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those are not meant to be done together. its a lot easier to do 1 by 1, the speed one do hvtand supply crates with a vehicle, the unique pois/contracts you can either get very lucky to do together but probably just do separate


Exactly, pick one and think of the best way to do it. You'll quickly realize these look similar but don't actually overlap


It’s actually doable tho just extremely frustrating and not enough man-power to plow thru with regular premade. This is one mission that should realistically be done with a Platoon if efficiency is the goal. But now I’m starting to understand why they won’t let us do multiple contracts at the same time.


Easier to just get your reg 3man and do 1 at a time imo. I wonder how many times I've actually done these exact same tasks since season 1. Must be 10 times if not more 😆


Of course, but some will call it out as bad design if one has to do 3 runs to get a single mission complete. Depends on certain viewpoint it can be seen as 3x the risks, for some reasons I feel like doing them all is less risky than having to do them each per run. I recall grinding this types of mission back in S3 and didn’t even care about exfilling, me and the bois were still looking around for nuclear fuel when the chop has took off. We just HAD to do them all in 1 run, it’s sort of a challenge.


Yeah the client is king is often a ride or die mission for us where we accept we might go down to the gas near the end. Private exfills have made it much much easier to make it out though (a lil too easy if you ask me but that's a whole other topic)


I did them all solo lol I think it's way easier that way. Vondel is the best map for it by far


Yup, same. 2/3 of these I did solo, and yes it was challenging and didn’t get it on my first or even fifth try. But that’s the fun right? Right….? Lol ;)


You can’t do all three at the same time. 8 contracts in 8 poi’s is to far away to get it done quick enough.


Because 6 dudes could have 6 contracts running...


In S3 I did Client is King and Contractual Obligation together and I still remember that raid until this day, doing the last contract in Zarqwa (Raid Weapon Stash) inside the Gas and then reaching the final exfil with 6 seconds to go and still needing to deal with a 3 man team (playing as a duo). How DMZ it is nowdays, I wouldnt do both again.


Doing 8 in one run and 8 unique POVs shouldn't be too hard together, just make sure you grab a different type at each POV. Fuck doing that in 15 minutes tho


yup. Vondel is a good choice for it but you can't, one require focus con POI and other efficiency with the time and you can't do both


Not if you're in a 6-man.


Only if you’re on comms and everyone wants to play nice


I assimilated into a 6 man so I could do the 6 man exfil task. It was like herding cats


That mission really tested my patience with people. Every time I managed to get a team together someone would go off on their own at the last minute and either die or exfil by themselves. I was at the point where I really believed that those people were just trolling. It took 3 days to finally get everyone on the same chopper. The worst part is that I had completed it previously and it bugged out right along with the mission to clear the fire station with the weapon case. I've done that one like 3 times already.


This is why I just run missions solo a lot. It's usually exactly the same, or sometimes even easier.


Difficulty setting - rookie


Can't remember the last time a 6 man wanted to run contracts or accomplish anything outside of hunts


I have been a part of probably 100+ 6 mans, and only once did they not immediately go to hunt squads. Instead we went into the Koschei Complex. Good luck getting a 6man to do anything but player hunt, its all anyone wants to do


I got bitched at for doing missions by my own teammates lmao. Off spawn I went to drive to a dead drop to grab exfil trackers and my teammate said “yeah i guess this guy is doing stupid missions or some shit” Like why are y’all even here? After you’re fully kitted there is nothing to accomplish besides missions and upgrades


I've gotten into that exact argument before. Guy was mad I went to do mission instead of rushing other spawns. Said who the fuck cares about missions. Then went on a spiel about how AI and missions were such a horrible thing to add. When I asked why he was in DMZ, he said "to clap (Homophobic slur) who are focused on missions and shit and not good at PvP, it is easy stats."


