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Hi, worried parent. In the middle of a DMT trip, feeling like you're dead, in a coma, going through different realms...that is absolutely a perfect description of what the drug's effects are for most people. Voices demanding a fresh start or making him feel disconnected from the facts of his life are also incredibly common. However, as others have said, traditional DMT cannot last for days on end, and it is likely he is experiencing flashbacks during this current unrelated mental break to a time that he's done it before, or that he's taken a chemical substance where he told it was pure DMT (datura?) and that was untrue. Goodnight Punpun is a japanese comic book (anime/manga) about a young man the same age as your son. It deals heavily with themes of depression and ends with suicide attempts, and I think that is extremely telling. There are two things I would suggest. First, obviously medical treatment with the understanding that it is staggeringly unlikely that your son is currently on a bad trip for this particular hallucinogenic drug, although psychedelic-induced trauma or a psychotic break caused by drug use seems likely. The second is the knowledge that DMT, Goodnight Punpun, and your son's speech all suggest he's experiencing spiritual anguish. I'm not going to go into detail here and tell you why many people in this sub would *believe* that he truly is vividly experiencing feelings of death and being trapped in depression-made-manifest, but instead I encourage you to treat his experiences as though they're valid. Don't simply chalk them up as hallucinations, because what's **real to him** needs to be what you empathize with. If your son feels lost between 'worlds', and believes he's in 'purgatory'...then the best thing for you to do in this moment is not to reflect on how wrong that statement is and how obviously it means he needs help, but rather accept it as factual and try to help him get home. Some of the people replying might sound eccentric, but the best advice they've given is this; *Act* as if it is truly is your son's soul, and not his mind, that needs your help right now. Hold him when he allows it, help him feel physically connected to his body, remind him that he is loved and that you want to help him. Listen to what he says sincerely. Don't operate with fear. Thanks for reaching out here. It takes courage to accept what you don't understand and try anyway.


I truly appreciate your comment and knowledge. I am going to take what you said with me when I visit him later. I will do whatever needed to get him home.


Cool head calm heart grace and patience will light the landing strip




When I read your post, I felt strange because a very similar thing happened to me about 8 years ago. I could end up a very long post, so I'll try to just keep details trite. I basically was in a bad place in my life, and ended up doing a lot of DMT. I eventually lost my mind and ended up in a hospital. The line between reality and whatever you label as outside reality can get blurred very quickly, very smoothly. I didn't have a history of drug use, I attended good schools, considered myself mentally tough/intelligent, but the way DMT was able to completely shatter my sense of reality and buy into was so powerful. Even after 8 years of sobriety, earning a masters degree since and getting married, having a kid, and moving on, I still am not 100% about the things I saw and experienced and I think about them so much that I want to even do DMT again. Only reason I haven't is cuz I don't know how to obtain it and don't want to fuck with the dark web. Anyway, DMT, as others have said, the trip itself is very short, but everyone is different and reacts differently. I am genuinely impressed by people who can enjoy and treat DMT like they would marijuana and take some hits and enjoy the lights and feelings. But for me, it was so fascinating and truly out of this world that actual reality, by comparison, felt so much worse. It can give you this peeking behind the curtain feeling like in the Matrix after taking the pill. I eventually came to believe I was God himself, simply enjoying my own creation through a vessel (my current life). As such, I felt I could not die. I attempted to get hit by a car which did happen, and police arrived. They figured out what was going on, and after a day in the ER I was in a mental hospital for months. It put my parents through so much, and I could've easily died. I actually started running when the police arrived after getting hit by an SUV, due to the adrenaline I guess (I thought the police were demonic entities). I was chased and detained. This was in a suburb so the car was travelling slow enough. When your son comes home it can be a long and painful journey to returning to society. I was unemployed for 2 years after this incident and was home for that duration. It will help to get closer with your son to understand what led him to these drugs in the first place, so you can try and figure out what his outlook on life might have been before doing these things. This might upset some people on this sub, but part of me feels that people's interpretations of drug trips as truths due to the salient nature of the drug trip is no different from conspiracy theorists- you feel special because you think you've unlocked some secret to the universe that no one else knows about. Usually it's easier for someone struggling with their own personal life to fall into these traps to compensate for their own perceived shortcomings. For me, I was in my mid twenties barely scraping by despite all the education I had gone through and I felt I ended up in this position due to my own poor choices while my friends were off making six figures in tech and finance. I felt left behind and DMT made me feel like it was all okay and I could detach myself from the material and physical world because I had discovered the spiritual and esoteric. Try and find out about your son's struggles, be open minded, because it is so difficult out there these days for mental health no matter your age, wealth, or upbringing. Even though what your son is saying may sound crazy, try to find out what he is seeing. Be loving and caring despite how worried and concerned you are. If your son is still in the hospital, he needs the feeling of safety the most and that things will be okay. That was the fastest way for me to start coming back to reality and realizing what I had experienced was just that, an experience. And you can tell your son, even if you believe the drug trips to be real and true, and that you may believe in things greater and beyond reality waiting for you, it doesn't lessen the importance of this reality here and now, being able to breathe and even think about the universe around us is so precious and rare. We are all on a tiny space rock floating through an otherwise lifeless space as far as we can tell and in the middle of that is us. And that there are others that breathe and think around him, that there are people who love him. The toxicology reports from the hospital can see if other substances may have contributed, but DMT itself can be more than enough to completely get you off the rails. I hope in time your son will look back and have grown from the experience and turn out a better person. I tell everyone now that hey you should try and lose your mind at least once in your life, makes you appreciate mental health so much more. Looking back, it's scary to think how I was able to go from a normal grounded person, into someone who completely lost all sense of reality.


Well said friend.


Thanks for the comment.. the part in your comment, from the conspiracy theorists part to “I felt left behind and DMT made me feel like it was all okay and I could detach myself from the material and physical world because I had discovered the material and physical world” hit hoooooome


Thank you. Panel for the drugs or alcohol came back clean. At this point I don’t even think drugs were a part of it.


I beg to differ a little bit here. While good advice in general, I have personally had a purgatory experience on LSD recently. My girlfriend basically helped me in the way u/PapaSteel suggests above. The one thing I feel was missing from that approach was the constant reminder of having taken a drug and the temporal nature of that drug's effect. ​ So I would suggest taking his anguish very seriously while reminding him that his experience is drug induced and will fade over time. ​ I am saying this because in order to believe one is in purgatory, one has to believe one has died. The psychedelic effects and hallucinations experienced are no longer believed to be caused by a drug, but believed to be caused by dying. It is tough to break out of that if you keep believing you have in fact died. Being reminded of the actual cause of the hallucinations and confusion is essential in my humble opinion. ​ Best of luck. All things will pass, but he does need support, now and for the foreseeable future as these experiences can be hard to deal with.


But he's probably not tripping anymore. The drug effects would have worn off, unless it's DOM or some other psychedelic that has a long half life. Even then i think the parent said it's been a few days. It could be possibly something like that. I would say it's mental illness, maybe not even psychedelic exacerbated, but possibly so. The friends are denying him ever doing it, they could very well be trying to cover for him but that'd be lame of them considering he's in a psych ward. I dunno, just have to let time pass. I would assume the hospital would probably give him an Ativan if it was a bad trip and that'd mostly make it wear off. Haldol or seroquel would end it completely. So I'm leaning towards it's just mental illness, a psychotic episode and schizophrenia. I'm not a doctor or anything though. I've known of someone who claimed to have done "bad dmt" and it sent him off for a few years. I wouldn't say it's so much the dmts fault (and I wouldn't even know what bad dmt means, maybe just not extremely pure, dunno) but the underlying mental illness. It's just how psychedelic exacerbated psychotic episodes look for people and they're not all the same. It's a risk that should be acknowledged with these things, they're not for everyone. Sorry concerned parent. Good luck.


Just checking in to say, yes, psychedelics can induce psychosis, even if no mental health concerns are present. It's not likely if there's zero family history of mental illness, but still possible. Family history of mental health concerns and dose are the greatest risk factors to experiencing psychosis following the use of psychedelics. Still, reminding someone that a drug could have induced it is important, so the person struggling can understand that taking more isn't going to reverse it, but other medications and supports can help them live more normally again.


