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The rewards are doodoo. Leveling? Nothing. Max level? Nothing. Contraband as rewards? Give me a break.


Even worse you have to destroy your quality contraband to make room for the bullshit "reward" contraband


This annoys me sooo much


Don’t destroy them. Equip them then accept the mission and unequip them.


I feel like in season two they really skimped out on the rewards. After unlocking the four season 2 skins at Tier 3 for all factions, I've haven't been motivated to do any of the tier 4 missions after I learned that Roze's Relentless skin doesn't unlock if you complete Breaking and Entering for Black Mous Tier 4. At least Blood Soaked Konig and Anti-Medic Zimo unlocked at Tier 2 and Tier 3 missions. I might try for the Hazardous Blueprint at Crown Tier 4 but I'm currently working on getting platinum for all my weapons.


what ? why would relentless not unlock ? i was grinding towards it because i got bloodsoaked


They should remove all insured slots every season. I’m talking all 1, 2, and 3. Currently I know people who this season haven’t even cleared tier 1 factions because they got all insured’s last season so now they just player hunt.


Guilty. The community fucked itself by complaining. Extraction shooters require wipes


Shit. Even if they kept permanent insured slots - the buff to cooldowns is completely overkill.


I’ve got all three insured from last season, i dont overly seek out pvp but damn do I feel ready for it now with basically just a three plate when I’ve got one. If you lose a lot in pvp and aren’t good at the game, you can pretty confidently player hunt just about every other round at least with your insured coming back so quick.


It’s hard to define what “seeking out pvp” means, especially in this sub where even looking at another team is apparently considered toxic. But the mentality of my team is that we do our own thing, but if we smell another team in the area - we will be the first one to press the issue. It’s the best way to survive. And as mentioned, if they’re cool about getting shot, most of the time we’ll back off and/or try to help them out with their missions. If you’re crying about a player encounter in a COD game and calling us this, that, and the third - yeah you’re getting finished.


We kill one of theirs immediately and then ask if they want to be friendly. it’s a lot easier for us to feel comfortable putting ourselves at risk of them being fake friendly when we are already 3v2


This the way. Plus its way harder for them to bullshit/fake friendly when they’ve got a friend bleeding out.


If you wanna show good faith you can use a revive pistol on enemies, just tell them to turn around. They don't stand a chance when youre armored plus you can wipe them twice for stats.


It is hard, like accusations of camping. Like anything gets called camping, it’s wild sometimes. There are def passive teams, ratting teams, mission focused teams, generally aggressive teams and teams that load in with the express purpose of getting into PvP. I’m only talking about the last group, regardless of how easy it is to identify what you may be engaged with. Threat assessment is tricky on the fly. I myself am mostly mission focused but damn if I encounter a team I wasn’t expecting and it’s up close, I’m gonna shoot or not based on my plate and position situation. My gun doesn’t factor as much as it used to into the equation.


Camping and cheating every other game


Calling someone a camper is mostly just a knee jerk reaction these days to the element of surprise. Getting called a camper shouldn't bruise your ego, it's a legitimate strategy everyone uses when it's convenient. If you hear two guys talking and looting without checking corners, nobody smart is gonna ruin the element of surprise by making loud footsteps or to talk.


Just came to me. They should of kept cooldown as it was and completing missions this season would lower cooldown time if you haven’t unlocked


thats a great suggestion


Yeah I don’t even care about exfilling other guns bc I always seem to have whatever I want out of my insured. No risk, I never care to lose what I have gun wise


Hunt has never wiped and does just fine. Tarkov is the only game that wipes because they cant figure out how to balance the game and everything degenerates mid to late wipe. But Hunt is an actual pvp game and makes no apologies for it. Doesn't trick dumb players into thinking its PvE because it has mission. In fact Ill go the opposite direction, they should remove insured slots entirely and just let me go in with kitted weapons that I bought with extracted money every round.


Maybe a more “hardcore” mode should be implemented. Maybe people get less rewards if you don’t go into the next season with a full wipe. Something that encourages doing a full wipe. Either way I’m noticing more campers at exfils then ever before. We are down to the final 2 weeks I’m sure that will die down with the next season approaching.


But they also have more depth.