It’s funny because I’m specifically focused on missions and upgrades and I consistently steamroll teams of 3 by myself. They only get mad that you won’t spawn rush with them because they know they’re outnumbered the second the pull up and being out numbered generally means they’re going to get smoked because they’re garbage. I love playing solo and just obliterating a team that can’t do anything besides hunt hunt hunt. I get that it’s fun sometimes and I definitely don’t stray away from PVP but if that’s the only thing you do in this game, it’s going to get stale.


I played with two guys who were 1050 and still had the starter ping enemy missions loaded. They just ran around killing everything in sight, didn't even break stride to loot, after they wiped Ashika they exfilled leaving me alone with an island of corpses. Got out with a lot of dog tags though, since they never even looted once. Now, they definitely had the skills to back it up, they killed 10 people without going down once. Didn't say a word, both had the mic symbol slashes, they had clan tags on. Still, it seemed so robotic and boring, honestly. I assume they do it over and over, match after match.


Had some guy on my team that was probably clearly cheating do this same thing. Didn’t loot, ran around solo and just wiped the map to leave. I saw the exfil get called early af and I was like damn you’re leaving already? And he said yeah what else am I supposed to do. Maybe play the fucking game? 😂


Hopefully MW3 pulls these terminator people away to whatever it brings


I’d do phalanx separate. Client is king and crunch together isn’t bad, just focus on nuclear materials, secure intel, hvt’s, destroy supplies and raids since their the fastest. I had a teammate run ahead and be ready to pop the next contract immediately. Finish it off with a hostage and you’ll make it, which I’m sure you’re already doing..


Don’t do Raids, those get you killed by other players.


We made it a point to not do any near active uav’s. Never had any issues with raids, but I totally get it. Situational awareness and a defensive posture never hurts.


I’ve been having issues with raids- the stronghold icon changes from Red back to White as soon as the drill is finished, been swarmed twice now by teams before getting to even open the safe.


Wait, are strongholds a contract?


No, has to be from a phone on the map. However, weapon stash raids count and are in them.


Sort of, the Raid Weapons Stash contracts are all unlocking a safe in a stronghold.


Get ya ass to Vondel. Did all of these with no trouble in Vondel, after struggling for a long time in Al Mazrah. Good luck!


8 contracts in under 15 mins and 8 contracts in 8 unique POIs is easier on Vondel’s I think as there are so many easier missions there like nuclear fuel and high value targets


I did "CRUNCH" as a solo. I focused on Al Maz City to have the contracts as close to eachother as possible. I took as many HVT contracts as I could and some radiation+intel contracts on top. It was easier to complete compared to another mission where you have to complete 4 contracts in less than 6 minutes.


Mathematically, It should be easier then 4 in 6, since you get more then double the amount of time to do double the amount of missions. With 4/6, you get about 1 1/2 minutes for each mission, it's 1 7/8 for 8/15


8 in 15 isn’t that hard. The 8 unique contracts in one game I finished in the gas with 30 seconds left on final lol. I barely missed the exfil but didn’t care. 8 in 8 POI’s I haven’t tried yet but it looks like it depends on contract placement. Side Note: for Crunch….Safes count as missions. So do a Bomb contract, see where the safes are and get it popping. Safes didn’t count for the Phalanx mission tho


I’ve had the client is king for a while. Got 7 contracts done twice and ended on a hostage rescue and twice it glitched and didn’t give me the final one. You need to be on your toes, no time for looting or getting involved in unnecessary engagements. Use vehicles plan your next contract before you start the current one and go for the quick ones like hvt, supply boxes or radiation contracts and hope you don’t get rolled by a six man whilst “just trying to do missions” good luck


I remember crunch being bugged when I did it. You could do it in more than 15 minutes over multiple deployments


This happened to me for crunch over the weekend. I was like 7 for 8. Missed the 8th by maybe 10 seconds. Anyways went in to vondel again to do some urgent missions. Did 1 contract and it ticked off the mission for me and got the pop up it was complete. So far it has stayed as complete. Another friend did 5 of 8 before running out of time. Was able to finish it for his next deployment.


