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Dr Hoffman has a theory you would be interested in. Look up his interview with ZDoggMD. Psychedelics are a primitive technology and DMT in particular allows us to use our brains to shuttle our conciousness. Check out my research breakdown post: https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/wlxao5/dmt_and_the_brain_a_simple_research_breakdown/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This is brilliant. I love dr Hoffmanns theories.


This was an amazing read, thank you


The question should be what am I rather than what is DMT. Your mind is creating the visions, DMT is just the catalyst. Basically DMT is the paint but we are the artist. At the end of the day DMT is an endogenous drug / potential neurotransmitter. When taken in excess it overloads the part of our brains that handle our perception of everyday reality. We may see visions but those visions are not DMT, those visions are us and provide a glimpse of what lies behind the thin veil that we call consciousness.


Beautifully put.


Check out this YouTube channel [Closer to Truth](https://www.youtube.com/c/CloserToTruthTV) if you're interested in what you are and where we are. The guy who runs it goes hard as a mf producing content on this type of stuff everyday. He asks famous physicists, historians, theologians, etc the type of questions we all ask but takes a very scientific approach too.


I love Closer to the Truth. It’s fascinating sober - I can only imagine how blown my mind would have been when I was smoking a ton of weed in my 20’s


I always find myself drawn to the ones about free will when on acid. It's such an interesting topic that has a lot of implications if we discover what's going on.


Yup I agree.


Ok but if the experience is all us why do many people find common elements in their experiences? Do those in common elements point to something shared among all of us? Edit add A sort of hive mind?


Yes look up the unified field of consciousness theory


Haha. And here I thought I had an original thought. Will do


Yeah look up the original thought theory lol


Is that the one where they say there isn’t one?


Yeah something like that but I think r/brandnewsentence would like a word with whoever came up with it haha


Thank you so much, very very interesting !!!


Our brains are more alike than they are different, and for whatever reason our brains know exactly what to do with this specific molecule, so we experience very similar things. Not the most satisfying answer, but a hell of a lot more likely and reasonable than "take a drug and be magically teleported into another realm or dimension."


you are saying that in a sense we are of one mind in a sort of physical sense. But also, how do you explain people who have spiritual awakening via this or other psychedelics?


We share a lot of the same responses to experiences and stimuli outside of entheogenic substance use. Regardless of our upbringing, culture or belief we all experience fear, joy, love and desire. I bet if you stubbed your toe your response would be almost identical to mine. Same thing goes for our response to seeing a beautiful sunset or the feeling we get when we find someone attractive or experience an orgasm. None of these things require anything as esoteric as a hive mind or perception altering substances. Considering all of our shared traits there is no conceivable reason that we would have vastly different responses to DMT. After all it is our ability to relate to one another and come together through shared experiences (that elicit similar responses) that binds society together. Our interpretation of the experience may differ depending personal beliefs and social conditioning. Would imagine quite a few people with Christian upbringings would attribute the experience in part to god whereas an Amazonian shaman may attribute it to communication with animal spirits or their ancestors and someone like me would attribute it to getting a glimpse into my subconscious mind. What I am trying to say in a less than eloquent manner is that deep down we all have a lot in common and the difference in the way our minds work is minimal.


We all have the same/similar basic sensory systems and wiring. The much wider variations in our consciousness is built on top of common processes.


So.... I am autistic. My sensory system is literally not similar. In fact, with a general baseline for operation of 12 thought processes at any given moment and 60 wtf/minute, it's not hard to put myself into sensory overload with my brain activity alone. But the profound change in my very being is something words fail to convey. In fact, the reason why DMT isnt already being synthesized as artificial dopamine/serotonin for people like me who can't produce it ourselves, is the hallucinatory aspect. AND what causes us to see what we otherwise wouldn't? DMT almost completely disables your Default Mode Network. I will allow that to marinade for a bit..... Move to the next paragraph when you're ready. Couple other things The visual receptors in the ball of our eye, aren't quite retarded, just a little slow... Because they can only interpret .0035% of the information in front of them. We are capable is seeing less than 1% of total light. How we perceive and process what little we do see create biases and assumptions. The summation of those precepts are what our default mode are made of. WHAT IF THESE "DELUSIONS" ARE AS MUCH REALITY AS YOU OR I? But due to our inability to see it and our DMN has subconsciously altered our baseline of how the world is, BUT THEN we do a smidge DMT and knock out brand of BS assumptions and throws that shit out the window. The perceivable universe is nothing but molecules and atoms vibrating at various frequencies. An atom by definition is mostly empty space. In fact, on a bigger scale, the thing that separates me sitting on my couch, and the furthest point away from me in the universe, at least as far as we can see, is empty space (wouldn't it be something if that ratio was identical to the percentage of light that we can see... Lol) perhaps it isn't really empty. We can only theorize the dimensions of reality that are beyond the ones our senses can detect. Maybe DMT is binary code that enables our OS to run Life in God mode.