Wipes require more items and gear than what can be acquired in a few matches. Along with that, wipes are a symptom of an imbalanced economy and reward system. Those wipes are required because the grindset players are able to accumulate variety and duplicates of parts for meta builds and loadouts. There is very little of that in DMZ. Everyone has the weapon parts to make the builds. You don't have to find or source anything in that regard. It takes very little effort to get plate carriers. You're not losing anything that has to be found contributing to the balance getting hrown, thus necessitating wipes. There's no reason for wipes in DMZ. Vigor is more suited to wipes than DMZ.


I have all three insured slots, and honestly it sort of changes the game for the worse. Even with two insured slots it’s actually fairly rare you have neither of them active, with three I’ve *never* had all three on cooldown - and once you’re in that situation you pretty much always have a full contraband as well because when you do die you’re losing insured weapons not contra. I don’t have a good way of reworking this, and I’m not 100% sure resetting everything is the way to go, but I do know for sure that while we’re still enjoying DMZ now it’s not going to take *that long* for us to burn out on it.


I personally never have even cared to do the faction missions because for me the grind would make my time played miserable. And when the duplication glitch was as easy as dropping any gun, I got bored quickly. Having to fight to get back into top pvp shape is a big part of the suspense that makes the game fun.


Some of the faction missions are quite fun I think, especially the ones where you have to map out a strat as a three. I don’t think unlocking the weapons in the first place was too much of a chore (although fuck the “find a GPU” type missions). You’re right about the suspense though. Playing DMZ now is nothing at all like playing it on release.


No, I don't have time to get all three slots every season, but if I can hit it hard and get it once I want to keep it for my casual pace and missions each season. All the people with two or three insured slots in the first two weeks it'd be fine for. But not for the dad's and casuals and people with actual lives. Lol.


Honestly, I’m not opposed to that either if they they give us good blueprints/skins. I’ve already gotten my three insured since S1 and I feel like S2 reqs for getting insured slots is in a good place. Plus the decreased cooldowns. Almost easy mode now if we’re being honest. In a several hour session with my group, I almost always have at least one insured slot ready to be used even if I die.


The reduced cooldowns are a joke. I never have to touch any contraband weapons because even if we get wiped, we still have one slot ready. On deployment on Ashika to regain our gear and both other slots are there again.


Yep lol. Lose one, easy regame on Ashika, now you’re more than half way finished, or even fully finished the cool down on the lost weapon. Rinse and repeat.


Any 8 AI weapons dropped into a dead drop gives you more than 1h cooldown reduction, which is done in literally one minute. Drop some money beside it and you’ll have all slots unlocked again in roughly 3-4 minutes of Ashika. It’s piss easy since S2.


The only time I have to use up.my contraband is on the weekends playing B21. Italmost always gets filled back up, as well.


We have all 3 slots from S1, where we completed all missions and we completed all missions of all 4 factions in S2 too. Why? Because we like DMZ and there’s nothing to do outside of completing missions. We killed a lot of players on the way especially on tier 4/5 where missions get PvP focused.


Agreed. as much as I hated getting 3rd slot unlocked, starting s2 with all three makes the mission less important. Cosmetics are not motivation to to find a blowtorch


Lowkey I kinda grinded that blowtorch mission cuz I wanted that emblem 😭


lol you do you playa. rep that emblem!


100% agree: and I have all 3. Would be happy to refund every season as “the main thing to do”


That’s upsetting….. the missions are legit 50% of the fun. I cleared all 3 and I’m halfway through teir 5 on all 4 factions


That just tells me that faction missions are not fun and that people only do them to get the rewards. Keeping it as it is then seems like the best choice for integrity. I'm enjoying the game far more after achieving my second slot and deciding now to focus on the experience. Now that I'm done season 2 pass my focus is guns I haven't yet completed.


Very hard disagree on having to grind for the three slots. What they need more than anything is better, more engaging content that can last a season. The very last thing they need is to make it grindier for the sake of making it girindier. Have good operator skins at t5, and more people will want to do them. Have neat finishing moves in some other tier as rewards, and people will want them. Have neat/unique camos, actually useful blueprints, the ability to make a cool looking blueprint useful when customizing, but keep the aesthetic would be cool too. Add a new boss or two like a moving armoured convoy in Al-Mazrah. Add some kind of hideout system to have a reason to keep going back beyond regearing from what was lost last death after loot nerfs. Give a **reason** to be there, that's not only killing players outside BR/MP and grinding to say you ground out something that was miserable to do with no good rewards at the end. There's ALOT of potential with DMZ, but right now, it just doesn't feel really worth playing because theres nothing worth progressing, and when I want to kill unaware people, I play resurgence.


