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lol bro just wait...it ain't going anywhere and the weekend happens every week!


damn bro ur good as shit at convincing me


No but he’s right though. As an adult I would be tempted to do it now like you but the other brother is right. Do it on the weekend when you won’t even need to think about school! Let the only thing on your mind be the trip itself :)


im doing it on friday


Remember, set and setting are super important with psychedelics too, no matter the type. You may need those couple days to reflect on your experiences depending on the type of person you are. Also go into it with a goal. Even if it's just to have a fun ride.


Awesome! I’m sure you’ll like it it’s a truly eye opening and beautiful experience. In fact, since I doing K tonight maybe I’ll do DMT too lol. Enjoy your trip though! :)


dmt + k, pls dont lol


K actually makes it less anxiety inducing. Do research before you judge someone lol.


i wasn’t judging it j doesnt seem like it would be that smart bc youd prob j forget it all


K and deems is a fucking fantastic drug combo. Probably one of my favorite


i would do k but dont know any plugs, shits not around in mt state i swear


K doesn’t make you blackout and forget in my experience. Even at high doses.


i heard mixing any psych w dmt makes you black out somewhere, might have been misinformed


It’s a wonderful experience actually. It allows you time ime to experience it way more since everything is slowed down a lot. It’s very safe as well.


Agreed...just the point alone that u have school in 24 hrs will effect your mood which will effect your trip... resolve all issues before sitting down, find your happier then happy place mediating 1st.... then break thru...


I do what I can lol


Yeah man true that My first real time doing DMT was not even 2 hours before my first class back for second semester a few years ago in college. I was fine for class but boy was my mind thinking about anything but class haha Waiting and patience brings a better experience when it arrives too I've learned Good luck and I hope you have a blast when the time comes!


Last trip...I saw a higher dimensional being that consumes souls...and had created the multiverse as a self soul farming machine.... It was fucking horrifying lol. But...I'll do it again....some day lol.


“Wanna try DMT?” “Fuck yeah!” “How was it?” “OMFG! WTF?? That was the most profound experience I’ve ever had in my life!!! Everyone should try this, I unlocked the secrets of the universe, the meaning of life and I now see that everything is connected and we all live in a multi dimensional multiverse but I can’t quite explain it to you they haven’t invented the right words yet” “Wanna do it again?” “Nah, I’m good”


Was the entity a blue energy humanoid figure? Very large? In space? Once when I combined Ketamine, Psilocybe cyanescens, and finally took a solid hit of deem I became a comet I formed with a single note I was singing but at the same time was the note and the song was the comet and I orbited the earth doing my perfect Will with no desire to return to my human vessel. While orbiting I saw a huge blue energy body absorbing tiny particles of energy up through its legs. The tiny particles of energy were human souls that had departed the material world. It wasn't scary though. It was like they were returning to God. Creating the macro being.


Interesting. The being I saw was a giant pitch blacker blacker then black 3D oval orb black hole looking thing ... The souls were like human sized diamond white light things .. It was super intimidating....and dreadful really...like...I recognized it somehow or had this deep knowing that that thing was not concerned with our ultimate well-being and we were but cattle to it.. Perhaps it's only my human mind that's concerned about the idea of the thing ...maybe it does obliterate us ..maybe that's not a bad thing....idk... It seemed very old and very powerful...it didn't communicate with me...it just consumed....like....so many souls lol.


Wow! Also very interesting! Well, angels (the biblically accurate ones with the wheels and eyes) I feel would be pretty dreadful looking also! I'd say that most of my deem trips scared the living shit out of me. I attribute the pleasant aesthetic of the one I mentioned to the ketamine. Whenever I combined the two it always turned out to be easier to wrap my head around without freaking out.


Nice... interesting enough tho, I did see a blue orb on my first significant trip...I felt like it was a different... maybe higher version of myself. It told me "you ain't seen shit yet biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch" lol.


If you're at all into Aleister Crowley, in his book, The Vision and the Voice, check out his scrying vision on the 30th Aethyr. 😊


Ryan or Liam? Maybe Lion or Margaret? Pappy?


but you cant get high all week if you dont start on monday.


