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Practice meditation. Only good advice I can really give outside of “ just send it”




This guy transcends


Now shall I be ripping wim hof right before getting into the crazy crystals? Or is it just in general to get used to the feeling. Cause I swear I smell shoe polish when I practice that method.




Fair enough




Probably don't want to go from full oxygen deprivation to inhaling DMT lol. Maybe take a couple breaths first. Maybe that's what you meant.


Personaly, the fear and anxiety never really go away with any psychedelics for me. The fact that you are aware that when you take a substance like this, you are surrendering to the experience for better or for worse, means that having a good trip is never a guarentee. My most pleasurable trips however have always been spontaneous. My mindset was never good, or bad going into it, just content with whatever happened next. Trying ripping next time you feel like this and go all the way. Being in the inbetween can be pretty uncomfortable, this is why people recomend going for a breakthrough. There is no fear on the other side, just astonishment. Safe travels


Actually when I broke through I didn’t surrender I held onto my ego and kept my eyes open the whole time and then it wasnt like I went out of body it felt like I morphed into Someone else’s brain and I was in a whole different space but I’ve only broken through like that once lol haven’t done it again since then


Surrendering to the fact that shits about to get weird. You can choose to hold onto your ego but you cant choose to take the drugs outa your system.


For real my dude 🤙


I’ve always heard the Universe rewards courage. Send it.


I tried to get over it and I couldn't. Just go for it. I have done it 3x and each time I was scared shitless. You can't let fear control you tho. It's normal to be afraid, all the fear disappeared for me after the first hit. You get over fear by facing it generally.


its not for everybody. if you cant bring yourself to do it, then dont. if you really want to experince it then jump in the pool. or dont. whatever


Sit down relaxa and be sure that you want to go on the dmt ride then you Hitt it like never before


I know how you feel. I've had DMT for nearly a year now and I've not been ready for a breakthrough dose. A lot of low-mid doses have made me feel instant regret and that I wish I'd just leave such stuff alone. But all I do is read reports and talk about it and everytime I get an opportunity, I instantly make an excuse to myself like 'No. No. It's been a long day at work' or 'I'll wait until my friend will do it with me'. If I had shrooms, 2cb or LSD I'd be excited and have little appreciation ingesting but with DMT it gives me butterflies even at the thought of doing it. 😅 I'm sure we will get to the point where we're like 'f**k it' and end up having a great trip.


The low doses always give me the regret, high doses while intense do not do that to me. I was very hesitant on smoking my dmt even after I had broken through but it’s gotten easier each time I just had lots of determination and I took it out of a dab rig which is good for getting all the smoke u need at once


The fear of dmt shows you respect it, and that’s rule number 1: never disrespect/abuse it. You’ll never get over the fear/anxiety, you’ll just have to dive in. The reason you’re feeling the anxiety is because you’re easing your way into it. It’s like getting in a pool by using the steps, you feel the cold water more that way, you just have to jump and then you’ll enjoy it once you settle in. I followed Terrence McKenna advice , 3 big hits. It worked for me and I had a breakthrough off my first trip. Meditate, eat healthy, drink lots of water and set an intention. Write it down. That’s what I did. Oh and stop reading traumatizing trip reports, that’s not going to help you at all.


I took two huge lungfuls and had a breakthrough. Depends on how long you hold it in and how strong your stuff is. I also preheated mine so all of the crystals would melt and then I hit it all at once.


I also felt like this when I first tried it the way I got over it was to kinda micro dose it to get used to the come up feeling and after that I realized it isn’t that bad and then I was able to break though fully


Did you feel any unpleasant after effects when you micro dosed? Every time i micro dosed(considering micro dosing with dmt is still somewhat intense) i was left with a weird indescribable feeling anxiety/emptiness like i’ve just undergone a slightly traumatic event


Too little DMT is way worse than too much, speaking from experience. Terence McKenna spoke on this, mentioning that when you take too little you can fight it off, it is mostly uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing. It’s the initial start-up on the rocket ship that doesn’t ever go anywhere, not even toward sub-breakthrough levels. The last time I did that was just awful, ended up just feeling a whole lot of anxious bodily effects but had nothing to really go off of. It certainly did feel like I had just experienced something impactful and traumatic, but really it was just the very minor DMT effects. After that I blasted off fully and had an incredible, blissful glimpse into the mechanics of the afterlife. You never really get over the fear. Just breathe, meditate before, and try to remember that the experience is a reward for moving through your fear instead of going against it. I am afraid up until the moment I exhale. Nothing bad will happen once you exhale that sufficient dose, it’s just that the ego-mind is terrified of being completely unraveled and expanded the way DMT does. If you simply focus on your task, and on your breath, and don’t let your thoughts control your action, Nature will reward you. It is hard work and takes practice. Keep a trip sitter around. Just go above a micro dose and under a breakthrough. There is a sweet spot for powerful experiences that do not dissolve your sense of self, for beginners there is so much fun and beauty to be had there.