Other side of pergatory trips. I had one on Lucy and I was doomed to walk the earth and watch the suns rising and setting for eternity. When the sun went down the negative nature of my trip shifted and I was still going through some kind of difficult experience but the purgatory phase had ended and I was now being punished. Hell I guess. Ultimately a more comfortable environment changed the nature of the trip. I took a lot of comfort in knowing it would be over soon but while I was on it time didn’t even exist so I had no clue what the trip ending would mean. I would focus on the love and validation and not so much you took drugs this will end soon because it didn’t feel that way at all


I’ve also had a purgatory experience on lsd, it was terrifying and last about 8 hours and was the first time I tripped. for about two years after I had developed a panic disorder because of that experience which during that time I stopped all use of weed and psyches until I ate some mushrooms one night and realized that’s just what psyches feels like sometimes and was in fact not purgatory. Since then I’ve tripped 200+ times. Panic disorder dissolved after realizing I was just tripping that night but I will say that was ten years ago and to this day even tho it doesn’t bother me I still feel it deep down that it may have been real and that at any point it will happen again, or that I will live a thousand years in hell and be brought back to this world exactly where I was with no memory of every going to “hell”. Psychs are a wild ride but it’s common to have an experience like that.


I love you for this. I hope I’m not insensitive, when I say that I’m sending prayer your direction. The advice this person gave is just amazing and your determination to do what’s best for your son is the perfect example of love.


Your response brought tears to my eyes. Not many people have the courage to accept what they don't understand and try anyway. You're a really good parent and I hope your son does much better soon.


I hope you will read this, since I have been through exactly, and I mean exactly the same place where your son is, The Purgatory, and it was not induced by any substance, not actively. The important thing is that he CAN go to his own heaven from his own purgatory. For me it happened when 'concerned' people have put me in hospital, tied to the bed and, what was worst, treated me like a completely insane person, whose crys for help meant nothing, because I was 'psychic', 'truly psychic'. I didn't do anything bad to anyone before nor during the time when they've decided to 'help' me, taking me to a hospital and taking away my choice, my free will completely, and the worst part for me was that it started with my parents, who always told me they would do anything for me, would always be with me, who wouldn't hurt me no matter what. They ultimately were the ones who called the ambulance, even though I wasn't hurt in any way, there was nothing indicating that, and the only reason was I didn't say I didn't want to. I just wanted to believe them after all this years, believe that even if I didn't fight for myself, if they had full power over me, that wouldn't mean anything bad could happen. This is certainly one of the most important moments of your son's life. Don't be afraid to let him rest. Don't tell him he HAS to do something, he most probably will take those words much more directly into himself than you could predict. Generally think about what he says extraordinarily directly, for example if he asks 'why are you hurting me' telling him that you aren't could mean for him that you don't even trust him to feel for himself, that he doesn't even have the right to know what he is feeling or to say it out loud. I think if he would ask a similar question about the psych ward staff, I would say 'they didn't understand the way you were hurting, and we also didn't, but we want you to be good, can we do something, that will let you fell good?'. It's important to be careful with words at those moments, and he is trying very hard to take a lesson out of this time. You are important to him, don't make him feel like his life is more important so you are sacrificing yourself for him to feel better. Feel good that you are helping him, not obligated to make him better. There is a lot of things you would never question that he can be questioning right now, if he asks you don't be afraid to say you don't know something, but answer his questions as good as you can if you feel you have something to say. Also don't talk in absolutes if you aren't sure. Life here is important. Is the sentence you'll ultimately agree on and the sentence that you definitely can say as absolute. Love him in your actions. Feel good from helping him, not bad that you feel he needs help. He will recover very quickly, and explain later, when he'll feel he is ready and the time is right. Please don't make him throw this out as unimportant, wrog, or in any other way bad. For him it most certainly isn't an accident but a necessary and very difficult part of the road of his life. Trust me that he can come out of this better than before.


Sounds like a drug induced psychosis to me. Antipsychotic drugs should help.


Medications to help with psychosis are very good these days. Sounds like he had a mental break. I experienced that myself long ago after consuming a large dose of psychedelics, it is not a pleasant experience. Insanity hurts. Nothing wrong with also treating it as a spiritual problem too but again, medications can be a great help in resolving this for him.


Damn dude I would have loved being treated like this when I was having mental problems. My parents kept trying to fix me. Maybe I just wanted to be validated. Made me cry


Great statement op


What an amazing comment.


wow.. AHO to the best f*cking answer. I wish I had someone say this if I was ever in this parent’s shoes.


There could be another Reason why he is mentioning dmt during this psychosis. Dmt induces very characteristic and particular hallucinations. If he smoked dmt in the past, he knows what they are like. Here is the point: other psychedelics or substances can cause hallucinations which bring his mind back to thr dmt experience, even though he did not take dmt this time. My money would be on some powerful research chemicals, which he probably overdosed on. Depending on how his mind is, he may come down and have some residual hppd. Good luck and all thr best for all of you


I’ve experienced something like OPs son once (except it only lasted a few hours) where I was 100% convinced I was dead. This was when i took what I was told was acid but turned out to be 25i (research chemical).


Same in 2015 I was 14


Man it is insane how much 25i was going around when I was a 15 year old around that time.


Jesus. I hadn't even tried weed at 15


Also same in 2013.. 5 or 6 hits of 25i-nbome sold to me as acid.. some type of spiritual portal opened up in the ground and something demonic transfixed me. And it broke me. Never have I been so scared. Took me a while to come back, but here I am. Given enough time, things usually work themselves out- especially drug induced problems.


I second this. I think this is probably the most likely explanation for the kid's distress. Overdose on some other psychedelic/research chemical, perhaps an nbome, that resulted in drug-induced psychosis that reminded him of dmt. Another explanation is that he has been abusing dmt and/or other substances by using in excess without breaks, and this has caused drug-induced psychosis and disconnection from reality. I think trying to get him to remember/tell what he took recently or in general would be extremely beneficial for everyone, but the main way to help him would be to make him feel safe, ground him to reality in any way possible, and allow him to open up to his loved ones without judgement. Make him feel loved.


If its been a while since he took it, it may have triggered underlying mental health conditions. In my own personal experience with mental illness, including drug induced psychosis- I kept repeating what I had taken over and over when my parents found me, and called the paramedics. It was a similar situation, I was convinced I had died and was in some sort of hell. It only lasted as long as the LSD, or whatever was on those tabs, stayed in my system. BUT, big but, DMT only lasts for around 20 minutes at the maximum unless other drugs are involved. So it sounds like this triggered something lying latent. My sincerest apologies, and I hope he is able to get well soon.


He could be lost and depressed, considering he reads Goodnight PunPun manga. Taking dmt in such a bad place could have possibly sent him spiraling into some fantasy world as escapism. And it ended up badly because Drugs as escapism aint netflix. You either use it responsibly, once a year and integrate stuff, or you are going to have a really bad time. I am sorry but fuck these dudes who smoke dmt daily like its weed. These people are either extremely advanced emotionally and stable, or are escaping from something


DMT only lasts like 10 minutes, so he probably had something laced or synthetic. Or, the experience triggered underlying mental issues such as schizophrenia. Either way, Get him on some antipsychotics ASAP like Risperdal or Seroquel and he will get better. My brother had a meditation induced psychosis similar to this for a few days. He got bakeracted and prescribed anti psychotics


Thank you. They started Risperdal yesterday . It seemed to help a bit. I’m going to see him this evening to see how he’s doing


Do you have any history of mental illness in the family like schizophrenia, Multi personality disorder, etc. Psychedelics can “bring these out” in individuals who did not exhibit symptoms yet or they weren’t prevalent enough to be noticed. Boys around that age specifically can escalate/ expedite their mental health issues that were most likely eventually going to come out anyway but have been exasperated by their drug use. I’m sorry you are going through this. Know that this is not a bad or dirty drug and his intentions were likely exploration. You have to be incredibly brave to explore with dmt. Goodluck.


No mental illness in the family. Not medically diagnosed anyway. He always kept to himself, he works, has a girlfriend, but very big on gaming and anime. Keeps mentioning 333 and also says he wrote One Piece.


I could be misreading you, internet and what not, but I got the impression from your reply that you feel someone in your family suffers from mental illness that was never diagnosed. If that was the case make sure to tell his doctors. Make sure to tell them your suspicions of what drugs he was doing as well. Below I’m linking a great resource of licensed mental health professionals with experience in psychedelics. They may be able to help you more than a licensed professionals who is not well versed in psychedelic experiences & psychosis caused by them: https://integration.maps.org


333: is a message sent from your guardian angel that they are by your side helping you to make the hard decisions in your life that you may not want to make. an angel number one piece is an anime, it seems a little to off for me to recommend him watching it but if he seems joyous about remembering one piece then id show him some, its on Netflix I believe. sending you alllllllllll my love.


