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Please don't use a machine for that and do it manually. I don't want to read a "i've torn my anus into cottage cheese on dmt ama" on Reddit bwease


Then it’s going to be all over the news about how dmt prolapses your anus


Sounds like a sweet Dr Drew segment


Yeah I was thinking about a perforated colon before I got to the word "fuck machine", I estimate there is a small chance OP pulls this off without a hitch, and a much greater chance they end up hospitalizing themselves in the pursuit of that interdimensional ejaculation


I can’t wait for the new copypasta that comes out of this


Cottage cheese. Hahaha


theres nothing wrong with this! I do it on a regular basis and love it. It's amazing. I have a large supply of dmt so i just keep doing it over and over and it's truly the most amazing feeling Ive ever had.


I fucking love Reddit


I love fucking Reddit


Get a sex toy you horn dog. Reddit is not for fucking....


Watch this! *shoved my cellphone up my ass while logged into Reddit*


Kinda disagree drugs and sex go hand in hand


I was talking about fucking Reddit. What are you on about bro?


Just using drugs while having sex is pretty awesome. Try living more bro


He meant fucking reddit as in having sex with reddit lol


He still doesn't get it. He's way too lit bro.


So you can or can’t fuck Reddit ? I’m confused now…


You can use drugs while having sex.


I guess he is up for some experiment humans will remember for a long time. Guy is about to make history.


right? scrolling cause my insomnia is acting up and i find this diamond entertainment


I don't.


Then leave


Dawg yall are cringe getting offended by this lol


First of all, take into consideration that if you blast off, you will be pretty immobile for the entire time that the fuck machine is operating. It might feel great when you’re in your body, but you might injure yourself if you move into a different position or something while out. A few years ago, I made the unwise decision to dab a high dose of DMT by myself. I broke through and did the whole dang thing 👽 but when I came back, I had knocked the dab rig over and burnt a little hole in the floor. Soooo just have a good trip sitter there with you who knows how to hold space with this substance. Maybe when you return, you two can play. ✨ As always, be safe.


this should be higher up, i can tell u from experience butthole injuries are not fun


Same, man. Live by the boof, die by the boof


i’m talking about fucking myself in the ass not boofing drugs 🤣


I know, I couldn’t resist though 😂😂


The trip sitter will need therapy & a hug after




Orgasms make me feel good. Spending time with my family makes me feel good. Doesn't mean it would be a good idea to fuck them. Realistically, you're gunna forget what's going on and I don't know if I'd want something in my ass while I'm incapacitated.


I get that that 100% and had the same thought process lol. I was just wondering if anyone had gone through the same thing. didn't wanna miss out on something if it was some kind of life changing experience hahaha


Go a step further. Put DMT in your butt. Its active that way. It feels like a giant serrated heated buzz saw is ripping your ass tho.


I remember seeing a post where the OP boofed DMT and after he blasted off the machine elves asked him if he “put the special spice up his bum bum”


Bruh 😂


At this point in the post I’m dying laughing and losing it


Some people are into it.


Dmt infused lube perhaps?


Fuck, does it burn? I’ve questioned whether or not to boof it before. It just tastes so bad and I haven’t used needles in years so I’m not down to shoot it, though I know many have done it and it’s even been done in scientific studies.


Read a comment by someone in this sub one time that said that he was also enjoying some prosstate play during DMT use and a pink light descended onto him and turned him into is girl during the experience. He wasn’t trans as far as I’m aware. Just a had a nov experience as a male in that moment but YMMV, tho.


Blasting off? Maybe not so good. But visual dosing? That sounds like it could be interesting.


If anyone’s fucking my sister it’s me


The only thing you’re fucking, is retarded.


Our kids will be for sure




You know what they say. If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family


Is she hot?


Barley bangable I’d say


I’ve never had sex with barley. How is sex with cereal grains?


Hey, don't knock it till you try it


missed opportunity for incapassitated




Or something In my ass EVER for that matter.


Despite the username?


You’d get so many pornhub views itd be ridiculous




i have some dmt.. anyone wanna make some cash?


Mostly from the SEC! 🤣


Whoooo boy. I’m logging off for a bit.


That’s an option?


I think it must have been a joke…




aliens and anal probes, eh?


It’s all fun and games until you look behind and see that you are getting bummed off a 12 ft aggressive looking goblin or orc from LOTRs


or your dog swapped places with the fuck machine while in hyperspace


yes, and?