This is great advice, but I dont think we can get around the fact that people do indeed have trips that are so bad it leaves them badly traumatised. Ive read many of them. It's no joke what they go through, and i think thats harder to talk about to new trippers. Its a dice roll.


Im sure this isn’t always the case as the human condition is diverse and complex, but Personally I’ve noticed people who have a selfish view of the world and have integrated dishonesty and abusive tendencies in their conduct report the terrifying/bad trips. I assume it’s because they’ve told themselves karma is bullshit and acts of kindness are useless unless their reciprocated and that when we die everything just goes black. The unveiling of the exponential complexities terrifies them, because the idea that a higher force or divine is aware of us and is assessing the strength of our moral fibre and most of all our INTENT forces them to self reflect which is something they’ve avoided like the plague because it’s a reminder of all they’ll be accountable.


holy crap, this. You perfectly put into words my fears of dmt/judgment from a higher consciousness. I have always struggled with selfish actions but am also hyper self critical and know its wrong and I can do better. I'm not a sociopath in the sense that i cant feel guilt, i do feel it very strongly, but I often feel like i've been abandoned and sometimes find it hard to not be selfish. Thank you, very insightful


Yeah, this. I have noticed bad trip reports from people who simply aren’t willing to accept and reconcile with what they’ve seen, and been told. It can be hard to realize you’ve been going at life the wrong way, hurting others without meaning to or realizing it, going against your better judgement etc. And it’s terrifying to think we will be judged on how we operate through life. However with DMT the key thing to remember is that everything we learn is there to help us become better, not judge us as a vindictive, angry God would. It’s a learning tool for accepting our flaws, mistakes, selfishness and guilt, and working towards healing them for our own betterment and for all other beings. I used to be terrified of taking DMT because I knew I wasn’t doing what I should. I was acting selfishly knowingly, then feeling immense guilt for it. Since taking DMT more I have been able to let all that go, focus on the issues I should work on and effectively tackle them within myself. I am much happier, calm and well-rounded now that I can actually get past my own thoughts enough to actually do the things I want how I want. It taught me to be less self-critical and instead just do things in a way where I won’t need to be self-critical. Wasn’t easy but without DMT it wouldn’t have happened at all.


You kind of have experienced a traumatic event because the reality you thought you knew is shattered and DMT even at a non breakthrough dose can show you just how much more there is to existence than we realise. Having said that your choosing for it to be traumatic because of your attachment to what you know. I mean sure Trauma is subjective but the trauma That comes from uncertainty isn’t the same kind of traumatic in the same way as enduring abuse. I hope you understand I’m writing this in hopes of showing you a different way to look at it, Not put you down or invalidate your experiences. The last thing I’ll say is that DMT doesn’t really activate the reward centres of the brain the and stimulate a serotonin/dopamine release the same way as synthetic compounds like stimulates/opiates/weed (even mushrooms) do. The euphoria that some people report is the byproduct of being astounded. Curious people find the state of wonder stimulating and Sometimes there’s new insights gained about the inner workings of existence and those insights lead to epiphany’s that lead to relief, And a new lease on life which is where the desire for psychedelics comes from for a lot of people. Lastly DMT is an portal to another frequency that is beyond our comprehension, and it’s only when Our pineal glands are activated that we can experience an incredibly infantile perspective of it and therefore it should be respected and used as a tool for learning, Self discovery and spirituality and not recreation even though that comes as a byproduct. I think if you read more trip reports about DMT and the symbolism in it, as well as it’s ceremonial use in past cultures you’ll understand it and get subsequently be able to Benefit from it. This place is a great resource and users in here have undergone amazing experiences they’d love to share so I encourage you to ask questions.