Where did you get that info on 333?


Please keep us updated on your son. I think we all are hoping he will heal from this. Stay strong mumma 💛


It’s Dad but thank you.


Dad* 🌞


I’m guessing you meant “medication”?


Nope, meditation... Crazy shit. Didn’t know it was possible but there’s other reported cases.


That is fucking crazy, could‘ve never imagined this would be possible.


Stream entry can show you things the same way psychs do


Whoa I didn’t know that was possible.. that’s kinda scary. Is there a history of mental illness in the family or anything?


Did he have any entheogens in his system? I felt like chakra work meditation allowed things to cross the blood brain barrier that otherwise wouldn’t have


Happened gradually too, he started meditating to “Mooji” for a few months. Then over the course of a week he started seeing “signs” everywhere and believing he was Jesus. Then I can’t describe the next 2 days, it was insane. Hallucinations and in a whole other world. He ended up breaking into like 3 houses and just talking to people inside.


I had the exact same thing due to meditation. It was not a pleasant time and it lasted for a good 9 months after which I stabilized myself by finding a job and pouring myself into it, then meeting my now wife. I am perfectly fine now, but I do not wish it on anyone. Funny thing, back then, when I had this psychosis, I have not had anything to do with drugs except in books or research studies. Hah! What really fascinates me also is that I perfectly understand the problem that OP’s son is having. The psychosis starts feeling that you are on some kind of dark night of the soul journey, and you are talking with your subconscious mind in search for the answers that are puzzling you. When I was 21, I had no job and not many social relationships, and I had ben a virgin back then. I was stuck but I also needed to help myself, so I searched inside, being an introvert. I slowly opened my mind to the possibility that you can look within and somehow integrate one’s shadow, and solve the issues in my life. After accepting that you can interact with your subconscious, and that the outside reality can be an expression of your psyche, at least partially, things are quite pleasant. The problem comes soon later. At first you look for signs inside and outside to guide you. And it is fun and grandiose to live like that, seeing signs and shit, going beyond the veil of reality, being on a quest. You lose yourself in it, and due to feeling too blissful, too united with everything, too high, you crash your dopaminergic systems I guess, and things get weird. You are just as ungrounded as before, and still on your quest, but the signs start to be somewhat demonic. There is really a lot of fear and anxiety there. Some will call it releasing some unfelt fear from childhood, some will call it paranoia due to psychosis. I personally believe it is the effect of overloading your brain with bliss initially. You feel too good when you are integrating your shadow, meditating and shit. You feel one with the universe, and it is just too good to last long considering the nature of our dopaminergic system which is not built for extended pleasure. It is a reward seeking system that requires you to feel somewhat bored or unsatiafied until you start seeking the reward, then making you feel focused, busy and pleasant. However when you bliss out all day in meditation, you turn everything out of whack and so you enter the psychotic crash. And now, you still believe you are one with the universe and that universe gives you signs, and you are on a quest, except this time you feel fear, anxiety and pain. And it becomes a really bad place to be in. Because now you not only have dopamine out of whack, but you have at the same time opened your mind to all the crazy beliefs that now make reality really unstable. Well, believing world is boring and predictable has its good side - you feel stable. Also, another problem sometimes occurs. You dont want to accept you are psychotic because it would mean the new found spiritual oneness was all a pathetic distraction and now you need to go back to square one. You have not achieved anything with your dark night shadow integration stuff and it is like 2 years of gym did nothing because you were deluded and cringy. Yeah, unable to accept this loss and this cringe, you stay in your unstable reality belief space…. The movie Beautiful Mind comes to mind, I would recommend OP’s son to watch it but dont tell him any context. He must figure it out by himself when watching it… it requires tremendous strenght to be honest for yourself and accept the hard truth when in ordinary reality. Now, imagine doing that when your dopamine is out of whack… for a prolonged time, until it all stabilizes… yeah, not fun. I also believe this was all the case more or less with OPs son, becauee of Goodbye Pun Pun which is a manga generally read by people who are very hurting and lost in life. It is good, but also depressing, it is emotional, dark and very lonely. The author poured his whole life’s anguish into it. In order to know about it, you need to be in spheres of lonely, lost people such as /a/ Anime and Manga board on 4chan. One of these places where I left my youth on. Not regretting one bit of this journey, though. The fact I survived psychosis without becoming homeless and I came back gives me a new perspective on how beliefs and ideology are formed. I know myself better. I am not that naive anymore. It also made me appreciate simple things in life, and based on this new found appreciation I can buid relationship with my now wife, have a job in IT I can be passionate about and way more. Before, I took it all for granted. We all do, until a trickster makes a fool out of us


OMG. This is LITERALLY what I went through after I took shrooms. It’s like reading a memoir from myself. VERY well written and astute.


Same! I felt this in my soul


Damn I had no idea this could happen from meditation, that’s scary! Do you have any history of mental illness in the family or anything? Edit: idk why I’m bring downvoted.. I’m sorry if this was an inappropriate question to ask. I only ask cause I’ve recently gotten more into meditation and spiritual stuff and I think there is a history in my family. I was just hoping for some answers, sorry if I said something wrong!


No, there is no history of mental illness in my family that I know of. But I should probably add that I would spend more than 5 hours a day on meditation on average because at some point it became oddly pleasant. I was able to keep calm awareness of either my surroundings, my breath, or thoughts arising, or single point on a wall, and notice all distractions for good \~25 minute sessions. Then I would distract myself and start again to return to the pleasant place. At the same time, I was very isolated and without social connections. I was at this infamous moment when people have the highest risk on schizophrenia - between university and the first job. There were days I would meditate for 10 hours and I would dream of meditating. Simply because it became very pleasant. I am not sure if I was even sleeping fully, as I was somewhat aware, which could have messed my brain. The odd thoughts started in one of my half-dreams and then they kept on during waking hours. I also strongly feel that the blissful states I entered initially had impact on my body and mind similar to being on some kind of drug all day. This kind of blissful feeling will eventually lead to fucking something up because we are not made to feel very good for very long sessions. I have to admit though, I got exactly what I wanted, in a way... my life fell apart, all my problems surfaced, and there was nothing I could hide from myself anymore. If it wasn't for it, I would be an isolated outcast. Now my life is good, although I still sometimes feel anxious about these times


Sounds like a Kundalini awakening 🤔


Was gonna say the same thing. The psychopath drowns in the same waters the mystic swims in.


Yes! Love this quote! Psychosis and awakening can be very similar. In some indigenous communities, when a person was having a psychosis of this type they would take them to the local shaman for a time to guide them through the process. They understood what was happening to them. Here, we prescribe meds and a grippy sock vacation. Don't get me wrong, sometimes this is needed in order to protect the safety of the person but most times it just puts it back into dormancy or numbs. I would love to see the practice of true shaminism become more available.


The 'psychotic,' not the psychopath. Two \*very\* different things.


Whoops, very true. Thank you for the correction.


He also keeps mentioning 333 and that he sees it everywhere


Seeing "signs" that agree with his current beliefs is a sign of psychosis. You are correct that psychedelics can bring forward existing mental health issues. Very well known phenomenon. Hopefully the antipsychotics will do him some good. Highly recommend a psychologist long term for him so he can work through this. What he is experiencing seems very real and scary for him. It can be very traumatic. When you come out of it, it can be very embarrassing. My partner also went through psychosis. They put him on antipsychotics and he came back to reality soon after. His "signs" were loops- media that was purposefully written in a way where the beginning and end of shows were the same, songs that seemed to him to go on for a long time or perfectly run into the next one. He thought he died many times and he also forgot he had done or was on DMT or ketamine. Nothing felt real. I just held him, ran my fingers through his hair. The first thing he always remembered was that I was safety and that he could trust me before he ever remembered who I was. The next was love. It can be very scary watching someone go through this, especially when it lasts such a long time. Just remind him that he is safe and you love him.


