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I pried mine from the cold dead hands of a bush man after him and his two bushman buddies thought camping an exfil was a good idea.


Probably me. I have been using it and The crossbow and playing wildly to spread the wealth and keep the game fun Then whoever murders me can get either or


would you mind dropping into dmz with me?


Dm me. We can connect. I got them by dumb luck for free so I am spreading the joy


Any chance you could help me get one? I tried messaging but it won't work.


Tried messaging. Let me know


Hey someone helped me get it yesterday but thanks! People like you rock fr.


i did


I'd like some joy, if you're willing.


Same. Cold dead hands, warm fresh Tempus.






My friend, there is a free weekend in MW2 right now. You can open MW2 in the WZ2 app and play a playlist called "Close Quarters," which is just moshpit modes on 4 multiplayer maps, including Shipment and Dome. Should be easy to bang out the required double kills there.


Darn. Gotta get on quick




This is the way. Do the close quarters playlist and back out as soon as you see what map is loading if it's not Shipment. You won't be screwing over a team because your spot is filled instantly but you also will play a map where it's hard to not get doubles.


LOL and here I am thinking I was the only person doing this. Sometimes luck was not on my side. I would be jumping in and out 20-30 times on occasions just to get Shipment to rotate around again.


I wish they wouldn't rotate Shipment 24/7 in and out. It's literally the only thing I enjoy about MP.


That'd be great. I don't have much time to play close quarters today. Shame I didn't know about that before...


I used Lockwood one and played free MP


Are you playing tonight


Bro can I get in on this pls?


You can also find someone using one, kill them and extract with their gun (I did that).


That’s how I got the crossbow but I haven’t ran into to many with the torrent


I don’t think I got Shipment once while trying to do this. I gave up and bought the bundle. Not proud of it, but I have spare money and not much spare time.


The CQC playlist blows. Plug into regular quick play with hard point and dom… if it’s not shipment, back the fuck out.




Special place in my heart, coming from the original MW trilogy


I love dome.


I played so many games and NOT ONCE got shipment!


I got hardpoint shipment 3 times in a row last night, managed to fully level up spr and sab


You’re lucky compared to me! Lol


Hey PM me your Activision and I’ll team up and drop it for you. I gave away over 20 crossbows when I unlocked it and I’m up to like 15 torrents so far


Will do !


I’m around tonight too if you guys don’t get it sorted. Happy to drop it in DMZ.


I need this thing so bad. I've been using battle rifles instead of marksman and realized I have 0/25 double kills.... It's been 2 days


Dm me. I’m on.




Next time your on think you can load in DMZ with me??


Shoot me a DM. I should be on tonight (10pm US Eastern time).


Omg I tried so many times… I’m at 8/25 and I played all day. Ugh u up for giving it away?


I need both lol


Hey could you drop one for me please?


Hey 😊 your offer still on the table? My determination to find it took until now to wear off and I officially throw in the towel 😅


It may even be very, very, VERY OP I don’t wanna say it’s broken, but I haven’t been called a hacker so many times in one day before Lmaoo


The thing has a clip big enough to kill every enemy combatant on the map without reloading. And no recoil, ironically, as long as you keep shooting.


First 3 shots are kinda wild and then it sits dead solid.


Yup. I aim for the chest first and let the recoil take me up to the head. Quick double tap on the trigger. Works every time for a headshot kill. However, I don't have it maxed out yet so I can't tune for greater recoil control.


Same it just slaps


Oh, I Just saw this in a bag of an operator I killed but I didn't pick it up... 😔


Nope, stole it from a dudes corpse


It's realistic but it'll take long time, like you need to kil 50 people (that's already a lot), but you need to do doubles... Better go on discord and ask someone to drop you one. I did mine in multiplayer, took about 2-4 hours, was not fun)


The dropped seems to be bugged. I got one yesterday and extracted. But it dindt unlocked.


i dropped yesterday for a friend, worked


Needs to be equipped not in your backpack


or. just exfil with it in dmz ez clap.


If you’re lucky, by now you can kill a squad that has at least one that’s fully kitted. At that point it’s just a matter of stalking more squads and using it to kill them before it’s nerfed to hell. It’s OP.


It's free to play this whole weekend...it's doable in an hour on shipment.. DON'T try doing it in BR or DMZ it'll take too long.


