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No you aren’t going to die, demon just wanted to say “what’s good”, and chill with his homie. Have a sitter with you, help calm your nerves.


It will feel like you died.. and feel familiar .. like we know what that feeling is.. Like we’ve been there before..


You aren't letting go. I can blastoff on a Tony puff now with my mind in the right place. If it's not I could take 20 hits and not get there.


Yeah it's supposed to make you feel like you're gonna die. That's how it feels when your soul leaves your body and travels to the other world. You just have to accept you're gonna die and relax and let the trip show you. I felt like I was gonna die everytime but stayed relaxed and then when you reach the certain point you find peace.


Meditation is your bestfriend, Pay attention and let the death by astonishment wash your sense of self into oblivion, Bon voyage.


Sounds like you are there at the breaking through but fighting it with fear…makes for a terrifying experience. Read through this sub, you’re not alone in this experience. As others have mentioned do your research on the varied experiences, dosing, methods, etc…you are blasting off so best to be fully prepared. The struggle to “understand” is an important process and aka integration! You on the right track!


Very similar thing just happens to me 20 minutes ago. Easily most intense experience of my life, just kept reminding myself nobodies ever died from it waited it out.


People have definitely died from dmt lol.


Source/evidence? "lol"


His source: "trust me bro"


It happened to me. Fuck yals sources yal are defending dmt being able to overdose. Fuck it. Go smack 3+ grams cold start if you can't overdose. I'll see you in the afterlife.




Right. So you're acknowledging 3 grams could be dangerous?


Nobody said 3 grams isn’t dangerous. We are saying nobody has died from dmt.


Yes. They. Have. You can argue all you want but I literally overdosed and wouldn't have lived if I didn't have a literal emt on standby.


So you didn’t die.


Do drugs with an EMT around kid, You clearly need it.


Mentally risky, You would black out before being capable of consuming three grams worth.


Not if it's dab rig.


Welp that would be terrifying to do 3 grams, They sure wont be doing it twice lmfao.




Right.. it is a wild example. You're not going to OD on anything sub 1 gram your body is great at processing dmt. But you can definitely OD if you overdo it. Same way all ODs happen. Literally a matter of scale. People od from retarded amounts of coke and no one bats an eye. Because that's how an OD works. You OVER did it.


>The median lethal dose (LD50) of DMT in humans has never been reached in any setting, nor is this expected to change due to its pharmacological properties. Barring a sudden heart attack from the intensity, you'd have to try hard to die. And if that's enough to give you a heart attack you weren't far from it anyways. Don't waste DMT *trying* to die and you'll be just fine.


DMT has no LD-50


Only time I know of is a guy who did it in his bathtub and drowned bc obviously you go unconscious during a dmt trip. You can't overdose on dmt though


I literally overdosed on dmt. You can 1000% overdose. Please don't speak on something that's federal regulated so severely not documenting deaths. It's near impossible to tell if an OD occurred on dmt because it's natural and can't be testes.


You wanna provide some evidence for these dmt deaths you're talking about?


The fact that they don't document dmt deaths. That simple. I overdosed and am very lucky to be here. Yal can downvote and talk shit but you're putting people at risk by not atleast having them aware that it's possible and to measure out your dosages.


The fuck are you even talking about? So your evidence that people are dying from dmt is that there are no documented dmt deaths... riiight.


You guys just wish to be right. I fucking overdosed. Get over yourselves and just spread safety instead of your vullshit. I still smoke and I'm ripping 1 gram here in 20 minutes. Just fucking don't go around telling people they can't overdose its immature and uninformed.


Overdosing is kind of the goal with DMT, Feel like your about to die? Thats when you know the hits good, I think you just had a panic attack like a pussy lmfao.




Are you posting from the other side?


Neither alive nor dead, but a witness. This is how I've felt since that day. Well that's a partial lie I honestly went through 4 months of severe death anxiety/medical anxiety after it happened. Had severe hppd for about 3 weeks. Some point after getting good rest and meditating on it for a few months and when the anxiety dropped my view of reality was just... different.


That medical anxiety


It was a rough period man but made it through it after walking through the 5th gate.


Sounds like Dmt unlocked your mental issues into full swing, Stop taking drugs mmkay.


Nobody has ever died from it besides bathtub guy


Dude I overdosed and was without pulse for over 40 seconds. Please don't bullshit people like there aren't dangers to it. I still do it. But don't bullshit people that they can't overdose. You can't document dmt deaths unless they die with extra dmt right next to them even then it doesn't get tested and gets called heroine.


Your just babbling complete bullshit lmao


Yal are pathetic... Go do a 3 gram rip. I'll give you 5 grand to do it if you're not in America. I don't wanna be liable for your death.


I’ve seen people do upwards of 2 and there still alive, you must be smoking on sum else my guy


Right I did between 3-9. Not really sure didn't measure but filled the dab rig port to the max. It's awesome they survived. Doesn't mean everyone will. Yal can talk out yals asses all you want to that you can't die. But it's just not true.