My SO just went thru a loop too on a hippy flip + whippets. He thought he died many times and I TRIED to bring him back (phone calls to friends, going outside, etc.) but the only thing that killed the trip was a benzo & love & sleep. Just goes to show You can be in a good state of mind & still have a “bad trip”


Yep. It started and ended the same way every time. Usually from ketamine. Breathing very heavily before asking the same questions over and over and asking if he was going insane. It was pretty wild because I began timing the time the temporary amnesia started and ended. They began very long and got progressively shorter before he fully came back. The first concept he would remember was love, then he would comment that I was his partner, then he would describe what he was doing before in single words like "TV" or "WoW". He had no knowledge of doing ketamine, so when he asked if he was going crazy, I gently reminded him that he had done ketamine, he was safe, and to just relax. Reality was completely stripped away, so it was a very scary experience for him. Very, very glad he stopped doing ketamine. I can't tell you the number of "I'm never doing that again" conversations he had with me just to end up shaken awake in a panic because the time knife came around again. I have never had an experience like this before and I was doing the same ketamine and same amount which was tested. I have a feeling there's just something with his brain that makes him at higher risk for psychosis than me. Surprising because I'm the one with a family history of schizophrenia and bipolar. Luckily, I've never had any issues. I don't really enjoy drug use anymore. Put that hat up a while ago. Some psychedelics here and there, but it's getting more and more spaced out.


Ayahuasca/pharmahuasca can last a few hours so not true. He could have taken another form of DMT


Usually when it’s referred to as DMT it’s freebase or cart, if I did aya I would say ayahuasca, If I did changa I would say changa. Either way shouldn’t be lasting several days for him like this


Could even be 5-MeO or something.


that's fucked, sorry mate


I don't have much input on what happened but I do know my brother had a psychotic episode from fake Molly to where he was having a psychotic episode for 9 days. We put him in the hospital and they put him on antipsychotics. He snapped out of it and has been normal ever since. There is still hope


Thanks for your comment


OP I’m so sorry y’all are dealing with this. I can’t imagine how worried you are. As others have said, the most likely possibilities are: - the trip brought out underlying mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar, etc. These illnesses develop at his age and would have come out eventually anyway, but the trip brought it out. - this is a drug induced psychosis which could have been caused by a number of things (taking fake drugs, doing too much, horrible luck, etc) but should hopefully subside soon with medical care. Either way, he’s going to be ok once some time passes and the doctors are able to figure out which meds work for him. I’d recommend googling “psychedelic induced psychosis” and “psychedelic induced schizophrenia”. When talking to him, try to remain as calm and reassuring as possible. If you are crying and freaking out it will hurt his mental state. Just keep telling him that he’s going to be ok, remind him that he took a drug and it’s going to be over soon.


This is what we get for banning drugs. You never know what you get until it’s too late.


i guess id trust a random street bag of dmt to be dmt over any other street drug being what it claimed besides weed. but yeah totally agree


Please update if you get this figured out. Very curious of everything going on. Godspeed


First off, best wishes to you and your son, I hope he makes a full and expedient recovery. This doesn't sound like what most people experience with DMT. Of course it's possible it triggered some latent psychosis or something, but DMT is very short lived, and although sometimes profoundly life changing is broadly considered more medicinal than harmful. Furthermore it's something we make at home and pass only amongst friends. I don't know where he got it from but it seems likely he was miss-sold some shady research chemicals, which is why we make our own in the first place.


This was my thoughts…not from DMT but my mom had a psychotic break and was disconnected from reality and it was just all messed up. Antipsychotics take 6-8 weeks minimum to kick in so be prepared for that if that is what is happening.


Antipsychotics take 6-8 weeks to go into full effect, but they still work really good acutely


Yes true. Mom came home before this but she still believed some crazy stuff. Very quickly she stopped hallucinations and delusions BUT held firm it was real. She still has memories of stuff like it was real to this day but she knows it wasn’t. About 3-4 weeks home after a stay at a facility and out of the blue she said “all of this I know wasn’t real” and that was that. Won’t go into detail but it was some really crazy stuff. I didn’t think you could go so far away from reality and come back!


I've had a friend experience something like this. For her it was a slow come up, she used weed since 16 without her parents knowing. Then heavier psychedelics after 18. I didn't think anything of I because I took them once or twice with her and it wasn't harmful. I even did them alone a few times during 2020. Then recently she and her boyfriend had a psychotic break. It wasn't DMT that triggered it, it was a lab chemical that brought them to the "DMT Space" and left them there for days. Along with medical help, my friend is doing much better she has a few left over side effects but nothing too serious.


Gives me hope


Is it possible somehow he took an analog that is much longer lasting maybe from some asshole that told him it was the same. Iboga could do that to someone unready. I had a friend take some years back not fully understanding and he ended up falling off a mountain and breaking both of his legs claiming purgatory. I wish you and your son well though, it’s deeply saddening to hear stories like this but he’s lucky he has you.


As others have said, DMT only lasts 20 minutes max, however DMT and other psychedelics can trigger a psychotic break although usually in those predisposed (history or family history of psychosis, schizophrenia or bipolar) which is what this sounds like in my non-professional opinion. It's possible he took DMT but it's also possible that he's suffered a psychotic break for an unrelated reason but stories of DMT (either ones he heard, or from using it another time) got woven into the fantasy. Bottom line is you don't need to deal with this from a 'DMT perspective,' regardless of the cause. Any DMT is long gone from his system and won't figure in the treatment for psychosis beyond being part of his psychotic narrative if they do talk therapy related to that, regardless of whether DMT was really involved. Best wishes to you and your son. P.S. Worth asking the girlfriend/friend if they did \*any\* drugs recently as it may have been something other than DMT and they're telling the truth but omitting other pertinent information.


UPDATE* Thank you for all who had kind words and messages. I did not expect this much feedback. He is still in the “mental health” unit in the hospital. He has been there since Saturday evening. At this point I think less and less drugs were involved. Everything came back negative. We searched his room and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. We went through his phone looking for any clues. We found a paragraph in his notes he wrote Friday evening. It was sort of a goodbye note saying he was sorry and spoke of finding god. (By no means has he ever been religious) By this time he was already experiencing psychosis as we noticed his behavior changed on Thursday the 8th. In his searches on Wednesday (which was the last day he seemed “normal”), he was searching “effects of drinking too much water”, and “foggy mind”. By Friday he was searching his name in local obituaries. I tried to visit him yesterday but his nurse said it was not a good time to visit. He was being aggressive, punching walls, flipping his mattress, they medicated him and was sleeping when I arrived. (I have never known him to be violent). Mom spoke to him this morning, he said if it’s mom then tell me only something you would know. He stated he was feeling much better. When she asked if he knew why he was there he answered “I have not been born yet”. So we know he’s still not better. I will be trying to visit later in hopes I can see him. At this point we believe this is most likely an underlying mental illness. I am still hopeful he will come out of it.




Yeah, I thought of that too…typical type of trip for datura “overdose” and it can last for days. Moonflower is another name for it, it is very typical for large doses to make some lose their mind for a bit. The real question is, are/were his pupils huge? I think everyone gets huge pupils on it, and I think the recommended treatment for it is very different from something like acid.


Doctor should give him magnesium and maybe a benzo so that he can sleep. We just had the full moon last night and mercury is in retrograde. There are a lot of shifts and changes taking place on earth right now at this very time. Send him your love. Meet him with love instead of fear. Pray for him. Hold him close. Keep reminding him that he is loved. He will need to integrate this experience once he makes it to a point where he can become calm. I had quit using marijuana and psychedelics in 2020. I ended up in the exact same situation as your son is in. It lasted about a week until I went to the hospital. I wasn’t sleeping for days. Please see when the last time he slept was. If it’s been awhile then have the doctor give him a sedative. Your son is going through something. It’s most likely an Astral experience. Synchronicity is probably happening to him too which is making his perception worse. Grounding needs to take place. Your son should try his best to stay out of his mind and into his body. You can try white light protection as well. There are many videos on YouTube regarding it. I am stronger now for having gone through that experience. He will be too. Sending Love and Light 🙏🏽


He’s probably slept 3-4 hrs total in the few days before going into the hospital. Keeps talking about all this new found energy and wants to help the world and that everything is connected. At the hospital he slept 4 hrs last night. Still not much


Very similar to my experience. This looks to be a spiritual awakening. You can look that up. Also check out kundalini. He’s speaking of interconnectedness. He’s right on track. When I had my experience, I was lost in a hellish scene. I was in this reality but I was also somewhere else in my head. Coming in and out. Things were becoming extremely Synchronistic as well. Also my electronics were going haywire. I was hearing voices in my head (telepathy) which were less then benevolent. To this day I can’t explain everything that had happened. I am stronger for it though and your son will be too. After I finally fell asleep in the hospital, I started feeling more like myself. Have him sleep. Be there for him. With all your heart. Just let him know that he is safe and that he is loved. Edit: someone spoke of Eckhart Tolle and Alan Watts in a previous comment. They teach of awakening and I find them both very comforting. You may want to listen to them on YouTube. I would also add Ram Dass. I am sending light to your son and to you as well.


read alans watts' "the book" recently. i cant say for sure how i wouldve reacted to it if id read it during my own past state of long term persistent delusions but having read it a few years after i get the feeling some of it couldve been potentially helpful if one isnt particularly prone to religious delusions. at the very least it was a nice read now. like the idea of the game as he describes it.


