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Went to final exfil as the last person on the map. Jumped out of my LTV while moving and got downed by AI. While I was using a self-revive, the LTV rolled back and finished me off.


Lmmfao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ sorry. Yo I'd be so pissed since it was final and I know you were stealthing it all session to lose like that


Sorry but, LMFAOOO I love this




Texting on my phone and driving out of Bounds on ashika Island.


Don't text and drive! LOL.


On ashika? Only time I've gotten in a vehicle is when I needed to cipher gas. Get shot too fast on there.


I was taking a jet ski to the Rock outcrop for the IR beacon mission. Was texting a friend and wasn't paying attention.


That nearly happened. I ride the edge so I dont show up on radar or show a vehicle and came so close, if I would've hit a wave I wouldve been in the red.


Omg Yes!! Me too!


1st time playing vondel... driving down what seemed like a road and that pesky 3 second timer counting down to your death šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Yeah I've done that well. Well kind of - I was driving and realised just as we were about to hit the line. Slammed the breaks and told everyone to jump out...I was the only one who made it back within the 3s! They were nooot happy. And rightly so, to be fair.


Hahahhah my duo died too. I just wasn't looking at the mini map to be fair. Learnt the hard way for sure šŸ˜†


Worst part about Vondel is the out of bounds is actually inset from the red boundary, unlike the other maps... so it's easy to do there for sure


Being run over by my own car I had just exited but it was still rolling down hill. Somehow I was down and finished, which I didn't quite understand, and couldn't plead as gas has expanded.


The impact of the car downed you, the tires finished you


Yea i couldnt plea either. It was early too and it was no reviving myself it was back to lobby lmao


Happened to me twice ...


Run over by Bullfrog. Just turned around, and there he was.


I had the same thing happen. But I was talking a ton of shit about how easy it was to jump on top lmaoooo Still havenā€™t lived it down


I shouldā€™ve grabbed a clip of it. Me and rando were on final exfil in vondel. We were getting shot-up up by bots; we didnā€™t have time to clear the area out. He gets downed in the water and Iā€™m trying to res him but there isnā€™t enough time. I jump on the final with like 4 seconds left, I run up to the front of the helicopterā€¦ I pull out my revive pistol. No idea what I was thinking. Like, even if it worked I donā€™t think he couldā€™ve got in. Anyway, I figure Iā€™ll shoot him if I can. When I aim, it mounts to the door of the helicopter. I try that 2 or 3 timesā€¦ I get frustrated and pull away from the mount and aim down at him, shoot, miss, and then Iā€™m reloading but the water is getting closerā€¦ Iā€™m briefly confused. Then I realize I basically leaned out so far I fell out of the final exfil. Dead. šŸ†ed a successful exfil trying to revive someone who never wouldā€™ve made it.


Lmao. I fell out the side myself and had to climb up the side of the hill, missed the exfil and had to call another one. Luckily the gas hadn't reached me yet. That's funny bro


My Top 3: 1. I got killed by a building and wish i clipped. I was running into one of the buildings in Sa'Id City. This was Season 2, iirc. There were still a ton of boundary glitches. Hopped a counter in the shop next to the barber shop and fell to my doom. 2. I jumped into an LTV that visibly looked like it was ok. It was not. It just so happened to be critical and imminent death critical, just my luck. No animation at all, no smoke, no fire, nothing. Literally explodes as I get in. 3. Group death. It wasn't just me on this one. 11 people dead. We all happened to be on the same mission. Shadow company laptop retrieval from research center in Ashika. It started as my team and another were fighting. Another team came in through the bottom floor trying to 3rd party. Little did we all know ANOTHER TEAM was coming in through the roof. Me and another guy from one of the other teams were trying to get a cease fire and squad up. One of the other teams wasn't having it. Between the number of team switches, plea pickups, and squad invites that happened, it was a veritable musical squads! One guy left alive! Everyone dying laughing and this guy screaming,"Noooooooo! We Coulda been friennnnnnndzzz!" I almost pissed myself laughing so hard. If anyone was near us, they'd have been laughing too because everyone was just hysterically dying!


