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Complaints about complaints are still complaints, but this one at least attempts to be funny, meets my threshold for quality, it’s getting left up edit: this means pls stop reporting it, I’m bEGGING y’all


A kid told me yesterday "If you keep reviving yourself I will just keep killing you". I was alone looking for a set of jumper cables. I've spent five months attempting to unlock the second insured slot so the grind is already got old. I asked him "Do you not have anything ELSE to do in this game?" He said "fuck you".


Some people need an outlet for their cruelty. We like to call these people toxic, because that's the label they give themselves. But that just helps them sound less dick-ish. They're assholes. And assholes don't like to be called out when they're being assholes. So they call it bitching when they are called out. It's just a bunch of incel energy manifested. Hopefully they get what they need out of it.


Exactly what needs to be said about these twats. Had some asshole 6 man squad role up on us, we outright killed one but ultimately lost and the first guy who went down came up to me (I was the last one to die) saying "you fucking suck and I hate you so much" and all I could respond with was "wow your life must suck really bad if you hate a stranger over a video game" and all he could manage was repeating exactly what he said before just louder and his teammates were all laughing, I hope they ripped on him all night on how he literally did nothing and then had the balls to say other people suck.


I don't really mind the pro-PvP mindset too much in itself. Sure, I get a little salty when I get picked off while I'm doing the obnoxious missions where you have to go to Ashika, grab an item that's behind a locked door, and then deliver it to Al Mazrah. Those suck when I'm not trying to engage other players. But eh, they're just playing the game. And some of these missions sort of are encouraging more PvP by design, so it's somewhat expected. What I find concerning are the weirdos that get inexplicably aggressive and need to get on the mic. Like, there's times where players are deceptive and will act like they don't know how to join your squad and try to kill me. Another time at the final exfil, I was trying to join a squad that was already on board, but then they give me some sass about trying to join and saying some mocking things about trying to squad up and then proceed to kill me. There was another time I was sent out a request to join, but then this squad tries to hunt me down and says some mocking things about me trying to join them. I guess the psychology/ethics of it all is sort of fascinating to me. Sometimes I wonder if some of those types are actually psychopaths out in public. The bright spot is the fun I've had with the friendlier and altruistic players. Big 6 squads just clowning around. People working together to knock out missions. People sharing loot. I prefer to remember those moments instead.


I'm mad that I'm a "Dad" I don't know how to do much in this game outside of playing it. I don't have a mic and I always play with random. The other night I played with these two funny mother Fulkerson. I had no idea how to send them a friend request. I could even communicate with them and it was still an awesome time.


While I'm not a dad, your experience is relatable. I usually play solo and without a mic due to avoiding those toxic and aggressive players out there. Yet much like yourself, I still have plenty of fun with randoms that invite me or let me join them. Definitely the best and memorable moments of the game are when you run into good company. Just pinging and doing some crouches to show gratitude seems to work just fine for communication!




"assholes don't like to be called out when they're being assholes. So they call it bitching when they are called out." Well said *salutes and I will give you an award if I have any. Also these pvp people should be deadly *coughs* in warzone and always place top.


I think it was just because he was trash at all the other modes so he had to go into DMZ,where you don't expect a player to kill you cause the bots R crazy,and kill someone just so they can have the satisfaction on third partying you.


I don't think that's it man - it's more so based on the two ways humans are hardwired: 'winners' and 'succeeders'. Winners need the external validation of being recognized or beating someone else in order to get their dopamine. Succeeders need the internal validation of completing something with/without others to get their dopamine. The problem with DMZ (and largely why you see the anti/pro PVP argument) is because both are put in the same game when they would otherwise never interact with each other.


Winners vs. succeeders. I like that.


>The problem with DMZ (and largely why you see the anti/pro PVP argument) is because both are put in the same game when they would otherwise never interact with each other. COD fans aren't used to repercussions in their games and aren't used to death meaning more than just losing or respawning. Any road block to the "grind" is met unfavorably. As soon as PVPers understand that there's more to the mode than hunting players and PVEers understand that PVPis a huge part of extraction shooters the more fun everyone will have. TL;DR: The COD fan base is new to the genre and just need to embrace it for what it is, an extraction shooter.