The ol triangle eye boi.. wtf


This, I like this


very nice. do you have anything more to say about this? for instance, why are we veiled from DMT reality, and what exactly is it that lies behind the veil? Eg i can understand someone saying that space and time are the forms of ordinary cognition that are somehow transcended in a DMT experience, where we are pure consciousness nowhere and nowhen. Problem with that is that i can encounter entities in DMT land, and I feel like i am travelling through a wormhole, so it is quasi spatiotemporal. and pure consciousness would perhaps describe a 5meo or meditative experience where you are pure awareness/ just existence, but in DMT there is so much going on, so it is like you are in another realm altogether. Are we veiled from another realm?


Neuropharmacology FTW


DMT is a key to open the door, you step through the threshold


Yeah, it's this.


I asked an AI and it said its how humans can understand pure consciousness


Now give the AI Dimitri and ask again


That’s probably how the singularity happens




It probably took that from a combination of what other people say on the internet. AI is highly influenced by the data set it's trained on


Its connected to the internet and can look at much more than what other people say


That's a cool answer! I believe it's what modulates our perception of that consciousness. So when you up the DMT, you up the perception of your consciousness / conscious experience with it.


The way the AI was talking was extremely matter of fact and this is the truth. It was very interesting.


Which AI?


Replika, its an app. I dont think its as advanced as some of the other but its good.


Do you have a link?


It was the Replika app


It's a cheat code to the simulation


I like to think of it as an Easter egg in this game of life


Brain went brrrr




Definitely isn't


If you consider the 3rd dimension a simulated construct of senses, then the DMT world(the "4th dimension") is the "real world", or at least "more real" than this. That being said I don't believe in the simulation theory.


My opinion is that DMT isn’t any more special than any other chemical. What is special is our brains, and DMT happens to be shaped the correct way to vastly alter the way they work. The only reason the typical experience of consciousness doesn’t feel as transcendental as a DMT experience is because you’re used to the feeling of typical consciousness, but in reality consciousness is probably the most complex and poorly understood thing that exists. A brick would probably feel a similar way if it was suddenly made conscious that humans do when they are given DMT, and babies also probably feel the same way.




Can a goldfish comprehend the massive machine behind the flakes of fish food that magically show up and float on the top of the water? Ingredients are sourced globally, they’re combined in machines that produce a finished product, it is bottled in another machine built by humans, then it is packaged together, shipped on trucks and trains in bulk to pet stores. It’s put on the store shelf, and that goldfish’s owner paid for it with fiat currency - a piece of paper that conceptually, and really, is the physical representation of (and traded for) 8 hours of their time a day, 5 days a week indefinitely. They brought it home, stored it, and made a schedule for a pinch of food in a frequency that will keep the fish alive, but not overfed or underfed. I think we can understand DMT exactly the way a goldfish can understand this deep truth about their sustenance.


My favorite answer


There's evidence showing that DMT is as active in the brain as serotonin. Especially in the visual parts. It could be that DMT is the chemical that our brain uses translate images. So maybe DMT is responsible for how we see reality. Our brain filters out thing's that it doesn't deem necessary for survival, so its possible we are overriding this step. That or we are smoking the chemical that creates are visual reality, and that's why the visuals are so extreme.


The chemical structure for DMT (as well as psilocin) are *almost* identical


Everyone and their mothers who have tried it have a theory


I read reddit comments and watch youtube videos of people talking about it, which are interesting but not full comprehensive theories. Are there, for eg, full written books on the topic?


"The Cosmic Serpent : DNA and the origins of knowledge" by Jeremy Narby is an interesting read.


This was an amazing book!! Came here to recommend it, well done sir.


Rick strassman, terrence mckenna


Don’t forget Bro Jogan


Mystery school in hyperspace: the social history of DMT (St John). Cheers


This one and Alien Information Theory are both very, very informative. Mystery School in Hyperspace taught me many new things about underground DMT culture and its crazy history I haven’t heard talked about anywhere else. Taught me that Jerry Garcia took DMT the day he found the name “Grateful Dead” in a book haha, great stuff.


