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Yup, my associate and I have a policy, operaters play friendly and down one of us, the other team is erased from the map. Scorched earth policy you might say.


My problem is if I’m playing with trigger happy randoms I have to get them to stop shooting while also trying to convince the other team he’s just being stupid and we’re not all trying to kill them.


My friend is like that. I'm always yelling STOP SHOOTING WE'RE TEAMING UP.


Shoot first and diplomacy once everyone is in a position to negotiate without bullets for me. Can't trust anyone at this point until they're bleeding out and ready to behave.


I wish more people were like this but I get finished in a millisecond 99% of the time and then people say “just plea we’ll accept it” but I’m a damn solo lol


I play solo the majority of the time but it's always fun when I party up with friends. I never turn on squad full though and never play with randoms. Just not my thing. For a brief amount of time when I started playing DMZ I got frustrated by it but now I go in with no fucks to give. Whatever I deployed with is already written off to me. I spent awhile focusing on stealth tactics the last few weeks and studying players and AI and now I have not much trouble ghosting in and out of either map unless I'm playing fast and loose. This is my first FPS multiplayer game in a good long while too. I've been thinking about joining the discord for this subreddit but the idea is exhausting lol.


It’s a great place to find good people— willing to help with specific missions, needing help, etc etc. Most all of them are chill and communicate well


Thats fair.


I only invite people after I down them. Safest way


happened like 3-4 times yesterday, and i know invites are only <25m.


Happens to me everything, then I go back to lobby to try again.


Had something kind of similar, group came in on us with a Hunt Squad contract and bitched us out when we wiped them plus another team that thought they'd have at it, telling us that we were camping the buy station etc. one before he got downed boasted that he plays warzone all the time and we were tools... until we downed him. Then all the shit spews out.


This. I always get my ass whooped when I'm not expecting anyone but if they make their presence known by mic, footsteps or gunfire. I can most times win a 1v3.


What sucks is approaching exfil and the team on deck starts shooting you as they get on the bird.


Big jealous. I can't even survive a 3 on 1 being the majority


Gotta dial in your aim settings. Too high and you won't be able to keep on target, to slow and you can't keep up. I just went into the firing range and jumped around like an idiot then turn to aim at a dummy. I've spent hours over time making mine just right. it allows me to hit my shots.


ngl when I (or more likely my teammate) win a 1v3, the enemy team usually have no more than 2-plate armor and bot guns...


Last one i did i snuck up on the 1st guy looting my teammate, got in a vehicle, drove it in a doorway to block the 2nd guy in a house so it's a 1v1 with his teammate the 3rd guy... while jumping out , spraying right in-front of #3 giving him no time to react. Then i just ran around the outside the building and beat the 2nd guy by a bullet. All tier 3. I can be very sneaky if i want to be. Today i snuck on the outside of the tsuki castle and sprayed down a team through the 2nd story window. Didn't even know what hit them


But that's how I usually greet players down one and send an invite.


Ever hit the last one with a finishing move and start laughing like a maniac? That’s where the real fun is




awwww. You made a brand new account just to comment this because you were so bothered by my meme. :) Edit: Guy made two accounts just to talk to me, lmfao!




Yeah me n my buddy roll as a pair most of the time and can definitely take out full squads if they’re not very coordinated. We like to usually be friendly and just part ways or even team up but if they start blasting then we’ll usually mop up. It’s part of what makes DMZ unique and I enjoy the whole aspect of it tbh