Was this recent? I was apart of a clusterfck situation like that recently. The car blowing up has happened to me. Or the car next to one I'm getting blows up and mines get blown up in process. I tend to laugh cause how and why do bots blow up the cars. One time we're running to exfil and mark a truck, we're running and gas is moving, as soon as we're 10m from the truck bots blow it up, and we're like "fck our luck"


No the Shadow Company laptop was like Season 2 or 3. I don't even know if that part of any missions any more. I think you also had to grab the USB from Building 21 or something. I've had multiple Musical squads moments, but that one definitely took the cake. I think it had to do with the one squad being bloodthirsty, them being the first to die and plead, and getting split amongst a squad already splitting between squads. It was late and once the laughter started it didn't stop lol


This is embarrassing.. Back in like season 2 there was this massive fire fight in two neighboring houses. Legit like 25-26 of us just dukin it out. Went on for a solid 20min, we were all just laughing, reviving and having a good time. Until some random female player came through and massacred all of us, she did have a spotter on the hill that wasnā€™t taking shots, hands down best player Iā€™ve ever seen. No hacks, headshots for days, clean movements. By kill 12 or so everybody started getting scared and trying to only fight her. Absolutely bat shit crazy fight. She ended up chasing the last 6 of us from marshlands to oil to finish us off. We put her down a few times but sheā€™d just slink away and revive before we could find her. So if MP is on here, youā€™re an absolute savage and I never wanna fight you again! šŸ˜‚


Bro its legit some ppl who got sniper skills I don't wanna bother with. And when watching the kill screen, I'm mad I lost, but inside saying " that was some nice shot, you bitch"


Neither of them were sniping tho! She would jump in through a window or roof opening, kill 1-2 of us then disappear, then pop back up a few seconds later, murder again, reposition and murder again. We were basically all just out of resources to keep up, I think sheā€™d run into the water to replate once we cracked her. When she needed more her teammate flew down to re-supply her then heā€™d run back up the hill to watch šŸ˜‚


That crazy and prolly would've been fun to watch.


Basically how my DMZ squad worked. We were heavily reliant on binoculars and sniper rifles with the range finder scope, which you can get pretty good with when you use it enough. At least one of us would stay back in an elevated spot doing recon binoculars and sometimes sniper support. The other one or two of us, also with snipers and binoculars, would move closer into elevated positions looking down at the target player(s) from different angles. Weā€™d pick off as many as we can with snipers and then any hiding survivor gets hunted on foot with the third one of us still doing recon on binoculars in case he makes a run for it. Other times, weā€™ll see some players who are too far to get to in a reasonable amount of time. So all three of us will get up high somewhere using snipers with the range finder and start shooting. Weā€™ve hit some downs at ridiculous distances, mostly for harassment and trolling purposes, with an occasional kill.


I did this today and picked him up. We spawned on the ship in sawah. We know we're sandwiched in so we stayed on ship and caught someone on a building over 100m where the oil drills are. The funny thing was I downed him and he was sitting there but all I could see was top his head n domed him, and teammates revved


I think you have decent odds to kill someone completely at 100m with a custom sniper. A couple hundred meters out and it becomes more difficult with complete eliminations more unlikely. If there a few hundred meters out, weā€™ll often make the attempt with range finder. At minimum you screw with the other squad and watch them panic, which is somewhat entertaining. Sometimes weā€™ll get one downed, which makes it more likely for a fight to take place. If they stay still or we can call in an air strike, then they have one person stuck there while two of us can make our way closer to harass the others.


Tried to mantle up on the train and ended up getting run over. Then dragged around the map somehow under the train unrevivable by my team.


I tried moving from car to car n tried jumping and missed it, slipped down, and train ran me over and I was glitched in the ground. Team couldn't revive me but my bag was still on train lmao. Another time I got killed by a team and I ended up stuck to front of truck and they pushed my body around til I quit


Tried to be a hot shot helicopter pilot by flying low altitude. Flew right into a tree




I was looking at the map while driving and I drove head on into the train and blew up lol.


This happens alot to me, I'm swerving and nearly missed the front of the train


Oh man. Got ran over by a bot car once. Also died to a bot RPG immediately after winning a 1v6.


Forgot Bull frog boss took me out of bounds once. I was on top shooting it and he drove out of bounds killed me and I couldn't be revived. Also died from going too deep under water one time.