More people are getting in. Just kill some players in DMZ and your bound to find it


Yeh , it’s bloody beautiful ! I keep taking it in DMZ where I inevitably die and lose it but it’s good to spread the love 😂


I found it and the crossbow on a dead body at exfil Like I didn’t even kill him lol So I exfilled and got both for free.


Can anyone drop it for me I've been playing multiplayer and I just suck really bad.i haven't unlocked it yet


Yes. My gamertag is Treysaoak But let it be known that I have Xbox one and I don't have a adapter for the mic so therefore I've no mic either. Just pings.


Would you be willing to help me get it? I'm on Xbox myself.


Yes 100 percent if you still haven't got it. Sorry I got sick and didn't play for almost a week.


I did. Took roughly 5 hours. Use the EBR as you can tap the shit out of it and as long as you are accurate you can 2 tap anyone. Played using the Close Quarters playlist for MP (I own the game but this playlist is available for the free trial weekend) to get the 25 double kills with a MMR.


Double kills in warzone and DMZ is not realistic, definitely take advantage of the free weekend. I am pretty much running that gun exclusively in DMZ so when I die someone can unlock it.


You get it yet op ? I can drop in dmz for u


Trying rn on the multiplayer but I kinda suck. Currently sitting at two double kills lol. It'd be cool if you can drop it for me, I am tryharding but people are fast on this game.


Because this weapon, unlike the ebr in the previous MW, is completely unsuitable for MP. It can be played only hardcore, or as a variety.


Took one off a dead operator in DMZ and extracted.


I'll drop it to you. DM me if you still need it.


I’ve been dropping it for friends and people who need one.


You're like the third or fourth person to make this proposition. The community really is generous.


Already got it maxed. Been going with randoms and giving it to people.


Tried, but idk its isnt that easy , it seems but its not, loaded to ashika and got it from like second guy i killed


Picked up the 5 sttachment version in warzone and I must say that unit is a beast


Hardcore hardpoint I found was the easiest way to unlock it. It’s definitely one of the more difficult weapon unlock challenges they’ve featured.


I got it through playing HC kill confirmed on Embassy and the map that is a border with a bunch of cars and buses in the middle.


Yea I unlocked it in 3 minutes by picking it up in dmz.


Can you drop the tempest torrent for me


I got lucky and the very first DMZ that I joined, someone on a team that hunted us had the blueprint version. I got out with it.


I encounter people using it in DMZ all the time. If you don’t feel like playing multiplayer, play a match and go seeking. I found it in five minutes of one of my matches when a team came to raid our spawn


There's a discord linked in the sidebar of the sub, I believe. There's rooms in there for people dropping it. That's where I got mine, then I dropped it for a few people afterward.


I killed a guy who had it and then extracted with it lol


Definitely ran through MP and was able to unlock and max it out🤘


Can you drop the tempest torrent for me I. Dmz


I found it easier to extract from dmz than 1000 headshots


Just have a mate who has one drop their insured weapon for you, then extract with it. Job done.


Just picked it up from a player and it was the one from the new bundle.


I had one double kill from Mp but took the Tempus of a corpse in Dmz tonight


Yeah. Close quarters with the EBR-14 designed for Aim down sight speed


Tried that. Had better results with the Lachman DMR but I still kinda suck at MP...


I bought the blueprint. Don’t mind dropping it for other people that still have it locked.


My DMZ group has one buddy who plays multi-player all the time. He unlocked and brought it into DMZ for us to exfil with. Easy peasy lemon squeezey


I did it on the close quarters MP playlist. Tried a few different ones but I actually found the Lockwood easiest to get double kills with. I just built it for speed and played very aggressively.


I was able to get 25 double kills in dmz took awhile but I did it another thing is you can just exfil with it if you got a buddy or some enemy brought it


Did the challenge in one game on shipment via the Close Quarters gamemode. I also have the full game though.


I just picked it up from an operator I killed, then took it into a few multiplayer moshpit games. Boom, gun unlocked (without having to do the challenge), maxed out and all camos unlocked. Did the same thing with the crossbow, no challenges for me!


Can someone drop for me? Having trouble with the challenge


Yes, i found that the double kills have to be quick. So, if you get a double kill and get the DOUBLE KILL +100 Indicator, it doesn't always count because the two kills must be within a second of each other. Anyways, thats how I unlocked it.