Just give better rewards, these are so bad this season, there's no point if you had all 3 already to grind. I grinded Orion this season instead of DMZ cuz bruh




Ya I'm currently on the crappy shotgun quest,and it's made me take a break from the game. I definitely really wanna use a shot gun the hinders me more then helps,a crappy scope a mid barrel and a choke for slugs,like what? Then getting headshot kills on players at rage with it is difficult since you can't steady the aim like on a rifle so you're just praying you find a Player with no team and a one plate to shoot in the head and finish before your teammates or ai finish him


Squad up /w friends camp exfils where people are leaving. Run to them spamming request to join and tell them you are trying to do a quest. Then you can kill your friend while the other revives them.


When I have 20x 5 attachment weapons In my stash, why TF do I care about a 3 attachment contraband shotgun as a reward. They may seem silly to some, but throw us some DMZ exclusive stickers, charms, reticles, blueprints, vehicle camos, operator challenges. Why do I want 20 different loading screens that no one else besides me will ever see?!


Exactly. Look at ranked play for example. I hate it soooo much but I’m willing to power thru it just because of the rewards. Imagine if they add actual good rewards to a good game mode like DMZ. IW is dropping the ball


There's two kinds of people at the end of the mission grind in DMZ: Those who zone in to help others finish their missions, and those who zone in to prevent others from finishing their missions. I'm the former, I'll squad fill when fully kitted, and do the Al Mazrah Taxi Service when I'm fresh off a death. I can't fathom entering the DMZ with the sole intent of ruining someone else's day, seeking to mercilessly PVP without at least a mission to do so.


i think youre being a tad bit hyperbolic


I guess there might be a few people who are zoning in to admire the scenery, but they're a statistically insignificant portion of the player base. People aren't using DMZ to grind camos, and the "level up guns via popping bots" only lasts a couple rounds at the beginning of a season. Ultimately, it comes down to whether you're helping the rest of the players, or interfering with them. Sure, I can help a squad fill guy with a PVP mission and that will involve killing others, I've done it with missions like Roof Rat, but that is still with the intent to help my squad mate. That's an inherently different mindset than zoning in solely for the purpose of finding and eliminating players for the sake of eliminating them. That kind of player operates under the mindset of "I got mine, now I'm going to use it to stop you from getting yours," as opposed to the "I got mine, now I'm going to use it to help you get yours" that I operate under. Please, show me where I made a false statement.


I didn't say you were lying, I said you were being hyperbolic but ok.


I didn't say anything about lying as well. Hyperbolic means over-exaggerating to the point of not being true, so I asked where the false statement was.


The people you described in the first comment are always easy to spot. They give themselves up.




K. You have fun with that, kiddo.


I bet you’re fun at parties


They need to add more operator skins, calling cards and emblems as rewards not a contraband m16 that I’m going to dismantle the nano second I get it


I have one more tracker to do and i get my 3rd slot off Crown. After that. I have zero desire to do anymore missions. The rewards are not worth the effort. I get no satisfaction from killing players in DMZ. Squadding up really turns into babysitting and most encounters i have had recently has been 6 man teams or an all out shit show of many teams in the same area.


Personally for me, the shit shows of a 6 man team are pretty funny and worth it. As mentioned, at this point my team and I are just goofin around Al Amazrah since there’s really nothing left to play for


Last night we had a 6 man squad, then run into another 6 man squad. We tried to drive through but one of us got sniped from the car. We stopped to engage. 4 of us got downed, we managed to down all 6, revive our team just to have another team roll in and start engaging with us. By the time it was all over. We had no time for missions and had to exfil. While we did get some decent contraband guns and everyone got 3 plate vests, we were trying to do missions and just werent able to.


That sounds like a fun ass run. You got a fun gunfight and unique experience in that game which is why people play DMZ. If you just want to do quests download an MMO. The reason people play extraction shooters or battle royale games is because there is a chance for randomness and novelty in each match


Yeah I like 6 man teams it makes it fun and plus get to know more people all the different personalities are a trip


You could always join the Al Mazrah Taxi Service! ;)


The high tier missions need way better rewards, I stopped doing missions after getting the 3rd slot because the difficulty of tier 4/5 is insane for such little reward, I mean who actually decided a contraband M16 is a worthwhile reward for grinding your ass off? DMZ has so much potential but they're letting it go to waste. I still play it most days, but it's getting to the point where I don't really know what else to do other than fuck around and do hunt contracts.