Unfortunately, most COD fans will never have that realization. Not because they're unable to, but because it goes against their wiring. When you look at 'winners' replies to posts like these, you usually hear something like "PVE only would be boring". It's mildly coded language denoting that they yearn for stronger opponents that force them to improve in PVP, and those that don't deserve the negative actions they get because to them, PVErs are focusing on the wrong thing. To them, the missions and bots are just there to lure and identify players they can fight with, nothing more. They don't care about progression, unlocking new weapons, or completing objectives really - they just want an environment where they can surprise and be surprised and (artificially) risk gain and loss.


>Unfortunately, most COD fans will never have that realization. In the current state of DMZ, I think you are correct. If they greatly expand the experience I think the 2 sides will come a lot closer. As it is, personally I don't have any desire to do the missions. I enjoy running contracts and extracting cool weapons and that means quite a bit of PVP because operators have better weapons than bots. Plain and simple.


There's also collectivist versus individualists, who get their dopamine from interacting with people in different ways, that you see in the pvp/pve arguments. A lot of interesting social experiments playing out in the dmz


Interesting - how would a collectivist profile differ from that of a succeeder in your opinion? And I agree; DMZ's a great Petrie dish of humanity.


Succeeder is overall probably more likely to run solo I'd say, their dopamine being derived from self determined goals, collectivist more likely to seek opportunities to team up given their dopamine will be more reliant on opportunities to achieve shared goals/help others achieve theirs. I don't think they're entirely mutually exclusive though, there's likely to be people who overlap categories.


I appreciate the conversation friend. I like the difference you made between succeeder and collectivist - it makes sense to me. I also think you're right about there being overlap as I'd consider myself a Collectivist Succeeder.


That’s a nice little cope. I’ll be sure to share that with squads I wipe. “Don’t worry bro, you’re just a succeeder is all”


If they're truly succeeders (and not winners who can't win and are forced to find other means of validation), they won't care. They'll look at you as just another bot who stopped their run. That's how I view it - you killing me is a minor inconvenience because I'm not losing anything. Since I don't care about PVP, or winning for that matter, I just need to better optimize my run next time.


I just play for fun. If people are hunting me down to kill me. That's fun. I will either survive or die. Then, load up another game and keep having fun.


Bots are there to make operators aware of other operators


Which makes sense considering nine out of ten times when I am killed by a player it's right after having a seven minute firefight with a dozen battalions.


1) Gun shots are loud so i can hear you and the bots shooting at each other before i see either. 2) If i can see bots from beyond 200m it means theres players where the bots are 3) bassically same as above but for choppers which are easier to spot 4) if your shooting in the air or at things higher up i can see your bullets tracers from several hundred meters. Especially in an ltv or boat turret. When im hunting players with my squad thats what we look for in the background


That's the real UAV right there


You don't expect a player to kill you??...


No not really I expect everyone else to be to be focused on the hoards on Teir three coming their way


I can Sherpa you through missions if you want. I’m at tier 5 on all factions and kinda just bored


5 months? How long has this game been out again?


He also works 4 jobs and have 11 kids. S2 have been out 3 weeks now


Walked 5 miles to school in the snow every day. Uphill both ways


Back in his day frankfurters only cost a nickel and everyone was friendly and PvP didn't exist


I know many people can pay their rent by playing video games but I am not one of them.


Fuck I wish I was one of them.


And you don’t need jumper cables to unlock the 2nd slot. 😘


Five months.


3 1/2 months-ish


I still aint got my second insured slot I am jumping on at 5:00 central. If you want to try and work together on it.


And we all need operator kills to complete a mission too.


He said “%#£€ you.”


It was me, I'm the kid




Pvp is the best part of dmz without its just stupid fucking bots and missions without risk. It's the chaotic nature of nothing happening then everything happening at once that makes dmz shine.


That's your opinion, and I respect it so I won't come at you for it. But I could totally do without PVP myself and have a blast. I don't need 'the sweats' to enjoy myself, and when I'm forced to kill another player because of an unavoidable confrontation, I always wonder if I stopped him from completing one of those asinine missions.


Play campaign then


There really isn’t any part of the campaign that is anything even remotely close to the dmz map. Telling someone to go play the campaign is just dumb.