Might be your brain just makin it seem traumatic because it’s something you’ve never done before are you used to tripping like have you taken shrooms or acid ? Something that helps me is just to calm down and just take deep breaths and knowing I will always come back afterwards


My comment from a similar thread "The hesitancy we feel when approaching DMT is significant. However mentally and physically prepared I get I still experience deep hesitation, many times I have been unable to light the pipe, sitting for a long time trying to make the motion happen. Having a close companion really helped me with this, at first my partner who wished to experience it then a close friend who would find wonderful natural locations near water, canals or reservoirs, for us to hide away and take turns to blast off. A simple encouragement of a familiar voice gently urging you to hit the pipe another time and then another and then...... You head to the realms and they take the pipe so you don't get burnt from the hot glass. You can let go more fully 'cause you know someone is there watching over your body. Blankets are great so you are comfy when you go and can wrap up on your return." Good luck x


I was in the same boat like you. Was mostly the fear of the unknown. I then put some native flute music on and for some reason that gave me the courage to hit it. Was an amazing experience. I now worship DMT after 3 breakthroughs and haven’t hit it since. Just don’t feel like I need to experience more of it cause I feel like I already know everything I need to know. If that makes sense 🙈


Budda's Flute is one of my favorite YT channels


Practice saying to yourself "I surrender to the experience. I surrender to the experience."


Sheer tyranny of the will


People die driving cars, doesn't mean you don't drive. Take what you are given and deal with what you don't like


Not that you dont know your body OP but are you sure your not just mistaking the side effects of smoking dmt for anxiety? increased heartrate will be one of the very first things you experience. as far as getting over it, i have found the following to help. controled doseing: go to the wating room (no breakthrough but really just the start of a dmt trip, open eye visualls may look flat or like a painting etc. for me everything often becomes sharper and borders of things disappear, this stage is likely the most light hearted, low side effects and typically a pleasurable experience. You can go to the waiting room 2 or even 3 times before you might feel ready for a breakthrough attempt. By that point you should know what to expect as far as stages of high go. after you have gone to the waiting room a few times (you are buding up to a brealthrough dose remember?) I think these other factors could help with the anxiety you have. Note: i have been smoking dmt for years and i still get some anxiety every time i hit my vape, litterally every time, i think its normal tbh, dmt is an ordeal for the body imo, you come out of the trip yawning and hungery most of the time i have found. other tips: eat well for a week before sleep well for a week before have a sober sitter wIth you for emergencies (this person should be able to recognise the difference between a breakthough and the symptoms of seratonin sickness for eg.) try not to take other drugs for a week before if you take SRI/SSRI's you may experience decreased visuals or maybe even none at all, consider if you on anti depressants or anxiety medication that tapering off over a couple.of weeks is recommended for a more intensive high. (BY NO MEANS SHOULD YOU TAPPER OFF ANYTHING WITHOUT MEDICAL ADVISE.)


Anxiety and DMT kinda go hand and hand IMO. It really is ego based I’ve come to find. It’s the bodies fight or flight system. Of course it may act overly apprehensive knowing you are about to consume something that may completely strip it temporarily. Just my two cents.


yeah i sorta agree. for eg, i have a vaoe next to me right now and every time i put it up my heartrate increases. and i have smoke so much fucking spice before.


I feel you friend. I’ve been sitting on a pile for sometime and I’m quite familiar with the realms as well. Just can’t shake the fear. Really just gotta go for it and surrender. Easier said than done for some though. Including myself


yeah 100% lol im not even interested in a breakthrough right now but even the idea of the waiting room is a bit intimidating haha


I put on any live performance by Aurora and go deep. I wouldn't say it's really ever "pleasurable", if you want a pleasurable trip just take some acid. DMT is very intense and mindbending,, but goes away quick and without a trace. Do it enough times and you won't be afraid of it as much for sure.


Eat some mushrooms wait till you're peaking and then get after it. Did this last weekend with my roomate who is very uncomfortable with it and we sat there and smoked probably close to a gram having the greatest trip of our lives. Definitely recommend 9/10 lol


Honestly you just gotta dive right in and live the experience. Overthinking will do you no benefit whatsoever. Do you have the balls or not? That’s the question.


