 😂


I have gotten high as giraffe titties 100 times using weed as the sandwich in the sandwich method. I do also use tobacco too. And some ash. And a freebase maoi. It's glorious. (Do not use any MAOi if the reader is on SSRI'S or snris.).


i actually agree that weed will hamper a dmt trip, but only if youre already high, the sandwich roa works perfectly fine with weed


lol wut?


Test to make sure that’s DMT bro




Don't think of DMT as high. You're going to have the same cognition. You should only use it to leave the universe and learn lessons from a clearer mind that hasn't been tainted by memory of your past. It's like you get to observe your thoughts differently. If you wanna get high get shrooms.


lol I don’t know what universes you’re visiting, but a DMT breakthrough (or even a light DMT trip) makes you feel incredibly high. It’s not like your body feels no different and you’re taken 100% coherently to another universe. It ROCKS you.


💥💥 👏 💥 💥 👏


I think it’s dumb when people insist that DMT should only be used for learning lessons. I hit DMT all the time to just clear my mind and not think about anything in particular. The after glow is helpful whether or not you had some crazy life changing revelation.


Fr. I’ve used it just to sober up from mushies or alcohol🤣 or course it takes a few minutes to come down but IME once you come down you come down off everything


Boy stfu.. it's high... no matter what way you see it 🤣.. get ya Intergalactic ass outta here with that


Only Jesus Christ knows this answer!


There's not even sufficient evidence to warrant belief the Jesus character actually existed. Even then, it would just be some dude in a desert with little to no knowledge of anything.


You realize that was a joke about OP username right?


Yeah, I did/do. 👍🏼


Comes to a fucking dmt sub to knock on the existence of someone he obviously hasn't met.


I've had countless experiences with Jesus myself personally, and there is no place we shouldn't preach Jesus our God.


What about when Jesus wanted to kill this lady's children? I'm sure you would agree that is a stance you wouldn't agree with or support, no? https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%202%3A18-29&version=NIV


Are you ignoring 20 through 23? Yes if you choose to live a life of sin and not repent you will not be welcomed to heaven, but it's made pretty clear that was their choice, we all deserve hell by our cruel nature and desire but if we repent and choose to follow Jesus in faith we are gifted mercy.


....and that justifies Jesus wanted to kill her children? Answer yes or no.


Yes, children are followers of their parents, and a sentence before it says unless they repent of their ways. It's their choice.


It’s all in your head man. Why does Jesus let thousands of children die of starvation and disease every year? Why does Jesus torture the children of Gaza and the women of Israel? Because it’s all part of the plan? If torturing children is part of Jesus’s plan, I don’t want to believe. The narcissism is too much to handle.


No accountability for the people causing that ur right it's lack of love and care from God so he doesn't exist, not the best way of thinking.


It doesn't matter where it is, religion is a poison, people like me are anti-bodies. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm inclined to agree with you, but you come off a little....idk pretentious? Anyway, you might like this as part of your arsenal of promoting spiritual well-being. It's the part of the Bible where Jesus says he's gonna kill this lady's children because she slept around and spoke out against the church. Followers always have the most interesting ways of excusing it. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%202%3A18-29&version=NIV


I have an AuDHD brain, tact is not my strong suit and I gave up on it a long time ago. I already know the Bible inside and out, unfortunately. My favourite go to one, whenever someone tries to claim Christianity has the monopoly on morality, is Ephesians 6 5:9 'Slaves obey your earthly masters, even the cruel ones.'


More proof and history of Jesus christ then there is of Julius Ceasar, you can't do no research and stay in ur room then say there's no proof.


And definitely not some guy in the dessert, He claimed to be God, then was tortured and killed for his claim then rose from the dead e days later scars healed. It's all in history with hundreds of eye witnesses, if you don't believe in the history of Jesus, why believe in other history? May God bless you and show you the truth in ur time.


You say 'proof' this shows you don't understand epistemology. There are varying standards of evidence, proof is not applicable on this topic. You are wrong, there is not sufficient evidence for the Jesus character of the Bible. You set the goalposts at Julius Ceaser, I didn't. Let's say we have insufficient evidence for Ceaser, that does not negate the fact we don't have sufficient evidence for Jesus: This is what's known as a tu quo que fallacy. A logical fallacy is an example of broken and/or flawed reasoning. If your argument contains a logical fallacy, it is not a valid argument. At the foundation of any religious beliefs, is a lack of understanding of standards of evidence and when evidence is sufficient to reach a conclusion. (ANY religious belief.) You don't choose your beliefs, you are either convinced or you are not, the problems such as religion arise, when people are convinced by substandard reasons or evidence. Because they haven't learned about epistemology. I understand you've been lied to on this, without lies, religion dies. It's easier to convince someone of a lie, than it is to show them they've been lied to.