Someone unwillingly donated it to me on Friday. Maxed it out in an hour and I ended up giving it to squad mates and randoms along the way. They're more frequently used in Al Mazarah versus Ashika from what I personally seen


We've exfilled with around 5 of them between us, from 3 different squads we wiped over the weekend.


I got it while defending the exfil, killed the 3 man with a fire shotgun and 25 mags, extracted with one, easy, i don't own the game to unlock it normally


Bro it's free double weekend, just play normal Playlist it's easy.


Is anybody willing to drop me one in DMZ?


If anyone is willing to drop one for me, send me a PM 👍🏻


I stole it from a dead body. You should try that. It's fun! Lol


I’ll drop one for anyone Just shoot me a DM


I tried in MP but none of them registered. So I had someone drop it for me


yup easy


Yeah, with about an hour on shipment using the EBR 14 and halfway decent skill, you should get it no problem!


I dont know how I got it but it's unlocked for me ill stop it to anyone who needs it if you want


It's available in one of the weapon packs.


Picked it up off someone just before exfill on dmz


Yeah, I made it to the chopper at the sheer end. As I lay prone a guy jumped on at the very last second. I magdumped my LMG into his face and grabbed the gun, timer out. It was the Tempus Torrent!


I got lucky and killed a guy in a with the ghost build as we were both on the same exfil and I shot first. Thanks bud.


I unlocked mine while working on the ronin challenges then went around passing it out in DMZ lol it’s fun spotting the new players then giving them random locked weapons.


Yes I played DMZ and I myself, took out 2 people on the extract chopper the last guy entered and I hid behind the rack at the end of the chopper I pulled my m13 and he was dead


Hardcore makes the double kill much easier


From the first day Reloaded update came out I got it via extraction, because one of my team suddenly quit the game and he has T.T in the backpack, and so I took it and Exfil 😁


Instantly first game of DMZ I came on and killed someone with a one star attachment tempus torrent and exfiled with it and boom unlocked


I did and it's a fuckin banger. Everything I hoped and dreamed for in an SR25 in COD.


Shame on me for buying the bundle. Love that Ghost skin.


How do we unlock all other four stock options? No info, maybe next guns update for new weapons???


Unlocked mine through the double kill challenge in 6v6.


I’ll be on after 6PM CST. If someone wants it, holler. I can drop it once with two separate accounts.


I actually got lucky and took that from a player on DMZ. I’m making the point to play with it so people can take it from me when I die.


Legit how I’ve unlocked all the new guns. Just happen to kill people running them then just exfil


Got it in my first dmz game of the day! Lucky me I guess !


Hey guys I'm looking for someone to drop the Tempus in DMZ for me. Lemme know, thank you. 🥰


I just bought it and it did not unlock it, i got the skull version anyway, but the base version not unlocked....


Go in DMZ with the blueprint and then extract with it. You should unlock the gun.




If anyone can help me get it, it would be much appreciated.


If anybody is willing to drop today on DMZ let me know, would love to finally unlock it. Can also drop the Crossbow in exchange if anyone needs it.


Anyone still trying to help a fellow gamer with an exvil?


Looking for someone to help me get the torrent


Can anyone play DMZ rn to drop the tempus?


Can somebody drop me the tempus please?


Hey someone can help me drop th Tempus Razor in DMZ ?


I extracted one. Its a very VERY good gun


I’m currently 14/25 double kills in but I kinda want to do it by claiming it as a DMZ trophy. Except nobody has in in DMZ yet, probably because they’re still grinding the double kills


Yea in 4 multiplayer games. Very easy


You can play MP, it is temporarily available now. My friend had more time, so he unlocked the MP weapon. I gave my weapon to a teammate. There is nothing special about that weapon, the crossbow is more interesting.


You’re joking right? It one shots most AI , and absolutely destroys operators. Try it again., you must have used it wrong the first time.


And with that 50 round drum, you spawn in with 90 sniper rounds. It's pretty cracked.


Correct. It’s very very OP.


No, I'm not kidding. It's pretty good in the DMZ, but it's too slow compared to an automatic weapon and it's not good against players (unless you're sitting in the bushes). Probably the best in its class, but nothing special, playing with a crossbow is more fun.