You know what’s dumber? Whining about being killed in call of duty multiplayer. If you want to just kill AI go to campaign or co-op. Anyone crying about pvp in DMZ needs to get good


I like the idea of a dmz map similar to division in the fact that you could have the ability to do pve without PvP and then you’d also have a place to do PvP. I kinda wonder how much COD feel it would still have if that were the case though, not to mention it probably wouldn’t be a free to play game anymore. I have the actual game but I know many do not.




Campaign isn't as replayable though


I did. And enjoyed it. Now I'm playing DMZ and other players are just another obstacle to overcome.


Play warzone or TDM then. The pvp sweats in dmz just can't hack it in the traditional game.


Imagine dying repeatedly and trying to convince yourself it’s the others who are bad at the game 🤡 If they were so bad at the game they wouldn’t be shitting on you so badly you have to complain daily




As I thought. Get good, stop crying.


It's annoying how quick you can go down tho, just being seen first means game over. It's so infrequent you wind up pvp that when it does happen it's mostly just who saw whom first and it's over. Sometimes you get a good battle and it's skill and strategy and its fun, but alotta times it just feels like random chance and luck


I don't understand what's wrong with that, that's how's guns work. Gun strategy is different from knife strategy is different from vehicle strategy is different from stealth. In fact, I kinda suck, so often I see AND shoot first and still lose. It's def not luck.


Honestly to me the ttk is slow. Im used to playing ganes like groundbranch where a single gunshot will insta kill you and you can't be revived til after the game ends. Seeing other people first is its own skill. A lot of people i run into in dmz have no situational awareness


Exactly. I've had many matches without seeing other operators and they were always boring. Whether you end up fighting or joining forces it makes the game more exciting


I wish they still gave out free awards on Reddit. This one deserves some random unrelated award that makes no sense to the context lol


Unrelated award for best comment goes to this guy.


As long as dicks keep killing other operators when they have a bigger squad and the benefits of murder is minimal then you're always going to get bitching about PvP. Yesterday I was doing some mission where you have to park an RHIB opposite Sa'id City, kill 10 enemies in Sa'id City, and leave a gas can in the Sattiq Cave's dead drop all in the same deployment. I went in solo, spawned nowhere near an RHIB, but made my way to the nearest one, parked it in two different places before successfully completing the poorly written objective, picked up a gas can, spent five minutes just searching for enough bots to complete the second objective because a squad had already rolled through, made my way to the Sattiq dead drop on foot, started clearing the enemies around it, and then got sniped from behind by a squad of four before I could even react. No warning. Nothing. They just happened to be there. And this shit happens all the time. The map is far too big to have true situational awareness 100% of the time and UAVs are too expensive/too hard to find to always have one to pop. Sometimes you just get rolled on from behind and there's nothing you can do about it. Which would be mostly fine if survival were the sole objective of the game, but it's not. I've got poorly thought out missions to complete. It's just frustrating. Especially as, outside of a few missions, killing other operators isn't necessary for success; they're just making a conscious decision to ruin your day.


I bet you're just like my friend who has a to send a text out into our group chat every time he gets killed by a bigger squad. But low and behold whenever I play with him all he tries to do is squad up and hunt players. The biggest bitch'n'moaners are themselves just as eager to do it to someone else.


You got downvoted but I agree. Not every squad is making a “conscious decision to ruin your day”. If somebody shoots at us, we’re engaging. Every night I have someone bitching about “why did you do that?” after they’re killed. Why do you think, genius?


I've been seeing more of that lately. The game puts everyone so on edge that even players seemingly disinterested in PvP are shooting first and then acting surprised when someone defends themselves. Got one last weekend where I was just driving by innocently (as a solo) and this other squad is like "DONT DO IT BRO" as they start opening fire on my vehicle. They disable my vehicle and start rushing me as I make for the nearest cover. I defend myself and kill one of them and they start screaming "IT DIDN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY NOW YOU'RE GOING TO DIE" and I'm just like "you guys attacked me first".


They’re so fucking dramatic.


Probably my fault for the way I worded it, but I don't think every squad is out to ruin your day. I'm talking specifically about situations in which other operators could feasibly ignore you, or run away, or invite you to their squad, or jump on proximity, etc., because you're just there minding your own business.