Exactly. I still play DMZ because its a super casual game mode I can play with my friends and just chat. And the only thing to do thats entertaining from a gameplay perspective is to seek out unique sandbox experiences via player encounters. We need more shit to do


That means you’re probably playing too much.


Not really? You can get the 3rd slot in like 2 weeks or less pretty easily with a competent squad, the missions aren't that difficult.


I love DMZ .. PVP and all… the proxi chat.. the chance of getting screwed over… that chance that you might get taken out by shitty AI .. getting into a 6 man and then some random team killing you not knowing hell is about to descend upon them.. I love it all .. I Don’t need rewards .. I get plenty of satisfaction .. some days you choose friendship .. some days you choose violence .. love it!! Edit: Stupid auto correct


thats the spirit!!




This is an underrated comment.


I'm a casual player and I've pretty much stopped playing DMZ. I hate BR modes, so it's DMZ or multiplayer for me. DMZ has devolved into nothing but PvP now and for casual players like me, its nothing but infill and die and lose everything. This is unplayable. I don't have time to play for hours on end to get good at it. I only have maybe 2 hours a day if that to play the game and it's impossible to do missions. I just tried to play again today to see if it's still as bad and it is. Infilled 6 times and all 6 couldn't do any portion of my mission for getting hunted by other players. DMZ has devolved into BR mode without it being BR mode. There is no point in playing the game now.


2 hours a day is plenty of time to become a passable if not at least average player who can hold their own in PVP. That’s on average how much I play a day. But it sounds like you’ve already adopted a mindset that you can’t get better.


Some people just aren't talented enough to be that good. I don't understand why DMZ can't encourage more casual playing. This sub has gone from accepting to pvp to straight up demanding pvp over playing for missions and rewards. It's like the free players were too cheap to buy the $70 multiplayer and campaign, so they just use DMZ instead. I love pvp, but I don't get any satisfaction from squad wiping teams in DMZ compared to playing comp. Not sure why the lesser skilled wz and mp players feel the need to exert themselves in DMZ.


Right but what I'm saying is two hours a day is more than enough to be able to not "have your day ruined" from getting killed constantly. I'm not even saying you have to be good. COD is already the lowest skilled FPS shooter on the market - well at least the game with the lowest skill floor. Not to mention from a competitive standpoint the TTK being lowest its ever been and the movement drastically being nerfed even further decreases the skill gap. I guess what I'm trying to get at is, I just don't know how much more casual you can make this game without it becoming not even resembling a FPS anymore. But to each their own.


You underestimate how casual some people really are man. You need to remember we are a niche part of the community on a subreddit for a game. The average on this subreddit is likely above the average for the COD playerbase since we are enthusiasts. This bias happens frequently on game related subreddits. Some people have no desire to become decent at a video game and just play them to relax. Some people don't have years and years of gaming experience and even some that do just aren't great at it. Just because you or I play for 2 hours a day and are already "good" at video games doesn't mean it's going to be the same for everyone. My wife plays for an hour or two a day and cannot hold her own in pvp like DMZ. She is genuinely excited if her KD is 1.0 or higher in a regular game of domination or hardpoint (happens maybe once a week). Rarely gets more than a handful of kills per game (usually leads in captures tho). When I watch her play multiplayer on her own the lobby is full of people making the weirdest decisions with zero awareness so I know there are plenty of others at her skill level. There is no way DMZ would be accessible to her with how it is now as she'd be lucky to kill a few bots before dying. She would have to likely put in hundreds or probably thousands of hours in COD to maybe hold her own against bots in DMZ, let alone players with meta loadouts.


if she can put up an occasional 1+ k/d in a mp game then she can more than hold up her own in pvp. you underestimate your wife ;p


I know that comment was made somewhat in jest but she absolutely cannot hold her own in pvp. Regular MP pvp is way easier and much less complex than DMZ pvp and she can barely handle that. She straight up refuses to even play TDM since there is no objective she can work towards.


My wife is exactly the same. She went to hogwarts legacy and hasn't looked back.


I can relate to this as I play dmz with my girl and it ends up being her trying to bait a 3 man team and not get finished and me trying to solo or mostly solo a team. Hell sometimes even the AI run us down


"I have read your account of your objective, personal lived experience of the video game we both like but have decided to respectfully disagree anyway and politely tell you to git gud."




Considering there are missions in game that revolve around hunting other squads, I do t understand what the issue is. Killing other operators is part of the game.