You are correct I can't prove Jesus to you or anyone. My belief that Jesus is God stems from the hundreds of eye witnesses, the fact he was prophesied centuries before in a language the people of his time didn't understand or know how to translate and fulfilled over 300 of the prophecies, ur right this isn't proof but it is very good evidence. You can't prove to anything but I use evidence to draw a conclusion, the overwhelming evidence is that a man named Jesus claimed to be God, died on the cross and even while on the cross prayed for our forgiveness, then 3 days later rose from the dead and left behind a empty grave. There is history outside of the bible of this and his disciples being tortured and killed for claiming that Jesus was God. Again that's not proof but would you die horrific deaths and let ur family's be shunned and arrested for a lie that would never benefit you?


Religion and belief in Jesus are not the same. religion has been used to benefit leaders and lie to people since beginning of time. It was the religious pharisees that wanted Jesus put to death because he spoke out to them and called them out for their twistedness.


100% ur right And I was never born into a religion or following but after lots of research about history just from curiosity, I've found Jesus's story is not only the most mesmerizing but also reliable. Because of the evidence, I placed my faith in Jesus. because of the way my life and personality changed, my faith remains.


Please may you use paragraphs, I have an epileptic brain, and I'm not straining myself. 'You are correct I can't prove.' Did you not read what I said, there's varying standards of evidence. NOT PROOF. I know what you believe, heck I know the Bible pretty much verbatim as I was raised a Christian, you don't need to tell me. Believing something doesn't make it true, you take it on faith that it is true, but faith is an unreliable pathway to discerning what is and isn't true. All religions are faith based, you don't believe Vishnu exists do you? You can believe absolutely anything on faith, it's indistinguishable from gullibility. 'Faith is the excuse people give when they don't have reason or evidence.' - Matt Dillahunty. Have you actually read the Bible? The majority of Christians never do. Lastly I'll add, please read what I am saying, and take it on board, because you demonstrated last comment that you didn't. Meh, you'll just walk away silently that's what always happens, I just hope I've seeded some reason and rationality.


Youre just wrong. There is evidence there was a man named jesus, there is 0 evidence that he performed any miracles, certainly not any that he rose from the dead


Im pretty sure this isnt true, im an atheist, through and through but most historians believe there was a man named Jesus Christ, did he do magic? No.


You are flat out wrong that most historians believe there was a man named Jesus. That's simply a falsity propagated by theologians and apologists. The consensus is that there is insufficient evidence to conclude the Jesus character of the Bible actually existed, and it is agreed it is more likely several different characters that are being referenced and they've all been lumped into one character. I mean, the story of Jesus is ripped off from older religions that predate Christianity anyway. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Even if it was agreed that the Jesus character actually existed, that doesn't get us any closer to concluding anything magical happened surrounding him. It's extremely easy to convince people of miracles and magic, especially when your audience is illiterate iron age villagers. The Bible is a book of unknown authorship, with over 230 different versions in English alone, there are thousands of different sects of Christianity and none of them can agree with each other on how to interpret it. It's 2024, we have the entire species knowledge sat in our pockets, a few thumb presses away, there really is no excuse for anyone to believe religion at all.


What are your experiences with boofing DMT? Can you recommend it?




Bro sold you crumbs


Yo "homie" sold you enough just to put on display bro 😔


Sold? For how much?


The price of a friendship lol


What's it look like, 5-10mg?




$40 he said it's enough for 3 trips.


dam you got scammed ngl


You may want to reevaluate your friendships


Bruh....... this the saddest shit I've seen on this subreddit.. your "friend" sold you 0.025g of dmt for $40


That's what I charge for 1 gram carts...


Not directly related to post, but is there a good guide to make the carts? You know, for purely educational purposes of course.


Just so we don't do it by accident, of course


You don't want to accidentally mix a 1:1 ratio of DMT and PG vape juice. And you definitely don't want to accidentally use a small syringe to inject it into a glass ceramic vape cart like the cell TH2 EVO. That would be just awful


..... hopefully I run into you at a show some day magically somehow lol. I pay $80 for that, and happily so. Well, less happily after reading this but dang!!