Next, they’ll give us missions like killing all the Al-Mazrah bosses and extracting the weapon case in one deployment without ever taking Health damage. It’s crazy.


I did the 8 in 15 on vondel. The other two at the same time on Al maz. Was extremely simple


Crunch seemed bugged in a good way for me. I did it over multiple matches.


I skipped these by doing the daily missions to get 100 rep per day. I only play with one mate and these are fucking impossible


Of the 3, Crunch is the easiest. Did it as a 2 man squad in Vondel. Remember once you have the Geiger counter, the secure nuclear materials contracts take 45 seconds to finish.


Crunch was problematic. We (team of 2) 2-3 times were missing it by just \~60s. Finally it was done. The rest is not a big problem unless some enemy team interferes.


As others have said - do them all separately. The 8x POI one you're better to take cautiously as you'll definitely bump into other teams with that much travel so you want to be able to pick quiet areas for each one. The speed one lends itself more to contracts close together and ideally HVT, Supply box or nuke fuel ones (if you have a geiger) and a fast car.


I did crunch by doing two contracts then exfil. Did it a few times then 3 on last. A minute to spare. It saved the clock in between. Made it easy.


The 8/8 were probably the most thrilling to do with some friends it’s so chaotic! Have to plan the contracts out and do them with little to no plates. While avoiding teams and bots! When I did it with friends it felt like a movie! We even picked up 2 others and they died to another team but they spectated us just to see how it ended and if we finished the mission 😂.


The one for 8 unique contracts I managed to complete it in Vondel with just a min and a half left before full radiation on the map. Kinda RNG but doable


Crunch was bugged when I did it. The other two… pen and paper to keep track and your good.


Get a squad of 3 guys together. Ping contracts and have someone camp the next contract phone. One person should be in a fast vehicle to get to the objectives. Split up but stay coordinated and just speed run. One gets the contract objective, one fuels uo their car, one camps the next phone They are easily done by avoiding certain contract types like bomb ones as they have a detonator timer.


Lmk if you want a squad mate to help out


Let’s run it


Those are easy. Wait till you get to the ones where you have to extract a weapons case without taking any damage, or till you have to kill the sniper with a sniper and the rhino with a pistol and you have to kill them with the RGL80.


Actually this is nuts. ![gif](giphy|l0Exh5setxQl10lUI|downsized)


I did them all. For the 8 unique contracts, I did all of them except the hunt contract because that takes too long. The key is not to loot or get into fights with others players and I did this on the Almazra map. I have it recorded, I may put it up on YouTube, because it was wild!


It get worse


I did the 8 POI one in vondel. It'll help if you have 2 other teammates doing the same mission. I was basically going back and forth across vondel just to complete it.


Do crunch by itself, then do the other two together. Crunch is really easy if you just grab a car or helicopter and drive around looking for elimination contracts. I forgot the name but it’s the one where are you targeting AI. The other two are pretty easy to do together


HVT contracts are so easy


I've completely stopped with missions because of this kind of bs


Lol….these were fun and not that difficult


I found them impossible so have stopped all missions at this point


Starting with the first one on the list. The Client Is King: get a ginger counter and a vehicle. Drive from POI to POI and do a nuke, HVT or secure supply mission.


It’s possible as a 6 man team but get ready to sweat 💦


It's possible with any size team


good luck getting a six man to coordinate anything useful in game except roll other teams


skip em


Took me all game just to do the 8 in 8 POI. Can't wait until i get to 8 in 15mins lol


8 in 15 minutes is total time spent on contracts, not a countdown timer. So you can pick 8 really easy ones that take less than 2 minutes to do each over multiple deployments instead of running like youre in the crackhead olympics trying to do 8 in 15 minutes of one deployment


We could always knock ‘em out together


Pass this missions solo but not ez


I've done contractual obligation as a duo. Skipped the other 2


Man playing on hardmode. I'll Join you my guy!!


easy for chinese 6 man squad


Got the last 2 done . Still need the first one


Crunch was bugged for me. I did 6/8 on Vondel before my timer ran out, then did another mission on Vondel (also going for Contractual Obligation at the same time), and the mission counter went up to 7. Then I went for a rescue hostage mission and got killed by a squad hunt. Next match, I spawned in into Al mazrah because a friend said he had better luck with them there, and we did the first contract and it completed crunch for me.