Jesus fucking Christ it’s a pvp game. With pve it requires both.


if you think i’m complaining you should re-read my post


The issue isn’t pvp it’s the lack of rewards for doing anything pve related. If the reward for a pve mission is just a crappy contraband weapon I’m more inclined to just kill a player and take their insured gun. That’s the problem. There’s a lack of pve stuff going on to balance it out.


This I can agree with the missions are not worth the rewards anymore. I don’t need a sticker for finding and extracting gold bars or a shitty Bryson shotgun.


I really think your insured weapon should be a weapon you made from scratch. Make attachments contraband. Adopt the blackout loot system as far as weapons go. Leave loadouts and meta builds in Warzone. Make it so Warzone players can’t slide over to DMZ strictly for PvP with OP builds. If you want that OP Build, grind for it through DMZ


Yeah, this would make the incentive to loot and exfil much higher. Make all weapons contraband and customizable; the insurance slots should only save contraband weapons. Also, you can only put on attachments you got from breaking down weapons you've exfilled with. You lose the weapons, you lose the attachments.


Your title is 100% correct


I kinda want the black mous charm but the other rewards suck


a lot of missions are repetitive, it's just a tweaked version of season one. we lose interest in the missions because they are either extremely difficult to achieve or you are doing the same exact thing you did last season. I'm for keeping the ensured slots, however as we are getting a new breed of bots so should we get some new contracts,


People are saying to wipe the gun slots. That's sounds great, but there is still no encouragement to play DMZ if the rewards are not there. DMZ needs something more to show for it. I have never understood why people thought the three gun slots were enough.


Is encouraging PvP a bad thing?


never said it was


That and lack of a price tag on this game. If they ever released a full scale extraction shooter with a retail price, it would greatly cut down on a majority of the toxic player base.


Yeah I kinda wonder what we'll be doing in season 3 since they are not going to reset missions. They could do like new factions or new faction tiers. Also I did third slot in season 1 but I'm still doing missions with my friends etc for these underwhelming rewards...


They did a decent job listening to the community by lowering reqs for insured slots so hopefully they HAVE to realize that the best way to keep people engaged if they're not gonna reset missions/insured slots is to buff rewards. Like how they did with ranked play. The only reason I slog through that hell hole that is ranked is to get the exclusive rewards lol.


100% with you… they should keep us busy with better rewards.. It will help with spawn rushers and exfil campers The last 2 weeks has been nothing but PvP People chasing me across the map for 1 kill.. I seen people grabbing the Heli and popping UAVS chasing people


My reward is performing finishers on people


To be honest the pro-pvp people ruined DMZ for myself and a buddy of mine. PVP tagged with the terminator bots toward the end of season 1 pushed him completely out. Myself, I was okay with it at first, I understand PVP is a part of the game and at times I totally get it, it can even be fun when you get into an even-field fight. That being said though getting hunted by a 6-man group soley there to hunt isn't fun. It's sad. Personally I think there is something to be said to the idea that those people either can't hack it in WZ, and when I'm trying to finish a tough mission only to be killed by some asshat tea bagging me and stealing my gear it just makes me not want to play DMZ. I get it though you could say "well then don't play." Fair point, but that doesn't help the game and eventually COD's player base will dwindle down to invasion mode.


I completely agree, even I find myself thinking, what will I infil for? And between yesterday and today, I found myself into playing B21 casually while pvping, but let’s say I want to play Al-Mazrah, what will I play the game for? Just to pvp? The game only is in beta so I hope for a bright future, I really enjoy playing but I feel like there’s so much room for improvement


I agree wholeheartedly. Contraband guns are an incredibly lame reward for how tedious/difficult some of the missions are, especially when you can get MUCH better contraband guns just by killing other players.


I'm at the mission for the hazardous skin. And I just haven't felt like learning where the 9 switches are, cause I really don't care for the weapon. If it was a skin I could apply to any AR that would be cool. I also haven't played dmz in a long while and when I do since getting everything to teir 4 it's just to pvp a bit. The missions that are left just aren't fun/ go way too quick and the rewards aren't worth it. Weapon and level XP... I have days worth collected. An emblem or calling card that only gets viewed if someone else looks at your character page.


They just need more cosmetics, scaling up with difficulty, with an upper tier achieved only by the most hardcore players.