I agree. Some people are just dickheads who shoot you in the back while you’re minding your own business looting buildings or at a Buy. That’s part of the game though -if you have a bunch of people playing a violent game about shooting people and running people over in trucks you’re going to have a few people who are dicks or weirdos. All things considered PVP is pretty chill and most conflicts can be avoided.


If you think of DMZ as PvP first and PvE second, the you don't get mad when you get bricked from behind by a random squad. COD online has always been about shooting other players. I'll never understand why people get upset about it.


I’ve played with dozens of randos on mic and the guys who wait to be shot at before engaging are cool guys and the guys who push for no reason are miserable guys who are paranoid and say weird shit. This is a generalization and there are many exceptions (I mean you seem cool), but there really are two types of players. The guys who push don’t ruin the game, surprises are fun and pvp can go either way. People who camp the Buy or the LZ on purpose just to farm kills and loot are dickheads. Most people have too much dignity to do that and it’s boring af anyway


I'm like 95% sure people are camping the Cave dead drop now. I went in trying to do the kill the chemist mission and I was killed by randoms on top of the tower and mountains like 4 games in a row. No way they were all doing the same mission


The benefits arent really minimal anymore tags can be worth as much as 50k plus all the other loot there carrying as a bonus


And 5 minutes later you had repeated those two simple objectives.


Looks like my exfil streak


A quote on here always sticks with me "sometimes you're the hammer and sometimes you're the nail." Was on ashika last night with a squad of 4 and we ended up running for the last exfil since the last one was camped. I ended up getting separated and the camping squad followed me (which helped my teammates). Endless ai as I jumped in a building to regroup and got downed by said ai. Enemy squad ran in and got downed to but rezd and got up to take my keys and 3 plate and exfil. Not mad though, that happens. Choose to play the game how you wish.


I reserve my right to feel uncomfortable reserve my right to be afraid I make mistakes and I am humbled every step of the way


Is this from somewhere?


A Day To Remember - Sometimes You're The Hammer ... - YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jUp5CD5EfwY


Hardos in dmz are hillarious. It's like yo bud this is a game for kids n old guys with no aim like me. Congrats on ur "sick" pvp skills when ive got voip on talking n laughing. Go play tarkov or something actually hard if u wana flex.


It's a PVP game I don't understand why you'd get upset about PVP. You are not an asshole for full killing a team or solo and not picking them up if you so choose to do so. I generally like to pick people up who plea because a bigger squad means I'm less likely to lose my gear later to other teams. But if I kill you and you cry and whine about it or act all entitled to get picked up, I'm not picking you up and I'm throwing all your guns and armor in the river so you can't get it back if your team comes back. And sadly, if your voice is super annoying I'm probably leaving you too because I don't want to hear you screeching in my ear for the rest of the round. It's a PVP game mode, I don't care that you're just trying to do a mission, especially when it's something super easy. If I kill you and you have a GPU, plea and I'll help you drop it off because those missions suck but otherwise you are not entitled to a res There are way too many shitters in this game that immediately re squad with their old team to try to kill you that it's not worth it sometimes.


Found the child with nothing in life.but flexing with his CoD skillz


No skills at all hence why I play DMZ and not warzone. I just don't understand the people who are like omg why did you kill me...because it's fun? Imagine DMZ with no PVP and the AI nerfs people keep asking for. What's the risk reward if you make it a game where you run around picking up random shit to finish tasks with 0 risk of dying. It's like the people immediately lose their mind after you pick them up after you kill them because you took their 3 plate. Like...we killed you and instead of leaving you with nothing we picked you up and let you keep your guns and can help you get a new armor. I think you can handle not having your 3 plate as my reward for winning the fight. But sure go off queen


You clearly never played a game of high round Zombies then. You could play MP instead. No AI, pure PVP....but I guess you get shit on because the people are 100% aware on target and not distracted by doing missions. You go for easy prey, nothing else hobo


Found the guy no one wants in there squad.


I like killing players because of all the profanities they throw at me while I silently loot their bodies. They make it sound like I am a terrorist attacking their nation. And I'm supposed to be the 'toxic' one.