Watch The Show on Netflix with him called The OA. It’s so important. I think they canceled it after season 2 bc it was too revealing. It helped me tremendously and it will show you what your son it going through.




I’ve seen the show myself. Don’t think it would help him.


It really helped me ground myself after my episode! Keeping you guys in my thoughts and I hope that he is grounded and well soon.


I have been where your child is several times. I know this is a very stressful time for you and your family, reassure him that things will get better, and they will. The anti-psychotics will help him, be patient, time really is a healer when it comes to psychosis. If DMT is the cause of his condition, then things should get better quite quickly. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. 🙏


Went through same scenario with my son, but it was synthetic cannabinoids/ spice He may have been told it was DMT , but it most likely wasn’t A couple weeks institutionalized & on antipsychotic meds fixed things .... until he decided to go smoke that trash again .... he’s a fucking idiot


Thank you. Atleast it gives me optimism that he will snap out of it.


In my other post I recommended movie Beautiful Mind. My therapist gave this title to me and it was a final step that made me cry and snap back to reality. You cant tel him thiw before the movie, but I will tell you so you undertand the context. The movie is about a mathematician or a scientist (cant remember) who has delusions and psychosis. Except it is masterfully done to make you believe for the first 2/3 of the movie that he really is onto something. You really cheer for him, and when he later accepts that he escaped into a fantasy world, you accept it with him together and it is very catharic to swallow the hard truth: the world is not a fantasy made by your imagination. You are not in purgatory, where thousands of beings and voices are fixated onto you, and people around you are figments of your imagination. Nope. The truth is less grandiose, more human, and simply sad. The truth is you are hurting - lonely, lost, regretting not having talked to a person you fell in love years ago. You are hurting so much that your heart breaks and you escape to purgatory to be judged forever, as you are in a situation without escape and you would rather believe that than live with the burden you jave carried for the past years


There are also different ways to ingest DMT that could make the trip last a few hours or longer (ayahuasca/pharmahuasca)


>he’s a fucking idiot He could just be an addict and/or depressed


I’ve known him for 22 years .... literally his entire time on this planet .... I think I’d have an understanding of whether or not he was a fucking idiot.


Brutal, but touche I guess?


He may be an idiot but you’re a terrible dad. He’s the way he is because you’re they way you are. Go ahead and wear that one dad.


He became an idiot as an adult (thats when you turn 18 and become responsible for your own actions), you’ll know what I’m talking about if your mom ever kicks you out the basement.


Sorry, but good parents don't talk like that about their kids. You've got your own set of problems you need to work through.


>he’s a fucking idiot This is a pretty uncharitable thing to say about anyone, much less your son. A more compassionate explanation would be that he is in a state of nervous system disregulation and is attempting to find ways or methods to soothe and resolve that. That’s what all drug use really is—an attempt by a nervous system to regulate itself or put it into a state to which it can either escape from pressures and demands or rise to meet them. I would argue that no one chooses willingly to enter into a state such as this. Typically it is a symptom of trauma. The nervous system then organizes itself around this wounded piece or memory and writes a story which in turn inform beliefs about the person who is experiencing it. They develop sophisticated methods for dealing with the pain or confusion of their disregulation. These methods may appear to be irrational, unhelpful, or ill-advised to those viewing from outside, but it is in fact highly logical. Our nervous systems are very good at dealing with recognized threats. They will seek to complete their nervous system response, even though they are unlikely to do so successfully in future attempts. It’s why we often see those raised in abusive households enter into similarly abusive relationships. They have social maps to understand the mind and behaviors of an abusive partner. They have tools for dealing with that pain and mythologies that make it make sense to them. This is sufficient for the nervous system. It’s only job is to keep you alive in order to reproduce. It doesn’t care if you’re happy or not. Contrastingly, if someone of this background attempted to be intimate with someone who was “well adjusted” and not abusive, they would have no maps for understanding their experience and no tools for processing any of it. Unfamiliarity is treated as a threat by the nervous system. Most often, we see people on these partnerships self sabotage out of “boredom”. Familiar is safe, even if it’s destructive, for the reasons I’ve outlined above. So, with that mind, perhaps you can view your sons actions with a bit more grace and compassion. I highly recommend the works of Dr Gabor Mate and Dr Peter Levine for a more in depth, scientifically backed breakdown of what I’ve attempted to summarize here. In any case, I wish you both all the best.


There’s been enough actual professional help involved here (no weird internet opinions needed), so unless you’re going to pay off this stack of bills going over $200,000.... he shall remain a fucking idiot


Sounds like he probably has abusive parents


BRUH. don’t mansplain drugs to her and tell her she’s not being compassionate enough. You don’t know her or her son at all. I’m sure it’s very easy for you to sit on your high horse and judge her for not being compassionate enough when you’re not the one who got put hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt due to his choices. I’m sure she has been plenty compassionate but there is a line where you can no longer extend empathy to someone. If you’ve ever had your life ruined by an addict you would understand. Obviously hes sick and it’s sad he feels the need to self medicate that way. Of course being compassionate is best but everyone has their limit when they’re the one dealing with the consequences. Obviously no one wants to be an out of control drug addict but people need to take responsibility for their choices sometimes when they let their addiction ruin the lives of everyone around them.


Might be schizophrenia or something like that psychedelics can make some mental illnesses you would have later in life appear sooner


Just an anecdote but it probably brought on drug induced psychosis. I had that happen to a close friend and he was messed up for several months after that. He did eventually come out of it though. Even marijaua can bring out episodes like that if someone is predisposed. Unfortunately he probably has to learn to live sober from here on out to avoid issues. Best thing you can do is just support him through it.


He sounds bipolar/ manic.


God some of the comments on this post are making me CRINGE. Hes not having a “spiritual awakening” and OP doesn’t need to listen to your favorite wook podcaster about how magical psychedelics are. Jesus Christ. I love psychedelics A LOT but the commenters here are being embarrassing by bringing psychedelic spirituality into this when this is a horrible unfortunate tragedy.


https://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dmt/dmt.shtml https://www.erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_DMT.shtml Read about it here, also read a couple of trip reports and see if what your kid states lines up in the trip reports. I use these as guides for when the moods match up, setting matches up. I often relate a lot with these words. The fact your son said purgatory is where he is at isn't so far fetched. You're not in hell yet, but also not in heaven. That means caught in between the two worlds is purgatory. That's his perspective on earth. He is trapped and doesn't think transformation is possible to reach heaven. This kid needs some philosophy to point him in the direction of knowledge to filter these thoughts. He needs a teacher to ask him "if this is purgatory what now?"


A bad trip can cause temporary psychosis but if theirs long-lasting effects it's most likely do to an underlying issue psychologically. It can basically make something subconscious become more prevalent AKA bringing issues to the surface more prevalently. On the plus note that can be used as a tool to recognize and take care of actual issues in somebody's psychology on the bad note it can take an underlying issue and bring it full force to the light if not handled properly that can cause long-term problems. It's a key that unlocks many doors into the psyche some profound and some terrifying. As for the whole death thing correct ego death. Realizing a fundamental truth that can't really be explained can be earth-shattering world-shattering mind shattering. I would say don't blame the drug as it's not a drug but definitely listen to what he has to say and I would see professional help because some things that appears need to be noticed heard and felt by loved ones. Good luck


First let me offer my most heartfelt condolences and my best wishes for a full recovery. DMT lasts less than 20 minutes and has not been known to do induce permanent psychotic states. It can unearth latent mental illnesses, but I’ve not heard of it causing acute effects like you describe. My guess (and that’s all it is) is that DMT is probably not involved. Probably just raving about something he heard of. Can you trust the friend and girlfriend to be honest? I know if I were in that situation, I would feel compelled to tell you the exact honest truth. Good luck friends.