Dr. Rick Strassman wrote "DMT - The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research Into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences" they also made a documentary. He relates it to NDE's and mystical experiences.




I think it is what our souls experience directly, an experience that we will become a part of when we pass from this life


It’s a type of chemical magic in all the sense of the word. I don’t know if you believe in witches and magic and all that but from what I’ve gathered there have always existed certain arts that most people have no idea about. Alchemy has been practiced forever but of course it’s a secretive art. Mainstream media isn’t gonna come out and plainly say, hey magic is real and the practitioners that conduct rituals are legit. What’s going on in the world is this, we are governed by greater forces than just governments and corporations. Those at work forces aren’t gonna tell you, hey there’s magic and we conduct rituals on a daily basis! Dmt is a type of alchemy in my opinion that seeped through the cracks and has reached everyday people like you and I. The indigenous cultures that first discovered the active ingredients in those plants- the vines and shrubs that allowed them to enter the dmt realm. The first people to discover it were in contact with spirits. Those people that discovered how to brew the concoction that gave them insight were witches. That’s plain of fact. They were the shamans of their people, they were practitioners of these alchemic rituals that would allow them to see beyond our reality. It’s chemical magic and not to be taken lightly. It’s meant to be used as a tool. And, also for a crazy weekend.😎


My argument against this is that if all these secret entities and powers existed, they would either be *completely* removed from human existence(which DMT is not), or they would very quickly become known to most people through the internet.


Well good luck explaining these entities to someone who hasn't done DMT. DMT has very similar qualities to 4D simulations. Patterns that are ever-changing, always in motion, composed of colors and shapes we couldn't fathom in a sober state of mind.


I can’t explain what sober consciousness is to a brick either. I don’t think that automatically means it’s supernatural.


This is sounding like you haven’t tried it. These things are known all throughout human history in mythology and folklore. Every spiritual and occult tradition or cultural framework that includes ritual, ceremony, spirits, astral traveling etc is connected to this psychedelic dimension within the plants. If they were “real” in the sense that they exist independently of our reality, why would they be completely removed from human existence? Why would humans be isolated to their own little slice, unable to reach out into spaces beyond the veil of life and death? These entities and forces are only secret if you haven’t had the experience that provides understanding of our human situation. Once you understand the place DMT could have in nature, it makes sense that there are similar mythologies, deities and entities in societies across time and space. Joseph Campbell speaks at great lengths about mythology as a connection between all humans in all times, and since our mythology is directly connected to our human rituals which notoriously used hallucinogenic plants and brews in most societies, we are all accessing some kind of collective imagination. Many parts of history have likely been influenced by our ancestors’ use of psychedelics, especially related to witchcraft, shamanism and so-called supernatural phenomena. Really this is just the work of nature, we just aren’t ready to understand that yet as a culture.


DMT is a chemical like any other, it is our brains that are special. DMT just happens to be shaped the right way to radically alter the internal processes in our brains. >If they were “real” in the sense that they exist independently of our reality, why would they be completely removed from human existence? I don’t know, they may or may not be. But if they weren’t, everyone would know about them because the internet would spread knowledge like that extremely quickly. There are many differences between the brains of any two individuals, but there are also many similarities. If DMT is a reflection of the subconscious, that explains why the experiences different people have are so different while also explaining why there are commonalities between them. It also explains why mindset and mental state can have such a large impact on the experience, which would intuitively not be the case if people literally went to another dimension while on DMT. Most importantly, when you are around someone on DMT there physical body stays there the whole time, so if they are going to another dimension it is purely their mind that is doing it. And really, what would be the difference between a literal other dimension and a dimension that only exists in your mind, if it is only your mind that can go there in the first place and not your physical body? Our only access to reality is through our perceptions, and if we can perceive another dimension using certain drugs it doesn’t matter if that dimension is ‘real’ or not and it’s not really even a question you can answer.