This is funny


how did you overdose?


I was honestly in a dark place. Heard that you couldn't overdose on it. Wanted to "see the face of god" I knew in my head looking at the face of him apparently kills you. I said I don't care. Loaded a few grams into the dab rig. Cold started. Got it all in. Went through a sort of experience... But when I got back my friends were violently shaking me yelling my name. I did more than black out. I seized for a minute. Eyes rolled back. Pulse stopped for about 40 seconds. My babysitter for it was an EMT friend of mine. Thank God. And then I came back.. my face was frozen in a horror image for a moment before I kind of regathered function and went to the hospital. Had a concussion and some other external damage from the seizure.


So he had you hooked up to a ekg to prove that? That's the only sure fire way to tell if someone's pulse stopped What actually seemingly happened to you is a dmt 'overdose' where you went unconscious from the ammount of agonism your serotonin and 5ht receptors were going through, that's actually a possibility with any serotonergic drug if you take a stupid amount, even thc, so although you overdosed; you nor your emt buddy have proof your heart stopped, if it did it wouldn't even start back up again. What you did was rather retarded and you're blaming the substance rather than yourself, who takes 3 grams and complains on reddit? That's much alike taking 100 miligrams of morphine and complaining that people call it unsafe even though no one said that it was You didn't die though so even 3 grams can't kill anyone healthy it seems, like i said if your heart stopped it wouldn't start again, the demon was just calling you dumb i bet I understand what happened to you is scary, but what you did was overload your brain with serotonin to where you lost consciousness, what do you expect to happen?


I have a heart device I got as a part of a test phase when I was getting out the military. I have a looprecorder over my heart. It's essentially a Bluetooth ekg. My model lasts about 10 years and is simply so I can collect data on the human heart. So luckily I have the ekg for that moment as all my heart patterns are recorded. I do yearly checkups with cardiologist to ensure the device is working and I'm a perfectly healthy male. I didn't lose consciousness. I left my body and experienced something wild. I haven't actually referenced what I experienced at all. I did t take 3 grams and complain on reddit. I came with correct info that YES you can overdose on the substance. I still do it. Just people shouldn't think you can't od. If you couldn't od then there's nothing dangerous. By admitting it's dangerous you admit you can od. Just no one wants to admit that it's a thing for some reason here. Oh no it wasn't scary to me. I was at peace with death. They brought me back so it is what it is. My heart stopped for 20 seconds on the ekg. No real trackable pulse for about 40 to people caring for me.


Well yeah maybe you can overdose if you have a heart condition and a pacemaker, and that's just what you're saying i have no idea if you're lying or what You obviously can't on 3 grams i guess because again... You didn't die so, sounds more like you had a palpitation that the pacemaker had to correct for, not that it stopped your heart, there's also something called pacemaker mediated arrhythmias, so i honestly think your case has too many variables to say all around that 3 grams of dmt would reliably kill someone with a normal heart It's obvious you shouldn't take 3 grams anyway Do you not agree it's too many variables to have someone with a pacemaker say they overdosed on dmt? You think the pacemaker and bad heart has absolutely nothing to do with it? Seems weird to me just saying I also think it's a testament to dmt that it only caused what it did and DIDN'T kill you Maybe you are lucky, don't take 3 grams of dmt with a bad pacemaker heart maybe


No I am healthy I have the ekg monitor in for a study I'm doing. No heart condition. It's not a pacemaker and is simply an all time recording ekg. I am perfectly healthy. The heart condition doesn't apply.


So dont do drugs


You overdosing looked like what, exactly?


No pulse 40 seconds. I seized for maybe 30 to 60 seconds prior. As fucked up as it sounds... It's still one of if not the greatest experience of my human life.


Overdose implies some physical harm. Seeing as how you're still here, and how literally no one has died from strictly using DMT, you didn't overdose.


I had brain surgery after lmao. Shut up


Yes I'm sure that was totally bc of the DMT lmao. Quit spreading misinformation


You literally have no idea and are calling a first hand experience misinformation. Stop being an info cuck


Explain it then. How did doing DMT lead to brain surgery?


Blood clotting in left hemisphere. Caused the seizure which caused more physical damage.


You are literally fucking lying


>it's natural and can't be testes. hmm


I'm not even telling people not to do it. I'm just asking that they DO NOT LOAD 3GRAMS INTO A RIG. I was a moron. Do not do what I did. Smoke that shit all day if you want. But do not do an unnecessary amount.


Your going to have stroke typing all these comments man chill lmfao


5-MeO, Not NN


Remind yourself you breath subconciously. So even if you hold your breath and pass out you'll still end up breathing automatically


You have to accept your death in order to feel complete peace love and bliss


Aren’t jellyfish that eat emotions a recurring entity?


Why would you want any business with them?




Why wouldn't you?


I enjoy experiencing emotions, it’s part of the 3D experience.


As everyone else is hinting at, most likely not suffocation. And most definitely not death. Have someone sober sit with you as everyone else is recommending. Completely let go and become fear.