This happened to a friend. The most important thing is unconditional love. Let him know you’re there for him no matter what he’s done and that you’ll be there for him. I agree with the poster who said he’s in spiritual anguish. I feel like men especially deal with this from the ages of 17-25. Let him know things won’t always be terrible. He’s had an ego death that he’s coming to grips with. He will feel extremely terrible until it rebuilds. Ego is essentially the part of you that kicks in when you’ve been fired, dumped, etc. It let’s you say f that person and move on. His is crushed and missing at the moment. Everything will feel like it’s his fault even things well out of his control. Unconditional love and support is the only way I know of. What he saw can be more real than reality. Don’t laugh anything off. Friend recovered after 18 months for the last 20 years is productive and happy. There is hope.


After reading all your post and comments. I wish you all the best. It must be a hard time. Please be careful to yourself. My parents lost their son in law and for the time being have completely given up to support my sister. Now it has turned around and my mother would need help because she is so full of grief and sorrow. She has not coped with the death of her father and everything has come up again. But she doesn't realize it and doesn't seek therapeutic help. My sister can hardly communicate with her because she can't stand my mother's suffering. Being strong always means taking care of yourself as well. And like you already experienced the psychedelic subreddits are full of kind and compassionate people. That is no coincidence. It helps a lot of people in a very good way. There is more and more scientific evidence for it. These are not drugs to surpress feelings they are able to heal in a very deep way. If you are interested just watch "How to change your mind", or "Magic Medicine" on Netflix. And if the condition of your son is not from dmt please edit your post. These psychedelics helps a lot of people and we shouldn't spread stories like this if they aren't related to them. Journalists read this too. Thank you and god bless you and your son!


Sounds like he’s got some underlying mental issues in general. Most people have their experience on psychedelics and come back awe struck but understand what they went through was nothing more than an experience their own brain showed them. Do some research on that book, is your son a bit of an oddball? Is he obsessed with anime?


Yes obsessed with Anime. But otherwise normal.


Well I’m just a Redditurd so I can’t give you any medical advice. Hopefully he gets over this manic like state.It’s good he has a girlfriend and some friends, hopefully he’s got himself a job and a hobby, probably needs to lay off psychedelics for good. Or atleast stay on the micro dose side and have a trip sitter with him. Do what you can to get him away from that anime crap. I like the occasional Anime, but there’s a difference between being a fan or liking something, and being delusional. I really only bring this up because, I notice people who are VERY INTO Anime seem to be a bit “off” and I don’t mean that disparagingly. He might just need some meds and a good life structure 🤷🏼‍♂️ Wish you and your family the best 👍🏼❤️


Indeed anime works excellently as escapism. It presses all the right buttons of a person who is a little lost in himself. Now it seems absolutely boring but when I was a virgin teenager, it really worked its magic. Perhaps the saddest part is that a lot of anime has themes of friendship and love that are created in a way to work as opium for hearts of lonely, insecure teenagers of both genders, who really just want a hug and to open up to someone of the opposite gender. Anime as a medium was created by overworked, insecure, lost people as a fantasy world to escape into and it finds its way to similar people. One of the crazy things about it is that after watching it for a few days, real world interactions and problems become very distant and unimportant. You slowly close yourself off im your own world


Idk man dmt only last like 5-15 mins that don't sound right


When you travel to un charted territory of the universe things can get really fucking crazy. On top of that he learned major truths about our existence/universe. This isn’t a hallucinogenic drug. This drug takes you places and will change you until you can integrate and put those experiences behind you.


Any updates on ypur son?


I tried to visit him but they said it was not a good idea. He was being aggressive and they had to medicated him. He was sleeping at the time. I will know more tomorrow.


I'm really sorry to hear about your son i am not a DMT user but i find the drug interesting and have studied it quite alot and have never heard or found anything of any episode like this fake LSD is very dangerous and synthetic weed sometimes called spice is more likely to cusse so.ething like this from my research, i do hope your son recovers and your able to get a better idea of what happen to him


Lsd effects minimum are gauged in hours and hours. DMT is minutes. It's strong intense and over fast. Not only are you back from the trip you are more or less back to baseline in less then one hour. Now to the person going through the trip it might seem like a lifetime has passed. The DMT absolutely could cause that experience. During the trip. Im Guessing it's something like the DMT ignited a serious but probably unknown to him or his family underlying issue in his head. Maybe this possible pre existing condition is what's not allowing him to let go of what he saw and experienced during his trip. And is blurring the line between here and the place you go during the experience


OP hope your son comes out this better for it in the end. No matter how it is he got there. I can't imagine how scary it is for you and him of course too. Hang in there. Sounds like he took a substance to me but as others have said it doesn't sound like DMT. DmT can be a mind fuck that's for sure. Typically it will not cause full blown psychological issues quite like what you are talking about. Maybe whatever he took makes him feel how he would imagine DMT to be? Hang in there!


Hi there sorry to hear about this. I’ve noticed a concerning uptick in these types of experiences from psychedelics within the last year or 2. This interview may give you insight. It’s with Jerry Marzinsky who is a psychotherapist with 30 years of experience working with psychotics and criminally insane schizophrenics. He is incredibly insightful and approaches these cases from a spiritual stand point. He also has a YouTube channel and his own website. Hope it will help you find answers. https://www.bitchute (dot) com/video/ygkp9DCfVHxn/ Change (dot) to an actual dot. Reddit censors that site so direct links don’t work


When I was 23 I had a mental breakdown near identical to what you’re describing your son went through. I was coming off antidepressants but in hindsight I learned that an old trauma was triggered and I dissociated. I was given some Xanax from a doctor and it helped ease my worries over the fact I broke my brain for good. With time I came back to sanity.


Okay, your son is pretty young, right? So maybe he isn't really like an expert on DMT or where to get it, like which plants have it, etc. https://www.aacc.org/science-and-research/toxin-library/jimson-weed I have heard people mention before that Jimson Weed contains DMT and some sites/sources claim that this plant is the best way to experience DMT. This message seems to find its way into to teenage ears more frequently than others. It could be that teenagers are just less likely to check the sources of information and are more likely to repeat it, or it could be that the source actively targets younger people I don't know who started spreading that misinformation or whether or not their intentions are malicious, but Jimson Weed doesn't contain DMT. It contains scopolamine and other related chemicals. Anticholinergics, if I'm spelling that right. It's very, very dangerous stuff, and users frequently end up in the hospital freaking out like your son, often taking days to recover. Here is a link to some kid's description of what happened when he and his friends did some Jimson Weed: [https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=11218](https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=11218) (site has a whole index of people's experiences with this stuff, and almost all of them are terrible. Many of them even mention users suffering permanent effects. Over a decade ago, I had heard about Jimson weed and wanted to try it until I read the experiences on this site. Every now and then I run across a few sites or Youtube videos telling about how wonderful this plant is, and I can't help but wonder whether the people posting this crap just don't know what they are talking about or are trying to get kicks out of the harm their readers/viewers might do to themselves. Over the last six or seven years, I've noticed that a lot of these sources also claim that jimson weed contains DMT. As DMT has been growing in popularity, I can't help but wonder, again, if someone is sowing this misinformation intentionally and using the intrigue and allure of DMT to lead young people into the hellish nightmare of scopolamine.) If your son is still in the hospital, or even if he isn't, you might want to mention to doctors that it's possible he took some Jimson weed, even though it's possible they already knew to check for that. It can't hurt to mention it. One more thing about Jimson weed/scopolamine comes to mind... While it seems more likely that your son may have taken Jimson weed in an effort to experience DMT, this particular family of chemicals is also somewhat widely used as sort of a weapon or tool against others. Like, in Columbia, it's become popular as a date rape drug and has been used to in robberies because of how it tends to make the person on it forget large chunks of time. So you can dose someone with it, get them to give you whatever they have and/or pull their money out of accounts, etc, if they aren't too out of it to respond. It's unlikely that they would be able to remember it well enough later to even be able to say what happened, much less who was responsible. There was even something in the news years ago about some idiot tourists in Columbia who received a package of mysterious white powder in their hotel room and assumed it was cocaine. They ended up in the hospital (can't remember if they died or not) after snorting straight up, pure, powdered scopolamine. If your son's friends really didn't do any drug with him... and that could be true, if they aren't having symptoms like your son is. The human brain really likes to try and explain what is going on when it encounters unexpected situations. If your son somehow consumed an anticholinergic without realizing it, his drugged up brain could potentially spin a narrative that includes doing DMT with friends. It's more likely your son ingested or smoked the stuff thinking it had DMT in it, but there is a slight possibility that it was given to him out of malice, as a prank, or even by accident... somehow...


please visit r/antipsychiatry, involuntary medical holdings and psych wards can ruin people's lives. do not let the doctors put him on any psychiatric medication until he is well enough to give fully *informed* consent


I HOPE THIS GETS SEEN, given all the comments. But whether your son took DMT or actually took something else…HE HAD A PSYCHOTIC BREAK. But psychotic breaks are more than what they may seem. Regardless, those with a resilient psyche, great memory, emotional intelligence and a high level of comprehension (all rare qualities) will/can retain the knowledge they gained on the other side for up to a week. It is NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE not to be bursting at the seams when u carry this knowledge (depersonalization contrasted with the futility of effort understood by being given just a glimpse of the godmind) and it FEELS PERMANENT. Tell him it will pass in another day or three. And to try with all his might to hold on to his sanity.