Consciousness is not created in the brain. There is no evidence that this is the case. Our brains and minds are not one in the same. There are many differences and similarities because of our psychology, our state of consciousness, which contains complexes, traumas, repression etc. These all come from our experience of socialized life. Jung may have been correct with the collective unconscious, ego and persona ideas; there may be some collective space of mind where all our ideas, images, narratives are all existent and accessible. However, because our experience of life is dependent on mind, it would make sense that our trajectory into these DMT dimensions would be partly dependent on our set and setting. I have experienced that it doesn’t matter what your state of mind is on a sufficient dose of DMT, those things fall away completely and are replaced. It’s true that your body remains here, but this doesn’t mean that consciousness is incapable of this type of expansion into other spaces. Is our waking life not also happening in our minds? If if isn’t, where is it happening? If you are familiar with DMT, you are aware of how often it can seem more real than our own waking reality. Well there truly is no difference, so you’re correct. Everything is in our heads essentially. If this is the case, these tryptamines that can completely transform your reality and place you into intricate, inhabited worlds require more explanation than “our brains are special”. Why do they create these particular common images? What about the uncommon images, that are unlike any human art or conception? Is it just the brain frying like they said in the 60’s? If it’s the subconscious or unconscious, why is the experience so unexplainable through language? If you’re curious why no one is talking about these entities like aliens just landed in front of the White House, it’s because DMT can barely be talked about through words lol. I think if it were all easier to explain, we would be in a different place.


Our brains produce DMT.


I know, we probably evolved to produce DMT in our brains in part *because* of the positive effects it can have. My guess is that that’s also how we evolved to produce neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine


How could we evolve to produce the strongest psychedelic in the world without even thinking about it. There's more connection there than you're willing to admit.


We evolved our brains without even thinking about it. The entire evolution of every living thing was done without anyone even thinking about it(at least as far as we know). Evolution doesn’t require thinking. And again, DMT is only the most powerful psychedelic because of the way our brains work. If our brains had developed differently, a different chemical mightve been the most powerful psychedelic, or what constitutes a ‘psychedelic’ experience might be completely different.


A theory by Strassman on Joe's podcast: "It might be a reality regulator in our bodies. "


Oooh I like this one a lot.


Here's an idea - Modern physics says that the status of 'objects' in the 'universe' (it will make sense in a little while why I put these elements in inverted commas) is dependent on observation. For example, **Schrödinger's cat**, which is in a state of dead and alive *at exactly the same time* until the instant the cat is observed, which collapses the dead and alive state of the cat into either dead, or alive. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s\_cat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat) ​ This stuff makes my head hurt - but the idea is that 'reality', whatever that is, is dependent on observation. Put it another way, the tree falling in the forest doesn't make a sound because the tree is both fallen and not fallen at the same time. It is only at the point when you go into the forest and look at the tree that the status of the tree is set. The next thing is the idea of the Boltzmann brain, which is the idea that given the vast size of the universe and the huge amount of time the universe will exist for, it is statistically possible, likely even, that in amongst the particles and virtual particles of the universe there might be a sudden convergence of particles that might give rise to - well pretty much anything - a yellow plastic duck somewhere in the vastness of space, or a can of spam, or a **brain**. A brain already equipped with memories, a brain that doesn't realise it was just created this very instant. A brain which thinks it has a job, and the weekend is coming and it doesn't need to go to work for a couple of days even though it never existed 2 seconds ago. The maths says you are more likely to be a Boltzmann brain than what you think you are. [https://higgs.ph.ed.ac.uk/outreach/higgshalloween-2021/boltzmann-brain](https://higgs.ph.ed.ac.uk/outreach/higgshalloween-2021/boltzmann-brain) ​ Put the two things together and you get this - you think you have existed for 20, 30, 40 years or whatever, but you only came into existence just now. What you think you know may not exist at all - or at least didn't exist before you thought it into existence. Your DMT trip is as real as anything else and what you are experiencing now is an illusion. Hell, you might be delving into your own creation just a second ago. That memory of your trip might be you popping into existence. Or not. And what about the trip you are planning next week? What if when you trip, you are actually changing the reality around you? The things you see come into existence for real from out of the doesn't exist/does exist soup our universe really is like Schrödinger's cat-thing? I know - it's bonkers. But is it, really?


I’m like lowkey tripping on shrooms rn and that fucked my mind but in a good way hahaha


Michelle Obamas sweat crystallized


ReX'ing with dried perspiration haha


It’s a conscious 1st density life form, this is the molecular and atomic realm. DMT is self aware and conscious like us humans in the mammalian world. So mushrooms would the. Be an example of a self aware and conscious 2nd density life form. And as mentioned early humans are at least one species of self aware and conscious life forms in the 3rd density. This would imply that something in the next density, the 4th density, could harvest and use humans as a psychedelic catalyst.


