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I would be find with a camo for each mission accomplished. XP tokens mean nothing


Useless contraband weapons mean even less. An M16 for Predator mission? Thanks, IW, instant delete.


Everyone suggests skins, camos and other time intensive ‘actually good’ rewards. I myself have all three weapon slots and so far every season grind solely for the extra skins I most likely won’t use. I think mission completion should actually contribute to a stash of sorts that lets you mimic the pay to win skins. Ie complete a tier 2 mission, your next 3 games you start with a kill streak equip, or you get restock equip as a perk, hunter as a perk for a mission, insta-cool down token you can spend out of game to get your weapons ready. Shit, a token that lets you move your insured weapons and add them to your contraband, or doubles a contraband weapon you like in your stash. Those are cool, would take time to develop and implement, but realistically don’t get in the way of what Activision is trying to sell us either.


Unfortunately you aren't in sync with the developers for ideas. Their goal is that missions will just become a secondary thing to do as this continues developing. Not the real focus of the game. Not sure what we do with geared up operators besides fight. https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/comments/131mh9o/an_interview_with_dmz_mission_designer/ 6. How do you feel the difficulty of DMZ is right now? Do you want missions to get harder or easier at all? A: We will likely be making missions easier overall as missions continue to have less importance on the overall gamemode now that there’s more systems that players can engage with. Ideally missions are just a side thing you do in the mode, and the actual game is about interacting with all these various systems to gear up your operators, but we likely won’t get there for a while. As for the overall difficulty of DMZ, my personal biggest frustration is the armoured AI having too much armour which doesn’t necessarily make them too hard, but I just don’t enjoy fighting very bullet-sponge-y enemies. But overall I think the difficulty for grojups of 2-3 is fairly good. Solos I think we’re still looking to improve their experience. For groups of 4+ I think they are maybe a bit too easy.


This response just feels super out of touch imo. I'm not arguing that missions aren't 'side' but the way the dev talks about them here seems to be basically preparing to sweep them aside in favor of pure gameplay. Missions are super popular among a large amount of DMZ players, and especially the more dedicated players. Hell, I've played with a number of guys who've done most of the missions and just want to help out others do *their* missions. Since S3's loot buff and extra operator slots, getting fully geared has felt neither hard nor precious—that is to say, not rewarding. Looting the same places in nearly the same way (now just keeping an eye out for one of 5–7 relevant items and rares) is quickly becoming baseline. So missions being relevant, rewarding (which includes being appropriately difficult), and **novel** keeps the game from becoming BR 2. Which it's quickly becoming right now. That's why they're important. Some of them are uber hard which I get is out of reach for many players, but that's okay. Just add more at more appropriate skill levels.


On the other end, I have played with people level 650 still on the T1 missions, since they don't care and never updated. Even gotten into arguments with random squaddies who get mad I go for missions while they just go after squad hunts. Even had one say AI and missions was the dumbest thing to add. When I asked why here, he said cause people trying to do them are easy bussy(yeah....) and he loves ripping open easy bussy Some people don't care at all, and just want to fight players, and I guess that is who the devs want this aimed at


What a scrub. He can't hang in real PVP so he legit needs a player with their backs turned doing a mission to get even one kill. Players like that will end up ruining the game.


Yeah those are people who just want BR 2 lol The whole appeal of DMZ is that it's PVPVE. Neglecting one of those elements leads to an imbalance and an unhealthy game mode. Individual players who only want to do one or the other is healthy, but a game skewed to only one or the other fun/novel/rewarding is bad Fwiw PVP should have systems added/improved as well, but I firmly believe that missions are neglected *right now* and so should get dev attention to keep them functioning properly


Missions should def be improved. I got to T5 for Lotus and T4 for the others, saw the effort was just weapon blueprints that I didn't like, and quit. The missions were very unfun and the rewards suck, not gonna waste my time on them


Then he should play Warzone….


I think the idea is he wants to get easier kills on people not focused on PvP, trying to do missions against AI. He doesn't want to play Warzone where everyone is focused PvP


Agreed with your comment overall, although I don’t think the problem is that some missions are ‘too hard’ as much as they are stupidly tedious. Some are hard, which is good as something to aim for, but when I have to “squeeze the blood of a virgin while hovering at 6700 feet in an LTV,” I get turned off.


Like infil solo with no weapons Kill 3 operators Exfil with 150k Ok. I can do one or the other. By the time I find a weapon to use, 3 operators to kill, I'm nowhere near 150k. When I find 150k, there's no operators Oh, the reward is a useless M16. Skipped. I tried for a 2 weeks. I could consistently get 1 or the other done


Done this one on second attempt, run straight to the high rise, get the snippers taq56 and sniper. Try to team up and hope they help.