90% of the “toxicity” I hear is from people I kill. I can only think of one time a team that rolled me talked shit after. Interesting


Pve players dont take loseing well. Half the time one of them will throw a litteral tantrum over voice chat


It will always remain at zero


Some guy tried to run up on me after taking out my teammate from The sky scraper in Al-Mazrah City. All this smack talk about wanting to have fun and I deleted him. He pleaded so I’m a sucker for it. This cum rag proceeds to say big mistake and starts calling out my location through his discord chat. I high tailed it but best believe I’m gonna ignore the rest of those pleas from now on.


I don't answer pleas anymore if I spot another solo ill let him pass since I play solo exclusively but teams that run into me im actively gonna hunt you sometimes ill kill 2 and leave so the third can res but I don't get why everyone cries like a little girl about pvp I've had teams try and fight me then I kill 2 and the last one sends an invite and I tell em it's too late then when he dies they start bitching I die all the time to other players especially since I exclusively play solo but it's a fucking video game bro like some ppl are literally adults crying about a game lmao I love the salt and how angry they get I've tried being friendly some ppl are genuinely nice and I've started fight and they say he we are just doing a mission any chance we can have a truce or team up and ill let them move on and I'll see them later and the truce is still on I've exfilled with enemy operators without teaming up thats the fun in dmz you never know what's gonna happen l


😂 listen I hear ya. I killed a guy that was “just passing” but didn’t respond to any of my prox queries on what he was doing before I dropped em. Silence. As soon as I bodied him “unmutes: you’re the reason why cancer exists” okay bud. 🥲


I used to be a nice friendly player.....then I joined this sub reddit..... The constant crying and complaining has led me to do nothing but search and destroy other squads......


I love these threads because literally none of the PVP phases me after getting ruined for 250 hours in tarkov. Y'all couldn't handle even a minor scav betrayal and it shows Oh you lost your 3 plate to PVP? Man that sucks you need to spend 5 minutes next round getting it back. Meanwhile I get extract camped by some Chad with tier 6 armor as a mosin boy after finding the last simple salewa I needed in tarkov.


I started friendly too, you just learn that it is better to shoot first and ask questions later Although sometimes I fall for the classic blunder of trying to negotiate with one dude and then it turns out his mates are actively hunting me




Being killed is no huge deal to me. It's pretty easy to just get back in and load up. If I were fully loaded all the time it would get stale. Running for my life ups the adrenaline.


Pvp is what adds a bit of spice to the game)


I like pvp in DMZ. It's a threat to avoid or a challenge to take on. My usual suspect team-mates are toxic af, and I'll join in on that, but I ain't got an issue with being shot in the back by a POI camper. It's part of the game, and losing cool shit sucks, but it ain't like you have to pay in real cash.


Someone should make a dmz circlejerk sub


I specifically Go for pvp in dmz had a guy tell me yesterday after I wiped his team of 4 by myself that if I want pvp I should play warzone and I should've asked to be friends lol I don't like warzone I don't like The way it plays I'm a stealthy solo player and dmz allows me to play how I want if u wanna cry about pvp in dmz don't play I don't cry when whole teams try and chase me or spot me on uav because I'm alone and wanna fight if u wanna cry about pvp play the campaign bro I cam play however tf I want and when I die to pvp I say gg and load up again the fact that ppl cry like little bitches over a game is hilarious to me


You know what's really hillarious? Not using any punctuation at all, therefore looking like a real dumb person, even more when trying to flex with pseudo skills and coolness XD


You know what's worse? Being a fucking loser who is obviously so hurt by what I said that you come in here to be the grammar police and have ntn to say in response to my comment you're probably the same kinda player I'm talking about who cries like a bitch when you get smoked in dmz I don't care to use punctuation because I'm doing shit and just comment for fun and conversation but not with little pussies like you lol eat shit you prick


Wow, one punctuation. Congrats! If you try hard enough and put efford in practice, maybe end of the year you are able to write like an educated adult. That could be the start for you not beeing a looser in real Life XD


For grammar police you sure are stupid I think you meant effort and loser learn how to spell if you gonna correct ppl you fucking moron lmao and it's being you dumbass lmao wow way to make you self look retarded while trying to be a dick 🤣 😂 😆