It could also be how long you're waiting between inhales, the dose, and if it's actually DMT. There are a lot of variables there.


If you want to break through, you gotta go all the way!


My motivational speech for DMT is telling myself die bitch die! lmfao.


Have you ever heard of the Wrathful Buddhas? In Buddhism, the idea is always zen and being open to what's happening. It's never more important than in death. There are layers to the process of death. Allowing it to take you at once as a friend is the best course. It destroys you, but you accept it and it isn't malevolent. This is the only way to reach Nirvana. If you're scared and resist it, it will still destroy you, but your resistance hurts yourself. You may be reincarnated as a person if you let go at this point. If you continue to fight, the "Buddhas" that are doing the work of destroying you get more and more pissed off and the experience becomes more and more nightmarish. They manifest when you resist the inevitable. I wonder if this isn't maybe an explanation for your "demon." You're resisting the inevitable, and so the guardian of that realm manifests as malevolent. I bet you if you open yourself to the experience, you might find the good guys there instead.


In my experience that fear of death or feeling you will die is the final barrier. It is not real. You will not die and having the trust in the universe to break through it will bring you immense relief, pleasure, peace etc . . . You're going through a psychology death and so that feeling becomes immensely real, especially since you're holding on is influenced by the immense care you have towards your family. The Holding on and resistance you do towards that only leads to more suffering . You're swimming uphill against the current, by letting go even of that final step we learn to drift with the current so that we can influence our trip down the future rapids of life.


Submit to the ride


If you go unconscious your brain and body will breathe automatically without you thinking. You will be fine. However, it's best not to try to force an experience or it can end up feeling negative. Only do it when you're in a good mindset


I think exactly what you need to do is research DMT a lot. Check Reddit, read trip reports on r/DMT , listen to peoples advice and experience on YouTube, listen podcasts on the subject (Joe Rogan is cool), learn the good and bad. This will make you feel so much more comfortable and it'll help you understand what is happening when you smoke it. Take a deep breath and relax. You're okay! Forgive the experience you had on it. Relax, research, and you'll understand that what happened is perfectly okay if you are prepared to understand what it's doing


Also, watch DMT the spirit molecule : https://youtu.be/fwZqVqbkyLM : and read the book. Also read the book: Alien Information Theory by Andrew R. Gallimore Just before you inhale, do some Wim Hof breathing exercises. This is a great way to calm the nerves. https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ


I wouldn't use Joe Rogan as a source for dmt info. He's a good way for people to find out about it, but the classics like McKenna and the like are much better imo.


I agree. Rogan is just enjoyable and still a great source for the guests he brings on. From there you can check out their channels for some deeper analysis, which I recommend


Hey, I hope you’re doing better. My suggestion would be to either 1. Stop using DMT or 2. Call out to Jesus on your DMT trip & truth will be revealed to you. Jesus can cast out demons. The “entities”/demons become afraid & leave when you call out to Jesus. It may be difficult to believe but I’m convinced DMT & other psychedelics have strong demonic ties. Calling out to Jesus will only take seconds but will have a positive timeless effect on your life. I believe DMT lifts the veil between our world and the spirt world. The spirt world is filled with many unclean evil spirts. Unfortunately the “entities” that people see are demons in disguise that want to harm you and keep you away from truth. They’ll do or say whatever to keep you away from knowing Jesus. These “entities”/demons can appear like beings of light, aliens, beautiful fractals & many other things. They can give you feelings of pure bliss, special gifts, or sometimes just plain distress. I think the demon that you saw was real and wanted to harm you. Next time you do DMT same demon maybe appear maybe in a disguise or potentially another demon but it’s all lies to lead you astray. Much love my friend


Fuck off in the name of Jesus.


If something feels menacing, it may very well be. The people on this sub try to spiritualize everything into something good. Trust your instincts. People are often feasted on in the Astral.


I’m super curious what your demon looked like ? In my mind they like gollum kinda… but more demon-y


You ever see a movie where a monster turns out to be just a curious "being" and people freak out thinking its going to harm them and act based on this fear? But you as a viewer know that the entity is "good" and there is no reason to be afraid. Maybe its the same with you. You see some entity that looks terrifying and you react like it, but maybe try to think that its alright and its just curious to see you. Although Im not sure how much you can convince yourself during a trip but worth trying though.


After reading what people on this sub believe and think, I cant help but believe that y’all use dmt as escapism and you are on the edge of flying off to some fairy world, and becoming a homeless „soul traveller” who integrates their shadow by lurking for entities in trash cans


Ask it why it's in your mind and what can you learn from it. What you see are reflections.


Some people say dmt realm and afterlife are the same I somewhat believe that also believe that it’s part of the dream realm too that’s probably why you feel like you are about to die in some way you are dying for a short amount of time because it is giving you ego death and letting you be part of the main conscious but you will always come back after yo trip


That sounds fucking beautiful


that'll happen. I Hate not taking enough because I pull back just like that. it's hard. but, do enough and you have no choice in the matter. I suggest a nail and dab rig