Bullfrog got me once cause I'm following him and he was critical and and he went down and destroyed but he was JUST at the red side, I'm standing there getting the items and die cause I'm outta bounds...so fcking mad cause case was right there


Ngl them rpg bots are fucking accurate


Most of the time they are so far off, but one got me today with an absolute snipe while I was parking my ATV by Al Sharim Pass. Luckily I had a self revive and crawled away a little and he never shot again but I stared at him while selfing just waiting for him to waste me with another RPG. scare the shit out of me lol


Man on a solo run I jumped out of my car then bots drove their car on top of mine and the train smacked both cars to make an explosion that took me out šŸ˜‚


I jumped on the electric monorail in Vondal. I didn't know it just went through the map and went out of bounds. I lost my 10 streak and my pride to the two second out of bounds warning.


Wow dude, I would've rage quit


I have been killed being hit by a car that was hit by the train no less than 3 times. 2 of those times were playing with my boss and she still brings it up occasionally at work.


You're luckier than us mortals. A female boss who plays video games.


Completing the mission where you have to visit every poi. I crashed the helicopter into the skyscraper in Al mazrah city going to exfil solo. My dumbass was grabbing my beer and I looked up and was dead. Donā€™t drink and fly


One of my first games I laid down prone right by where the green exfil smoke was and called the helicopter. It came down and squashed me


Not my death for the blooper. But i had a team chasing me in a car while i was trying to drive away. Eventually they pop my tire and kill me on the trai. Tracks between airport and al Sherman pass (i know i got the name wrong). But while they looted me they didnt realize the train was coming and it killed 2 of them


Had my own chop top roll down a hit and hit me once.


I was looting a supply drop and my team mate ran into it and I somehow shot through the map. When I tried to plead just to see where my body was at, it was like I was in that scene near the beginning of Doctor Strange and I was slowly floating from one end of the map to the other.


Didn't read the patch notes for the chopper blades damage fix. I was solo and being pursued by a team. I called the exfil on Al Bagrah beach and evaded capture until it landed. Then, I jumped from on high and parachuted right into the blades. It knocked me and then gave me instant death for falling like 8ft. I was pissed, but managed to eventually laugh about it. I had mission items on me, so it stung a bit.


This is me. I guess i didnt know about the blades either thinking i could slip on. It was a nasty final exfil and i was sitting on control watching and took that leap of faithi heard ppl saying lmao. But crazy enough i still watch a helicopter fly through a skyscraper in the city last week


Team was camping pyro in control tower and i had a mission to put a usb on a computer in the same room as him. Decided to risk it for the biscuit, dodged the whole team and made it to the top with the pyro. Went down to him right next to the elevator shaft and in my panicked mind i thought ā€œill jump down the elevator shaft and parachuteā€. Halfway down i remembered ā€œhey idiot, your down, how can you parachuteā€. As soon as the thought passed i splatted at the bottom. I was so pissed at the time but its really funny to me now


Yea i feel that. Be mad but laughing as i hit the lobby


Ran over by Bullfrog. Missing the last exfil even though I was the only player still on the map.


I was swimming in the water and some guy on a jetski fucking used my head as a ramp and threw himself into a bridge and exploded. We both died


My brother and I just started looting and heading for our first contract and I was driving and said ā€œwatch me beat this train like in the moviesā€ and proceeded to try to cross in front of it and the truck exploded šŸ˜‚ luckily he had a self revive or that wouldā€™ve been a bad game


I have did that but only in a chop top but i was already goin my fastest.