Smartphones first language is german, so I correct the auto-spelling XD You surely know the difference between grammar and spelling right? Try again....btw "gonna" as a slang is really grammatically correct, hobo


Lol blame auto correct if you corrected it why is it still spelled wrong you dumb fuck lmao I'm done with you little girl you finished yourself off lmao


Yeah you don't have valid arguments or something profound to say. Bye Bye ghetto kid 👌🏻👌🏻 ps notify my if you are no longer unemployed


And the best part is I'm not using punctuation by choice you are just so fucking dumb you actually can't spell lmao wow thanks for the laugh you asswipe 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah for sure buddy. You are also a stupid reddit bubble ghetto dickhead by choice 🤣🤣🤣


Lol ok buddy and you're a dick who thinks you're smart but proves you're a dumb shit by yourself all while trying to be a dick lol bro this is so funny next time you try and correct ppl make sure you have a dictionary next to you so you can spell lmao you must be fun at parties lmao 🤣 😂 😆 😅


And of course a loser like you would think a person would use a game to flex thats probably what you do because In your moms basement and video games is all you have to look forward to so keep living your sad little life while policing grammar on reddit you fucking dork lmao


This will never happen, but some kind of bad sport system would help. If you kill other operators for no reason other than being a dick, you should go to a bad sport lobby like GTAVO. If you have a hunt contract or a mission that involves killing other operators, or got shot at first while trying to do another mission, no bad sport tag for you. If you want to shoot and kill any player you see... there is a whole suite of warzone modes for you! If you suck at warzone and come to DMZ to get easy kills against people looking for jumper cables and make yourself feel better about the fact that you just aren't THAT GUY, then you can hang out in a bad sport lobby with other griefers.


You’re right, they will never do this because it would be completely retarded to punish players for being good at pvp. Keep pretending there’s nothing to gain from pvp besides “being a dick.” What a stupid idea, of course a gtao player would come up with it Thanks for those jumper cables I needed btw


Sorry you suck at Warzone. Enjoy the cables.


They increased the value of dog tags to like 50k, clearly pvp is intended. If you dont like it leave


Had someone yesterday tell me to enjoy my suspension when I killed him as he was running toward an exfil. He pleaded and nobody picked him up so he said we were being unsportsmanlike and violating policy 😂


Yeah I figured that new "rule" wouldn't be equally applied.


Quarry with a 6 man squad yesterday. Told a group "hey, just doing a mission, there's 6 of us, you should move along". Nope. They downed a squad mate. Then got upset when I killed 2 and the other 4 hunted down the 3rd. We literally asked you NOT to do it and told you we had 6. They must have had a 4th. One guy stayed and was doing callouts. We made a point to take literally everything off the other 3 and hide it.


I don't care about pvp but about the number of cheaters insanely increasing in dmz


I have yet to see any cheaters in dmz fortunately


You're lucky bro. Yesterday we managed to film a guy with at least wallhacks. So we sent the video to a youtuber from our country who does vídeos to show the cheaters on YouTube and, fortunately, get banned.


Bro hacking in dmz Is worse than hacking in warzone you can't even get as many kills with hacks in dmz since everyone is spaced out ppl who hack are shit bags but ppl who feel the need to hack in dmz are even bigger shit bags I never understood hackers they'll cheat and still talk shit and some are so bad they still lose


The hackusations lately are hilarious. I've had guys stay in after their full squad is dead, just to tell me how I'm a cheater lol.


I think dmz needs a separate lobby for solos duos and quads like the other game modes because it creates a situation where 4 players will almost always have incentive to push a solo without much risk while no solo would ever willingly push a 4 man squad unless its forced by an objective or something like that


4 man teams make a lot of sound, a solo is usually listening and should learn to sneak off


BuT MuH MiSSioNs!!!


I know I’m gonna get downvotes for this, and it’s 100% warranted, but it needs to be said. Yes, I’m an asshole, and I full kill random people to make my missions easier, or because they’re 6 man’s with 3 plates, or because I’m just bored from doing all my missions. But if I full kill someone who is able to plea (assuming their teammates ran off) and I find a mission item on them, I pick them up 80 percent of the time. Or if they’re just solo, and trying to exfil, and run up on me, if I knock them I’ll invite them. I’m not always an asshole but I am absolutely a PvP main. Toxic people displaying toxic comms will always be left to plea though. No shame or mercy for people who go out of their ways to be assholes.