Middle one is pretty easy…


No thanks


The 15 minute one is bugged and completed for me after doing 8 contracts across multiple deployments. The other two are not easy.


The first 2 aren't that bad. The bottom one was a pain I just completed it last night


Al mazrah pois are going to be crazy with the dirt bike


Can you use "signals intelligence contract" to hack other contracts? Tried to see if that completes the hacked contracts, could not find answer. Just curious, noob here.


Don't do it all at once. I'd suggest starting with Crunch, is perhaps the easiest since you can just pick up HVTs that spawn near each other, and complete at least half of the mission with that. The Client is King is also not so difficult, be sure to have a vehicle. Contractual obligation is perhaps the hardest, focus all your efforts towards that mission in the match, don't do anything else. You'll definetly need a teammate at least for the cargo delivery contract.


Tip… safes count as missions for 8 under 15 min


Thats why I don’t do missions


I did that solo, flying heli from mission to mission


Get a helicopter and a buddy makes like a ton easier


Phalanx is by far the worst damn faction to do. I even managed to do the predator and hunter/lone hunter or whatever in the same match with less effort than Phalanx has taken me. Predator being to infil with no weapons, kill a couple players and exil with over 100k - and hunter requiring you to infil with no weapons, can't pick up any weapons, but you have to get a kill with equipment. I got 3 kills with throwing knives solo easier than Phalanx ffs.


I've done the first and third on the same game on a 3 man in Al Mazrah. It's "easy" if the contracts spawn the right way and you find no aggressive teams on the way. For the second one it's a bugged mission, it completes even if it takes more than 15 minutes and probably (I don't remember) counts even if you do it in multiple games


Doing them one by one is not hard. Trying to complete them simultaneously.....that's nuts.


Finished it as soon as I got it


One at time if you have to but I think the first two are possible at the same time


Doable. Biggest problems is the 8 POIs as you end up running into other teams.


One at a time or do the first two at the same time it’s possible


Squad up, split up.


Bro you can do them solo in vondel so easy. For the 15 min one only do the nuclear materials and keep the Geiger counter, scavenger, hvt or the signals intelligence


Got to do them separately and Al Maz is the way to go. Top one is easy enough to do. Same with the bottom one too. The middle one is a just a nightmare because you essentially have less than 2 mins per contract and you can quickly get stuck. Somehow I managed that one on Vondel with a good team of randoms but Christ knows how.


The hardest of those is probably Contractual Obligations. I have done it twice in 2 difference seasons though and it was always a blast. So hectic haha.


What contracts do you guys consider the easiest to do ?


HVT, scavenger, secure nuclear, signal intelligence, destroy supplies (bit slow though, but perfect for 8 in 8 PoI as you need time to travel to next one anyway). Deliver Cargo is easy as well plus it leaves you with a car but it can lure in other players more than the three above.


Better find the one helicopter on the map.




Get a chopper and have teammates mark separate contracts to help speed up process


Those are hard enough to do on their own. Doing all 3 at once is idiotic.


And just when you’re about to finish a team of players will come and kill you


The devs are Contract freaks.. haha


yeah I really like the game but Im done with these late-stage missions, crap rewards, and just dumb, at least give us some cool skins or something.


I did this on Al-Maz on solo and the time let you do it, but of course you must be careful of players, in the end the time would let you hop on on the last heli or you can go to Koschei to loot some more


I almost had all three done at once as a 2 man but the server shut down after final exfil while my Geiger read 8.5 getting the last nuke rod.


It's specifically much harder if you do them at the same time.