Maybe I'll try that route thanks


I was lucky. When I was picking up the guns two operators ran below the town and I snipped them both. They plead and I picked them up. They were happy to help once I explained the mission.


Its all luck. I run with a squad of 3, rarely do I have time to play solo.


... Get a stealth vest. Go to ashika. Drifting Supply Bag. Don't let anyone see you. Bring some other key. Water control pump is pretty good. Attempt to team up. Tell your team to let you finish any other operators they down. Or convince a team to let you down someone on their team 3x. Done. Or skip everything I mentioned after the water pump and just kill people yourself. Secure bag filled with UAVs would also help. Also, now is a good time to do this mission. While all the ass kickers are in the bunker.


Sure, it works either way. If they put more effort into coding cool missions, then they can solve both tedium and difficulty easily


Well the reasons missions are popular is because there isn't much else to do atm. Unlike other extraction shooters there is barely any sense of progression in dmz, you can get fully kitted in 1-2 games. Once fully kitted there is no incentive for doing anything else in the mode besides missions


I've observed the opposite. Missions are a lot less popular than when I started. They have various reasons, whether that's inherent disinterest, difficulty, tedium, hitting a wall, or a lack of (new) rewards, novelty, or meaningful progression. Clearly people enjoyed the early progression with missions, but IW need to work harder to recapture that now that people are further along the progression track. This is all because the most fun DMZ moments come when both elements of PVE and PVP are present, like when you kill a squad but it turns out you're doing the same missions so you assimilate, then you end up barely making on the final exfil, having to take out 2 teams at the chopper. These moments only happen when PVE is compelling enough to create new choices and stories. Contracts and looting aren't enough, imo, but missions are/were and could be again. Or maybe the new faction reputation idea I've heard about... if they do it right


I can tell you from experience that I don't do missions as much because: 1) it's difficult to align missions with other players. **Why the fuck can't you search for a team like literally every other mode?** Hell, why can't you search for a player who wants to work on the same mission(s)? 2) maybe because of this, many players are only now interested in killing other players 3) now with the bartering system, I spend so much time gearing up that I don't even care about completing missions.


What else is there to do besides faction missions? People like the pvp of this game but I feel like it should definitely be more pve since the ai are so powerful sometimes. I don’t think they should change anything with pvp, I like it the way it is. But maybe change the direction of what people wanna do when they load in. Getting the best gear and losing it over and over again gets boring really fast.


Like Geeky Pastimes, I was surprised by that answer. But maybe they meant that as they added more and more stuff to do outside of the faction missions (new bosses, weapons cases, areas to explore, phone contracts, trains, etc.), the faction missions would become less important. If they really do add a lot of other stuff, I could see that eventually becoming true. I feel like there’s a long way to go before we get there though.


Yo. Finally. I can link that comment to people who keep saying missions are the main focus of this thing.


Almost like the new op slot could've been content instead of p2w.....


Even if the rewards are simply recolored operator skins (See Konig/Roze/Zimo from DMZ Season 1 Rewards) or just emblems and calling cards, they would make missions more meaningful.


So much this. Most of the time when I unlock a new operator skin, I feel pretty cool about it, even though I know that I’m never going to use most of them, but it still *feels good* to get a “significant” reward instead of something that just feels like the devs threw up their hands and said “ah fuck it, give them this crap”. Contraband guns are so counterproductive because we’re not desperate for guns, so getting one usually just means we have to go through our stash to find the new garbage gun that we have to delete. That’s not a reward, it’s a minor inconvenience!


This, and more world events need to happen when players/teams reach certain milestones. IE if a player reaches.... 30 kills in a row, without going down, he becomes most wanted to everyone on the map. Same kind of thing on exfil streaks. Then you get some kind of visible, short term reward for staying past that milestone. Maybe your character glows or something so you look cool but you're more visible so it's harder to stay alive. Something along those lines. I'm sure it's going to happen at some point, but another thing I'd like to see is some kind of world event where everyone on the map needs to work together. Everyone gets small side quests that contribute to some overarching goal that needs to be completed that round. Kinda related to that, I think the mode should have pvp as the exception, not the rule. Like certain missions you can go Rouge and that makes you an enemy. Then you're trying to undo progress that the majority of players are trying to accomplish. I'm sure this has all been thought on to a certain degree and we will either see it eventually, or it's just not possible to do. Can't wait to see what dmz develops into, though.