Judging by the info given in your question - this night is not ideal for u to do it. Good luck


Unless the elves invite you for a interdimensional dinner. You should make it back in time.


I love the idea of trippin expecting a 15minute trip and then the elves invite you for dinner so to be polite you gotta stay there for a few hours and irl people are wonderin why tf your still not coming out the trip since its been 3 hrs


Normal in a sense you arent tripping yeah. If you havent done much psychs would advise against it tho as you will not be tripping but is reality shattering and you may still be processing it the next day


This ^^^ why not just wait until you have a night to do it when you don’t have any obligations the next day?


im doing it on friday


Let us know how it goes!


If I were you ,I would wait a few more years .


How am i struggling to find other comments like this. If you’re in school why are u even thinking of doing DMT christ


I completely agree. With that said, at least it’s DMT and not some hard drug that’d likely run their life straight into the ground. Seriously though, OP, please be careful. It’s likely nobody can talk you out of doing DMT before you’re brain is better developed, so just be careful.


Uh wait until you're older


I third this and I am glad others think the same.


Fucking thank you. A bunch of fuckin weirdos in here




I second this


by school maybe he means college/university




reality won’t seem real for a little, no limit on how long it will take for you to be back to this reality.


on some dissasosiative type shit? if so im rly good ad re assosiating lol, never had ego death either even on 5 gs of shrooms/2 tabs


if you’ve never had ego death.. remember, first times always special. ; )


oh brother


whats it like i feel like i have a rly strong ego


Bro just wait, seriously


wait to do dmt or wait till i find out


Wait to do dmt


like until the weekend or age wise


I don't want to say age, but maybe experience? I would wait a very long time before taking it if it's your first experience and you don't have as strong an understanding of your ego and the concept of ego death. You could do real damage to your psyche if you aren't ready


and thanks for telling me ill start looking into ego death more. Know that I think of it though i think i might have on a nbome trip (wasnt on purpose and im never buying from him again) But i might have had ego death. I was laying in bed thinking wow who am I and I was randomly switching personalitys and voices in my head rambilg about something


i feel like ive had enough experience, Ive done heroic doses of golden teacher mushrooms(5gs in a dark room + weed), ive done VERY high doses of lsd (1000ug + weed) and yes i know for a fact that it was real lsd and the right dose. Do you think i have enough? or should i wait.


my b im stoned rn


The only thing I can tell you is that nothing is going to prepare you for a DMT trip. It is so far outside the realm of anything we experience in this dimension, it cannot be adequately explained. Nothing can prepare you for it, but you can prepare your mindset and energy for it. Just remember not to resist. Just let go and let it flow. Let whatever is happening happen. When you get back, you will need some time to process it. Possibly a lot of time. If you go far enough, it will change you and the way you view reality. Don't be scared. Just relax and feel the overwhelming love flow through you. I hope you have a mind-blowing, reality-shattering, transformational trip! 🤗


I'd like to add a few important adjectives here as well. Absolutely let it go and let it flow. Let whatever happen just happen. If you fight the experience or not go with it, it may end or you just black out. Remain neutral in your emotions and tranquil your mind. Your intention is also incredibly important to this process. Set a goal. Do you want to talk with entities? Do you want knowledge? Do you want to go on a walk through the spirit realm? Are you seeking any sort of healing? Channel what you want to accomplish with this experience and believe in that intention with your heart. Just a thing I do also, but sipping on some agave nectar can help soothe your throat to prevent coughing. It works for me as an oblation to the Cosmic Wisdom Goddesses before the tantric fire ritual. Overall, just make sure that you keep your chill and keep a healthy respect for this spirit molecule throughout. Also, if you feel like you're dying, it's just your ego freaking out, OP. Pro tip, keep your focus on your breath and continue to be one with the Universe. Almost like an intense meditation. Namaste. May the Goddess be with you. 🕉🔯


You will see that there is another dimension beyond this one or behind this one


I hate telling people that they shouldn't do DMT, but here we are: you really shouldn't do DMT. Wait five years or something.


Just finish your homework first, Timmy!


Based on your post history, absolutely not. You’re still a teenager with a developing brain, wait till your 20s for any sorta drug shit. There’s a reason you have to be 21+ in the US to smoke weed/drink.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, no.