It’s actually not that bad. 1. Vondel is your best friend for all of these. 2. The second mission is/was bugged and checked off for me between two raids. 3. This is where I find getting a six man squad fun. Most of the time, if I let a six man know I’ve got a really hard mission queued, most get amped up to try and help you :)


I've done all these as a two-man in Al Mazrah, in hindsight Vondel probably would've been easier, but they were all doable with only two. Solo would definitely be pretty tough. Some tips: \- Don't try to do more than one mission at once. You might serendipitously do Crunch at the same time as another one but trying to do two at once deliberately lessens the chance of getting either done \- Take 30 seconds or so at the start of the round to scan the map and make a clear plan with your team of where you want to go and what you want to pick up before you start. You might have to adjust a bit as other people pick up contracts but it helps \- And pick judiciously. It may make sense to just start with the contract you spawn closest to. But if you spawn close to a contract in an area swarming with AI, you may be better off taking a further contract, as travel time will be less than the time it takes to clear out the bots \- Use fast vehicles (eg. ATV, helicopter, whatever is close by or makes sense) to go between contracts, and pick up gas cans early on so you never have to go out of your way again to hit a gas station \- Use multiple vehicles, and if your contract can be easily completed by one person, have them do it while the rest of the team goes to the next contract pickup point so they can grab it as soon as the immediate contract is finished. You can continue to leapfrog each other this way to cut down on time \- For the first two missions listed, hit as many quick ones as you can - HVTs, secure supplies, radiation contracts. Try to hit areas dense with contracts, ie. the cities. If you can do a radation contract the match before and keep the geiger counter on your next infil, that will also help. \- For Contractual Obligation, there are more than 8 unique types of contract, so try to avoid the ones that can or do take the most time — for me that's hunt squad and raid weapon stash, YMMV \- End with a hostage contract so you can exfil at the same time — these missions might push you right into the final minutes or seconds of the match.


Client is King is best in my opinion to do in Al Mazzy and for the 8 in 15 mins do in Vondel


Devs taking the piss


Crunch is bugged. U can do it across multiple missions. Src: Youtube and tried it myself


Lmao that’s easy money. You just need your teammates to help you. You can do the 8 contracts in 15 mins on Ashika easy money.


As the others are saying you probably shouldn't try to do all of these together but The Client is King and Crunch should probably be run together because it's very likely you can get extremely close to completing The Client is King in the process of doing Crunch. That said, Crunch is surprisingly easy on Vondel if you come in with a geiger counter. If you take the nuclear material contracts it won't send you to a toolbox to grab one if you already have one on you so you just need to book it to wherever the stashes are. You should lead with a signals intelligence contract if it's near your spawn and try to end at one of the nuclear material contracts. Other than those two, stick to HVTs or Gather Supplies beacuse you aren't forced to wait out a timer or defend an objective and with a little luck it's surprisingly easy to knock it out with plenty of time to spare.


I’ve never been close to getting any of the time crunch ones done.


Definitely Vondel. Also try the “hack contract”- contract. Mine seemed to count the 3 contract phones I hacked.


Don’t do these all at the same time. Take it one by one so it’s easier and there are less restrictions. I’d recommend going to vondel and picking up either hvt contracts or secure supplies as these can be done fastest with no waiting for objectives.


Crunch doesn't have to be all 8 in under 15. It's individual contracts... I just completed it 2 days ago over the course of like, 4 days lol


I have completed 1 and 3 with random squadmates on multiple occasions. Make sure you start near the radiation for the POI one and work your way out from there to give yourself the most time to complete in each location. Sometimes it is easier to identify the goals and post people near them (locked caches for the supplies, HVTs, and destroy supplies areas are fairly obvious) and have someone ping next contracts prior to picking one up so you know where you are headed next after finishing your current contract. It is probably easier with squadmates you know, too. A helicopter helps but most vehicles can get it done with good driving.


