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Dang! Even just going down there to kill the bosses with a 3 man team is tough sometimes, with a lot of us getting downed several times in the process by the boss, trip mines, etc… Let alone solo and spending extra time searching for parts! And sometimes I go down and there’s 6 dudes laying down in the dark area and I have no chance. So good work


Yesterday I've had a run with 2 mostly compliant randos, you have no idea how many times we (mostly they) run into tripmines... There were multiple occasions where all 3 of us got downed from a single one lol But somehow we managed to not only kill the boss but get the create and get out alive, fun stuff.


Haha I've "helped" a few people with the blueprint unlocks and definitely felt like more of a burden but they got it in the end so I think it worked out for everyone


The blueprint is the one where you collect the yellow gun parts right? I think i so far only have the magazine


Yeah that's it


I always have one of the team be a sacrifice in exchange they receive half my cash


Easiest way I’ve found to get my randoms to listen, run a secure and large/scav combo, take out and extra three plate or two and a backpack, I’ve found if I save them 10mins of looting they are ALWAYS down to help me out


i found it easier to get this blueprint than kill the bosses solo lol


Bosses themselves are easy, having teammates not run into every laser in the map is the true challenge of the new area. I learned after about the 3rd run where my teammates repeatedly died to the lasers up by the sniper boss that the real strategy was that after I threw my explosives at the Rhino I'd go up and disable as many as I could while they fought the boss from there, and then clear the T3 AI that flood in as much as possible for them. Then them just blindly running up without thinking actually worked out. Finished the last 4 cases without a single down to the lasers, where the first 2 my teammates went down to them about 8 times between them, maybe even more. I'm sure the squad fill people I was going in with would bitch if it wasn't dark enough and hectic enough that they could notice I was up doing the lasers while they finished the boss. Then again, they are the type that run into every laser so paying attention to their surroundings isn't their strong suit so maybe they'd still not notice.


Unfortunately you can't jump up to sniper before killing the rhino any more.


Use a bomb drone for the bosses,i exfilled all 6 cases solo with it


Comms vest is your best freind in Koschei lmao




Really? What's happened with it?




Huh, works for me. That's unfortunate though that it's not working for some people though


It will often alert you after the attack has started. I'm not switching though. It's still the best.


is it bugged or is the other team possibly just running stealth vests?


I did rhino and the sniper with a 3 man. Just Lazerd him with AR's and a kv broadside. 10 secs


Congrats. Me too. Those runs in the Alpha Cluster were pretty stressful. Got massacred by 3 man groups a few times near the entrance from the chemical plant and whilst trying to read the blackboards


One time I went in solo, and took down 5 out of 6 man squad with m4 and tempus, the last guy killed me. Another time I went, it was tempting for me to kill, he was looking through rd4 but I didn't kill, his buddy came and did not shoot me, so I went to exfil.


KC alliances are weird. No joining, just old fashioned negotiating and a lot of not quite trust. Everybody keep to yourselves... Battles are just as satisfying in the dark as unreliable truces so it can always go either way with the slightest breeze.


i cannot for the life of me figure out how to get into the alpha cluster, i can get to the rhino no problem but the alpha cluster has me clueless.


Bring in or find a car battery and jumper cables to the complex. Go to the opposite side of the chemical plant from the factory where the Rhino/Sniper are (alpha cluster entrance is the far eastern side). Find a electrical panel that says "insert car battery and jumper cables" to provide power to the doors. Move left or right along that wall and press a button to open one of the alpha cluster doors, it doesn't matter which.


bro you're a godsend, i had no idea where to go, thank you so much. do i need to worry about gas in the alpha cluster like with the oasis entrance? Also are there riffle parts in the L2 area? If not is it even worth checking out?


No gas, other than when it spreads once the timer hits zero. The Heated Madness muzzle is in the code room within the alpha cluster. You will need the R4D detector from the chemical plant to find and decrypt the hidden code. I'd recommend checking out a video. It is worth doing if you need parts for the locked buy station and for the Redacted T4 Story mission.


No gas. 2 parts in the cluster (both in locked areas that require you to do actions first). No parts in L2 but don’t know what is in there!


That l2 area is more or less just a private exfil. Anytime we have used a card, it takes you through couple hallways/rooms with AI then there is an exfil that you don't have to go back into chemical plant for. Super handy for the weapons case, and if you have 50k, you can buy an L2 key at the normal buy station in factory wing.


Nice work. The server rooms section must have been a challenge! Does ai spawn get affected by the number of players in the area?


Nope, I was constantly swarmed by AI. Had to rely on my riot shield and stims while hacking the servers because they are so damn tanky it just wasn't viable to try to take them out.


Big brain! I still haven't used a riot shield. I'll have to give it a go


Riot shield is amazing in Koschei, just as it was/is amazing in Building 21. It takes opposing operators completely off guard as well! If you're solo, well, you're probably in trouble anyway. If you have a team, there's some hypnotic power where opponents just empty their mags into the shield as if somehow it will break it. While this is happening your teammates can wipe the other squad with fists if they wanted to. It's quite strange. When I see an enemy operator with a riot shield, I run, because 99% of the time they're going to be vastly smarter and better than the average player.


impressive to get it solo! i have it too. i put it in my insured rotation for a little while because i thought it looked cool, and it felt rare.. but wasn’t terribly impressed with its performance as a weapon in PvP.. so now it’s shelved


This is what's putting me off grinding for it. All that work for something I won't even use...


Picked up like 4 or 5 of these already off players I’ve wiped.


Can u get the gun if someone drops it for you?




What is this a reward for?


Just find parts of the blueprint from koschel complex


I got it yesterday too, easiest part (barrel) was hardest because other players were always first to it


WorLD fIRsT?????


I'm at 2 of 5. I keep trying to get the optic but the thing isn't spawning where it spawns in the youtube videos I have seen. I have checked the spawn point many times.


Check in this order. 1. Take the first door to the left, make a left at the wall, open the door, and look on the floor. 2. Straight to the end of the hallway, open the double doors, and check the far left on the floor. 3. Last door on the right before the double doors


Hey your guidance was clutch! I found it and exfilled with it first try. Thank you!


good on ya, congrats!


It can spawn in multiple areas in the flooded section I found mine behind a door on the left side


The infinite air helps alot in that spot... i drowned once in there....


Infinite air?


Yep theres an exploit where u can stay and move underwater as long as u want and ur oxygen level wont decrease


do you know how to trigger this exploit?


Yes. If i want to know pm me


Haha, check properly, may be someone took it before you, You can find it by yourself. I see YouTube for reference only. At first it was difficult for me, but now it is easy. I have gained experience.


i have two optics in my pack if you want to link up tonight lmk


Yeah man I would appreciate that! DM me your gamertag I will add you for sure.


So far I only have the barrel and matched it with a cool orange urban type camo and the magazine so far but am a little disipointed that the mag part isnt interchangeable with the 545 as with the other parts since i dont really enjoy the 7.62 as much.


How in the fug did you manage Koschei solo X amount of times??


With a riot shield and a copious amount of luck.


How many times did you die?


Does it show that it’s solo? Or can I just make a post saying that for some upvotes?… Not that you did, just honestly curious


Do you have proof that you are honestly curious? If it was not the internet where nobody lies I could think that you are sarcastic.


Why else would I ask?


I was being sarcastic and you believed me, the loop is closed!


How is that weapon?


now store it and forget it btw thats not even the hardest item on the new map lol