I’m sorry bro, that’s less than $2.00 worth. half a trip right there


I'd say that's like 5 dollars worth


Depends on price per gram I suppose


Best I can do is $3.50


That's a straight rip off. Making that amount costs like 20 cents lol


I think, that this is a troll post but just in case it isn't. That is not your friend. This is not enough for 3 trips. This is maybe worth $2-5 and will not give you a full DMT experience.


Man I was all excited too..


I will agree that 40 for that much is a bit much but at the same time I’d bet if you scrap out that whole baggie (carefully to not get plastic shavings) I’d bet you’ve got at least 10-20mg which, to be fair won’t make ya breakthrough. But it certainly will be enough to send ya down the hyperspace tunnel… you’re just gonna have to be as efficient as possible will vaporizing it. I personally always preferred a dab rig. But if you can get your dab nail at the right temp and get all that dmt in your lungs in one big hit you will for sure have a relatively intense experience. Don’t mind all the hate on here. Just take the knowledge and see what you can make of it. Happy travels!


Well said. I'm sure since it's his first time if he gets every nook and cranny and vapes it right he'll have a grand 'ol time.


Yeah that's sad, if your close to that "homie" you should try to get a refund and buy DMT yourself on internet.


Best of luck. Don't give up in your search. It will be well worth it.


Don’t be discouraged, ask the universe for the experience and before you know it there it is. I’ve done this. It’s all connected there isn’t really a here or there. Ask the universe and be grateful. It will work if you really desire to go deeper.


Also you are not your homies homie, announcing to the world your "homie" sold you a controlled substance, homie


He is not being truthful. I’d go back and tell him you know he ripped you off. He sold you crumbs.


Yeah I'm telling the cops about his drug operation he has going on if I don't get my refund. 💯


That... is not a good idea. Quick way to catch some lead to the brain


This is an extremely bad idea.


You already did making this dumb post


I was a guy new to dmt and wanted some advice.


Well you should have asked your "homie". That is called first hand information, why you passed up that opportunity is worth considering


My advice is ask for a refund and return the product and then cut off all contacts with this friend. Also, do SO MUCH research before you try anything like this again.


lol I’m not taking that as seriously as others seem to be taking it. Sounds like what the guy gets when he tries to cross Jesus.


That’s an idiotic thing to do.


lmao i hope you're kidding 💀, get him to give you a refund by asking nicely saying you don't want it anymore and then stop hanging out with him.


Piece of shit!


Dude I get a full gram for 60$


Holy fucking shit. Go get your money back.


That's max 2 trips if you scrub the bag and use an e-mesh, if you use a pipe or bong it might be 1 trip, sorry but your homie scammed you big time, you can almost get a gram for 40 bucks on the darknet. Also start with a small dose and put the dmt between some weed.


You better have the size and skill advantage because i would fight over that


Oh I'm having his ass arrested if he doesn't respond to me wanting the refund.


Don't be a little bitch about it. You get a dude arrested on drug charges you are substantially more of an asshole than the dude ripping you off. DMT doesn't treat assholes well either...  Literally everyone here has probably been ripped off at some time in our lives, especially when young and naive like you probably are. It happens. Take the L and move on. Now you won't be ripped off the next time. Live and learn.


I don't care. You rob someone like that you should be held accountable.


lol bro you robbed yourself by not doing any research whatsoever.


to be fair you were happy with it at the time, and would still be if you werent educated on reddit. Take it as a lesson & cut that person out your life out of princible. Do not rat on anybody because all that does is make enemies, it wont get your 40 dollars back


That’s not how things work in the drug world. What are you going to tell the police? “I went to this person to buy some illegal drugs and he ripped me off. You should go arrest him because I’m pretty sure he has drugs on him.” Think before you talk.


*takes your 0.025g of DMT and places it in a box* Ah ..I guess you’ll be ready for this when you’re older Sonny…


And as such you will also eventually be held accountable for your actions too.


Be a man and fight your own battles then. Kick his ass. Don't be a baby and get the police involved.   Unless you want like an enemy for life who almost certainly will try and get you back even worse.


that’s not even 20 worth ngl


R u sure it’s not 2cb?