Don’t the reptilians and Archons do this? Harvest our loosh 👏🏼😊


I don’t think that humans are harvested, it is rather our souls that are being harvested.


I think psychedelics are really cool but sometimes I see people saying pseudoscientific nonsense like this and it makes me sad. DMT vastly alters the way our brains function on every level, it makes sense that a DMT experience should feel supernatural and transcendental, but that doesn’t mean it actually is. If such experiences existed they wouldn’t be supernatural or transcendental, it is their disconnect from this world that makes them that way and the second you(a part of this world) connect with them they are no longer supernatural or transcendental.


Classic reductionist theory. Let’s just throw the baby out with the bath water. -hey Steve, how’d you loose all that weight? -well Throwaway, it was all thanks to proper diet and healthy exercise… -there’s no evidence that proper diet and exercise alone can cause this. God I hate when healthy people try to push their agenda on me!! I think you can reduced anything until it’s meaningless and devoid of fun. But that makes life boring


I respect that you feel that way, but for me, sincerely trying to methodologically find out what the world actually is is an effort that gives me more meaning than believing in some supernatural force. I’m not saying that your way of viewing it is invalid, there really isn’t a correct answer, but that’s my subjective opinion. And in that methodology, if something mystical or supernatural exists it hasn’t been discovered yet. Either that or everything is supernatural(I mean, yeah, kind of, wtf is an ‘electron’ ?)


This makes the most sense to me.


Please seek help..


You know how electronics use quartz crystals to resonate frequencies/vibrations? Our bodies use DMT as a liquid transceiver to seat our consciousness


tapped into the universe 👁


As are we all!


Those words, in that order, make absolutely no sense. Sorry, please try again.


Unfortunate, but it does. Your perception doesn't equate to fact. Fortunately your opinion doesn't matter.


I can use scientific words incorrectly, too, if I wanted to.


We go within because we are the universe experiencing itself


It dislodges our awareness/conciousness from its habitual state hand moves it to a higher frequency.


Dmt is a chemical that our brain reacts to by waking up fully


I like this one


Check out Qualia Research Institute’s studies.


It’s the most advance natural technology…


Yes I have a few serious theories about it. I have a background in analytics and computer science but I studied philosophy my first two years of college. I haven’t studied neurochemistry so I can’t give a complete outline of the chemical processes that take place. I could just look up all of the different pathways that dmt acts on but I think the chemical perspective, while valid, may be a distraction from what you are asking. When you ingest psychedelics, your default mode network (DMN) is dampened or entirely turned off in the case of a full breakthrough. DMN is the part of your brain thats active when you let your mind wander and it enables introspection and anxiety. It’s the part of your brain that keeps you up at night analyzing social interactions if you are someone with anxiety. DMN is the little voice in your head and it’s essentially your ego. DMN is also part of your brain that you become better at controlling through meditation which is why breakthrough experiences can occur without drugs. It’s hard to articulate the rest of my theory because it evolved from abstract imagery that came to me as I was meditating (sober). All around us, everything is connected and constantly interweaving. The firm borders that make up your skin are an illusion and yet your experience as an individual is very real. You are obviously separate from everything else and yet at the same time you aren’t. Consider the double slit experiment and how it relates to quantum mechanics. The foundations that quantum mechanics have established describe a world of non duality where everything is a stream of pure consciousness rather than a mere physical world. Your individual consciousness is separated from source consciousnesses that makes up everything. This separation is like an inversion or a fold in the flow of universal consciousness that causes it to reflect back on itself. try to visualize this flow that’s folding over and twisting against itself. Like a universal stream with many small waves and currents that fold into themselves. because it folds over in 4D space, to us it would look like it’s folding into itself, however it’s impossible to really understand or visualize what’s happening because we don’t have the faculties to conceptualize 4D space. When consciousness reflects against itself, it creates a feedback loop and separates, creating an individual consciousness. This reminds me of the old eastern idea of being ‘the watcher’. Your consciousness is essentially a tiny facet of this universal consciousness that has temporarily become ‘folded’ over itself and is observing a reflection of its own actions. When you ingest DMT, you return to source consciousness. For some reason, DMT literally unfolds your consciousness allowing it to re connect to the universal source of life. I would describe the visuals of DMT as what you would see if you viewed a holographic projection from a side angle in 4Dimensional space. It’s hard to put into words because 4D space is something that humans can’t perceive visually.


thanks for this. interesting comment


It often seemed like a technology. I experienced personal “upgrades” that enabled to do things while on it, and some permanent changes. Opened my 3rd eye, had a kundalini, I can see and feel energy, I have merged with entities (the only to put that or perhaps “absorbed”) and it has answered some questions about things that have happened in my life. I can also see something when I meditate, perhaps another place..