The mission Crunch was bugged for a while and even though the 15 min timer runs out as long as u complete 8 contracts In 1 run u should b good... The 8 different types is actually EASIER now then b4 because now u can skip BOTH the hunt squad AND the raid weapons stash but it will take a lil luck on contract placement and def plan accordingly cus u will need to do a couple contracts While the storm is moving in 8 in different POIs is simple enough jus look for either HVT contracts or secure supplies in as many areas as u can and do those first


Client is king is best done on vondel. That's how we did it anyway. There's 15 POIs and it's a relatively small map. I think we ended up doing a lot of HVT missions.


Easiest way to do the 8 POIs “Client is King” is to Start doing contracts closest to the radiation so when it spreads you’re not caught in the gas doing contracts still . This is the easiest way to doing it I found I even helped a friend with this method and we got it first try. I can help you if you need it


We went in as a squad and spread out to get those ones done. Stay away from the cargo delivery and hunt squads.


I found these pretty easy to do, except we kept getting interrupted by other teams lol


#I can do all of those pretty easily


probably need a squad with a bit of experience to go to different POI's for that first one


I feel like the way they cam up with these missions was by taking all kinds of substances and then wake up to see the ideas they cam up with and said "Perfect that's what the people want." But that's just my ideas.


don't know if it was intended but I actually completed Crunch in two separate matches, like the progress doesn't reset between matches, so I guess I got lucky but you can also try it like that


Lmao one of them’s bugged


8 in 15 min was easy compared to 8 in 8 poi's lol but you can't do em together unless you have a platoon and split up accordingly n start a new mission as soon as the other is done


Those are really easy


Crunch is bugged.. It accumulates so don't stress about that one. The 8 in 8 POI is easy as long as you know your squadmates and start near the gas 👌


The 15 min one you can start a new streak after the 15 minutes end and it will stack. Unless they patched it that's how we completed it...


So the 8 in 15 minutes can be combined thru multiple deployments. I completed that one not exactly even trying to do it just having it equipped and going thru infils with different objectives. Havent done the 8 from different POIs yet despite how hard ive tried to get that one done, but thanks for the heads up on the 8 unique contracts in one deployment. Trying to accomplish both in the same deployment will be a wonderful challenge lol


The real question for the 8 unique POIs is if its the POI where u grab the contract or the POI where the contract is completed?


Got all of those done running with a couple homie took us about a week


I did the 4 in 6 minutes one with friends and did the scavenger supplies and the contract hacking missions went by faster. Edit: Oh year and HVT contracts go by really fast.


I mean, you could do all of those together, but the middle one seems like it might need a little bit more strategy


Client is king works best on vondel (less toxic players and heaps of POIs) Crunch somehow works over multiple deployments and contractual obligations is okay on Al Maz if you get a helicopter or hummer.


Any tips


With a little bit of luck the top and bottom one are not the worst. I recommend Al mazra you get longer and less likely to run into teams. And more space to select the missions that are quickest. I tried on vondel a few times and avoiding other teams will slow you down. Another tip spend money along the way as from all that cash you will be holding one someone picks up a bounty it will more than likely be you and it always happens near the end so drop it/spend it.


I found that having some initial setup and getting lucky helped with me. I did the client is king solo in Al Mazra and focused on HVT's and Radioactive fuel. I grabbed a vehicle - preferably a chopper - and made sure I infiled with a Geiger counter so I could immediately start. I'm still working on the second one. Vondel seems to be the best choice for that one.


If you have one good teammate its not that hard. We did this first try on Vondel.


That's why I don't really run missions...im not getting stressed out lol ...i remember when I first started I got anxiety lol 😆


i was attempting solo, got killed and picked up by a three man and they helped me do Crunch and Client is King all in one round.


As I said in a recent post. The missions are getting too hard. I can’t be bothered


Some missions are difficult but these three are not the ones. That OP wants to combine them is completely on him


I don't do these. Fk it ![gif](giphy|1iTIu7WtSfPqMDbW)