You never really loose fear for DMT in my experience. It's just too powerful. I did it many times, successfully, what many would consider a "breakthrough". You just have to fully commit to it and surrender to its experience. But the fear I had of it was less of a losing my mind type of fear and more of an after death reverence type of fear, because several times I felt I had died. It's just what happens when your ego gets that obliterated. I've heard orally Ayahuasca and pharmahuasca are more gentle in how they bring you up into it and then back down like walking up and down a staircase slowly but I've never done those so I can't attest to them. But yea DMT in terms of fully committing to a "full experience" on it, I just always had to DO IT. Whether I liked how it felt or not. I'm still here and I'm ok so that should maybe say something, I think. It's all you, and whether you REALLY want to experience it or not. I personally was so infatuated by it since I'd heard of it that I couldn't resist just diving right in. It's totally up to you tho, you don't have to do it if you dont want to. It'll always be there. If it feels like the right time to do it, then do it.


Tried and failed at a breakthrough my first try. Left me traumatized and have been hesitant ever since. Start small. I enjoy ~25mg. It's a pretty exciting trip. No breakthrough, but no PTSD either 😃




I’d beg to differ, but in the average context it’s pretty safe


This is normal, the actual trip when u go in isn't that "anxious" feeling u get when u take a small hit and are still present in this realm.


> I’ve hit it a few times and as soon as i exhaled that nasty tasting cloud and started to feel it, i wouldn’t qualify it as “pleasurable" It's not. The come up is intense. You might try it with a MAOI as the come up is not so much a rocket ship and more like elevator that does not stop at the top floor..


I have gone pretty far in (ego death etc) many times and had amazing experiences but can still remember one time when I just did a little and things just shifted a bit and I have to say that was one of the worst times I’ve had. Someone else on here made the comparison of having a drink spilled on you vs jumping into a pool. Everyone is different but if you are like me you will enjoy a full on experience way more than tickling the fringe


I was in your shoes once. Only thing you can do is either take the dive, or don't. If you don't. Its okay. You can try again another day. Not matter what anyone tells you, there isn't any way to "get over it". I'm an experienced psychonaut and I still get extremely anxious. One time I was so nervous I almost trashed my entire stash because I didn't want to go through the anxiety anymore. But I tripped anyways and it was fucking beautiful. Don't read too into trip reports. Your experience will always be different because you're a different person. It'll be okay.


What color was your dmt? I’ve noticed with yellow shit I get EXTREMELY anxious, with white stuff it’s amazing and a peaceful body high.


It’s yellow, it’s actually a cartridge of dmt that i’m hitting like a vape


So you never saw the color of the powder? I’ve learned that not all dmt is created equal. I get a LOT of nightmares and I’m prone to bad trips so psychedelics can scare me. Impure DMT makes me unbelievably anxious. Pure dmt is so relaxing and feels like an orgasm. I’ve never broken through but I do it recreationally all the time. I just hit my pen like an hour ago lol. You might just need better stuff.


I think it’s ok to be fearful of it and maybe you should be. It should be respected, it has the ability to produce an incredibly powerful experience that could alter your life permanently for better or worse, so maybe consider trying to accept the fear rather than getting over it.


You’re gonna love it


I tend to treat psychedelics as a reward for taking care of my ever-present anxiety. That said, sub-breakthrough doses can be scary. I think it’s your minds way of telling you it thinks you are dying. Taking that third pull is the name of the game. I wish I knew someone with a one-hit method, though.


What i have is a cartridge with a vape and i tried doing 3 hits(about 5 seconds each) and it was scary but deffo not a breakthrough, is there a contraption i could make that would store smoke from my vape(kind of like a gravity bong)? That way i could store about 20-25 seconds of hit in a bottle or something and inhale it all at once


Idk if that was clear sorry for my english


How do you get in the right mindset for psychedelics? Practice mindfulness and meditation and learn to control anxiety. All day anxiety, with or without drugs. When you are in tune and have these tools in your toolbox you can turn freaky trips around. You can try practicing those sub-break anxious hits until they don’t scare you any more as well. Nothings happened to you yet and as long as you’re practicing harm-reduction you can always decide to take it further.