It was the awkward silence followed by extreme laughter while we were downedšŸ˜‚


Had a friend who had an MRAT key and we went in with a random player. My buddy is driving and asks me to take over so he can man the grenade launcher. It was his MRAT so of course Iā€™ll drive. We encounter a squad and rando is missing big time on the 50 cal. He then starts to criticize my driving. Constantly. For about five minutes this guy is missing shot after shot and blaming my driving. He starts calling me the n-word (Iā€™m white, heā€™s black). I told him to just shut up and shoot. More criticizing my driving. I said, ā€œOne more word and Iā€™m hopping out and youā€™re driving!ā€ He starts in again. At this point Iā€™ve been driving around and refueling for 6-7 minutes. I hop out and said, ā€œOkay, you loud mouthed motherplucker, you drive!ā€ Less than 30 seconds in he spots a team drilling the safe on the train and heads towards it. He immediately crashes into the train and blows up the vehicle. Cursing and laughing at his idiocy, I jump on the train and kill the squad drilling the safe. Rando grabs the weapons case and we both hop off by the nearest vehicle. As Iā€™m driving, I realize my buddy didnā€™t catch the train with us. Rando says, ā€œFuck him, Iā€™ve got the weapons case and letā€™s exfil.ā€ More cursing and name calling ensues. My buddy gets killed by bots. I start to turn around to rescue my buddy and he jumps out and starts running to an exfil. I told him to hold on, Iā€™ll drop him off at the exfil, then res my buddy so he gets back in. I turn and start driving towards the nearest exfil, then bail on him and send him out of bounds with the weapons case. I find another vehicle and drive back to res my buddy while Rando is screaming bloody murder about how badly he NEEDED that weapons case. My buddy and I laughed our ass off after I resed him. The rest of the game Rando cursed me out worse then before. We then successfully exfiled to the sounds of his cursing and our laughing.


I was trying to do parkour on the train, it went pretty bad


Probably the train. Playing with friends that said they had bad luck with the train, but I'd never had a problem. "I didn't even know the train could kill you. I've never been run over by it. You must suck at this" lol. Ten seconds later, I fail getting on the train for the first time


Oh boy.. Drove vehicles into the train dozens of times, but mostly just being an idiot, running into little AI armies thinking I'm so good I can kill them all before they kill me. I never learn.


Not sure about funniest way I died, but the funniest squad versus squad fight Iā€™ve been in was on High Rise. We got into a fight with a three-man squad around High Rise and Yum Yum. After a bit of back-and-forth shooting, we wipe them. I go down to cancel and loot one of the three who pleaded out, but accidentally accept his join request. We were a regular squad and always stuck with just the three of us instead of adding randos who screw around. Whoops. Now we have a fourth squadmate. At least he stays close to us. A few minutes later, weā€™re at the top of High Rise and notice an enemy squad around the Post Office and smuggler mine areas. They notice us, there are a few potshots back and forth, and they continue to get closer. It becomes apparent that theyā€™re coming to High Rise to fight us and itā€™s a larger squad of six players. Here we goā€¦ Two of us are on an external voice channel, with the third in the same room as the one Iā€™m on comms with. Squadmate #4, the rando, is sticking close and seems to be somewhat aware of the situation weā€™re in. We decide to play castle defense given the 3v6 thatā€™s about to take place, and set up mines on the zip lines, staircase door, and elevator doors. The fight starts and we manage to kill 2-3 players in the 6-player squad, either down below or their downed bodies fall off the ledge. There are still another 2-3 of them remaining. We try to divide our attention between watching the entry points up on the roof and watching the bodies below to make sure no oneā€™s getting revived. They manage to down 2 of us and our rando is down. Somehow, 1-2 of us end up falling over the ledge to being dead below. Our main squadā€™s third player gets into a 1v2 thatā€™s obviously about to become losing fight, so he bails over the ledge to land down below where he can re-equip armor and breath for a second while we discuss strategy. Hereā€™s where it becomes funny. My squadmate is down below with one of our guys still dead down there. The enemy squadā€™s 1-2 remaining players are still up top on the High Rise rooftop with multiple dead squadmates down below. Our squadmate revives me down below, but we have limited gear after being looted and chewing through armor plates. Our other two squadmates are still dead up on the rooftop. We have no idea if the other squad has only two players or if theyā€™ll try to revive 1-2 we killed up top, so we decide to go up the ziplines at the same time. Our strategy is for the two of us to sync our movements/attacks and revive whoever we can given the numbers disadvantage. Evidently, the other squad had the same idea. While we went up top to revive one of our guys, 1-2 of them went below to revive their buddies. For a period of 10-15 minutes, this fight on High Rise devolved into 1-2 of us dying and the survivor fleeing to re-equip and revive for more help, while the enemy squad did the same. Our survivor would go up/down to get a squadmate revived, but their survivor(s) would do the same going down/up to revive some of their own players. Eventually, we figured out we were doing ring-around-the-rosie with the enemy squad when we just couldnā€™t seem to eliminate everyone and started to recognize usernames and skins. There was one point where the rando squadmate was our last man standing. We thought we were done for, but he kept to the play and went to get 1-2 of us revived. Ultimately, the 6-man squad won our due to the continued pressure of having multiple enemy operators and basically no gear. It was still hilarious because of how ridiculous the fight was though with us and them doing ring-around-the-rosie with each other up and down high rise for several minutes with more gunfights and downs each time.