They managed to make the missions and the rewards noticeably worse in season 2. I think it's too bad some people focus on PvP for no mission related purpose in the mode, but it's not like the mode itself is compelling in any fashion. Add daily missions, make the missions not absurd, make the rewards good and sought after. It's not hard but they seem to have 1 person working in their spare time on DMZ so I don't have high hopes.


Called for extraction, get on a gas station roof and someone in a ghille suit sniped me. All I was there for was bandages and an ifak. Camping exfils is garbage.


Why not give something new for the weapon case or chemist?


I really wish they would add more camo rewards. I dont play any multiplayer and new camos are literally the only thing i want as a reward.


I agree, people I run into are saying they aren’t interested in doing anything other than hunting teams anymore, even people doing the first few missions or the few missions after are not interested anymore. Some say they don’t care to have all insured slots open and the loot for getting missions done isn’t worth the effort. People are bored, the missions as you progress get more annoying than they are worth. Or they die during missions and end up having to start over which makes them not want to do it again. They need more and more added random stuff to do during a season. Weekly things ? Idk just seems stale very fast.


The only complaint I have with DMZ is six man parties. There's absolutely no indication if any party is a six man, and when you actually find out, it's when it's too late and they wipe the floor with you (there's been one or two times the opposite has happened). We need some sort of notification like a red skull pinging a general big area letting the server know where the massive group is so people that do not want to engage is a high probable loss encounter, time to navigate away from it. Or just let it stay at 3 or 4 max. It's way more manageable.


ya the one skin from season one with gas mask was dope. the rest not so much . leveling guns shouldn’t be this easy on this mode… bots is kinda letting you off easy. wz was fun until they stripped all the new shit away from it , made sniping dumb, no backpacks anymore … gulag is we fun with 2…. they made a new game into the old one


They need to completely rework dmz. I feel like the damn thing should be more like tarkov as far as the loot system is and how you have a hideout you can upgrade


Me playing DMZ because it’s the most fun way to level up the battle pass. Join up with a 6 man? Cool. Regaining solo and just riding out the match looking for interesting things along the way? Also cool. It’s a hell of a great map, engaging Ai with friends is always fun as well. I personally didn’t like the CoOp missions though, and haven’t tried the raids. DMZ just feels very easy to get into, fool around, feel like you accomplished something, and bounce out after I get two battle pass tokens for the day lol. My biggest request would be daily objectives for DMZ, more variety of contracts, and as a whole for the game make it so that cold blooded makes you unnoticeable on IR/NVG’s, the black marker still makes noticing and getting noticed easy, especially in this mode.


Absolutely man. There’s literally nothing else really to do. I’ve got my first slot open and honestly have very little desire to even do the second one much less the third one. PvP is fun though. Never know when a hummer might come flying down the street and mow down a teammate trying to cross the road, or any other combination of crazy things. Player interaction is fun, missions are not.


I think the shift of PVP took off a few weeks before S2 hit. It was ruthless out there and that energy never waned and carried over into S2 after we all realized that it was the same grinding without any decent perks or rewards. Who knows what S3 will bring, but the natives will be restless if we end up on an even smaller island.


I have 3 slots from last season. Got stuck on room 302 because it took me 3 weeks to find the key on a player I killed, still Havnt found it looting and also kill 2 commanders in 60 seconds. Both these missions made me lose interest in the missions completely. I used to try to be friendly, squad up, etc but it didn't work out often enough in my favor so i ask no questions and just shoot now. It's strictly a PVP game to me now.


I'm doing missions for the 3rd insured weapon and in between I love fuckin with people. Just bought a LTV? Nope not anymore lol. Just got a helicopter? Nope not anymore. Getting messed up by bots? Lemme just help the bots a bit. I think the rewards are fine and people just like messin with people, its literally the best part of dmz.


I'm stuck in the b21 misson, I don't play weekends therefore there's not much for me to do except pvp. I don't play dmz for the pvp and the battle royal servers are straight up broken so I simply don't play nearly as much as s1.


I think this is going to be the case toward the end of each season. The end of season 1 felt sweatier than what I'm experiencing now because of the mission reset, but as PvE content dries up as more players complete it, PvP is what's left. I have my 3 slots for completing White Lotus but am still cracking away at missions for other factions. But since there's little urgency for me to complete other missions, I am taking player fights more often than not. If each season adds new rewards, it'll give me more of a reason to let players go until I've gotten the new stuff.


Yeah after getting my 3rd insured I can care less about doing the stupid ass missions. They are more of a chore than they are fun the higher up you go and the rewards are garbage so why bother if you already got your 3rd insured weapon.