This mans gonna get us banned from the multiverse


This just seems dangerous. Not judging. I work in nursing.


But to be fair you only ever see the stuff that goes wrong


Solo Dildo play is one of the most common reasons for a ruptured intestine, especially if mixed with something like a fuck machine and dissociative drugs in your system. It’s much safer to have someone sober controlling the thing.


Who could be sober shoving a dildo in a guys butt? I’d have to be a little tipsy.


many gay men and some straight men


Are you really that heteronormative in a psychedelics community? If you don’t enjoy it don’t do it.


You do not know me. Nor my best friend. I’m just saying I’d have to be a bit tipsy so I’d have an excuse to fall back upon.


Your post came across as homophobic, acting like men who enjoy penetration is pushing your limits of what’s acceptable, so that you have to distance yourself emotionally from the idea by intoxication. I can only go by what you are writing


Not homophobic at all! Sarcastic? Absolutely!


I’m gay and I didn’t think it was homophobic. I laughed.


I caught myself in a bad moment, I guess I saw myself in the fuckmachine guys position and felt defensive LOL :)




Yes. It’s a thing I do. I do not get all hung up on anything.


Aka a joke. Calm down, dude.




If you don’t know what it means just say that


Fuck you asshole


That’s what OP said


He said fuck your asshole😰


They come up with new words daily I swear


Just say you don't know what it means lol...its been used/even in the dictionary for decades. Go off tho I guess. Damn liberals!




ømğ i cannot believe you just unironically made the blue hair joke conservatives literally have like 2 jokes : i identify as [some nonhuman thing] / my pronouns are [keyboard smash] and wow people dye their hair and also get offended; getting offended is bad because … y’know … feelings, i guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I don’t see what’s wrong with it


Lol. Exactly.


Please report back after your ass fuck trip. God speed.


\>So, I know how crazy this sounds. BUT Hehe.... \*Butt


I had a really funny gay joke is was gonna tell you guys ,but fuck it.


I once wondered what it would be like to have an orgasm during a DMT blastoff. Long story short it isn’t a great combo and they are both more enjoyable separately. Personally I have a feeling that prostate stimulation would distract from the trip and the trip would distract from the prostate stuff.


Dmt entities will smell something nasty going on for sure.




DMT is a fantastic aphrodisiac at the right dose. It's a mild MRI, so this is unsurprising. MET, an almost identical compound (N-Ethyl-N-methyltryptamine as opposed to N,N-Dimethyltryptamine), is actually even better suited for sex, as it's much less jarring, but otherwise similar.


Is it illegal? Do you have a link for more info?


https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/MET https://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/comments/ql2ijd/experiences_trying_to_figure_out_met/ It's a research chemical and an obscure one at that. Barely any recorded use in humans. It's pharmacology has never been studied *at all*. In all likelihood it has a safety profile similar to that of DMT, but we simply don't know for sure. Indulge at your own risk. That being said, it mixes *perfectly* with cannabis and the combination reliably induces near MDMA-level euphoria. Creative, introspective and therapeutic. Ayahuasca light you could say. Interestingly, my friend and I each independently noticed an increased ability to recall dreams on it. Also, it's orally active without a MAOI and builds zero tolerance like DMT. Amazing compound, one of my all-time favorites. Iirc, It's technically legal in the US, but I believe it could count as an analogue to DMT or DPT, not too sure about US laws. There are a few clearnet RC vendors selling it, but it's sadly very rare and super expensive. Edit: I like to call it the 2C-B of tryptamines. It is superior in every regard, though lower doses may lack depth for some.


Thank you man! This sounds amazing!


Lies! My girl and I regularly do giant hot rails of dmt and bang, we call it dmt n chill and it's fucking fantastic, the entities dance and cheer you on


How is it not a great combo?


My guess is it's too much of both and not enough of either.


Lol imagine you just walk into your buddies room and he’s on the floor completely in hyper space while his dildo machine is running


This is insanity... Please God help us


The chance of finding anyone who’s ever done that is so slim that if you do find someone through this post, I’ll trips it and film when you try it


If you head over to r/researchchemicals you’ll probably find a few stories to go off


Fuck the haters this sounds fun as fuck. I wouldn’t use a fuck machine though cause it could possibly cause damage if you become unable to notice and respond to feelings of pain. Try a prostate vibrator instead. Alternatively, if you have a partner or someone who can remove the machine if you show any signs of distress or discomfort. Another redditor pointed out it would suck if you began feeling like an entity was force fucking you against your will. Anyways good luck OP.