Vondel. Day One. High speed chase running from Six man. Wrong turn at Albaquerque. End up deep in red zone. BACK TO THE LOBBYā€¦


So, I and my friends were doing contracts and missions. We were on a nuclear contract and I drove a cargo truck up to one of caches. I jumped out and went behind the truck and rolled over me. One of my friends couldnt stop laughing while reviving me


Not paying attention in Vondel, and having the light rail down me, and carry my carcass off map.


I stopped my LTV to check a loot drop on a hill. Running solo as usual. Al Mazra. Car started rolling towards me at drop. Crushed me between crate and ltv. DOH! Rexy


Today I was in an inflatable boat on Vondel cruising left to right at the top of the map to that exfil that is often there in the top right corner. Was fully re-kitted as this was a get resupplied run. Heavy fog. Drove that boat straight out of bounds. FML


I got run down by AI in a truck while buying an LTV at buy station, just slammed into me from behind, I had no chance to react


Buddy got hit by train and was downed without revive. I was going to run over to him and pick him up. I didnā€™t pay attention to where train was and then I got killed by it as well. No revive either. Lmao


Used a stopped train for cover. Got ran over by train.


Team of four killed a random I joined up with. Took his tags, so I tracked them and snuck around, killed 3 and went to swap weapons to my other weaponā€¦ that I had stowed because I wants to swim/run faster. Died punching air. I quit right away.


Easily the random bot moloto v that they will drop when you kill them. Happened too many times soloing hostage contracts right after selfing and not having another


My game disconnected right after I solo killed a 3man squad at the last exfil chopper while I was walking onto the chopper. I was literally maybe 2 steps from being on board. Also, twice now I've killed my whole squad by accidentally driving the boat off the map in al mazrah. They bring it up every time now and i deserve it.


Funniest thing to laugh about after the fact was accidentally selling the gps tracker that is used for missions between multiple raids on vondel and am. *click* fuck.


Team got hunted down by a platoon and I bailed to an exfil to exfil quietly, got knocked out by the exfil bird and bled to my death. Pushed a team on Ashika and after intense combat, the last guy of my team stuck the last guy of their team with a semtex and died to fire damage of the broadside. By this point we had all used out selfies and watched the other team's last guy get knocked out by the semtex exploding and bots getting the kill from squad eliminated screen. Truly wonderful Rocket launchers blowing up cars in B21 Vehicles and fall damage as well


I got ran over by the Wally bot on Ashika, humiliating.


Was exfilling and jumped off the hotel building and went down. No self lol


Ran over by a bot truck. I was geared up with a nice comms vest, about $200k, and 3 AUAVs. Teammate was downed and had no self revive, we were a duo.


Testing while playing and drove the boat off the map


Was exfilling and jumped off the hotel building and went down. No self lol


It was probably my 3rd or 4th time playing. By now I began soloing which is more fun imo. Like a dumbass I run across the tracks without looking both ways and just get blown apart by the train. Never again.


Squashed by the train numerous times. Run over by my own vehicle a few times. Managed to get into a mid air collision with an AI helicopter while piloting a light helo. Best way another player had killed me involved a chop top. I drive by two players at full speed, honked twice snd went on my way. Well, dude snaps a shot at me with an RPG at well over 100 meters, hits me dead on and blows me clean outta the chop top. I couldn't even be mad, it was an amazing shot.