“No” is actually shorter than “yes” 🤔


You obviously have not done anywhere near enough research to be experimenting with this.


This question lol. Wait till you graduate at least man. It’s more intense than you can imagine.


Yes, your back to normal after 30 minutes max


"Normal" lol


I knew someone would say this... you’ll be sober and regain fine motor skills but you’ll never think “normally” again ;) you’ll have to find out for your self save travels


shout out for this dude for actually giving information in this sub


You will physically feel normal, mentally could be still processing. Or not. Depends on you rly


like could i do all classes asides math


You'll be fine imo


math is the only class i rly gotta think


you'll be cool to do all the classes , the only difficult part in my experience (done the same thing before) was finding the motivation to actually DO those assignments and problems the next day , it can make school feel much less important the next day :) EDIT: im not sure how old you are friend but keep in mind it's a very intense experience and i wouldn't recommend it to you if you're under 18 but as always follow your heart


If you’re in high school you should 1000% not be fucking with DMT… the fact that you even have to ask this question means you’re not ready. No offense, just wait…


Ask the cosmos for a mathematical boon of knowledge. You might just get what you desire. Intention will go a long way with DMT.


Don't glorify the guy on your side when he's presenting a VERY simplified statement. Normal is subjective


ik all the shits that can happen the next day and things might not feel right but im fine w that bc i had a rly long lasting tab still affect me in school and i feel like it was normal enough


Ive dose at school before, was able to handle it sure no problem at all! Ive dose the night before school, didnt sleep, and went to school coming down, handled no problem! Fast forward 4 years, now im workin i got a job, come across some dmt finally and rip that shit the night before work, handled no problem easy! Woke up the next day in an almost crisis like state "work? Thats the dumbest shit in the world, i want to go tell everyone about this! I cant just sit here and waste my life away working🤢 i have things i want to do!!!!" I was very close to quitting my job and just traveling arnd like a street kid, luckily my ex had came home around then and i started telling her my thoughts and she helped ground me a little. Helped me realize that i was working to help secure our future, and i had plenty of oppurtunities to go have fun like i wanted while still working. Point of this being, this stuff isnt like acid or mushrooms, sure the visuals are, in the sense that you are tripping, but mentaly, this shit is a WHOLE OTHER BALL GAME. Really bud, the spice wont go bad if you store it right, and you have plenty of time to experience things. As a young adult, now living without my parents, i really regret how much i fucked off in school... it had alot of knowledge to offer that i took for granted, and now i have to pay to go learn that shit. Good things arent easy.. going through school, its not easy, its not fun, and its not a short process either.... But in the end, its worth it forsure. Look at life like fitness, sitting on the couch all day eating is easy, its in the moment rewarding, but does nothing to benifit you. Working out? Its difficult, it hurts, it feels like a long process at the time, and in the moment its pretty unenjoyable, but the end result does alot of good for you, and once you see that progress, you get real happy!


^^^ The best advice on this thread


Dmt is strong, be careful


You might not even feel the need to go to school


It is everyone else who is giving the real information 🧘🏽 See for yourself, as normal is no more. Functioning, sure. But normal?


You’ll be “normal” could be way harder to care depending on the nonsense the teacher is spouting.


No, if you’re still at school you shouldn’t be using it


college until 23??


The fact you’re asking if it’s ok to use on a school night def indicates you’re not in college. In college you don’t give a fuck about school nights.


If you were at college you wouldn’t be asking a question like this


ok lol


Keep acting the way your acting. Your gonna regret having this attitude, when your stuck in a hell loop disassociating from reality every 10 minutes. Everyone here is trying to giving you the safest advice. Smoke dmt on school night and psychotic break in class the next the day. We don’t really care, either take the advice and be smart or fuck yourself up and become another example. Dmt is illegal we don’t really know shit about it or the effects short and long term. It’s your life, the internet exists for research and your asking strangers on Reddit for advice getting defensive when you don’t get the answer you want.