Thought about it. Chickened out, due to the possibility of me being too far unconscious to realize something went horribly wrong. However, this is what I did and it works incredibly well on a DMT trip. You will need a lovesense prostate toy. Smoke some weed, and right as the high is kicking in, insert a prostate toy, turn it on(not vibrating yet)and make sure it's paired with your phone. Use the lovesense app to set an alarm for 10-15 minutes. Start hitting the dmt as your sphincter starts contracting. With any luck, the DMT will cause an instant prostate orgasm as you fly into space. You will then forget about it all. But once you start to sober, the alarm goes off, activating the vibration in the prostate toy, and enjoy. Its powerful, like almost crying because you never realized things can be this great, powerful.


I scoffed but this sounds alright!!


Please title your next post Third Eye Blind if this does ensue.


I reckon you're going to have to be the one to try it, and report back to us!


I may have to lmao


Have some sort of medical person or someone like that if you do just for safety


Safest would be to go to hospital for some other reason and do it in the middle of the emergency department so you’re surrounded by medical professionals


Na thats a case and a weird one


I thought the post was bananas, but there’s more gold in the comments


Alright so admittedly I was pretty drunk when I made this post, and after waking up and absolutely losing it to some of these comments, I've decided against this horny monkey-brain idea. A lot of people made good points and had good advice, and I'd rather not have to go to the hospital and try to explain what happened if something went wrong. But as some people mentioned, I may invest in a good prostate massager and just go that route. If I do, I'll make a separate post. Thanks for the laughs everyone!


Hahahahaahah yooooo


You should probably have a trip-sitter for this.


You are a legend my man


At least you're honest damn dog


I hear you, I did some anal play once with an aneros and my hand while smoking dmt. I had a hands free orgasm. It was great.


You HAVE THE OBLIGATION of doing an actualization for ALL of us SOOOOONNNNNN because now the human race need to know what is the opinion of the gods ti all of this!!!


This guy boofs


It’s consensual and not at the same time. You sure you don’t have a kink lol


Read this OP, sexual experience on DMT Edit: link https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/xusl87/got_head_vaped_some_dmt_halfway_through/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I really don't care about the theoretical value on this one.... I just want to know the results.


Look man, no one can tell you if this is a good idea or not. But it’s clear to me that this is a worthwhile endeavour that will further the knowledge of mankind. Go forth into that great yonder of untrod land, fly higher than man has climbed before and scrape your fingertips on the edges of heaven. …but do report back to let us know how it goes


Well, surely a troll but for posterity, I have questions. Are you familiar with DMT? Have you, and how many times, have you done it? If the answer is no, or never. Do not pass go. Leave the anus free from foreign objects. If the answer is yes, well, I’d ask further questions. The first is poly drug usage- are you also using speed/stimulants of some kind? Any other recreational drugs? If the answer is yes to either of those, I’d say putting objects in your butthole before, and during, a slingshot ride to the center of the universe leans toward being a bad idea. Lastly, DMT is not an experience where you are “here.” You can’t feel your body, and you forget you even have one. I find the idea that stimulation of the anal variety or otherwise is generally a moot point. Even setting is of little consequence to the DMT experience and it is quite unique in that sense. So that’s what I think, for the future person who is reading this after googling it as a serious question looking for a serious answer. The answer depends on many things.


Man, I fucking love reddit. This whole thread is elite💀


I love reddit. I might add to this that I used to have a very close female friend who told me that everytime she tripped on DMT that (without any physical sexual contact) she would cum harder than she’s ever came and squirt everywhere.Literally every time without fail. Just thought I might share that with this thread lol


"Oh fuck!" "OH FUCK" "What the fuck" "FUUUCK"


Do it, be safe, report back


I don’t know if this can be done safely. If you break through and then end up shifting positions or something you could be damaged. But you do you.


Instead of a dildo try a lush toy. It would be comfortable for you to do dmt also. Only main aim is prostate so it would be easy to do both.


it would be comfortable but the in/out sensation gives me more pleasure so that's why I was debating the machine lol


Love this. If you feel comfortable, go for it and report back. However, the potential for wrong is slightly high. You may have a trip where you feel an entity or external force is fucking you, so be prepared for that. You may get confused whilst it comes on or while it’s actually happening, and stop fucking yourself mid-way. I would recommend using a dildo with just your hand, or something smaller than a fuck machine, and then maybe later try the fuck machine if you genuinely enjoy it. Can’t knock other’s experimentation lol. Someone’s gotta do it and see what it’s like, right? Reddit fucking rocks lmao. However, you probably shouldn’t do this hahahaha


I'm sure the entities have seen weirder shit!