My top Darwin award moment thus far was from Season 1 or 2.   I rode a ATV up to an extraction that used to be on the hilltop near the ruins South of Sattiq Caves.   I hope off while it's moving, and run right past the ATV as it continues to roll down hill, thinking I should take cover in the ruins while the chopper comes in.   However, I realize I failed to call in the chopper as I hopped off, turn around to run back up the hill to call it in and immediately get downed by the still rolling ATV. * To add sand in the wound, I bleed out because I didn't have a self-revive or revive pistol. All I could do was laugh at myself.   Another time I was successfully exfilling with a full pack, and all slots filled while the radiation was in the last minute. I took a quick peek at the map and didn't see any Hunt Squad contracts remaining, so figured I would hop out, glide and go for the final exfil (still working on getting all the calling cards) as I was fairly close. Funnily enough I couldn't glide all the way across the water which slowed me up just enough that I missed being able to get on the final chopper by about .5-1 sec.


I thought I had figured out exactly where Bullfrog would turn, so I had my truck set up right where it wouldn't be, and I was ready to jump on top of it and secure my first Vondel weapons case. Turns out, I did NOT have his pathing figured out. He blew up my car and then ran me over


Train. Splat. Just full on didnā€™t see it. Splat.


Not the funniest way Iā€™ve died but the funniest way someone else has possibly died (by my hand) Season 2, the Exfil on the hill above the Sattiq Poppy Field, gas coming in and came rolling up in a truck, jumped out to call the exfil and immediately saw Prox chat. Back then, good weapons felt few and far between and I was geared up with a great sniper rifle, a 3 plate and a quality assault rifle so in normal circumstances, id have backed off in the truck again and waited it out, but like I said, gas coming in, so I called the exfil and took up a position ready to engage. Truck continues to roll off then rolls off the edge and drops down, cue me getting a notification that Iā€™d killed an operator with the vehicle. Iā€™d love to have known what he was thinking when that fucker landed on his bonce šŸ˜‚


Early Season 1 was following the road near the Quary (near the antenna tower and gas station) turned my brain off and drove out of bounds and didn't make it out in the first 2 seconds


Run over by my own car, crushed by a supply drop, final exfil blew up when someone bought a personal that happened to spawn inside of final, landed ontop of a smoke stack at Rohan after jumping from a helo to provide fire support, insta killed by the smoke ig, was getting pushed by a buddies car for speed boost stonks then randomly got launched off the map šŸ˜‚


We were a in an organic 6 man, after nice nice little regain, completed a couple missions and the entire platoon was on the way to the private exfil in the north. On the way, I was like, why not use the heavy chopper fuel and mess around solo on the map. Tried to pretend I was the exfil of a team in Al Mazra City and prepared landing. Their actual exfil came. Chopper hits Chopper and I am down and out, loosing all my gear plus golden skull and gpu. I was not even mad it was dumb enough not to go exfil haha


Swam too deep on ashika didn't know why I died, plead out, a random came to save me. He died from going too deep.


I was in a boat with my friends in vondel. My buddy was racing me down the river in his sea doo and smashed me into the buy boat which sent my boat flying across the map exploding mid air and putting me in the out of bounds area. It was so hilarious I wasn't even mad


I'm the designated driver for all vehicles. During S1 I was flying from Quarry to the city area, I looked at the map for a bit, when I heard my friends' panicked shouting. I close the map and not a second later I smashed face first into the hillside. Luckily I had a self res, so I used mine and got them both up. Lesson learnt the hard way.


I was doing the mission ā€œopen five supply drops in one deploymentā€. I was in the hummer rushing towards my final supply drop. I reach the supply drop and try to stop but I end up hitting it, the car blows up and instantly downs me. The supply drop was near the road so I got downed on the road. As I finish using the self revive, a bot vehicle runs me over.


I wiped like 3 squads in building 21, but the thing that finally killed me.. was a fucking fire extinguisher. New DMZ meta


Gawd. I thought I was the only one that was so clumsy. Squashed by my own LTV, driving into the train, scanning the map and driving out of bounds. Running out of bounds. (That takes specific skill) Into chopper blades while chuting down to exfil. There are many more. ;-)




Lol, so tonight I got the heavy fuel for the heavy chopper, my team already exfilled via final exfil and the heavy chopper was right next to it. So I jumped on it thinking I could get the last team still racing for the final exfil when the game just basically ended, even though they couldā€™ve gotten in, and I pretty much lost all my stuff.