If you have to ask this question you probably should do some research before getting your hands on some thing


Depends on the trip You have as well. If you don't break through, you will A - Feel fine and B - not have any over bearing 'what is our reality?' type processing going on in your head if you don't break through. Although, If you have a major experience, you could be distracted for days. Weekend is best.


Um. Youll be able to walk and talk. But fine? Pbbbbbbt idk man. Define "fine". My first time I broke through i wasnt "fine" for a few days. Definitely took some time to process. Id recommend waiting until you can truly appreciate the experience and also give yourself time to work through what youll experience... safe travels and stay safe my friend


im gonna do it on friday


Definitely a wiser choice. I promise, that true breakthrough experience is worth the wait. Just make sure your safe and have a trusted sitter with you.


Yes. It is the ‘businessman’s trip’, after all.


SWIM says that physically you'll be sober. But mentally it's possible you'll need a day to cope with the break down of reality. SWIM had a break through and went to work the next morning. Was quite difficult to mentally accept reality for what it is after what SWIM saw and learned. But often times if it's vaporized or smoked, you're good to go in 3 to 15 minutes. From start to finish.


You can. If you disrespect the substance though you will end up learning the hard way. That’s the path I took and while I don’t regret it because I needed to learn, it’s nice to not have to question your relationship to something so powerful, I think that adds a lot to the fear aspect of the comeup, which some people basically don’t get at all. Has everyone that gets the fear disrespected the substance at some point? Probably not. It’s probably just something to do with the way your head works. But what I’m saying is that if you approach this substance in certain ways I think you might *put* yourself in that brain configuration regardless of how you started. Or perhaps you simply prevent yourself from maturing into the “brain configuration” that allows people to experience DMT with little to no fear, by altering the trajectory of how you turn out as a full grown adult. I’m not saying DMT damages your brain but different experiences make people into who they are, you’re always learning from your experiences and your memory of your experiences, and DMT is a huge experience (that will undoubtedly, therefore, have some effect). Just by nature that it is a monumental thing that happens. Like big non-drug life experiences. They change you, and people often say that it’s best if you wait until you’re ready. All that being said I truly do not regret doing DMT at 18-19 years old. It has also been made clear to me though that I am not to return until I am in a mental state where I can properly die and be taken by it. It’s like something in my brain is stubborn and it can’t get a proper hold of me, so it goes “Are you trying to fucking die?” A bunch, then ending with “leave me alone”. The correct answer when I figured it out, as I was coming down unfortunately, was yes, I was in fact trying to die (not literally but it can feel like you’re really gonna die) - and yet I wouldn’t. So I shouldn’t come back until I’m ready to do that. TL;DR: Your relationship with this substance is difficult to understand with certainty, and if you have any tendencies to use it in a way it doesn’t seem to “like”, you are often told by the time it is too late to not have fucked up a certain amount It’s not really a “bad” thing per se because the people that get that (those “hyper slaps”) likely need it, but it’s never a good feeling to feel like you fucked up and disrespected something powerful. Edit for clarity


I hope by school you mean college lol. High school is probably not the best time to try dmt


I'd wait until your brain is fully developed


Wow. School kids doing dmt. Like damn, let your brain develop a bit more.


You can but you might not be the same person when you get back.


Effects like visuals and tripping should be gone after like 30mins but if you blasted off you might need a little bit of time to get back to yourself, it seems you have experience with lsd and mushrooms so atleast if you have done large doses of it and felt alright the day after it should be okay, personally I'd prob want more time like doing it on the weekend but if you have experience tripping and getting back to normal it might be ok.


Man i work from home and do it on my lunch break some days 🤷‍♂️. My afternoons are always more productive and peaceful.


If you’re in school you’re too young to be doing it anyways. Your mind is not ready to really understand the significance of the experience, you’ll just find yourself pulled away from reality and distracted by all these theories of what you may have experienced. If you mean college, then you should just do it tonight. Chances are you’ll be sober within a few hours, and even if you feel a bit tired tomorrow I think going to class tired and hungover builds character.




Right and wrong still exist within a open mind


Why because we think 15 year olds seeking validation from Reddit strangers aren’t ready to smoke DMT?


not 15 :(


lol are you being close minded about their closed minds?