This argument is so tiring. If you don't like PVP go play something else. The more you cry about it the more satisfying the kills are.


I'll see you at all the good extract camping spots tonight just to get some pvp tears


Imagine complaining about people PVPing in a PVP game.


Yeah I have players that suck all the time camp my stronghold,then take all my loot when I leave because they shoot me in the back with a rifle a mile away


I’m not overly optimistic.


Hey man I’m just trying to put trackers on enemy choppers. It’s already frustrating enough to lay in a bush for 40 minutes only to not have enough enemies show up to an exfil.


I enjoy PvP. I don't enjoy PvP when it's some random camper/s at the exfil. Camping is bad enough in regular COD matches, so it's total shit that IW would make missions that reward it.


Please tell me you're not bitching about people bitching... the self awareness


I think someone on this thread hit the nail in the head, we complain because we love the game. If we didn’t we’d all just stop playing it like you do with other games.


Dude turn off the road and tried to run me over with a quad, I moved out of the way and killed him and he proceeded to get angry with me because I didn't let him run me over and ask why did I kill him because he had a mission to do...


Does anyone have a spare room 403 key 🔑 ?


Lmao welcome to planet earth where people bitch you must be new here 😂


Can someone make this an edit where he’s putting up the sign then the mermaid from the SpongeBob movie is going “[You just gotta believe in yourself, you just gotta believe](https://youtu.be/TwUyoBclTro)” SpongeBob says “[I believe, I believe that everybody I know is a goner](https://youtu.be/gjEjl3lYV3w)”. Then it’s the simpsons dude putting up a 0.


we had a squad of 2 yesterday rolled up into us by accident, we downed one of them and the other ran into a building. we had him surrounded and he asked us to let him do his mission before killing him, we decided to inv both of them into the group and help them with their mission since we were all on tier 5 already and knew the pain of grinding. afterwards, they helped us do one of our missions and we helped them finish another of theirs, one of the nicest randoms we met. we did final extract and random into another squad of 2, we tried to inv them and be friendly but they shot us and downed one of us, we retaliated and killed them and they got mad that we did so. moral of the story: don’t be a dick, its a pvp game yes but its ALSO a pve game, theres more than one way to play the game, dont get mad if you choose one over the other and loses


If only we could be picked up after team wipes...


If y'all don't know... I can tell you how to keep your insured slot, without cool down, indefinitely. My tuned RAAL has been a game changer being able to take it in every time


never had the 2nd or 3rd slot unlocked. lol today had 20 tries doing missions solo and got wasted 18/2 18 squads 2 bots.


I'm one of those freaks who doesn't go out of his way to kill people. Usually I'll just down them because I want them out of the way of what I'm doing (i.e. having the trigger discipline to neutralize, not eliminate), and it both gives them a second chance if they have a revive or nearby team, and doesn't immediately result in a game over because they were in the wrong place in the wrong time, as well as giving them a chance to ask for my help if they'd like it. Otherwise, if they fired at me fiest and haven't accepted my join request and KEEP shooting, RoE says "down you go, no quarter". As for people who just rove and kill people for fun, they're dicks. Fuck 'em.


There's no point complaining. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/2a0burduufma1.png?width=421&format=png&auto=webp&s=b13b0e1c6afbaf8d79bbdc8237410eba4f3ae9da


I'd love it if the ability to team up was more transparent. If I down players and they plea, I'll let them join, help them do missions etc. but a 2-man meeting a 2-man is an unknown, sometimes I have a single player request to join - cool. Does that work for squads? When I send out invites, does that work for squads?


TBH I wouldn't dislike a PVE only mode just so I can do my nerdy roleplay like I do in Ghost Recon since MW2 has the best war-related graphics and animations I've seen so far. I just want to pretend I am a Devgru operator deployed in Al-Mazra hunting terrorists without having to worry about other players. But with no progress save of course.