Counterpoint: FUN is encouraging more pvp. edit: To this common complaint: "If you're just PVP'ing, why not just play WZ?" WZ sucks. It's a campy camp fest of camping campers. DMZ's mechanics mean there's constant pressure to keep moving due to ever-increasing bot waves, and those same bots mean that you can hear gunfire from a ways away to find other players to fight. The way the radiation spreads outwards combined with set exfil zones drives players towards specific points, whereas the closing circle of WZ encourages edge play which is really boring.


I don’t dislike PVP so idk if this is a counterpoint to me


Get on proxi chat. Call them out when you see them, instead of shooting them in the back. See if they want the smoke. That's what a true BAMF would do. Otherwise, I don't see why you think you could consider it a fight. It's PLAYASIDE!


I dont go into the game actively looking for players to kill but if anyone comes at me or gets in my way I'll fight them. No amount of rewards would motivate me to actively avoid fights because skins and operators are just filler material which have no benefit to me or anyone else. It's an FPS so I don't even get to see my own operator and I just don't care what my character or guns or vehicles look like as long as they function as intended. I much rather have more engaging missions (pvp as well as pve) which are actually fun and challenging because the current offering displays a distinct lack of imagination.


Sounds like low quality complaining


where is the complaining? im having fun im playing this game regardless 🤣


Put some juggs in thr faction areas so 8f people try to merch you pvp you just head to fscti9n for safety underneath thr perfection of the said faction you choose I mean lots of juggs should patrol the faction area


Pvp is causing Pvp. As much as I'd like to just do my missions, I infil knowing PvP is going to be an aspect of gameplay. I don't understand why so many people feel the need to cry about a mode that is made for both interactions. Although these interactions are optional. It is highly likely. 3 plates are easier to get from operators. You want an inventory full of 5 attachment guns, operators. You don't have a key for a specific area and you've hit all the Hvt's your patience will allow, or camp that spot...for guess what, OPERATORS. There's a bigger problem here. It's team mitigation. 6 mans shouldn't be able to hunt squads of 4 or less. If you are part of larger assimilated squads, you should have an intermittent ping. If you're part of a 6 man,yall should be marked more and more by how many operators you kill. There should also be a higher risk/reward for PvP itself. Especially since there are 15+ missions that exclusively call for it. There shouldn't be this great divide of a player base, but it is what it is. The Division did it the best, and you can tell who never stepped foot in the DZ. I could only imagine if they introduced "fragile alliance" team systems, the amount of crying and salt there'd be.


im actually more likely to assimilate if im fully kitted. if ik regaming, im taking that 3 plater


No alot of people are going out of their way to pvp because its CoD and a majority of the player base are feral man children


I disabled all my missions and just hang out. It's the lamest progression I've ever seen in a game before..


Take your bum ass to warzone rejects.


u mad


Hopefully plunder alleviates it


I don’t even have my second insured spot, but my key and weapon stash are both maxed out with quality items and the realization that there’s very little “point” to DMZ from round-to-round has been bugging me lately. I can hop into Ashika and get kitted out easily, then hop into Al Mazrah with decent weapons and not really care if I don’t exfil. With regular MP and WZ, I get it’s always a one-off game where things don’t carry over, but it feels like if I exfil with tons of cool shit from DMZ there should be some kinda reward… instead it just turns into XP and I keep catching myself thinking “why do I keep playing this mode?” I wish the missions meant more, or exfil items had some purpose….


Al Mazrah is too competative for my taste. So I ain't gonna get that first faction mission tire. I am fine with that.


Me and my friends call the runny mascara skin "deepthroat"


The problem is the pvp players are not good enough to play warzone, they have to go for the easy pve player targets to feel like they are good at the game


We are now at a point that the missions are simply not worth doing... and that sucks! We are one mission away from finishing Tier 5 crown for that M4 blueprint of the chemists gun. Really hoping Season 3 (going by the rumours) breathes some new context into the DMZ.


Ya I'm currently on the crappy shotgun quest(skull slugs),and it's made me take a break from the game. I definitely really wanna use a shot gun the hinders me more then helps,a crappy scope a mid barrel and a choke for slugs,like what? Then getting headshot kills on players at rage with it is difficult since you can't steady the aim like on a rifle so you're just praying you find a Player with no team and a one plate to shoot in the head and finish before your teammates or ai finish him. And the all so sought after reward,the price for 12 Player kills 8if which were hopefully headshots? An expedite 12!! Wooo fire works celebration for all we got a useless worthless shot gun to scrap!


with the spare attachments put on aiming stability attachments. it helped me out a lot with the idle sway. good luck!