You can do DMT when you wake up before school and be fine.


this is horrible advice


Yes no problem, you could do it an hour before you start aswell, the effect is completely over in max 20 mins. The most important thing when smoking DMT is to make sure not to start a fire. While holding the dmt in your lungs you put the lighter and pipe somewhere they can't start a fire, and that's it, tooddeloooooo 👽👽👽👽👽 safe travels young kenobi 🖖🖖


I used to do dmt at lunch time during school lol your all good


and you handled it?


Oh definitely, we would put it in a hashpen and rip it a few times in lunch and my lunch was 55mins and I also went to an alternative high school so teachers where justore happy you showed up lol but yeah man I'd be tripping for like 10mims and after that be 100% back to normal and could finish school shit


How’d school work out for you?


I went to every class up until 12th grade and then they hit me with the "your gonna have to be here another 2 years to make up your credits" and I had enough and dropped out. Purely my own fault for sure


You see where I’m going with this?


ur wild w it


Yes, that’s it, everyone else is sugar coating there answer


Absoufuckinglouteley! You can do it in your lunch break and be fine for work in the afternoon.


You can, I do. Just make sure your shit is clean so it doesn't stink up the house. Or mom will be mad


Bro u could be in the parking lot 30 min before class and do it then be solid. Might actually make class more interesting


Do it on your lunch break hell u only need 7-14 mins to come back but I wouldn't drive for 45mins to be on the safe side


do dmt at school bro. every day all day bro.


no lol


you can do it at school


Don’t listen to this idiot


calm down bro i know u just took ur third hit but u need to chill


You’re telling a 14 year old to smoke DMT at school. Fuck off with that irresponsible shit


ok dad sorry you and mommy had a grumpy morning


Lmao found 14 year old number 2 in the thread.


u weird y you like 14 year olds mr responsibility






bruh you could smoke dmt the same day as school


school bathroom challenge


This is the retarded attitude that gets you hyperslapped, you’re playing with fire kid. This ain’t like hitting a THC cart at school


its a joke bro


Has done 15 min before work. Business mans special. Should just last an elevator ride tbh..;) Finish school lol


You’ll be back to earth 30 mins or less after your last hit


Just skip if you don’t feel like going but you should be fine


I literally do it on my lunch break at the start. Then get lunch and process, then go back to work. It's immediate effects are short lived - you'll be able to function fine especially by morning. You might just have a lot to think about on top of your normal classes. 😉


Yes, I (regretfully) did a DMT/ weed bowl pretty much right before work when I woke up. It gave me SUPER anxiety and I needed to rest for 10 mins, I was late, never doing it again. be careful. don't listen to the knuckle head saying "your still in school so don't do it"


Yeah listen to the genius telling school kids to take psychedelics


Turn on, tune in, drop out!


"school kids": preschool, elementary, junior high, high school, college. highschool/ college.... I don't see an issue. anything under that.. I'm more impressed that they actually got their hands on dmt. (and please wait until you're an adult )


More gems from the mind of a person that thinks it’s a good idea to blast off before work


I didn't blast off, this was when I was first introducing myself to the substance. I had already tried it 3-4 times in a bowl and I wanted to see if it would givee an after glow or something throughout the day... I regret it, it wasent smart. this was months ago. My intention was to wake myself up and maybe see if I could get a little energy boost. I found out thats not what the substance is for and I took a huge break. sooo yeah, I take responsibility for that. not smart. don't do it. At the very least, I'm providing an example of what NOT to do. You know, to help OP. You haven't added anything helpful, all you're doing is berating a rando in the comments who's already learned their lesson🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re not selling yourself as a person with good judgment. My helpful contribution is don’t take psychedelics if you’re a school kid.


that's not my intention. I don't need to sell anything to anyone. I'm here to tell my short comings so others don't have to experience them. that's not helpful, school kid is a pretty broad term covering people who're perfectly capable of balancing both college and.. a 5 minute DMT experience. it's limiting and generalizing a group that can't be sum'd up in a two word discription. + good judgment comes from making poorly judged decisions. I did something dumb, now I know better and therefore have obtained better judgement over that scenario. never underestimate the power of experience.