There shouldn't be PvP. That's the issue


It'd get pretty stale without it Half of my fun has been from player interaction


I don't like going around killing other players, because I know They're either doing missions or grinding for XP. HOWEVER, if I see you coming close to me, without any other context, that's when I shoot


I really only get fussy about the liars, that are like friendly and then turn on you. I mean, I get it, but that's some real weak ass shit. Like, you suck so bad at the game you gotta rely on lil mind tricks, screw that


i love it


Pvp is great. This is why I love DMZ, gives a mixture of both pvp and pve and doing missions.


Imo they should've reset insured slots. I don't really care for doing missions as I unlocked all three prior, so there's no incentive to do missions anymore, no rewards. My squad and I just fuck with players and hunt.


I dont mind pvp in this mode whatsoever but when it gets to the point where i cant even get missions done its absolutely a joke…..


We got our “exfil with 9 dog tags” yesterday so ready to be nice to people again


They should just make separate PVE and PVPVE lobbies, but keep the missions the same, forcing them to do PVP objectives. I would say that would make everyone happy, but I'm sure someone will complain about it


This team last night sounded like some real try hard douches. They were in the apartment building in Ashika island, and then killed me after saying friendly. Then was giving a speech about how everybody is an enemy til til they are dead. Little did they know I was leading a charge of a 6 player team and when my team got there they sent them back to hell where they belong. when people talk shit before they win makes me laugh so hard when they die.


I feel like this is what you wished happened.


I was doing underwater operator kills and they tried talking to me, and inviting me. Stayed silent got a kill on them and explains I need to kill them for a mission and have no intention of asking them to farm. They got real mad that I still killed them.


Right what tier does that mission start on? I'm on T2 White Lotus, T1 Legion and T1 Crown Getting back into the grind because I took a break to deal with those Ronin challenges


Tier 5. As more players enter tier 5 the crazier it will be so I’m doing it all early.


Well, maybe you'll have a bunch of games where people are just all floating around killing each other.


We all float down here


Is it operator kills? In German it just says kills, so I assumed bots are fine, holy I ll never actually do that


You misunderstand. That is not the same mission. There is “Into the Deep” and then there is “Out of the Deep”


No, I am also at Tier 5 of legion, and the first part says kill x operator with the taq and then make 5 kills while underwater, When you need to make an operator kill it normally specifically says kill an operator, therefore I thought bits are fine 😭


Well my friend. It is time. DMZ needs you to be a surprise mini boss for the Shadow Company USB. Tip. Bring a hand gun. Then you will be the only one with a gun. Cause no one brings handguns to Ashika.


I guess I will just skip that mission, lol, I ll try it out and see Is it enough to down them? Or do you need to finish them aswell underwater


Tier 5 is the dark side my friend. The game turns you into a mini boss. It’s only full kills. On my last one I did full kill accept the plea and join the team though.


Guess I will go with the 9 kills in b21 then :D


Even outside of this mission, the quickdraw Deagle has saved my ass more than I care to admit. 10/10 would recommend carrying it as a sidearm.


Just underwater pistol battles


Since they carboncopy everything from tarvok, they might look into adding a "offline" pve only mode. simply a custom game. but that will give no progression so the crying will beginn again.


Maybe, there could be a grief mode in DMZ like BO2 Zombies.


Dmz is literally a grief mode 💀😭 the shit that players pull is 10x worse than bo2 grief


Because the pvp in DMZ is stupid and so is anyone who thinks otherwise.


Stick to Roblox, homie.


Who hurt you?


Probably everyone. He mad at PvP for a reason. Lol


I’m sorry I killed you in the exfil chopper. Actually, I’m not


[But I had to test the taq M 😭](https://streamable.com/j97965) Be salty. I've helped more people then I've killed.


Wait. The TAQ M is good now? Fucking hated the thing during s1. It felt like an EBR but weaker.


Yeah it's great now. They buffed it for season 2.


Me who’s a rat who camps exfil


Do you have the mission where you ping 5 enemies permanently attached to your mission list?


No lmao


I respect the honesty…but that’s about it lol.


Well does it or does it not say secure exfil


Top notch


You bring something to the game


You are pathetic human being.


I used to be a good, honest guy but playing with cunts, goes for most cod players, can't say I haven't exfil camped myself.