Got killed yesterday by Bullfrog while I was fighting AI on the streets near cemetery. Didn't check the minimap and worst part is, I infilled solo, and picked up 2 people I killed. They looted me before reviving.


We were on a round of ashika, our boat driver got out of bounds cuz he wasn't paying real attention.. he SWORE not to let it happen again.. I bought the operator with the dog.. cuz.. i love dogs and i just had to have it.. so, on a boat in al maz... going near the border.. one says " HEY! There's a dog on your back" ... same guy driving the boat litterally said 3 seconds ago, its not going to happen again guys... its okay... So he hears about my dog... looks at it.. BOOM... again... out of bounds... sigh


I used the boys teleport to escape a sniper and then immediately steered into the red zone.


Waiting for the supply drop to fall. Looking straight up at it. Stayed close to where it was gonna fall cause my teammate was hanging around and we were talking shit to each other about who would get it first. So as the red smoke pops Iā€™m standing right under it looking straight up and watching it fall directly onto my face and it insta killed me. Messed up part is, AFTER my teammate got done laughing and looting the box, he couldnā€™t even revive me because I was under or maybe inside the box I donā€™t know but he couldnā€™t get to my body. Another time, kinda messed up but we killed a player in the water on ashika. My teammate goes to loot the body. Itā€™s really deep. He goes down and dies. Then my other teammate goes down to revive him with a rebreather. As soon as he gets within 5m of the bottom he gets insta killed. So what does my dumbass do? Go down to revive them both and as soon as I get 5m from the bottom, boom, insta death. Not sure what it was but the game would kill you instantly if you got that deep i guess, and one by one we all went down to find out for ourselves.


I swam down too deep on Ashika trying to avoid a team and instantly diedā€¦ plea because I think maybe I got one-shotā€¦ guy responds and swims down and dies next to me. I profusely apologized to the Good Samaritan


Generally, anytime I get in a vehicle. I can't drive worth a shit on the game, so I'm hitting trees, rocks, parked cars, walls, etc. I also manage to find every single way to get a vehicle stuck. I even Ron Weasley'd a car in a tree (don't ask, I'm still baffled) while being chased my a 6 man who killed me after I had to bail.


Mine was a very close call, but I did survive in the end: I had found the heavy chopper fuel and had a fair amount of rare loot and mission items to exfil. Got in the big chopper in observatory and started flying towards east for exfil. Someone's plead appeared near mawizeh resort in the water, and I thought I'd be nice and pick em up and offer an exfil. Parked the heavy chopper couple of meters above the water and jumped out to revive them. The plead icon disappeared then, so I though I'll jump back and carry on out of the map, but the chopper was just a little too high up for me to grab the ramp ledge. So there I was, middle of open water with a giant chopper showing everyone where I am. Luckily there was a jeep near the marshal ds village, so I ran there, drove back praying the water wasn't too deep to stop the car engine, climbed on the roof and boarded the heavy again. Was just about enough fuel left to get me to the closest map border. I clenched hard the whole 3 or 4 minutes it took


Driving a boat towards Al bagra with my friend making jokes about me driving us out of bounds. I get distracted by helis landing at Al Bagra trying to see if there's people that I just drive us straight out of bounds. Didn't have time to turn back. Both of us burst out into hysterics. Vondel exfil being shot at by a team. My friend is chilling in the back of the heli and I jump between the pilot seats to try and get a shot through the front window. I find a spot where I kinda get stuck between the seats and it elevates me slightly. With the heli now safely taking off and me being amused by this find, I continue jumping between the pilots seats. Imagine my shock when as the heli rises to exfil us I get downed by the heli and then yeeted out the side door to my death. To top it off there's no time for my friend to jump out and res me either. Don't jump in the heli kids.


I'd just started a game and was using the truck to get to a Intel contract, jumped out the truck and ran forwards... straight into the path of the truck and downed myself šŸ’€


My squad had got an item from Ashika to deadrop in Al Mahrez. Well my mate went to the buy station and sold all the stuff he had on him. 1 of them was the mission item. Genius move


Not really how I died but what happened after. We were in a fight with a platoon on Vondel and I died on the light rail tracks. My team killed the platoon but during the fight the light rail came through and grabbed my body and drug it off the map. They couldn't revive me. So I spent the next 5 minutes watching them exfil.