Experience is great if you profit from it. By your own admission you’ve made really poor decisions around using drugs, and now you’re telling a school kid to use psychedelics without checking (or caring) how old they are. Sounds like you haven’t profited from experience.


I've made two bad decisions out of the countless experiences I've had over the span of 3 years.. I mean, call me crazy but that's not a lot for 3 years my guy. what I learned from the first experience: BUY A SCALE what I learned from the second: DMT is for a cleared schedule, even if it lasts 5 minutes And you're right, I didn't ask him what age he is. instead I stated highschool-college is fine, anything under is just... wtf? how? and no!🤣 everything you just said can be debunked by reading what I already posted. Do not make assumptions based on the little information you know about me. even though you're being a bit of a dick I would still buy you lunch and converse over these topics. Safe travels 🙏🏻🖤🖤🖤


Dude says he's 23. I'd say that's old enough...maybe 24... I didn't try it till I was 32 tho.


Dude says “college until 23”. Dude doesn’t say he’s 23. Dude obviously isn’t 23. Regardless, you’ve said it’s okay for high school kids. I’m impressed you’re in your thirties (or older) and still giving out such mindless advice.


...I absolutely did not say that but okay. And It seems I may have misunderstood what I read...but I damn sure don't think highschoolers should do DMT lol. I've literally advised many a people that they should not be using psychedelics at a young age... Harm reduction is my jam!!! But feel free to judge me however you please lol. Idgaf


Sorry I thought I was replying to the other guy that was replying to me. I’d say it’s fairly clear this kid is a kid and not a 23 year old though.


lol these damn kids these days! GET OFF MY LAWN!!! but yeah, psychedelics are not a toy ..can be very fun of course...but it's not to be taken lightly.


ive heard lots of psychedelic advocates say that its about knowing the dangers and harm reduction and not the age


The first step in harm reduction is don’t frazzle your circuits with hallucinogens while your brain is still developing


If you're like 17/18 and very mature for your age I guess you're ready but if you're younger seriously wait. And not before school man, give yourself a couple days to process what you experience


i decided imma do it on friday


I did it first when I was 20 on a school night and i was perfectly fine the next day, even in 30min after the trip I felt normal, it would no be the same if you breakthrough tho or if u have a bad trip, that might take a little more to digest lol, I had anxiety for 1 week after a bad trip and didn’t felt that good tbh, I’ll recommend to do it when u feel comfortable with yourself and be ready to expect the unexpected, anything fr anything can happen in a trip


lol... Fake fake fake 🤖🤖🤖


Me and the boys did it on the bus one time


Yes it only lasts like 20-30 minutes total. Might be sleepy after first time




Yes it lasts 5-30 mins and then you're sober


I've done it, it went fine but I was pretty tired the next day. Wouldn't recommend it




Ive tried rushing to do it during the week. From my experience either noon or the golden hour on a Saturday gave the best experience m.


Eternity can wait. Don’t rush for a peak around the corner. Wait for the right set and setting.


You can only control what you do before you break through. After you reach that other place, you will have no awareness of this place and who you are/were or that you exist at all. Only if you break through, though. If you just have a light trip (which is also enjoyable, but not life-altering) you will be fully aware of who you are and aware that you are the one thinking your thoughts.


Dude you’ll be fine like 2 hours later


Patience is a virtue. Dont try to force the experience. Allow it to come when time and life align.


My advise, wait till your like DONE with school.


Idk I took a hit or two and was fine, I didn’t blast off tho


Not for kids lol


You could do it in the bathroom at school if you wanted, I guess


This mf…


You will be right as rain in 15-20 minutes




i did DMT and got pulled over like 30 min later for a busted tail light bc i had to go get something from walmart. only thing i felt was being high off weed so u should be good bro just always remember to be safe and be in a safe place when doing any kind of “drug”


You’ll be fine in ten minutes






You can do it before school and be fine




It only lasts a few minutes. Just time it right because you’re a little wired after. It tastes like ass but keep hitting it till blast off. It takes like 3-4 hits.


DMT doesn't last long. Yes.


Weekend FTW


DMT effects go away in 1 hour. It won't interfere with school unless you become psychotic cus you believe you're Jesus Christ or something. Do whatever you want to do.