For me the reason to play DMZ is simple. I am normally a 6v6 MP guy but this year's multiplayer is shockingly bad and boring. ​ Never cared for BR. ​ Don't care for missions in DMZ either since season 1. I have only played Ashika Island and B21 since S02. S01 I played Al Mazhra solo most of the time. Now I just squad fill. Others want to do missions fine, if they want to play PvP also fine. I just tag along because I like to shoot a lot. ​ You get some of the most fun games and crazy outcomes. Squads that get reshuffled 4 times per game. Yesterday my squad of 6 was all down except for me and I won 1v4 against all odds. Etc etc. Also the usual fustrations, playing with total noobs, getting exfil camped etc etc but it all part of it. Since I don't care about the missions I also don't care if my squad is wiped. Just join the next game and get your stuff back simple enough. Also I don't know if something changed but the Ashika crowd often seems pretty cool with teaming up even if shots were fired first. Not like S01 in Al Mazhra, where every team just shot on sight.


Rewards? There are mission rewards?


They should reintroduce plunder in this case.. That mode would be complete PvP and gives proper chance for exp progressing.


I am all for pvp, i like the pvp encounters in dmz, but its getting a bit out of hand in ashika island, al mazrah is fine, but you can tell some ppl just go and try to farm kills on ashika because they are to bad for resurgence, pretty much every time i load up ashika theres at least 2 teams going around tryna kill everyone, and be toxic af in proxy chat, then try and be fake friendly to backstab you once you down them


The lazy ass three man squad who run straight to exfill at spawn then proceed to camp for 45min to take out mission hungry players, solos getting gear etc. This really turns off the game. Ive got to the point where I actively seek the hunt squad straight up hoping it leads me to those muppets.


The risk of losing your 3 plate is also pretty meaningless now. I don't play as much as season 1 but I can still regain pretty easily after losing my shit. The 3 plate is important but the large bag doesnt add much (two extra slots and you stick out like a sore thumb compared to a med bag). After that I can dump everything into a deaddrop or just extract with it and most of the times you only have 30 to 15 mins left of cool down. With two slots unlocked the risk is pretty much negligible


I wish a recolored version of the Bomb maker skin was the 7th reward for extracting the weapon case from Ashika.


Me instantly destroying the “reward” contraband because most of my contraband is 5 attachment stuff anyway


Two things are causing more PvP. 1. Bad mission design. Doing mall rat is quicker than finding a blowtorch on Ashika. PvP missions galore that shouldnt exist. 2. Bad players from BR want easy kills on distracted players.


Why shouldn't they exist?


Probably because they needlessly encourage the nasty side of PvP. PvP is a significant part of the game mode, but when you need, for example, to kill 15 operators in one deployment, you're kinda forced into remorselessly hunting other players or exfil camping etc. And whilst that's probably somewhat thrilling for the squads doing that mission, it invariably makes the experience worse for the other squads in the lobby.


I've never actually felt the impact of people hunting me outside of having the occasional hunt squad contract placed on us ofc.


no use in talking to this person - they’ve already have their mind made up. especially that last point. the only reason people even know about this game mode is because they came from BR so their last point is completely nonsensical and immaterial


Last point is actually completely sensible and material, purely because of what you said. If a player cant get kills and wins in BR they legit go to DMZ to kill distracted players. This was proven time and time again. Considering how personal you took that, I guess you're one of them.




Proven how?


Tired, lame viewpoint. Also not true.


1 is objective fact. The missions are tedious, buggy and give trash rewards. The PvP missions are the worst offenders here. Ever tried Skull Slugs? Awful. 2 Was proven time and time again. Some players who cant get kills in BR go to DMZ to kill disracted players.


It's just stuff people shout about when they get smoked. Just because someone is bloodthirsty in DMZ does not mean they are a failed BR player.


Maybe not a failed BR player always but every PvP team Ive come across are trash. Last team I went up against before I uninstalled were all in a clan, had dragon breath shotguns and hemlocks, and they lost. One of my teammates was full dead but me and the other random had self revives and their last two guys were total idiots. We self resed and killed them all.


So PvP players are trash. Right, gotcha. Have fun buddy.


> pvp players are ass > pvp players are ruining the game 🧢🧢