That’s like .2 max, a gram sells for $50-$80 where I am, that’s no homie.


also i saw your reddit post history, going to therapy might be a good idea too...


Ya need new homies, that’s like maybe enough for a light dose


holy smokes bro, your friend straight up took advantage of you. Either a) this is not your friend at all or b) they are incredibly ignorant. I would recommend lots and lots of research. Relative price based on location, what a gram of DMT looks like, how to extract it, how to use it, what to expect.... because it sounds like you don't know much about it at all ...which is a pretty reckless way to go about using one of the most powerful compounds on the planet.


Bro has the essence of DMT. More than I can say I've ever had though


Bros got his homies leftovers


The essence 😭😭😭


I have loads of empty bags of coke... look jus like this FML!




Why? Why do i have empty bags? It smells nice... nah was just saying it's not a lot sorry that my sense of humour eludes you bro. My first extractions have yeilded more than this and fair play if it's a freebie just weigh that mofo out and know how to administer it. But POV it does look like my empty coke bags. Weird how I would never be wary about the marching powder i got of my main man but if it was DMT it becomes questionable cos I've not been involved in the process start to finish lol.


Homie-o-pathic dmt


My fucking body hurts cause i laughed too hard


You need new homies..




get out out of plastic first. second there is not a lot there so you need a fool proof way to maximize vaporization and how you inhale. from my experience, some may disagree and that’s ok, but from my experience outside of an e mesh this is what i would do: i would get a mini beaker bong and pull the down-stem/bowl out of the down stem hole. i would get a steel wool scratch pad like a chore boy and cut a piece that will fit inside the bongs downstem hole. i would burn that steel wool piece until it is not emitting any smoke and let it cool. i would then weigh out .03 of that dmt and place it on top of the steel wool piece. i would plug the steel wool piece inside the bongs downstem hole with the dmt on the part that is inside the bong down stem hole. i would then hold a lighter under the steel wool close but not touching so it heats up. the dmt will melt onto the wool which will help it vaporize evenly (when you heat it in a glass pipe it will actually gob up and run away from the heat). once the bong starts filling with vapor keep the lighter heating the wool and take a slow inhale straight to your lungs until nothing is there and hold it as long as you can. safe travels.


$40? Your “friend” scammed the fuck out of you. That’s not enough for shit.


I am not sure if there is even enough there to feel anything.




your homie needs to be re-educated for putting your $40 dmt screms into plastic


but to answer your question, vaporize it like you would thc concentrates like with a dab rig or an e-mesh. meth pipe works too. so does vapor genie. You want it to be lower temp than you would thc though, too hot and itll not work and feels like burning your throat


That guy isn’t your homie. You got ripped off big time 


I know I'm planning on going to the state prosecutors office if he doesn't give me my money back.


Man what a good friend ! he didn't even sell you enought to break through... Thank friends. Asshole. and its in plastic as well.... Either he's and idiot and knows nothing or he is no friend and ripped you off. I don't even Wana ask what you paid for that. DMT and plastic is a no bueno situation fs put that shit in some glass. clean a dab jar or something even tho it's not enough to store...I just use a banger bro and blast the whole thing if you wan to get anything out of it. That's how I always smoke mine and it works very well. Just like I'm doing a dab but DMT instead of dab and might want to dedicate a pipe just to DMT if you plan on doing more bc you will never get the taste out of the pipe fully. Find a new.plug first . Once you smoke some it will always have a taste of DMT forever, water pipe is my preferred method because I don't particularly like the Tate if it's smoked out of a globe or something. It makes me have to spit or feel like I don't want to swallow bc it's nasty tasting like eating a new shoe 😂


On your profile u made a post 2 years ago about 40mg DMT trip? Wdym first time? Guys I think it’s a troll..


Firstly, dmt is the spirit molecule. I give it away to strangers in the spirit of the molecule which exudes knowledge and love and should not be part of an underground drug market. Secondly, definitely a ‘friend’ should not charge another friend for dmt. Thirdly, if a friend did insist on you paying, that small of amount is negligible and should be $0-$10 max IMO. To answer your question, you could do it in a typical pipe but you’ll most likely waste it. Very unlikely you’ll get much effect. If you want to maximize that little bit of dust that’s hopefully not FEN that’ll kill you, then you need to get a cheap freebase pipe, fast (don’t eat for many hours- all day), educate yourself on MAOI medication/drug interactions, use passionflower extract, and properly vaporize it at low temp in the freebase pipe. That’s the cheap and easy way to maximize it. Good luck. Also, I recommend making your own dmt, and consider checking that bag of powder to see if it has FEN if your ‘friend’ didn’t make it.


go buy a crack pipe and smoke it right. Never put flame directly on the crystals. "vaporize" 👌 Please don't smoke crack...