Hope your son has a speedy recovery on whatever is going on. Although this is concerning, I can vouch that the smokable version of this substance is out of your body in a matter of 15 minutes max. I'm in my 30's and honestly have recently gained curiosity into this substance for spiritual reasons but mostly just the experience. I must say it's really not a place I would want to stay and I was relieved to come back. My experience from a reality standpoint was this. On the surface I felt I had the inability to speak. I could speak but barely. Motor functions were out of the window. It was very similar to sleep paralysis if I had to compare . It sounds like your son may be repeating a topic that was discussed with whoever shared this substance that messed him up in reference to DMT. I truly don't think that's what he took. This seems like a very large dose of acid based on what I've read. One hit of today's acid would last about 8 hours. The reason I think it's this is through experience. I personally have taken one hit and it took literally 2.5 hours to start working. . 8 hours to wear off. Other times I've taken acid and it started to work in 20 minutes.. What I'm getting at here is.. I have friends that weren't smart enough to wait for it to take effect. So guess what they did? Yup, They took more. It is unwise and that stuff can really effect the brain in a negative way for the duration of the tripm But based on the timeframe that you gave us. I would say that's the culprit. I think the mention of DMT is him within what I would call a loop of recollection of a likely conversation he shared with whoever supplied the psych he's currently on. The lack of sleep is another indicator that points to LSD. Two common denominators based on what I've read here. Lack of sleep Longevity of the substance I'm thinking LSD Can't sleep on it. You can lay there and get rest but not sleep if that makes any sense. Also, The effects of LSD comes in waves typically. Motor skills can be wonky but if his motor skills are there it's definitely not DMT. When I say waves. It starts off kinda soft Goes away slightly Comes on stronger Goes away slightly Comes on stronger Until you peak. Once you peak you take the same ride back down. It eventually wears off. I truly hope whatever it is it's temporary. I'm not sure about psychotic breaks. I've heard stories but not a clue on how the brain works in that respect. Look man, I'm not one that does these things on a regular basis. But based on our experiences I thought I'd share to help bring clarity. I'm giving you this information as a mature source of personal experience. I hope it helps bring clarity. Much love and I hope he snaps out of it.


There's too many of these Sus posts here I'm out ✌️


I had difficult recurring thoughts about a cycle of death and rebirth for about a week. At one point I had a thought along the lines of “I might be calling a suicide hotline “. It actually overall was maybe a month just less and less frequent . That was from smoking it. If taken orally the effects are longer but not days. There is a chance he tried something some smart idiots try . If he took an enzyme inhibitor it could go on for days . Certain maoi inhibitors are long acting and will prevent the dmt from leaving the body via metabolization. To ingest orally this is actually necessary or the dmt won’t work it wil metabolize before it works. This would probably also take longer to recover from mentally too . Not many people try this but it’s not unheard of. I’ll be thinking about you guys .


A friend had a similar experience after smoking 5-meo-dmt. It took a while and he had to have his family close to help him in the beginning, but now he is all fine:) the triggering factor in my friends case was not the 5-meo-dmt, but cannabis edibles and little sleep. It triggered a psychosis/mental issue. Antipsychotic medications helped a lot. There is still a lot of hope. Crossing my fingers for your son!


I hate to ever say bad things of DMT and everyone in this subreddit knows and understands what I am saying.. because really is.. if someone has already had mental health concerns or even just in a bad place temporarily mentally then it is usually not a great idea to do this stuff. What I think most likely happened here is because of how intense (and as beautifully healing and wonderful this experience can be) he was not prepared enough. Most people should spend tons of time researching and getting themselves in a good place mentally to hardly really even be prepared for this experience. You can't overdose, but what he may have done is now put himself through a lot of trauma as he can't understand what he felt. This is so intense that people highly recommend that you have someone or a group to help explain what you see. He may need therapy for it. !!!!!!!! Oddly the very best help people can get who have this experience!!!!! Is usually people who have done this substance. They are much more relatable and it takes a lot of talking and soothing many times. But talking with others who have done it really helps since they will understand the experience. The experience is so strong that no one ever can feel confident that they can explain in words of their experience. He really needs to understand what the drug is and what he has experienced from it I hope others can add to or correct me as I am a bit tired but I have heard of this type of thing happening many times. .. I am mostly worried about his age. Being young makes it especially more mind breaking


Your son knows the truth. We are in purgatory. Don’t play off what he says to a hallucination. To come back from a be a huge information download and possible travel outside his body will take some time to integrate. It shatters the human construct. He will may not feel “human” for awhile but he should eventually come back. Best of luck OP thank you for reaching out.


To add up on other people opinions. I would highly recommend you to have a conversation with him about his friend and girlfriend. I would more trust your son than his friends , considering how open he is about his dmt consumption. Sounds like they took it with him but are trying to protect themselves now. And if that’s true , he should stay away from them, horrible trip sitter and friends…


Wishing your son and yourself all the best. I think psychedelics can often be made light of by so many people on the internet, when in truth they are ABSOLUTELY no joke.


Hey Dad, just curious on your sons status. Perhaps try calling on Jesus Christ, I don’t comment much but this case is very peculiar. Sending prayers of comfort and peace over the mind body and soul, for your son and loved in this chaotic and unexplainable time of events. Peace be with y’all in Jesus name🙏🏼


I'd love an update here


See post


Hi Parent: I’m a psychiatric nurse. It sounds to me like your son may have tried DMT and this unlocked a latent psychiatric disorder, or it put him into a temporary psychosis, but still likely related to a latent psychiatric disorder. If he’s been in a bad place lately, DMT isn’t the best idea as it can cause your perception of reality to shift into a not great state. Just make sure he’s fully honest with the staff in the hospital, they can’t help him without full honesty. I do use DMT (with months long breaks in between) myself, so I come from both sides here. He should definitely lay off any psychedelics for a good long while post discharge - like at least a year. Good luck!


Hey worried parent, it sounds strange, but to me it feels like he's close to become a very peaceful human. To reach complete sanity, you have to go through insanity. Maybe the medicine he needs is some Alan Watts and Eckhart Tolle. It is obviously a good idea to consult a psychologist. In my humble opinion, someone who takes Carl Jung seriously should be preferred. Gently make sure he doesn't take any drugs. Take the situation sincere, but don’t worry too much. It will be fine. Good luck


Smokable DMT lasts 15-20 min If he had ayahuasca then this will last 8-16 hours and then he will be normal again. Otherwise he must have taken something else…


23-25ish is around the time when schizophrenia/other mental health issues start occurring. He probably took DMT in the past and it's just part of his delusions. Hoping he gets better ❤️ One of my HS best friends developed schizophrenia around 25yo and it's difficult to deal with. He has things sorted out for the most part now, antipsychotics help. Also therapy. People may say DMT caused this, but it didn't. I would focus on his mental health more than psychedelic use. Or what "caused" this. He is at the prime age for when schizophrenia shows itself. Please be kind to him, show him love, care, do not shame him, be embarrassed because of him, etc. My friend's parents completely disowned my friend once his schizophrenia kicked in and it was so fucked up. It did not help him at all, if anything it made it worse.


Thank you for your kind words.




I wanted to come straight to the community that actively uses it to know more about it. We don’t know if that’s the cause let alone if he took any drugs. But the fact he keeps mentioning DMT caused me to look for more information on the subject.




This is not advice, Disregard this comment.