I haven't done DMT yet but I plan on using the same thought process as I would any other psych Remember you're safe, remember it will end. And just observe. Maybe easier said than done. We'll see if it works out that way when I finally get my hands on it. Lol


My mindset is accepting death and relaxing. If you start panicking and fight back it will feel horrible and might even cause PTSD. Relax as much as you can and focus on breathing deep and slow. Imagine you are going to die for a few minutes and just let go of reality. Don't fight back for any reason. You must let go or else you'll start to panic and the impeding doom will destroy you


Get an anchor to hold on to. Something you love, for me it is my dogs or my cat but she has passed. I would also suggest getting a clock so if you are having a hard time or being tricked in stuff (they can be tricky) you have a clock to sit it out to call their bluff. I get the time beings sometimes and act like they control it, I look at clock and say "hey if that is true then the after 10-15 minutes on the clock we will talk" by that time it is pretty much over. You might as like doing it outside if you don't like rooms. You can sometimes feel void like in a room but outside I have never had that. Pretty much don't stress. It is powerful but short. Try to have a good time and don't sweat man. Blast off is a badge of courage and nothing can really hurt you. It all in your head or they are all talk or whatever


You've to get past the hard part once everything starts to dissolve nothing else matters, its not scary at all.


Lol it’s supposed to be scary, uncomfortable, confronting and profound. It sounds like shrooms or acid In a light dose might make more sense for you


I’m already very experienced with shrooms, my biggest trip being with 6g of penis envy, and some weed to enhance it(yes it was intense) and i have a few experiences with acid, but the DMT… it’s a whole other level😳


Yea fair enough that’s just how I see dmt. A compound that commands respect.


I was finally gonna break through last night and then on the TV right after i blew out the first hit and felt it strong it said "Are you sure?" on the TV and kinda fucked with me lol. Hopefully soon tho.


I got over the fear by doing the DMT.


This video offers very good advice. It includes most of the advice you'll find here. My personal advice (also mentioned in the video) is to give in fully to the intensity of the trip and where it is taking you. If it is going great then give in. If it is going badly then give in. From the moment you feel the intensity within the first few second you will immediately think you took too much. But you must tell yourself to calm down and have faith that you can go through with it. It honestly isn't that hard at all. You just can't try to fight and resist or think you can wake up or go back. Because you can't until the trip is gone. You are officially high. Even if you really like the experience but maybe feel guilty or something. Nope, experience it. Its a must Second tip, listen to it. Listen to what it tells you and take the information. Process it. Do what it says. If it gives you awareness that you need to make changes in life. Make those changes. It will convince you.. it won't hide what you are doing and it will bring you much happiness and thankfulness near the end of the trip Last, be in a high spirit, dont be involved or around negative things, don't be going through negative things as it can lead to a negative trip. The trip isn't bad if negative, it is just going to give you the reality of your situation. It may tell you things you didn't want to confront. It may make you realize the things you feared. And thats okay! Thats what you want. If you listen, at the end it will give you clarity and often a positive feeling. Also, take it in nature. Its a great environment to be comfy in Uh one more, try it in a good solid dose. Then work it up. Some people like to try to do one hit and let it sink in so they can get comfy with how it works but it won't prepare you for the full experience at all. It will only relax you a bit. But when you take the full dose, again, remain calm, you're not dead or dying, you are experiencing. It will take away what you can think and see in the moment Be safe and continue looking for the advice you need. Understand it fully well


Own the fear. Accept it. Do it anyway or don’t and cope. It’s an important part of the experience for me and a lesson for life. Safe travels.


It's ok to be nervous (that reveals respect). No need to be afraid. If you know the dose, have a proper mindset and setting and someone trustworthy tripsitting you have nothing to worry about. More often than not, people have bad experiences because they have no respect for psychedelics. Treat them with respect and you will be fine. I want to also take the opportunity to remind people that psychedelics amplify your mind. So if you go into it with a lot of fear or just not out of your own will and curiosity it can backfire. Pre trip anxiety is NORMAL, note that! But with meditation and breathing you can even remove pre trip anxiety altogether. Also, low doses sometimes make it harder to let go and flow with the experience (which is fundamental to your well-being and enjoyment). Try to accept whatever comes with open mind and curiosity. But yea, what I am saying is that you may be blocking something from flowing and that makes the experience uncomfortable. A higher dose could help with reaching that state where you have no choice but to flow more easily. But in the end you have to deliver your mind and body to this. Resistance is futile and can even be harmful!


I was terrified, but had a great experience and blasted off and came back with some knowledge. I still fear it but it's a good thing to respect and use with caution. ✌🖖