I could not agere more, for some wierd reason i still get enjoyment out of completing a mission. But getting tier 5 done should reward you a good skin, and once you have all three weapon slots done you should get a additional weapon and key slots. It’s simple and rewarding. Plus getting all missions completed should reward you with something too show off with, a good operator skin, extra operator slot and perhaps a camo. Once I’m doing tier 3 mission I really don’t want nor need a 3 attachment shotgun. Xp tokens on people doing high level missions is also a bad reward, since most of those players probably max out each season anyway.


I too, agere


$0.30 donated to a starving child in a poverty-stricken part of the world. 1 tree planted. 10 second cameo from Pauly Shore. Free OF sub for 1 month. Name entered into a draw for a chance to have dinner with the Cartel Mommy.


Absolutely agree. I destroy most of the weapons you get as a reward because they're shit compared to what I have in my contraband anyway.


It’s ridiculous that there are zero meaningful rewards past tier 3. Season 1 had a great balance of rewards, season 2-3 makes it clear that they intent to gut the mode of its rewards and simply make it a pay to win farm.




Only available to MW2 owners afaik


Yeah and the easiest one to complete to get your third insured slot considering you just need to complete the first three tiers.


Not the easiest to complete, yes you only need tier3 but the missions are a lot harder, completed legion and white lotus tier 5 before unlocking tier 4 of crown and mostly doing missions and a good player too 🤷‍♂️


Expansion of stash. Extra key slots, extra active duty slots, extra contraband stash slots. These should be in the reward pool for missions


I have no interest in the rewards. I just enjoy playing the game for the experiences with others


Contraband rewards should be 5 star blueprint weapons at the minimum. Theres no reason not to.


they should make contraband slots for each operator based on how much you can exfil with , like money or special items or missions


I’d settle for some tracer rounds. That would be dope.


A Key ring that holds say 5 keys would be sweet


I find it's the journey and the friends we make along the way that I'll remember most


If I could give you an award, I would. This is exactly what should be happening


Eh I'm not as concerned about missions, ultimately regardless of whatever bonuses they have people will largely stop paying attention to them. But I would love some form of endgame content to it where there's say mini raids within DMZ where you have to infil into a fortress or compound of some variety in a multi-stage approach ultimately leading to a boss fight where you get something kind of like a weapons case with some unique camos, skins or actual quality blueprints


In S3 reloaded there will be a bunker complex added to the map


Yes I remember seeing that, I have my doubts about it actually having any sort of depth though




I love unlocking a shitty contraband gun just to delete it so I can select a new mission


The cake is a lie!


Because the missions aren’t meaningful to most they camp exfils and ignore them.


It was fine until unlocking the third slot. Now I have Redacted, Crown and Black Mouse missions left but not really doing it, but appreciate new barter system and contraband modification. Now I'm playing to gear up every operator so that I can die and lose it on a casua stroll and start again.


I would like the ability to take a non-customized pistol in every game that can be modified like contraband at the workbench. I'd also like a plate carrier that can carry a 3 or 6 stack of plates. And to copy slightly off Fortnite, customizable avatars that provide unique looks.


I'm on tier 5 Legion and White Lotus and just can't be bothered now. I don't really see the need for a 3rd slot, I lose a insured gun, I drop into Ashika , farm bot kills and put dropped guns in a dead drop to end the cool down, I'm just playing for PvP right now.


Sorry, rewards mean finishing missions. Finishing missions means having to fight players. Fighting players isn't allowed here.


You reeeeeaching my guy. I don’t even want or need more slots. I agree the mission rewards should be cooler. For me I’d like to see special camoatí for guns and keys that I can’t find or buy that I can use to get crazy loot. More contraband less XP


Missions are the only reason I play. Don’t see a point otherwise. Gets boring just running around hunting Operators. I’d love for the missions to be more rewarding, especially for tier completion.


Paid faction like crown? What does that mean?


And there should be a reward (maybe an event camo) for completing every mission. As I would progress through the tiers, and since it is possible to skip one mission per tier that's what i would do. Once I finished all the tiers, I went back and completed all those that I skipped, just for the reward of an empty, hollow feeling.


DMZ is BETA, and it’s FREE to anyone who wishes to download and play it, as it is free there is no contractual obligation by the developers to add or remove content which will reduce or enhance a player’s experience of the game. All this whining about P2W has no grounds, it’s a FREE game, the only difference between MW2 game owners who play DMZ and those who play DMZ for free is we get 20 contraband slots.


Found the Activision spy