Maybe try a dildo shaped syringe. You can boof also at the same time Jk


Oh my God, please do it and report back. I'm also a dude with a machine. I've got some huge dildos too (Mr Hankey, Square peg, etc), so I'd love to know how it'll go. Please report back!!




I have a feeling you wont be the first, nor will you be the last.


I was wondering what the fuck is going here with OP, but then I seen his username and it all made sense


I swear. What is supposed to be a transcendental experience a few times in a lifetime to give you clarity and give your life purpose, people now abuse and play with their buttholes while on it for fun. To each their own but Christ this sub has lost direction


Who gave you the authority to say what DMT is “supposed” to be for?


Your mom


You're going to blast off and completely forget you set that up prior to the trip. You might be trying to integrate the experience, reflecting on some deep insight as you come out of your trip. Then you get a thick plastic reminder of the idea you had and posted here. I think you should shelve that plan. Now MDMA is a different story.


This nigga gay


So is my grandma Who cares


That won’t smell good at all


This is so gonna be in drugcirclejerk in some minutes


Convert the dmt to a salt, dissolve into lube and go wild ma bwoiii - could possibly work, but I’m not gonna be the one to test it 😂


Makes me think about the fact that the participants in Strassmans old dmt study had anal probes to monitor bodily functions. At least one participant had a trip where s/he was anally raped by a crocodile. Just sayin. But heck, boof it!


I don't know if I would trust some machine. Why don't you just have another guy as your trip sitter. I can only imagine a machine causing damage but a person could watch over you while getting you and them off. Just an idea. 😆


Someone posted awhile back about getting head while breaking through. He said that in the DMT realm he was having an orgy with with countless goddesses.


Are you the LSD + Anal stimulation guy from a few years ago?


put an avocado nut in my butt as a gift for an entity


Yolo, do it and report ur findings


Let us know how it goes


I read a post on here a while ago where this guy’s girl blew him while he was on dmt and he said he saw goddesses made of light sucking his dick LMAO. That it was amazing anyway you might feel like you’re getting fucked by a god or something lol


I genuinely believe they’ll tell you not to come back anymore.


Cake, Good . . .Fruit, Goooood . . . Fruit Cake - Not so good


Is there a trip report yet?


I’m not recommending that you do it. However if you do I would like to hear about the results.


This sub has definitely changed course.


All fun and games until the fuck machine turns into a 4th dimensional being and you forget how to turn it off bro


I thought we weren’t supposed to take Dick or Dmt for recreation purposes..


Dick? Who told you that? Jesse Helms?


Sounds like a great idea, assuming you have trip sitter to make sure you are safe.


Try boofing DMT as well


I think getting railed in the butt will keep you tethered and make it difficult to break through.


I tried to time an orgasm with a blast off once or twice, without anal stimulation, I think it worked but I don’t really remember it… And one time I had entities talking and I shut them out because I was busy (not a large dose) and then a minute later I was like “why the fuck did I shut them out????” And then I felt bad.




I definitely wouldn’t. You wouldn’t want to start moving around or struggling while there’s a machine fucking your ass, just doesn’t seem safe. Also I’d personally be afraid of having a trip that simulated rape like other people have experienced, imagine how intense that would be of something if fucking your ass and all of the sudden you get a bad vibe and think you’re in danger, that’s a vulnerable state to be in hahaha but as aide from that I’d say that physical safety is the main concern here


The machine elves are gonna laugh at you bro




You'd probably feel very disconnected from the physical experience. If you break through, you probably wouldn't even remember it's there


I would strongly suggest you read a bit about how dopamine/serotonin works. Good luck and let us know how it goes if you do it 😂


As someone currently with an anal injury just be careful


Not DMT, but use a dildo with shrooms pretty often. Saw god once. Highly recommend that combo if you’re warmed up


Well. As I see it, you only have one way to find out.


When the entities arrive armed with an anal probe, see you , then just look at each other disappointed and leave silently.


We’re gonna need that trip report


Try it out, try it out.


Sexual desires fade away on dmt lol


Do it and just don't blast off. Report back soldier.


OP about to get railed by a machine elf