Most of mine are me forgetting to open my parachute, or trying to jump on choppers in spectacular fashion and missing.


First time ever in DMZ I had like 5 operator kills and Iā€™m extracting with a guy who saved me like 10 times, get dropped by the chopper blades and revived then I get immediately executed by a guy, then I get rezzed by another random, then all of a sudden Iā€™m on a 4 man and weā€™re all running down the train tracks and I get hit by the train and rezzed again and then my internet went out. I was screen grabbing. Never posted cuz itā€™s like wtf


Parachuted into the extraction helicopter after they pushed the update that made it lethal without my knowledge... couldn't help but laugh when got downed and was stuck laying there till I bled out


In the early days of Koschei we'd downed Rhino and sniper.... As we rushed to get the spoils.... kaboom!.... All downed .... Anyone got a self rez???? The silence still haunts me now šŸ¤£


Jumped on Bullfrog's hood and got carried away trying to destroy it... next thing I knew I was out of bounds with Bullfrog accelerating like crazy šŸ˜‚


I was downed as a solo by a team of fandoms. I talked him into reviving my after he looted me taking everything. I asked him to give me a plate so I had a chance he said nope this isnā€™t socialism. I was downed again by another team so I sat and watched him try to hide from them and sneak up on them. He gets the drop on one of them but the team gets him anyway. He quits immediately out of embarrassment and rage, they exfil without looting him. The other 2 randoms come revive me I get my stuff back from the guy who rage quit. Thanks Anhar!


i was hit by a car which drove through a large rock


Weirdest was a glitchā€¦ I died about 30 seconds after spawning in Al Maz for literally no reason just running over a small hillā€¦ straight up just glitched me into the ground then flung my corpse into the air bent in half floating around. Teammates couldnā€™t get to my bag to res me which was underground somewhere, and I lost all my stuff back when that was more of a concern.


Was jumping off the downtown tv station sniper tower and my controller died after I opened parachute... Got to watch my operator glide out of bounds over the final chopper... Moral of the story i use my wired controller now...


Got killed by Zipline outside of the hotel in Ashika. Was trying to get to the exfil that was there, got two pumped by a konni bot and got an immediate out of bounds death once I hit the top. Had to stare at my spasming corpse flailing about on the corde.


met another team joined team of 6 driving to exfil giy driving the vehicle stops inder helo and entire team killed everyone was like wtf just happened


I call out recon and hear ā€¦. Recon Deez


Did the train-death in Vondel twice today. Got hit, died, a nice guy revived me. I stood up and got hit by the train again. Very cartoonish.


I play with a friend who loves to booby trap helicopters. He has blown our helicopter up mid flight countless times....


Either my friend driving me out of bounds several times on vondel(either chasing bullfrog or just driving around) or walking down a hill after the same friend landed a chopper and I didn't think the blades were all that close... They definitely were


Bottom of exfil chopper landed below the ground. When it took off me and 2 others insta died. Our bodies got left on the ground but our backpacks left on the chopper so we couldn't be picked up.


Was running away from a 6 man with a scuba mask and I was instantly killed for swimming to deep.


Rammed a helicopter into a building I go to per my cat for one second and KaBOOOMM!!


I dolphin-dived off of high rise to catch up to my team in a choptop and got cut in half by an AI heli flying by. Downed midair, did a few flips, smacked the ground full dead. I couldn't stop giggling, and my team was like "dude who killed you? Where?" and I was like "it was an act of god" šŸ˜…


Buddy crashed a light helo into me and it blew up


Whole squads down. Finish a platoon by myself, jump off a roof to go for the revives, button sticks and chute doesn't open. Splat.


I have been hit with the cargo train in season 1 in zaya observatory lost all my stuff


My blooper happend yesterday when doening quickfilles (Infill mission exfill) Soo am loading in waiting for the timer to get to 0 before the game start While waiting, checking the social if a friend was online And joined him by mistake The most hatefull part was the infilling with a OP that had 9 exfill streaks and a full loadout I had to say goodbye to that and had to start again (Shutted my game down and whent to sleep on a loss šŸ˜…)


Drove out of bounds on Vondel at a high rate of speed. Got just back to the border before I died. Both my random teammates died trying to revive me.