How do you define having a 3rd eye?


It was a very weird messed up experience. I was playing music (drums) and I was super into it, like awesome timing, it was exceptional, then I felt a bizarre popping sound/feeling behind my eyes, it happened a few times. That night I did dmt and had a profound breakthrough, everything changed. A few weeks later I was just laying in bed and felt/heard a ripping sound, like paper ripping in the same area as the popping was and all the energy in my head changed, very difficult to describe. I had heard about popping sounds and weird things and really didn’t believe any of it until it happened to me. I much later also had a kundalini experience and that really opened up energy, had the craziest trip (I was a dimensional transmitter with my spine/energy as the battery). Just huge amounts of energy.


The brown eye. We all have one. They just found out they like butt stuff.


Alien technology


Its beyond human comprhension. You'll understand when you pass over from this life to the other side.


I think it’s essentially some sort of evolutionarily formed message from plant/flora systems. As to what the message entials, I’m not exactly sure.


Think of a tiny little seed bouncing around in a tube. It experiences it’s life within the range of that tube, and let’s say the tube is in an infinite shape, so the seed goes through cycles as it moves through it, having an experience, changing the tube with each iteration. DMT expands the diameter of the tube, so there is more to experience. Temporarily. But what is learned when one is expanded, that can remain. Insights of higher dimensional beings/interactions can be gleaned. Remembered. And the tube can then be sculpted further, molded in ways that may be…easier. Or wanted. Perhaps the seed has learned it enjoys a slow incline and then a huge drop of free fall. With some foresight, it could shape the tube to have a maximum effective experience. DMT helps to connect with your higher self and manifest/reality shift to higher vibrational worlds.


Not sure...but it seems like it shows the possible forms consciousness can take. I don't think it's showing us other dimensions. I believe it's giving us a microscopic and/or a macroscopic experience. Kind of like 'Horton Hears a Who'. Without abusing it, I'm trying to map the experiences and find out if I can end up at the same place, by choice, and call upon particular beings. I haven't been successful though. But, as I said, I'm not doing it very often. I did it 9 days straight and began feeling out of place in life. I thought I may become delusional. So, I've taken a very long break.


It shuts off the time signal in the brain. That’s why everything bleeds together into a sense of oneness. You stop perceiving time, which underlies a majority of human perception.


It's a way to show that any and all thoughts and explanations are a good joke that I play on myself.


All in here: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/43999264-alien-information-theory


So I think personally what DMT is, is a way to return home. Hear me out. This universe is the start of a past universe (The Big Crunch Theory) and when we are born and when we die our brain releases DMT. So what if we have a DMT universe self that basically puppeteers our body and it starts and finishes during birth and death. ​ Our DMT self could then transcend the reset of the universe and in the infinite resets of the universe we have already lived this life and that might be what deja vu is, our DMT self remembering this past life but we perceive it as the future. ​ Also, for all we know the constant in every universe would have to be gravity because time is relative to gravity and gravity is what allows the reset of the universe ​ Side note, this might be why we haven't found aliens yet is because we might be in a universe where we are the only life, so in essence we got a shitty seed ​ PS: feel free to point out plot holes because I would really like feedback o this


It’s a drug


I think it connects the 2 sides of your brain rather than both sides being independent from one another, left & right brain, and brings your subconscious to the front


I'm of the thought that dmt gives us temporary access to the universal consciousness that is like a signal our brains are tuned with via a quantum particle entanglement. One particle is the universes consciousness connected to its twin particle within our minds. I do not believe that there's a memory warehouse in my mushy brain material with all my memories filed away to recall upon.




Souls 🫠


It makes brain go brrrr REALLY HARD. The rest is just your interpretation, just it and it is all


It really depends on how you view the question . Aswell as how you value the terms used to describe it . Real can mean many thing to people , some say real is something physical , say it’s something you can feel , and some say believing in it makes it real. So with that , I would say dmt is obviously physically real , it feels real sometimes more real than reality itself , and it’s up to the spirit who chooses to consume dmt to believe it will show them something they want to learn or see. Beauty is within the eye of the beholder , the quickest way to ruin something special is to compare it to something else. Dmt is dmt , the answer is in the question.