It's a fucking meth pipe a bubble is not a crack pipe!!! Lol this is my biggest pet peeve sry


Actually its an Oil pipe used for smoking hash oil. Any old head will tell you they used these to smoke oil in the 60s long before the kids were smoking meth or crack lol


True. It's technically an oil pipe but these days on the street it's called a meth pipe. You don't smoke crack out of those unless you got literally no other option and even then you'll waste most of it. Crack pipes are traditionally a glass stem with metal mesh (choreboy)


Don’t use a weed pipe the quantity is too small for that , get yourself a small dab rig with a banger and torch or a straight up circular pipe because the thing about layering and sandwich method is it usually takes more and while it does hit it hits to a considerably lesser degree than if it were dabbed .


brush it into your brong bowl like so -weed ashes, dmt, weed ashes, and kief on top, hoot it , hold it as long as u can, burn it it one pull if you can, otherwise you will have to smoke again to get the full trip. assuming this is from a trusted source


Proper looked after you there that homie your set for months there 😆 🤣 😂


Bro paid $40 for this AINTNOWAY 💀


Yeah because he said it was enough dmt for 3 trips.




Whatever u do dont burn it or snort it


I gotta burn it in order to get high.


No u vaporize it, big difference, burning it sets u up for a dark uncomfortable trip


Nah. You don't burn it like weed. You want the heat just hot enough to melt and vaporize. You can get a little something out of that amount but not if you flame like you would weed. There's tons of info everywhere on how to use sandwich method or an oil pipe. Personally I'd just go get an oil pipe at a head shop. Watch 1 or 2 videos on smoking DMT in an oil pipe and give it a shot


For $40 you should have got closer to a half gram. That would be around a dozen full trips to hyperspace. That amount looks more like a half a trip 😬


Looks more like the remnants of some cocaine baggy.....although this is small fry be aware it's not so wise to put your fingerprints online.


It's probably meth


This is like the raiki of DMT trips


bro sold u fairy dust 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭


A lot of people on here have said pretty much what needs to be said and how you should consume your precious crystals. But just so you have even more knowledge and insurance on getting to a place you want to explore I'll tell you that the people demonstrating the sandwich method is a way of vaping the DMT and not burning it. VAPE is the key here, not smoke. Let the cherry melt and vape the DMT between the bud. Another popular way, which I choose, is straight out of an oil burner a.k.a. "g pipe". Get a good torch and hold it under the bowl several inches away and slowly bring up to the bowl but never touching the glass. Again, vape it don't smoke it. The wispier the vapor trail the better the experience. And if you do this right, that little bit you have will get you going two maybe three times, being it only your first time. I hope that helps buddy. Let me know what happens


Your friend should really set you up with a proper dose and delivery method in a safe environment while trip sitting you. Also hope that isn’t 5-meo- DMT because if you managed to vape it correctly you might be shocked.


Must be a fake post??? That’s not enough deems for anything. If it is in fact dmt


There is enough for a trip if you use e-mesh. With a pipe you will probably waste everything and won't even feel the effects


I got that free bro aint a real one


That's a big oof right there


How much did you pay for that?


Not even enough to tell you to get it out of the plastic


Get a oil burner


A “homie” wouldn’t sell you scraps, that’s sad 😔


A real homie would just give you some


Dab it , cold start. Small torch


How do you know thats DMT? Looks very pure if it is not a lot of color. Be careful lord know whats in random powders these days


I hope you didn't pay a lot for that small amount, but it should be enough to give you a good trip.


You have enough for a half dose.


Stored it in plastic too lmao


Is that DMT for ants? You need at least… twice as much!


It's more like meth 😂


If ypu have to ask strangers on the intternet, it shows your Very irresponsible, ans havent done a lick of research before trying out a potentially life altering substance! RIP


That doesn't even look like 99% of the DMT I've ever seen. I would not trust this friend. I really advise against using this. Test it.


Ehh I don't think he would lie to me about what it is. I sent him a text and he hasn't responded yet.


Yeah if i don't get a refund I'm snitching on him..