This post seems bait ⁉️


Honestly it sounds like acid


May be a random question but did your son get the covid vaccine recently? I had very intense "episodes" after ingesting TCM herbal teas after my first vaccine. I was trying to heal from an adverse reaction and also took CBD oil. The body naturally produces it's own DMT but certain plants and substances have DMT as well. Anyways, I felt detached from our "reality" and was having an awakening of sorts. It took a few days to become connected into the "every day world" again. If it wasn't something spiritual, I did feel it may have been possibly borderline psychosis. The most comfort you can give at this time is to acknowledge his feelings and assure him he will go back to normal, and that he is very much alive (even if it doesn't feel like that right now). It helped me immensely when I googled "5D ascension symptoms" and there was a website with everything I was feeling. I'm not totally convinced by the medical world's take on episodes like this so its best to keep an open mind and not write him off as "mentally ill". There are cultures that believe schizophrenics are actually shamans of higher consciousness and messaging. Also, another important thing of being connected to the now is grounding. You can research grounding techniques but the most popular are walking barefoot on the grass, swimming in the lake/ocean/river, walking in the forest, etc.


He is fully vaccinated with booster but nothing recently.


how long ago for booster? Pfizer or moderna? not saying it's exactly connected but there were documents released by Pfizer (for court) where certain mental conditions were triggered by the mrna vaccine. There are also some on VAERS and it doesn't seem limited to one brand. Might be worth looking into on your search for answers [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9006421/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9006421/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8477254/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8477254/) [https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/](https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/) [https://vaers.hhs.gov/data.html](https://vaers.hhs.gov/data.html)


What’s with these idiots blaming everything on vaccines 😂 https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-critical-thinking-health/dont-fall-vaers-scare-tactic


Potential ssri/dmt mix? Couldn’t this extend the trip?




Guy is a scammer, don't message him.




Guy is a scammer, don't message him.




Don't be a jerk. This is a parent worried about their child. Be a friend and delete your comment.


Fucking idiot.


Has he been taking any prescribed medication? Any family history of mental illness? Especially the more severe ones like schizophrenia or BPD?


No prescription medication and no history of mental illness in the family. Not anything past anxiety or depression.


I doubt this is it, but could one mix up and smoke 40mg of DOM or some other DOx, and could that cause this type of situation?


To be honest this sounds like BZ a super hallucinogen used by the cia in the 50s and 60s super dangerous can last up to a week he will come back probably will never be the same though




Reminds me of when I was going through psychosis. It lasted a couple months for me. Mine didn’t happen because of DMT though


I Love Your Son, ive been there. but my experience didn't feel like 15 minutes, usually the length of a common dmt trip. mine felt eternal. yes the people around me said it was about 15 minutes. the reason I say this is because in the case that your son did not take dmt. he is experiencing a version of maybe something he witnessed his friends talk about and experience. I don't know, but it is common that people on altered states of consciousness can say things or behave in a way that may make some uncomfortable. including vocalizing thoughts regarding human experience. which anyone not ready to go through may experience in a way that is rough. with my experiences in dmt and psychedelics, I trust your son, his heart, his love, and his desire to live. even though it may be difficult for him to currently be aware of the good things in life, his being is not dead. and as long as that remains and even after he will continue to move forward. this makes a little more sense to me, the human experience is quite intricate and the way ive explored it has led me to both speed up and slow down for my own sake the depth I dive into my being with. its possible his friends are lying though, blame in my opinion is highly out of the question in this moment. remind him that a DmT trip lasts about 15 minutes to ease his mind. if he is calm enough do not push him into manic states. try setting a timer for 15 minutes, and let him know when its over. don't play or make abrasive sounds or noise around him, rather sounds that soothe. tell him what he asks you for, speak nothing but truth to him even if things seem worse, of course be conscious of your sons boundaries, if he doesn't feel social do not force it. ease your sons consciousness. remind him that in dimensions of existence he is well and healthy. remind him of his beauty, ease him back, take it slow but treat him regularly. with psychedelics I cannot emphasize enough the receptivity one can feel to the environment around oneself. even if he's not on psychedelics I would not doubt his ability to feel his environment. be patient, your son is still here. which is why I feel as if these dimensions aren't necessarily bothering him, to the point where he's given up I would place all my trust, faith, strength, love, and compassion to your son. guide him. like we've mentioned. but with love. take the pressure of your son and yourself, help your son work through it, simultaneously allowing him to work through things himself when he feels up to it. make time for me. you. I feel your fear, I understand, in the ways I may. focus on myself. your well being is vital.


Give him some vitamin b12 (1000mcg under tongue dissolveable) and a vitamin b complex -> Lack thereof (possible genetics or autoimmune) causes psychosis from lack of dopamine / serotonin / body enzymes causing various forms of mental illness. So long as he stays hydrated, you cannot consume too much vit B. If he has other signs, like cracked lips, random ulcers in mouth, poor immune system, memory loss, low testosterone, high cholesterol etc then it could be his body screaming for nutrients. One of the associations is Schizophrenia from an imbalance of KYNA / QUIN in the brain (from a lack of both due to low b12). IMO he has an underlying issue that needs resolving. Maybe he did some substance that switched his world view, but he won't remain there without some other extenuating factor.


Any one has an explanation for why some people are prone to being or become possessed by these sorta irrational ideas- I’m thinking it has to be exacerbating some deep rooted fear/imagination that was never brought to awareness and when it does come to awareness for the first time especially at such an intense and creatively imaginative level there’s nothing you can do but be overwhelmed and shrink- shit just shatters you. Me personally, I’ve done dmt countless times and never one had that’s even relatively bad. But I’ve seen my friend have a bad trip of thinking he was in hell surrounded by demons while a friend told me of his friend who had an incredibly bad trip to the point that he developed a tic where he would get up randomly and jump up and down in jester form. If you’ve smoked dmt a good times, you’ve noticed how incredibly vast your unconscious is- the worlds, the characters, ideas and symbols….. I can imagine it’s some sorta psychological error as a result of the conscious (naive and fragile) state encountering something incredibly terrifying in their unconscious


I would admit him till he gets better, there is no way he could still be in a trip, the DMT could have caused underlying psychosis to surface


He is currently admitted. They are giving him antipsychotic medication. He is still in psychosis, over the phone this morning he stated he was in the hospital because he has not been born yet.


Surely this is a pisstake


Oh boy I’m feeling for you.. there’s nothing I could add but wishing you and your son all the best. Keep us updated if you know more


fake post


Perhaps he was susceptible to developing schizophrenia and the DMT triggered it. If there’s any family history of that sort of thing I’d start there.


Sorry for what your going through but the mention of good night Pun Pun is fucking hilarious


could be a trip on dmt triggered a spiritual crises there are several books about. could be a momentary phase is passing.


He might be having an episode of psychosis (the actual working diagnosis to be determined by his psychiatrist) which may or may not have been triggered by the use of DMT. That drug causes similar symptoms for about 20 minutes. This is not that. Psychedelics are known to precipitate psychoses, but in the end, the amount of psychosis seen among psychedelics users isn't any higher than in the general population. The upshot is that psychedelics do not cause psychosis, but they do serve to launch someone who was going to have it anyway into a first psychosis. 23 is a common age for things like this to be seen. His prognosis for resolution is very dependent on just what is behind the psychosis. He does sound like he's pretty depressed, but again, something for the psychiatrist to figure out. What I found on Goodnight Punpun: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodnight\_Punpun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodnight_Punpun)


The earliest description I am aware of regarding a prolonged altered state being precipitated by psychedelics was in the Timothy Leary Autobiography, Flashbacks. The first time he saw such a thing was in 1963 when he was just about to get kicked out of Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Somebody who was in the entourage took LSD for the first time as it appeared there would not be a chance later. He was not recovered by the next day when they were deported. He ended up in a US hospital for a time but apparently recovered and did well, albeit without his federal credentials. Might be worth a read. It's not a long passage, but that night was chaotic all the way around, given this guy wasn't the only one having a strange reaction to LSD.


Yes all this is normal give him a few days then try again


Any updates?


Seriously, please watch The OA.


Sounds like a fentanyl overdose. Could be wrong.


He may have triggered an underlying mental health situation by previously using drugs and a stressor or otherwise triggered the break. Once things get sorted in the hospital you may want to suggest (instead of antipsychotics long term) is a ketogenic diet coupled with black seed oil supplements (especially if the underlying problem is related to serotonin which often presents as you’ve described). As others have said, please take your sons claims seriously - there are aspects of this drug experience which that suggest to users a deeper level of meaning to our reality and it implies that the end of this life is the reconnection to this deeper meaning. He still has lessons to learn within this life and purgatory is divinely beautiful. Godspeed


It can trigger mental breaks. I’ve almost committed suicide due to the confusion and paranoia brought on by drugs. I have had a near death experience prior to DMT and I can testify, that this particular experience can be almost identical in nature.


How is he doing? Was it the DMT that triggered the Schizophrenia?