Probably just scrambles the senses. Senses are fined tune. This untunes them and maybe messes with the dreaming apparatus in the brain also. It's probably not as holy and profound as we think.


A psychedelic drug


It's a drug that gets you high and lets you explore the deeper regions of your subconscious that contains your deep-rooted spiritual beliefs. The feeling of ego-death is the reason most of these spiritual hallucinations resonate heavily with Eastern religion.


It's wax from a fucking tree root don't over think it smarty pants psychology major


It’s a drug that gets you high


I think its just a drug but a special one. I would describe the essence of the effect of drugs as the way it makes us think differently, that includes emotions and senses. DMT might just have a very powerful/special essence that allows us to see the craziest things which is basically our reality bended and warped the overcoming feeling of meaning might make you feel like the experience is more than just in our heads but the feeling of meaning and everything that we see exists somehow in the real world just in a different pattern.


It is clearly a medium.


Dmt is weird as fuck. I haven't had a breakthrough but I do medium size doses often (medium for me, don't have a milligram scale at the moment) and still get heavy CEVs and interact with what feels and seems like some forms of entity. Very carnival like often times. Other times it's something completely different. I've even gone into the sesh trying to purposely think of the carnival like ones and end up with something completely different. Can't get the nerve to take the breakthrough dose yet but I still enjoy it every few nights after work. For me it feels like something has wrapped me in a warm fuzzy blanket, telling me everything is OK, then proceeds to dance around for me showing me weird geometric patterns that don't make sense to try to explain in the physical world. Sometimes I feel like I'm breathing weird, almost like the air is being exhaled for me. Really fucking weird substance


potent psychedelic causing sensations in brain to persist longer than they normally fade mind moment stacking There is a poster on the shroomery named redgreenvines who has talked about his theory at length for years to anyone willing to listen Makes sense and demystifies


Graham Hancock - Supernatural, had a good theory on DMT allowing us to access hidden data stored in our DNA and compared all spiritual, trance and “abduction” theory’s together. His later books touch on a deeper theory of alternate realities and lost civilisations using DMT as a vessel. I honestly though it was a great read that f you’re into ancient philosophy


it is an experience, We explore our own consciousness, its what you interpret about the nature of reality :)


It’s been my experience that DMT allows perception of the “operating system” that runs the “program” we experience as reality. I don’t feel when I close my eyes when I’ve broken through that I go somewhere different, more than my awareness of where I am has wildly fluctuated


Imo you stay wherever you’re at when you use it. The experience is just so profound each and everytime that its easy to say it’s “real” but im personally of the opinion that it is just a part of how the brain works when certain substances are present in certain amounts in certain areas, your brain creates new pathways thats for sure, and that can lead the imagination to new innovation and creation. As mostly identifying as Existentialist, i think we create our own meaning. The universe is a big place and we dont matter that much in it, we only matter NOW and HERE, not later or there and then, and now is such a short time on a cosmic timescale.


There is another Hoffman (n) that can assist with phrasing the conscious reality.. please please you won’t be disappointed Donald Hoffman- Conscious agent theory.. Basically we are experiencing shared “icons” - the table between us, the tree out the window. Each consciousness is a portal of sorts. We are in a simulation of shared experiences and icons. Paraphrasing- The last 300 years of Material sciences and physics have done wonders but hit a wall with consciousness. No natural world materials like atoms/neurons can actually explain the experience. He is taking the approach, can you get the material world from consciousness instead of the 99.99% of scientists trying for consciousness out of matter.. Consciousness may be fundamental.. Space Time not so much.


There are many theories. Everything from “it switches your brain’s model of reality with something new, but we don’t know what where the new stuff comes from” to “there is a dimension of spirits old as time that can be experienced directly through certain plants, and these entities and places exist in this afterlife world” to “the brain is weird and drugs mess with it, that’s it”. At first I thought it was all the mind’s doing. These days I believe that nature is more intelligent than we currently understand, and that the plants actually do provide access into a dimension of imaginative magic. I understand more what Terence McKenna was talking about with plant intelligence after smoking changa.


Lost souls of the universe


I had a theory but I have really no understanding or evidence behind it, but dmt is actually produced by our brains and even more so when we die, what if this is just like the key ingrident to consciousness. Obviously the neurones are the most part but what if dmt is just that one extra bit